Donald Trump Exclusive Interview | UFC Unfiltered

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[Music] 45 Donald Trump alongside of the UFC president Dana White he's such a huge fight man the fighters all love him too the support that he has in this Arena this group he's gonna blow up [Applause] welcome to UFC unfiltered please tell me that's on video I've never been happier on my podcast that's dangerous listen to me we're at it welcome to UFC unfiltered Matt and I in typical fashion are here in Las Vegas interviewing the 45th president of the United States Donald Trump thank you sir for being here thank you very much it's an honor and I've seen plenty of fights oh please tough cookie we're not going to mess around with it oh thank you so much and I know that you're a genuine fight fan of course my very first fight was in 2001 at the UFC uh I'm sorry that the Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City I got knocked out by spinning back this we're not going to bring that up is this thing rolling not only but uh back then in 2001 people weren't that excited to be attached to the UFC and you were which I'd like to know about how you learned about the UFC because so somehow I got to know Dana yeah and uh a whole group of people that were into it and really liking it and I respected them and I respected Dana a lot and you know that family is a great family to help Dana out okay we don't have to mention names but that family is fantastic and they've been with me right from the beginning incredible people smart people too and good people and uh they couldn't get a venue because of the danger you know people thought it was so dangerous and happened to be right about that but they couldn't get a venue and I supplied them with a venue and I think it was for a few of the fights maybe even five early fights and in those days the danger was you know perceived as being look this great danger but it was perceived as being just like death and so uh a lot of the athletic commissions wouldn't do it and owners wouldn't do it and they couldn't get venues and I gave them venues early on and it's an incredible thing because both Dana and that great group of investors particular uh our friends yes they uh they appreciated it and Dana to the stack and say that I watched an interview a year ago where they went in and they were saying they were trying to get some bad stuff on Trump and he said no wait a minute you're a smart guy he said wait a minute I'll never say bad about you you want me to say bad about Trump I'm never saying bad about Trump he helped me a lot when nobody else would and you know those early years for UFC were very tough they were very tough I got the the inside scoop from a lot of people they were close to closing it down a few times and they kept it going and they might have two million dollars I think it was almost two million they were you know they were losing money and it was it was a tough deal and they pulled it through and now it's a phenomenal Juggernaut it's incredible what's happened and you know I give tremendous respect for uh the initial group and for also for Dana I don't think anybody could have done what Danny did I really don't you know usually they say uh everybody is replaceable no matter what everybody's replaceable I don't think this guy's replaceable now you know I hope I'm not hurting their investment because I don't know where do you find somebody like this what the job he does and he truly loves it you know when I tell to people about success you have to love what you do he truly loves it and he also will tell the truth about a card like if he doesn't like a card he'll come out and go that fight sucked it wasn't good and I think people trust you when you come out and say something good about your product or something bad about it if you're not happy with it well you heard the name Matchmaker for years in boxing and other things and he's a great Matchmaker he understands the fighters he understands a good fight and you know you could have a great fighter against a not very good fighter and it's not very exciting usually I mean sometimes you have an upset but not that often uh he's a great Matchmaker he understands it but he loves it and he's really good at what he does and uh I get to watch as much as I can it's you know highly competitive stuff you know that but yeah like even back then in 2001 you hosted it but I knew you were a fan because the very next event UFC 32 was at The Meadowlands and you showed up as just a fan yeah yeah well I did and we had a really rough card that first one was rough in fact I'm not even sure it was so rough it was great but uh I don't know if that helped him or not because anybody that saw that would say that is a dangerous world yeah but it was incredible and yeah I've gone to numerous fights and I'll be going tonight and tonight you have a very good car yes but I've been to some great UFC fights are you good at making picks I don't matter how many fights I watch I'm terrible at making picks I'm always raw well this this sport is interesting like I watched Usman I think he's a terrific guy by the way terrific person and I only say that because when people say nice about me I say nice about them but but he is he's a terrific and a fantastic fighter and I watched that fight and he was essentially undefeated and pretty much unbeatable and he goes into the fight and he was winning that fight by so much yeah it was over and then the one kick and it was indeed over but so you never really know you never really know and I was a little surprised and I give credit to his opponent because in the next fight uh he was you know pretty fairly dominant yeah yeah and I was a little surprised to see that but Usman is a great fighter and then all of a sudden that ended so it was it's uh you never know what's going to happen and if you look at it he kicks in the punchers right that kicks and the punches Matt pointed this out too in his Corner uh Leon was losing that fight badly and his Corner said stop feeling sorry for yourself like his Corner woke him up and he came back and he knocked out he was put in the fifth round it's one of the most amazing comebacks I've never seen and it was really close to the end it was almost yeah and I I sort of it was not a an exciting fight but a very dominant fight because Guzman was dominating with the grappling of the wrestling just dominating and the last round he decided to just sort of take it a little bit easy and and box and ah that didn't work out too well no it's such a game of inches yeah it is you Zig when you shoot a zagged yeah the fight's over I think that's one of the the main differences between that and boxing obviously boxing you got the right and the left you know this one you got the right the left also the right left elbow the knees the submissions the takedowns do you prefer one or the other with the Combat Sports the boxing or the other thing I always like boxing I've held a lot of fights I held a lot of Mike Tyson fights and uh he was a fierce guy and I think even mentally in a sense a lot of people were they looked like they were defeated big guys they were bigger than him in many cases and they were defeated I held the Tyson Sphinx fight and that landed lasted 92 seconds and people were coming from all over the world to watch it and it was a big deal you know space was undefeated and it was a really good fighter but he was sort of a light heavyweight but he won his late heavyweight fights but he won all this heavyweight fights and he had never been knocked down and you could see he was not thrilled about that fight he looked scared going into yeah a little bit he looked a little scared but but people came from Europe they came from all over the world to watch it and they're being seated and the fight was over I had a little hard time because I had a lot of pretty unhappy people uh but that was exciting and we had so many so many great fight Larry Holmes was a great fighter I thought he never got that much credit can I ask you about that because Larry Holmes 48-0 and then Spinks beat him was it because he followed Ali why do you think he never got the respect and love that he should have got it was really uh incredible because he followed Ellie at the same time he fought Ali and I think that was the worst beating that Ali ever took he didn't get knocked out I guess they throw him his head was twice the size I think if there was a problem caused by boxing that might have been it that was the worst can Larry Holmes was screaming to stop the fight he was actually screaming because he admired Ali but following Ali that was a tremendous punishment if you remember that because Larry Holmes had the best left Jeb but uh if you take a look at Ali there was something so magic and following him was I think probably very hard for anybody to do Larry Holmes is a you know great Champion but following Ali was very hard to do and you got to know Ali I know you knew him pretty well and you've credited Frasier Ali with kind of getting you interested in boxing what was it about that fight that kind of got you on that well I knew them all I mean I really know him all Ali was great and Joe Frazier was great yeah and it's just uh sort of like different folks because Joe Frazier was so bad for George Foreman but Ali was so good for George Foreman right you know that was one of the greatest fights because everybody thought George Foreman was invincible at the time and he did the rope-a-dope stuff and everybody thought it was over and but he saw something you know he saw the stamina thing Ali saw that and he was a genius at fighting he was a genius but uh he had a hard time with Frasier he had a hard time with Kenny Norton right he had a hard time with Kenny Norton and yet Kenny Norton had a hard time with other people so you never know really how it goes uh Joe Frazier was an incredible fighter but you think he got a fair rap too I don't think Joe Frazier got a fair record people loved Ali and they hated Frazier and Frazier was a really good guy he was a great guy and he was a great fighter and their fights were among the best you'll ever see oh yeah uh I was talking the other day uh Tommy the Hitman Hearns right yes against Marvin Marvin yes so that was less than four rounds I said they said what's the greatest fight you've ever seen I said well one of them only lasted three rounds so you can't have a great fight for three runs but I thought that was among the greatest three rounds ever right throwing caution to the wind well he almost knocked Hagler out oh yeah in the first round and then in the third round you know you could see it but uh that was uh people watched that and that's one of the greatest fights speaking of Marvel marvelous Marvel and Hagler uh his fight versus Sugar Ray Leonard yeah what's your thoughts on that well hey Sugar Ray's another one I'll tell you I thought you're going to ask a different one his fight on uh Roberto Duran oh so Roberta Duran was incredible yeah and uh beat him badly up in Canada I was at that fight and then uh if if you remember Sugar Ray came back yeah and he beat him on the no must no must fight right Sugar Ray was great look you have a lot of great Champions it's hard to say some people says who's the best who's the greatest I don't know if you can really say it but Sugar Ray was great Hagler was great Hagler was so great uh Tommy the Hitman Hearns was was good were you happy to see Roberto Duran he was in the cage with masfidal after that fight with Nate Diaz yeah well Jorge masfido was you know why I love him I love people that like me he likes me and you know he's a he's a guy from Cuba yeah who got left alone in life at like nine years old and you know really went through a lot and he had the quickest knockout and I remember Dana saying oh the young man that he's fighting is really good he's really good but he got knocked out in like three seconds or so then ask her and then ask himself yeah world-class wrestler so everybody threw it and he was he did so well overseas so everybody thought that he was gonna have his way with Hawaii masvidao and then a flying knee later yeah so what happened to Ben after that fight you know what I believe he fought Damien Maya who's a jiu jitsu expert right which was a very fun match because that was basically like Jujitsu versus wrestling he ended up getting strangled he didn't have the best showing in the UFC been asking yeah he did well against that Lawler was beating him and then he wound up beat him and then after that he had the fight with Jorge Mass without yeah and then it was down and left it is a great guy and he was campaigning for me you know he said yeah somehow I I'm I'm making a speech in this thousands of people and I look and I say I think that guy is a fighter and then I saw it was Jorge and he had done some good stuff you know he he had a I don't know if he's retired or not retired but he had a hell of a career when you think of it they said he just he just retired I think he might have retired but he was a big fan of mine politically and I'll tell you it had a difference I did phenomenally well in Miami and in all of Florida with the Hispanic population and I credit a lot of that to Jorge so we love Jorge and he's a tough cookie he's a tough cookie and they had a fight with Kobe oh I really like two you know Kobe those two don't like each other one for you Kobe is a Maga guy he's he walks into the ring sometimes wearing a make America great yeah and he's got a great fight coming up I think his fight coming up is going to be fantastic yeah he's fighting Leon I think he's fighting for the title yeah with Leon Edwards no is it hard when two guys you like so much are kind of fighting with each other because everybody asks you to weigh in and you know who would you I don't love it yeah I don't love it I hate to give that kind of an answer sure like you know uh uh I don't like to do that but uh I've had a couple where because I know so many of the fighters I I've held a lot of fights for yeah for my own reasons I mean we have it brings people it brings success it brings money it brings a lot of good things and uh it's it's an interesting business I think you've heard I think UFC has hurt boxing a lot yeah but when you have a big boxing match it still does great a big one because the media matches the smaller matches I don't think they they're very exciting anymore they I don't think they do very well anymore but I notice when there is a good match when you have a big match and a good match they do pretty well it seems like Dana too the UFC has been so good about getting you the fight you want to see as a fan what do you think it is that's slowed boxing down with I'll make you wait years to get a match up and and Dana will put it together in six months Dana look there's nobody like this guy I know I'm all I know forget about in fighting I know I'm all in business Dana White is an incredible person and he's a loyal person he's a very loyal person but uh he understands that he loves it and you're right you know you hear so much about like a boxing match or where they're going to meet they're going to meet six years later they haven't then by the time they meet the one guy they say is over the hill and it no longer means anything Dana if if when you have those situations it always happens I think khabib was great and it looks like he probably doesn't come back but I asked to analyst that when is khabib are you going to get him to come back so but I thought he was he was a seriously good fighter right I think he promised his mom or something that he wouldn't fight anymore there was some type of afford what his father died he had something but but I thought he was a fantastic fighter and when you put together uh Spinks and Tyson was that kind of like to break Vegas's back in a way like wasn't that the first big win for Atlantic City well I had a lot of Mike Tyson fights I had more Tyson fights than anybody else and I got along great with him in fact I saw him recently and he could not have been nicer you know he was always very nice to me and very good but I had a lot of fights and he he was a draw he could draw anything um and he had a great career and then I was at the fight in Japan which was sort of uh I was sitting next to Don King and I was a little bit surprised because Mike was expected to win that and he was fighting a good fighter but somebody that wasn't always in shape and he put himself into great shape and his left jab was like like a Larry Holmes left jab you remember Douglas was in a minute after two rounds I looked at Don King I said listen Don uh and we watching is this right because you know nobody thought that and it was a weird scene because it was at seven in the morning yeah because it was in Japan so it was broadcast it's a huge time difference it's broadcast in the evening yeah so I'm watching a fight at seven in the morning and the people were just sort of clapping very politely it wasn't like a fight crowd but that was a strange fight but but Mike wasn't you know incredible just an incredible draw and it really is really when you know him he's really a good guy what do you think it is about Tyson too because people love him in a way like there's so many great Fighters like Lennox Lewis Holyfield homes what is about Mike that still resonates with people because they really love my ties so he started so strong and he was like invincible and he went that way for a long time I mean you know eventually You're Gonna Lose a fight it just happens to be uh like Usman you know Usman didn't look like he was going to lose it all and then he's at a fight where he's it's so dominant I mean frankly it was a boring fight and then he decided to change to us a little bit which I guess probably if he looked back he said we should have grappled for one more round yeah and he wouldn't have had that problem but uh Mike was a very dominant force and a very uh I mean he had the whole thing with Robin and the whole thing with this and that it was always and ultimately it built a very big character and you know he did a Broadway play yes and nobody understands this when I said he was great in it and I went as a favor really to him I went to the Broadway play it was an opening and it was actually a great show and I told him a couple of months ago I was with him I said you want to do another one or do it in Vegas or something but Mike Tyson did sort of a one-man show and it was actually really good and uh and I just you know I I have to speak highly about him because he was a great fighter yeah uh but I guess you reach a certain level a certain age and it doesn't work quite as well but you can come back you know it's interesting when they say the great ones and especially the ones with the big punch like George Foreman so George Foreman who's a terrific guy but boy is he different than he was because he was a very Sullen guy and then he turned out to be a big personality but he fought a young fighter who was uh very good considered very good and George was getting beaten up for six or seven rounds pretty bad Nakamura Michael Mora was the fighter yeah and then he he fought Michael Mora and it was not even I mean George was taking tremendous punishment this guy was dancing her and then George hit him it was actually a double hit yeah it was a boom boom and man that was over he'd even move when he threw the punch it was like a really it was like the tenth round informative was kind of standing just just threw it you see how strong he was to drop him with just kind of a half punch but he was just getting beaten up and you know it was an age thing he wasn't moving fast but they say when you have the punch you never really lose the punch maybe you do it a certain age but you don't lose it for a long time but that was an amazing uh event yeah but the UFC has taken so much of the uh glamor I think if Dana went into the world of boxing which he might do but if he ever did that he'd probably bring it back because it's also very good what surprises me if you look at the casualties and I mean literally casualties boxing has many more yeah I don't know if UFC's ever had a death but boxing has had numerous and you would say that it would be the opposite but it's not the opposite and I think somebody said it's the shots to the Head everything's to but uh you would you know it's always been a surprising statistic to me because to me uh UFC is is more dangerous it's certainly more dangerous looking but you're spending a lot of time wrestling and you're spending a lot of time you know yeah I think that's if I'm personally if I'm in there and I'm getting um tuned up a little bit at least I have the um I don't if it's just boxing you know what are you gonna do quit you can't quit yeah that's that's a no Moss that's still you know but uh you could look to change it up by initiating a takedown or switching up some strategies which you couldn't do when it was striking it's just a surprising stat to me I've seen it because it's so blunt I think because you know it's very it looks more uh violent because of the blood and the cuts and this and that because of the the skin on skin but I think it's just your brain getting jawed around with the boxing it's a very surprising but it's uh look it is not this is not a safe sport that you guys are in but it's uh it's safer than boxing which is shocking well you see you guys I don't train I mean thank you um Foreman by the way the amazing thing about him too you talk about Robbie Lawler's fight in his uh last fight tonight he's fighting Nico price he's 41. isn't it crazy that when Ali lost to Holmes he was 38 and he looked like he was very old and then Foreman comes in at 38 and starts his career over again 45 when he wins the title uh it's kind of amazing to watch older guys do what these guys have done yeah and you're seeing it they're doing better Tom Brady if you look at Tom Brady came in at a certain age and everyone said well that's not going to work uh you're seeing in your sport a lot where Fighters are older and they're doing very well I I you know I think a lot of it has to do with incentive this doesn't seem to be a reason that somebody 36 37 38 wouldn't be able to do well but a lot of them say they just can't they don't mentally more than physically they just don't want to work out like they used to when they were 24 years old and they're looking to you know Take On The World so I don't know that seems to be a reason but it seems that athletes are lasting for a longer period of time which always made sense to me it always made sense I think the fight itself wouldn't it's not the hardest thing which sounds odd I think as myself as I got older the training camps right I'm getting through those training camps kind of well that's what they say as you get older it's not that you can't do it I think you're physically the same maybe in some ways you're stronger and better but you don't have that same motivation to do it you know you've become successful in your case you become successful and now it's 10 years later 15 years later you just don't want to do that anymore you want the success but you don't want to work quite as hard but I think a lot of people now are lasting a lot longer the Jets have a quarterback right now it'll be very interesting I think he'll do well oh Aaron Rodgers right Aaron Rodgers yeah it's going to be very interesting to see how he does I think he'll do well he's a great guy but uh sports medicine I think too plays it I think so right well even fixing the bones you know things that where you were out for your life now they fix them fairly routinely yeah what's happened in in what you take now some people take a lot of bad stuff but what they do in terms of fixing broken bones and broken joints it's incredible the difference Tommy John surgery is an example I mean I've seen people where they pictures actually got better after Thomas they were actually better this is the only surgery I've ever seen where you get better yeah but in some cases the picture becomes better now let me ask you because I heard you're really into music is what I heard I like this is the rumor now if you were to fight let's say in a different Universe you were to fight what song would you come out to Jimmy what song would pump you up to go fight in a cage I think that well we are the champions but that's that's played so much yeah I mean every time you see a World Series or anything they play but it's good but there are a lot of songs I mean inspirational songs songs that make you want to do it didn't Tyson just come out to it like wouldn't he have a weird like like a sound it wasn't even a song he came out there but he came out and it was exciting I don't know if you ever saw uh Vince McMahon is another one he's fantastic he's a fantastic guy and one of the the best ever yeah and he would have uh the Undertaker and he had a song for The Undertaker now this was an inspiring in terms it was a sofa but it was one of the greatest entries into a ring ever where the Undertaker comes into a ring I did a I did a fight with Vince the battle of the billionaires it's still supposedly the number one ranked Pay-Per-View fight that they've ever had which makes me feel happy was that fun and but just before me was the Undertaker fighting somebody and uh it was incredible the song I said Vince how are we going to beat this this is not good to follow that fight but uh but Vince is another one he's done a great job it's amazing how many MMA fighters love uh WWE too like a lot of guys like Rondo and over there um Kane Velasquez like right they they've got Cormier loves it like there's just something about the Showmanship of WWE that even UFC guys well Cormier is another fighter I mean you look at him he said he was he was a great fighter and he was shorter but he had a tremendous heart and he had tremendous strength right but but he was a he was a terrific he's a terrific guy but he's a terrific fighter double champ too light heavyweight yeah he was tough you knew you were in a fight you know one a fighter that I found was incredible was Evander the real deal Holyfield and I watched him because he was really a light heavyweight and the most he ever weighed was like uh 218 and he's fighting against 260. and the one thing I'd always tell every no matter what no matter how big they were they were in for a hell of a fight yeah but he was he was really a great fighter yeah you got that okay I'm gonna say his fights with Riddick Beau were classic the Riddick Beau fights I mean they were unbelievable so one of the greatest rounds in history was the 12th round Evander was you would think knocked out most guys would have stopped it and you know he really didn't get knocked out but he was just it looked like he was dead on the ropes by the end of the round it looked like Relic was dead it was one of the I think it was the 12th round but you have to take a look at that that was like separation maybe it was the 10th round but you have to look at that that was an incredible fight but he was a great fighter didn't you wasn't a AC where they had two wasn't Foreman's last fight with Shannon Briggs wasn't that in uh Atlantic City yes I believe it was they booed the decision I think I think Foreman won that fight and everybody felt that he kind of got robbed yeah I don't know I I think you're right about that I think it was a bad decision do you think bad judging is hurt boxing like you get that all Combat Sports when you look it's like I saw you at a Golovkin fight I sat behind you in a globkin fight and then you see him in Alvarez fight and some of the judging it's like it makes me not want to watch boxing anymore well is that uh Triple G you're talking yes so I watched him it was very interesting I was at Mar-A-Lago where you have very uh elegant people and people that aren't into the muscles okay and people that you'll never see uh fighting I can tell you physically and they fight mentally but I I was there and beautiful people are having dinner and I looked and there was this guy it was Triple G I didn't know him I never heard of him but I looked at him I said but he's a fighter you know you could look like yeah look at you I say I bet he's a fan but I looked at him and he came up to me and he said uh yeah my name is Golovkin Triple G he said I'm fighting at Madison Square Garden so I said and it was sort of he was a young version and he was great yeah and then and he was so much better than anybody else and then I watched him as he became champ I guess he became Champion right but they they had a couple of fights with him it doesn't matter who I don't want to say who uh he got screwed yeah he would he dominated he dominated a certain fight and they didn't give him the decision and that takes your heart out uh you know that really I think it took his heart out but he was a great that guy was a great fighter and it makes it hard as a fan to watch it too because if you like I have no faith in the decision making it makes you not want to watch you know the decision-making in UFC I never thought about it it's rare that you really disagree with the decision it's very rare in boxing you would see I've seen some fights that were so bad where a guy was pummeled for whatever number of rounds down boxing was better when they had 15 rounds to be honest with you know those last three rounds but that's easy for me to say I don't have to go in there and you know do that but it was better those three rounds sometimes they call them this the real this was a real Champion rounds but they changed it to 12. I actually think that hurt boxing why did they do that to make it safer safer yeah and they said a lot of damage was done in those last fragrance but but boxing was better I mean if they brought back 15 round championship fights I think it would be you know helpful to boxing but there must be a safety reason they did it I don't know what the reason was but I think it was safe yeah I think guys were taking damage and do you remember the fight Mildred Taylor against Julio Cesar Chavez Chavez was undefeated and I think it was Richard Steele stopped it with maybe 10 seconds left in the final round and gave it to Chavez and maybe that was just a coincidence but you look at that like it's kind of hard to get back on board with boxing it takes your heart out I mean it does it does that but that's life right life can be that you know I look at like UFC or boxing or any of these things even Sports generally it's sort of a microcosm of life but it's quicker it doesn't take years to determine it's you're you know it's over in 12 rounds or it's over in five rounds or three rounds uh but it's it's really a microcosm of life and you see it right in front of you you have a great Champion go and he gets his ass kicked you have another guy who's no good and he has a great night you know it's so interesting but the nice part it's over in a period of a half an hour 45 minutes it's all over and you sort of see a decision but it's a little bit like life when you think about it Jimmy I was gonna say tonight speaking of great Fighters Alexander volcanowski yeah he's a great fighter yeah an amazing fighter Rodriguez Rodriguez uh who's a very Dynamic fighter any thoughts on that fight that's gonna be exciting well Rodriguez from Mexico yes said such nice things about me yeah that I would never say anything bad it's hard to right but they like you it's what you doing now at the same time Alexander is tough although he lost the fight previous but yeah uh a lot of people think he didn't lose that very close there were a lot of people talking about UFC now because I'm just saying how good you have seen this but there were a lot of people who thought that he did not lose that fight uh how do you feel about that the vulcanowski fight with uh yeah uh makashov yeah Islam I thought the way it ended if they scored it like they did in Pride like the is it a whole fight it ended with him having he had the bigger moments I'd say he had the bigger moments in the fight so could that have gone either way so who did you think won I thought Islam won okay it was a just decision because he he dominated more of the rounds if you go round and round he had more time clocked in just controlling it that wasn't a bad decision but that this decision could have been you know Alexander did very well went the other way but I've seen fights where it's oh yeah it's and these are boxing matches where it's horrible honestly it's horrible you're like something has to be and that hurts just that hurt the sport it hurt a lot I think yeah and it also you you invest more in these Dana is so good like you said at building these undercards and building the lesser than the giant fights they're fights that people are invested in as well well I knew Don King very well okay when you knew Don King you really knew somebody and he was great and and I have a lot of respect for Bob arum I mean look he's still doing it he's doing great he's been doing it for 250 years like since the founding and he's still doing it great you know he's at the top of his game uh but I knew Don King and I always used to say signing a contract with Don didn't mean much because you'd sign and then an hour before the fight he'd come to you say my fight my fight is not feeling well he's not going to make it you have a full house yeah you say what are you telling this Don yeah did well needs a little more money I mean this is but I knew him very well and a true piece of work not to be imitated but I liked him I liked him but sometimes the deal wasn't so secure when you said it yes whether it was in writing or not it's more of a suggestion but done done uh Don King was an amazing guy he couldn't be uh he couldn't be imitated would you did you ever have to back off on that at the end like was ever a moment you're like all right I'll do it or were you able usually to push back I refuse to say but the answer is we got the fight on the fight happened but no Don was uh it was tough he was look uh there was probably nobody ever like him yeah right I saw him take over from the original Two Guys you remember I saw him take over Mike and took over Mike Tyson and uh I watched it happen and it was nobody better at that stuff than Don King what he could do was was magic and he was you know just a big personality they imitated him they had somebody trying to imitate Don King in the last Rocky fight and those Rocky fights were great and they had the fighters at everybody but they had a person that was actually an invitation of Don King but the size wasn't right the face wasn't right the hair wasn't right it was not a good imitation because you can't really you can't really imitate a guy like that because he's not menacing Don King Don King Smiles like he's a very charismatic only animal guy he'll grab people at Mar-A-Lago he'll walk into a party he'll grab two beautiful people and he'll scream only in America only and he gets away with it he does get away with it he said it to me and I was like yeah you're absolutely right John I wasn't going to argue with that he was he was a very good guy is it the ability to to to say this is going to happen like he did it with in Zaire with Ali and uh Foreman is it the ability just to say I'm going to make this happen and not be afraid that it doesn't happen that makes him so great well it is but you know if you look at that fight that was an incredible fight because uh that was when Foreman was invincible he was knocking out everybody in the first round and Ali was going over to Africa to fight yeah and that was one of the most genius fights ever because all Ali did was this and he just kept the arms up and yeah they wanted to throw in the towel Ali knew exactly what he was doing that was one of the greatest fights I was a genius fight remember they wanted to throw in the team well no no his arms were twice the size they were so swollen but uh and then all of a sudden it happened where uh a left or right a left to right and that fight was over that was a genius fight yeah it was in terms of strategy yeah wasn't a thing before that right yeah and it is wild you said with George Foreman he did he used to be a quiet guy looking frightening German yeah German Shepherds and then years later when he came back talk about personality George Foreman grills and this and that guy he's a great guy and he's got a great I don't know it was I don't know what it was but but in the initial he was a very the word is Sullen right yes I believe so yeah it was nobody really liked him uh he was unbelievable because he was knocking everybody out and you know he he only started fighting like a year before which tells you the talent is more important than work yeah work is very important but Talent you know that was an extreme talent but he only was boxing a very short period of time before the Olympics and then he ends up winning the Olympics pretty easily right yeah and then he ends up having a great career but he didn't box you know from for very much more than a year or two before he won the Olympics but he's very talented and he you know he was born with the big punch right probably nobody had a bigger punch than George Foreman and his Persona he was such a terrifying guy and he said he admitted that he was scared of Joe Frazier he said he was shaking before that fight and that's why he pummeled him so much but he was meant for Joe Frazier when Joe Frazier would charge him and he hit him with the uppercut remember that was the weirdest because it took like three seconds and then Joe went up in the air it was almost like it like a spring yeah he hit him and then Joe went up it showed great bravery in jail but that he was not meant for you know Joe was not meant to fight him it's wild I heard in an interview that George Foreman said if he was younger and this sport was around makes martial laws he would like to try his hand which would have been funny with him in those with those little gloves I mean but you never know like you know you have somebody fighting Beau nickel tonight oh yes so he was at the White House and he was with Jim Jordan Jim Jordan and you know Jim Jordan the congressman was a great wrestler he was an All-American wrestler NC I guess he was the NCAA Champion for number of times but a great wrestler but he was an All-American his son's an All-American wrestler you didn't know that about the great Jim Jordan but he brought all of the championship wrestlers in their divisions to the White House and he said that guy's going to be a UFC fighter and that guy's going to do great how long ago was it so uh three years ago oh wow three four years ago and now look at him now he's doing well and what they're telling us we have to wrap up with you I can't believe this happened I'm so happy you came on and now you're starting to do podcasts I hope you had a good time doing a podcast if this is what it is this is a podcast where they have a lot of cameras for us I will say this uh I do it for Dana and I do it for the Fertitta brothers and they're so fantastic and they've been so good so good and uh actually one of uh the daughters worked at the White House and I can only tell you she was so respected she did such a great job at the White House she worked as uh doing various things at the White House in prime time and everybody respected her so you know look at scoogians when you have good genes you have good genes that's very important right amen well thanks so much thank you so much for coming on this was really fun and I'm happy you came thank you very much and say hello to everybody and have a good night we will thank you so much very much
Channel: UFC
Views: 958,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ufc, mma, ultimate fighting championship, UFC Unfiltered, exclusive, interview, question, answer, sit, down, thoughts, share, funny, laugh, former, president, United States, USA, matt, serra, new, full, episode, tune, in, octagon, fight, night, fighter, bout, kick, punch, knockout, ko, finish, win, best, of, highlight, main, even, card, UFC 290, dana, white
Id: 8cfjj80O7ic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 24sec (2304 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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