Mic'd Up – The Pope and the Homomafia. Special Guest – Milo Yiannopoulos

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I’ll have to listen to this. Milo is welcome in the big tent of traditionalism inasmuch as he behaves like a Catholic. But that’s asking a lot!

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/zestanor 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

At the risk of sounding uncharitable, I am very suspicious of Milo. He’s a “married” homosexual, who’s made a living from grifting, and is now out of the spotlight. He’s always claimed to be a Catholic, despite supporting many things against Church teaching through his conduct, so I’m left wondering whether he’s now turning to the faith not out of love but instead as a way to make more fame and money- he knows there’s a growing traditional movement in the Catholic youth, and knows they’re looking for a mouthpiece to pay lip service.

Of course this is all very judgemental, but until he repents there is no reason to trust him- no?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/gingernut97 📅︎︎ Jan 17 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Applause] program to bring you a special broadcast [Music] [Applause] [Music] everyone welcome to an all new year of miked up with new guests bringing you some of the best interviews in the Catholic media world this is our first show of 2019 and it's guaranteed to be nothing less than an thrall laying there's a word for you and brawling we hope you're having a blessed Christmas season in new year we're coming to you from the church militant studios right here on the edge of Detroit in the Archdiocese of Detroit you know they're very fond of us here the homo mafia is out of the closet faithful Catholics who've been in the seminary and many of them having left saw firsthand the rampant homosexuality going on there for decades but now some of it has been made public in the summer revelations we call it the summer of shame of former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick open homosexuality homosexual predation and sexual abuse of priests and seminarians what's even worse is the testimony of archbishop carla Gugino the ex papal ambassador for the United States revealing the Pope Francis knew all about McCarrick decades of homosexual predation and put him back into active service letting him inflict more damage in the church many many more people more victims however are speaking out about the abuse they've suffered at the hands of their spiritual fathers we here at church Milton have shown abuse victims from the Diocese of Buffalo men like Anthony who was abused by a priest who is still in active ministry there's father Paul caljic a priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago was a victim himself of sexual abuse as a child and then remarkably again at 19 years old by a priest as a parish priest in Chicago he set out to destroy a rainbow banner that had been in his parish and he's been persecuted by the Houma mafia in the Archdiocese of Chicago and has had to flee for his own safety living in hiding all of that orchestrated under the leadership of Cardinal soup the Potomac brothers in the archdiocese here in Detroit three brothers who'd been abused by the same priest father Gerald shahrullah the victims of clerical homosexuality are speaking out demanding transparency answers and justice at last justice but it seems were always a ways off from getting justice today our special guest has infuriated feminists social justice warriors and even establishment Republicans he's my lowly innopolis he's been a firebrand in the discussion of politics and society for several years now the mere mention even of his first name elicits reactions from approval mostly to hatred but wherever you fall in that range what he has to say can't be ignored when we come back we'll be talking with the inimitable Milo innopolis who is saying make the Vatican straight again don't go away you do not want to miss this [Music] all right welcome back to this edition of miked up as we told you our guest today is Miley innopolis he is conservative provocateur author speaker of gay gay and he's here now talking about the problems in the Catholic Church with regard to gay stuff Milo welcome thank you so much for having me you forgot hair icon but other than that you've got the whole list well the front the teleprompter doesn't have that in it so my apologies but will speak you know I think that my people not talking to your people could very well be those we're going to get into a couple of things theological towards the end but right now I want to talk about some of the political the political nonsense going on first of all tell people what happened to you you were on a roll you were tearing it up you were all over the place and then all of a sudden you're poof you're gone what happened yes so the left looks to censor people not on the basis of how conservative they are how Republican they'll how far-right they are but how effective they are and I was becoming very effective and not just persuasive to people who already agree like a seiya ben shapiro or a you know socks news guy who has the right kind of galvanized but doesn't appeal to people on the other side I was starting to convert people and that was very very dangerous so they confessed it a fake scandal which is about the most horrendously sociopathic thing I think I've ever seen in my whole life it happened to me which is they know I'm obviously give college talks I you know I write books some of my some of my college lectures are approach stand-up you know because I'm trying to show with humor you know that you can say do and be whatever you want I'm a big big fries that's the original free speech martyr of the 24 century in America and I also want to demonstrate by telling rude jokes that you know nothing bad happens nobody dies when you tell a joke about somebody you're not supposed to I had always made jokes about something that happened to me in the mid 1990s which happened I think well I know happens of course to a lot of young Catholics boys yes and I have always made jokes about it because it's my way of not only dealing with it myself but also letting other people know it's not the end of the world the only the only real danger when something like that happens to you is that you allow it to rule your life you allow it to just swallow you up you know to consume you and I've absolutely refused to do that and I wanted to show other people that it's okay to laugh it off and get on with your life sometimes you know and humor is just as a background my law if I can interrupt for a moment without getting into all the horrible detail recalling it just give everyone a little bit of a just you know kind of an overview of what it is you're talking about sure so as I talked about in the book and I spoke about last year before in the mid 1990s I had some encounters with a Catholic priest called father Michael in Tunbridge in Kent in England I would have been 1314 that kind of age so you know young enough for it to be a problem and I always so one of the reasons I think the left is very frustrated with me is that I despite having all of these apparent victimhood classes you know being a ho know gay interracial epared out immigrant whatever I don't feel that sorry for myself and there are lots of people who go through these experiences for whom it simply isn't the worst thing that's ever happened to them and that was my experience I mean it wasn't pleasant but it wasn't the best it wasn't the worst thing that had ever happened to me so I didn't allow it to consume me I didn't allow it to control the trajectory of the rest of my life and I did made jokes about it later in life when the left and the establishment writes you know the national review crowd and and you know the establishment Republican party decided that I was getting too big and too dangerous they cooked up the allegation that I was prepared filio and the reason I say I said earlier that this is one of the most sociopathic and horrendous things I've ever seen is that it's not just falsely accusing somebody of something but it is accusing somebody of something that they are themselves a victim of it's about the most twisted thing I've ever seen now I have I went on Patrick coffins radio show recently and it was the first time I'd really spoken about this in detail and I said I do bear one small shard of responsibility which is that I spoke very loosely and encourse ly on a late-night live stream on YouTube after we all been having a few drinks and I said that I thought that that the age of consent was arbitrary and I should have explained what I meant by that because of course all laws are arbitrary I mean but what that came across sounding like was that I wanted it to be lowered or that I ended up sounding like an amble ago you know what they never quote is that I go on to say I think the age of consent now is about right they never include that in the quotes and I spoke loosely and encourse about some of these things in a way that I regret and wouldn't praise that the same way again you gave on ammo right I did and I was and I was making the point which I think was very uncomfortable for the left who loves to treat their special victimhood classes as these magical unicorns who can do no wrong I was making the point that it is a constant ever-present feature of the homosexual lifestyle that older men will form attachments with younger boys now faithful Catholics will only know of this from an abusive context they will only know of this from clerical sexual abuse but it wider society very often there are you know let's say a man of 24 and a young man of or a boy of 17 who form an attachment and sometimes there's a physical component to that and for the younger boy it's his parents don't understand nobody at school understands I I made the point that for some of these boys that's not the worst thing in the world either because if it stops them from committing suicide or from hating themselves forever and gets them to a place where they can at least exist and then we would hope later set themselves on the path of you know of kind of trying to fix that if it enables them to live with themselves then surely that's not the worst thing in the world and so someone on this podcast said you realize that you're advocating for intergenerational relations and actually I wasn't but I think I said yeah probably at the time so I gave them just enough just a little sliver from you know and if at the time I was probably speaking about seven hours a day interviews live streams all the rest of it so when you're talking for about seven hours a day every day all day for years and things can slip out that you would never phrase the same way twice or at least you would take the time to expand on properly and I didn't so I gave him that little shot of ammunition but really the point is that they took something of which I am a victim and tried to pretend that I was an apologist for it and this has had extraordinarily you know catastrophic effects as you might imagine and this is what they do not to people who are to right-wing but to people who are too effective so if you're wondering why you haven't heard so much from me over the last year or two that's more I am probably the most censored most lied about person in America with the exception of the president they're all think there are things that my fans believe are true they're not true almost everything you read about me and print is a lie unless it comes under my byline so the main purpose of writing this new book was to talk about the homosexual cancer that's infected the Vatican and infected the College of Cardinals but secondarily to set the record straight about some of that stuff very good okay well let's set the record straight here very quickly just couple yes or no answers are you in favor of a boys young boys being allowed to or encouraged to have sex with older men no of course not do you think that the age of consent should be lowered to twelve thirteen something around that age I think sixteen is about right that's roughly wrong can't the fan at all would agree with you right and I think that's that's roughly right in the census it's it doesn't catch too many people who are having you know like fifteen and seventeen whatever people turn a blind 16 is about right where it's kind of reflects human development and maturation and puberty but also isn't so early that it makes it make criminals out of people who don't deserve to be okay do you think it is acceptable and recked for an older man to be I don't know the right word is not necessarily stalking but looking for teenage boys that he can groom and sort of lead down the path of homosexuality know what's not its conversion predation I mean that's that's that's predatory behavior okay and that's what I mentioned with Patrick often well you know I I'm glad that you asked me those things point-blank because I've noticed and you were kind enough on the on the website to run a speech of mine recently right and comments were fantastic people were very engaged with it and loved the material but there was that that was that first hurdle right well isn't that the guy who XYZ you know I'm happy to set that straight for the comfort of your of listeners and reader and we're happy to give the opportunity to you know sir the last thing I mean it remarkable isn't it that just for your support of a particular political candidate in supposedly the country with the greatest free speech protections in the world that I now forever at the beginning of every interview were probably I give for the next decade will have to do this yeah because that because I because I support him and I was I was very effective at you know marshalling support for him in the last election it's remarkable yeah we have not on the same scale but we have something of the same thing here that that quite often I have to defend the position of church militant specifically because we support authentic Catholicism and I have to support it not so I met outside the church I'm talking about within Church circles because we know we get labeled this little bat and whatever all the time well you know they call you the Catholic Breitbart and I know that they mean it as an insult but when they mean it as an insult but I'm thinking my goodness I'm elated you did your job right you did your job you know it's like perfect got it right I mean look it's um somebody asked me the other day about what the Pope stuff you know I said well you know the church in the West has drifted so far from what our faith is supposed to be about I think if people can sort of get over the hurdles of my lifestyle that I of course um wrestling with which is between me and em and look at the substance of what I write and what I'm doing I think people are always quite surprised by how reactionary conservative and ferocious I am which is interesting it's not funnily enough it's not that unusual among Catholics who do have this particular proclivity many of them are very right-wing and I can't quite tell you why that is it may be partly aesthetic it may be I mean who knows but I don't know whether you've noticed this I don't know what kind of people you hang out with but there's a certain sort of arch aristocratic older British Catholic conservative who is very very right-wing doctrinally you know would never dream of attending anything other than the extraordinary for mass you know just wouldn't even countenance it yeh has these these you know personal habits so it's an interesting quirk I don't know whether it's that we were trying desperately to make up for it you know well yeah we're working on it so we're just going to be really really author Docs and work with the back maybe that subconsciously what's going on but but certainly if you if you let my struggle be my struggle and read what I actually write and and what I say I think people will be very pleasantly surprised and probably find that my opinions are in total concordance with everything you guys believe over there yeah absolutely well let's get to what you've written you've written a book diabolical how Pope Francis has betrayed clerical abuse victims like me meaning you and why he has to go now for official things we have publicly issued a vortex I think published a vortex I think it was about three months ago three or four months ago sort of in the middle of the summer of shame stuff and said nope Francis should resign we're not going to get into the whole theological stuff whether he should or whatever but we just said look his handling of this is destroying an eroding trust of lay people and people who are not Catholic who might look at the Catholic Church to convert to okay obviously on this okay go ahead have found something we disagree on because my book leaves that open-ended the reason being for two popes to resign in a row you know what one resignation per 500 years is probably enough the two folks to resign in a row which set a precedent it would just it would it would fatally and permanently damage the institution of the papacy this is the problem with Francis this is why I think we have to imbue him until he pops his clogs because if it is assumed that Pope's will no longer die in office going forward yeah what happened to the College of Cardinals is it becomes just like any other Parliament which means you'll have parties even though their unofficial because it's against technically against whatever there'll be parties there'll be opposition research and not just that but when you've got a pope in who is identified as being from one faction or another Cardinals who don't agree with his positions whether it's to do with you know Scripture or Church seating whatever it will be incentivized to make his life hell because they that if they make his life miserable enough he'll quit like the last two so as odious and terrible as this man is and I was barely believed the words are toppling out of my mouth so it's naturally talking about the Pope like this but I think a lot of us find ourselves in this situation at the moment you know sort of saying things about France ago you know um as awful as it feels to say that and it's terrible the situation is ruined I think we're in a bind because if you if you do Revere the institution of the papacy and you do believe that this monarchic or model this appointment for life is the best way to organize the Vatican and I guess that's a question because it's the only one of the only I think two or three surviving government systems of its kind if you think that this is the best way to run the church and it's a pretty dramatic thing to say you want to change that you can't force them out because it means that when our guys in next they'll make his life hell and he'll resign too and suddenly the papacy becomes not even like a president less the mayor becomes being like a prime minister it becomes you know a temporary political and I just as this man is I think the way to do this is to bully and pressure him by cutting off his finances and by making and by ruining his republic reputation to manipulate and bully him into doing the right thing if he won't do it by himself rather than forcing him to resign I'm glad we found something disagree with so what makes good TV right well Milo you're wrong you want the papacy to be like prime ministership swear people this intro is is that you know what I gave up I quit then you're going to end up with like 14 Pope emeritus is a merit I it's the route I so take the papal retirement Club there in the Vatican go real and we're and who's gonna have to pay for it the laity you know we've got all these like you know this is this is reproducing something like the French presidency which is elected but not for life carries all the trappings of monarchy costs as much as monarchy and then when you retire the costs don't end you know you've got all these ex presidents sitting around costing billions um do we want this from Pope's do we want like a bunch of popes sitting around ex popes and do we want the situation that we have you know in politics where former presidents are weighing in on the actions of current presidents I think that will be catastrophic for people's faith in the institution sure no that's the those are valid points most valid points let's shift gears so we can now get to you tell me why I'm wrong which makes me think I've slightly persuaded you no no no no not at all we just we just have a set amount of time we'll talk offline in okay so in your book one of the chapters in your book is called make the Vatican straight again I mean you know really it does the Vatican need to be made straight what do you mean by straight well clearly what's going on as in politic as it is to say and you can just imagine the panic of the New York Times when one of these scandals erupts and they Google the guy's name and all they can find is sermons on climate change and diversity and my god not only is he one of us these gay what do we do it's quite clear I think it's beyond question but this is not just a systematic failing of governance or human resources this is a this is a gay problem this is a gay disease where you and and this is a result of making room for one sin and others following if you create a space in which sexual misconduct of whatever kind or misbehavior is routinely overlooked what you do is create institutions where people with other things wrong with them come as well so the link between pedophilia and homosexuality which the left like cannot bear to have pointed out it's not that gauges are more likely to be into kids they're not but it is the other way around pedophiles are much more likely to be homosexual so if there's a man who is a pedophile he is way more likely to be into boys and girls if you make an institution like the priests let me interrupt you why do you think that is why does the left like consider that you know taboo just that's the third rail they cannot talk about homosexual men lusting after fourteen-year-old boys why it reveals a lie they told in the 80s when you look at the into relations between all of these deviant sexualities you realize that some of these things come from the same origins and their name and their nurture not nature the left isn't it's the 80s that people are born this way was PR it's a lie Oh at least it when they said it there was no evidence for it since the 80s well the reason being of course that when the religious right were saying this is an immoral lifestyle choice the left were thinking to themselves we're happy around this because I mean on their own terms they are right I know what if gays are like blacks or women and it's just something you're born that makes them the biggest rather than us the disordered people so I think that it draws attention to the complex interrelated nature of some of these sexually deviant behaviors because they are related it draws attention to the lie of born this way but I also think it remit they don't like being reminded how disordered they are nothing upsets a leftist like you brazenly telling them the truth about themselves and people only become social justice warriors because they're hurting and they want other people to hurt too the reason they get so angry at this connection being made is that they failed in the 1970s to legitimize pedophilia although they tried there was Namba where there was an equivalent organization I forgot the name of it now but that senior Labour Party figures who are currently still at the heart of the British government opposition were involved it was called the paedophile information exchange pi Harriet Harman who's a very senior Labour politic in around four decades was a key figure trying to present child abuse as just another valid alternate alternative sexuality and it's and you know that they don't really believe this because Sal on the far left website you publish a guy odd nickerson who describes himself as a virtuous pedophile he said he had attraction to children but he didn't act on it and what they were trying to do was was present this as just another kind of sexuality and say oh we see pedophiles can be good people too it was all the sort of undermining and all this chipping away at people's natural and correct revulsion and disgust at something like this you know they were just trying to eat away at the edges of it when they came from me with this false charge of being an apologist for whatever they deleted all those articles so that nobody could go back and say you used to try to legitimize this stuff so I think they're realizing that they can't get away with because you know even even left wingers end up parents even they've got kids you know so so they can't tell their stuff they now have got a stage where they don't want to admit that deviant sexualities are all related and there is very often a nurture component to Alstom and one of the things I talked about with Patrick often was were and I only mentioned it very briefly in the book cuz I don't wanna get bogged down in this subject but did my experiences with father Mychal affect my sexual trajectory I don't know and I think it idiotic to say of course not on this way bla bla everyone's experiences of sexuality are of being born this way why because you're not aware of forces that are acting on you consciously you don't know is from your background or upbringing may have shaped you into the person you are unless you really think about it and even then you might arrive at the wrong conclusion because you just don't know give no idea how your subconscious in your unconscious mind are absorbing and remix thing and informing you during those early years you just don't know so of course everyone's experiences of turning out Gail turning into a lesbian as they were born that way because no you know they didn't have those moments in childhood where they're like oh that's what it buddy that's not how it works so everybody feels and sinks like they were just born that way whereas actually the sciences is very much out and it's split pretty much down the middle for some people there's a strong predisposition for others conversion therapy might well work and and and this all undermines a huge audacious lie that started in the 80s which is that that gay people were born this way and that's the reason they don't like that's not real question but it also when you know that so much of how they talk about homosexual behavior and get starts to make a bit more sense mm-hmm are you surprised that the largest association in the sort of the journalistic world a TV news media specifically is the laying gay/lesbian Journalists Association that's the largest grooming that you know there's black reporters Hispanic reporters Nova but that is the single largest membership group in the entire television news world specifically actually its lesbians and and nobody will tell you this and not many people know this or care enough to spend time enough to think about it but my next book that I'm writing at the moment has a chapter on this how the chapters called how lesbians ruined everything and incident they even ruin the key stuff now if you look at gay charities like Stonewall and and at gay AIDS charities like the Terrence Higgins Trust that was supposed to be about stopping gay people get AIDS they're all now run by lesbians and they're all preoccupied with transgender pronouns fighting right wing whatever in defiance of their charitable obligations blah blah blah and is all concurrent with them being taken over with the management of the administration than being taken over by gay women gay women have done the same the Academy starting Gender Studies courses you know whether they're bitter divorcees people who call themselves divorcees or they're you know spinsters people who think they're lesbians having read for almost a decade the the about the background to all of this stuff because I've been looking into it for myself for personal reasons I've come to the conclusion that female female homosexuality is fundamentally different to male homosexuality and lesbianism among women is much more of a conscious political choice and very often these women retreat into the arms of other women after bad relationships with men men very rarely do that you know a man has a bad relationship with a woman he doesn't go up going get he doesn't go and get with a guy he'll get he goes can play sports or video games or gets fat he doesn't go off and he doesn't go off and you know sink to his knees in a park somewhere that's just not how a male sexuality works at all by the time it's sort of you're in a rut and wired in that's pretty much all you can do whichever direction you're appointed in for the rest of your life but women have much more malleable sexuality and I think it's more of a conscious political choice for them and for many of these women I think their sexuality is part of a package of political opinions and part of that sort of that consumerist package of identity that they've put together and the same thing is happening with wicker with witchcraft you know and these women who have lost gods but is still an effort they don't have a husband and they don't have children so they have this vast gulf this void in the middle of their souls and they don't know how to fill it or what to fill it with so they're finding things like witchcraft I think the choice to identify as lesbian comes from somewhere similar yeah that's very interesting it's very interesting well it certainly is my experience in TV news me there were obviously a lot of gay guys you know producers and reporters and all that sort of thing but there always was sort of there was always behind the scenes that you know kind of controlling lesbian atmosphere that's exactly what is only half the gay men in any particular industry are going to show up for these clubs you know these unions the clubs the societies the other half are too busy having a life you know they want to go out they want to have sex they want to like get on with their life and then you've got the other half who just said you know the the limp-wristed wet blankets who are happy to be bossed around by lesbians and that's what the gay charitable walk is like now it's you know we're weak minded bottoms if you like terminology that's terrible our audience and the body and the bossy lesbians who rule over them and and very often in these societies like the journalistic societies they are dominated by domineering women who've decided to forswear male company and I don't really believe in lesbianism per se but I think they have definitely sworn off men and certainly they probably have some unsatisfying unfulfilling momentary encounters with women but basically they're just alone basically better spinsters and they decided to call themselves lesbians because the the the the horror of the full realization the horror of admitting that you're just gonna be alone forever is too much so they decide to be a lesbian instead sure and one of the reasons it's important to just sort of lay that out is because it is the news media and the entertainment media but specifically the news media which really sets so much of the agenda in in the cultural political which all spills over into the theological debate I mean that's just the reality of it is so you know it's interesting we were all sitting around a newsroom one time out 15 20 years ago and saying this is amazing there are probably less than a thousand people that was the debate is it 500 or is it a thousand people in the United States who determine on a daily basis what 300 million other people are fed and that's yeah between that numbers for sure just you know it's always remarkable to me that number of backi conservative things from the past that repeat on us and reveal themselves to be true you know if you'll remember I don't know if it was Goldwater if it was you know I forget but there's that there's a famous it's a meme now you know lesbianism you know well something about you know women will practice witchcraft and become lesbians and all the rest of it so there's funny certainly but this stuff now is revealing itself to be so and this was just some Republican politician mouthing off in the 60s or whatever but yes I mean this is this is don't underestimate the power of this when you take God out of a woman's life and she doesn't have a husband and she doesn't have children and she gets to 35 right bad things happen that's true and when you get 20% of society that's like that all four things happen and those awful things are the modern academy the modern media a modern entertainment industry this is the result of women who were lied to who were told that they could go and have careers and you know have children later women who were who were systematically dissuaded from religion by decades of ridicule and marginalization of the faithful from the public square and these women have been lied to and left the rest miserable and alone and now they're angry about it and they want to take out on someone so they come for people like us instead of redirecting their anger where it belongs which is their feminist parent and you know the the second wave feminists of the 60s and 70s who told them that they could go and do all of these things and they would be happy I want to see and I see just the start of it with gnz the post millennial generation I want to see we had the bra-burning in the 60s and 70s I want to see protests of women burning their briefcases and marching in support of motherhood you know and the family and local communities and I see that happening slightly and this is what I talked about in the speech that you reprinted so kindly I really do one of the things that I have the reason I've been successful in my life is I seem to have this ability to see round corners and to sense what's coming even if I can't tell you why and this is one of my big my spider senses are really going off about James II and I'm becoming convinced that not only are they going to have something like a religious revival but they're going to have a revival of other absolute truths as well Beauty for instance I think that we are long overdue a return to aspirational beauty standards into glamour and to the unattainable perfection of the you know 40s 50s 60s if you look at the body positivity movements turning what should be beautiful and glorious God's creation that we should take care of and treat our bodies like you know whatever vandalizing it and holding it up as a mockery like they do when they put tests holiday on cover of self or Caitlyn Jenner on the cover of Vanity Fair this is this is a mockery I mean this is blasphemy because it's it's taking something beautiful and pure and turning it into something grotesque and deformed and and and vandalized you know and I think the James II from what I can tell because my fans started like age 12 you know and I talk to them as much as I can over email their parents all hate me which is brilliant because they have to buy my book secretly and II what they're funny is I have 13 year old fans who buy my book and keep it under the mattress instead of porn you know they where previously there would have been porn magazines under the mattress in their in their 80s and 90s do these James II kids with feminist parents are keeping my book under their mattress but they have seen how miserable how utterly miserable their parents generation is and how their bad choices have led to bad outcomes and and it's very encouraging I didn't have much hope for Western civilization until the last two years when I started to see what gently were about well let me ask you my love what do you think um you talked about feminism radical feminism not authentic feminism is a represented by for example a Blessed Mother but this radical feminism which is really sort of shook Western civilization whose foundations and actually destroyed some of the foundations and where do you see that has worked its way into the Catholic Church well the Catholic Church is now at the risk of going down the same road as as the Methodist Church which is basically just women and gays I don't think there's a I don't think there's a heterosexual man left in the Methodist Church if there's any if there are any men at all it's more like a bridge club now you know a Pew after pew after pew of women with a gay pastor and that's it or a female pastor indeed having for friend so I think that we're really at risk of going down that path and this is one of the more serious subjects that I talk about in the book I get into this a little bit and that's really what this gate chapter is about so I talked about how the clerical abuse crisis is of course a product had gauge assumption or product of looking at the other way when you create these spaces these these seminaries where people won't look you know won't ask too many questions well of course if you're a child abuser or a pedophile you're going to go there because you can get out get away with murder and nobody will say anything so it attracts you know this is this is you see the church is always right about everything you know this way you let one sin in and others will follow and it's only later in life you realize what that means it's like well that's an example use like literally other people worse people come in when you turn a blind eye to the first one so but what I really mean in that chapter you know make the Vatican straight again is to reach that is that the church in the way that it that our priest speaks to us and our understanding of liturgy and all other things too has to rediscover the value of heroic manly virtue because I think what the Catholic Church has lost is a grasp on what's good about men they're quite good at telling us what's bad about men and they're quite good at telling us what's wonderful about women now and again when they're not preoccupied with migrants or climate change certainly don't they don't do it in relation to marry but they will at least talk about you know feminism or toxic masculinity believe it Yuni have to read America magazine to realize how converged so much of the Catholic churches you know um but I think if you want to save the Catholic Church you know what what happens to Pope Francis whether he quits or goes is irrelevant compared to the larger question how you restore an appreciation from manhood and masculinity back into the church so and one of the ways to do this has got to be to clear out the clear out some of these gay priests how can you expect a priesthood to that has such a cult hold on a second male hold on a second Mylo just said the way to fix the Catholic Church is to clear out the gay priests yeah we're more yes of course how can you expect people with such a complicated and dysfunctional relationship to their own to be able to teach young boys about how to be men I mean these are supposed to be shepherds these are supposed to be father figures and and how can you be a father if you don't know what it is to be a man and you know my hunch is that a lot of the without getting into too much detail because I know that this won't be what your audience won't have an appetite for this but there's a man and a woman in homosexual relationships and I believe that the vast majority of people who go into the priesthood are the woman and so they're already the girl in the relationship to say nothing of the fact that they're not attractive women in the first place um how can you expect people like that to appeal to young men I mean what does the Catholic why is any Catholic priest said in the last 50 years the a college athlete could relate to nothing because these people don't I mean it's it's so bizarre it's one of the places in society where gay men are concentrated yet they somehow don't have an appreciation even for superficial masculinity you know even just for a lot even just for like men looking good they won't talk about you know it's to say nothing of the more important questions of virtue you know like I said earlier the heroic manly virtues we only function when men and women operate in harmony in full understanding of what makes the other powerful but also the ways in which the other is an honorable and the Catholic Church is wondering particularly under people like Francis and his lieutenants into the same mistakes that the the all the various kinds of Protestant churches have made and removing right there let me hold right there you said wandering into sort of kind of happenstance falling into it kind of stumble bumbling there like I think it is this is this an actual setup is this a plan oh well doubtless there are actors within the church who are who are agitating for that future of course sir and we know there are I mean there's James Martin mmm the most mind-blowing ly confusing person I've ever seen no I just why don't you just come out already just give it you know just dis just take off the frock come out and live your life sweetheart yes God father James Martin there you are you heard it right there from Milo himself no no I come out he why he I can see why he stays in the priesthood again and no one asked questions when he wears dresses but other than that he's very happy it can't be very happy you know he's in an institution that he believes you know is fundamentally antithetical to office anyway let's not waste time on him but um what was the question I got so distracted like working on that idiot what did you ask me I literally forgot the question I haven't done that in an interview for about a year that man destroyed me so I what I want your listeners to take away from this interview is that there are some people who despite their sexual proclivities are okay you know they're a good game there there's their gaze and there's our gaze and our gaze might have some questions to answer in the final reckoning you know on their own they're on their way to meet the maker but we're not all bad who had some of the service all right I completely forgot your question is is the advancing I'm glad you could put this down of writing somewhere from mark the date I stomped my luck I remembered now I've know I'd remember you I'm gonna go now you see you took two you took too much time gloating now obviously there are actors within the church who are agitating for that future Sir Francis his lieutenants although I don't think Francis is a political idea look so much as a sort of Pinto nion power-hungry politician in the you know the mould of Piran where he's from but the people around him clearly are the institution when I say drifting I mean because of because of how Catholicism is things can't look in the way that the entertainment industry can and has the Academy can and has you know the Vatican too is you know the greatest example of a lurch in the wrong direction but in the grand scheme of things it's a corrective not a revolution right it's a corrective that needs to be unwound but it is nonetheless comparatively small adjustment to the overall body because of how and what the Catholic Church is those things must necessarily happen slowly which is good means we can stop it before it gets much worse having said that as I detail in the book there's there are some reasons for not despair of course but there are some reasons for it to be it's a field dispirited because despite all of that the Catholic Church is an extraordinarily left-wing institution it always has been and the slurs and the slanders that were laid at the door of the Pope during the Second World War in that Bernhard Cornwall but it's been a coma which was you know uncritically repeated you know that uncritically repeated by the BBC I think that's the only documentary the BBC has ever had to retract they were attracting entire thing all based on lies the Catholic semanas propaganda was all Soviet Soviet propaganda never been in bed with fascists but it is very often been in bed with communists not just in Chicago in the 60s where Obama was raised in a Catholic funded Alinsky founded community organizing training institution but but but also mckarrick who was brought out of retirement to be the Pope's invited China you know and now they've signed a deal with China that gave it was the first time since the investiture is it the first time since whatever the hell this is the great the biggest problem being a Catholic isn't living a good virtuous life it's remembering which popes are which its Gregory December I think and it's the investiture crisis it's been since then the Catholic Church is not willingly handed over power of the selection of bishops to a state like we know just and I just let just gave it to China and and and that never happens with right-wing governments or administrations in fact when the efficiently right-wing administration emerges the Catholic Church can be relied upon to criticizes all right and it almost doesn't matter whose Pope and so even if you've got a doctrinally conservative Pope there's still you'll still never hear them say anything good about a Republican politician whereas you might hear them say something good about a Democrat um if you look at the sort of the chapter 2 in the book I think it is no three story so chapter three in the book talks a little bit about some of the connections between the Social Democrats Social Democratic Party party and various you know organizations of the the various different bits of communist infiltration cultural Marxism bishops conferences have been in bed with since day one I mean American so at the height of abuse abuse crisis were Liberation's conferences that they were talking about you know that literally Marxist conferences where they were coming indoctrinated in in communism but in full-blooded like you know Latin American Marxism and then you know the Catholic Church has been not just a pocket but a funder of this stuff to the point where we step out so I mean you know about this because you guys report on this so brilliantly and assiduously and thoroughly this is you are where I come from my news on this most of the time so you will of course know this and your listeners will know this but it's remarkable to most people who don't know or to lady who aren't particularly interested in politics that you can find yourself unwittingly funding Planned Parenthood by giving money to the Catholic Church it's so mind-blowing ly messed up the result of the deep and close ties the almost symbiotic relationship between bishops and Cardinals and far-left political activists and this has been going on for decades and this is what has given us the China situation ultimately and the most important thing that I try to I don't say it too often the book I just I try to show it in the book by just placing things together and letting the reader put two and two together very often the people who are most aggressively pushing in a leftward direction politically and surgically the people who are most aggressively trying to dilute church teaching to shake things up about you know gays reception and div and and divorced people you know in communion all the rest of it there are the same people who are covering up for the child abusers yeah absolutely absolutely all of that is of the same it's at the same same fabric it's not a coincidence it's the same loss of faith there's something else in there in the place there whether it's the pursuit of power whether it's whatever it comes from the same place these things are related there is a reason why the Cardinals and bishops who are covering up for their friends who mess with children because their friends are politically aligned with them and who will back them up are also the same people who are aggressively pushing for the dilution of church doctrine in defiance of the fact that we all know which is the more God you take out of the church the more people you lose you don't take out the one thing people come for which is you know the fire and brimstone which is being told what to do which is being challenged to live a better life rather than told that they're brilliant no matter what you know this meeting people where they are I mean my god this is the most this is the most important thing you can take away from this book and it's the most important things to understand about the crisis that the church is currently facing it is that these two things are related it's not a coincidence that people who are messing with kids and covering for people who mess with kids are also pushing for the dilution of church doctrine and they're doing all of that for the same reasons sure absolutely well you provide a nice segue here we get we've got a few minutes left I just want to want to turn personal here because a lot of our viewers myself but a lot of our viewers will want to say boy he says everything spot-on he's got everything nailed down completely and yet there's this thing sitting right there now many of our viewers know that on this and I'm sure you probably do too you know on a just on a very personal note here I share something of a similar background not expressed exactly the same way you know with regard to maybe age or whatever and not you know not a physical abuse case sexual abuse case at the hands of a priest but you know I ventured into this lifestyle I was there for a good number of years and I suspect and I think this is something our viewers would want to know I suspect now just so you know it what in my situation in this I whistled past the graveyard never ever did I think what I was doing how I was living in a gay lifestyle was right I would never have considered in a million years ever converting to another faith or no faith at all I knew from get-go the Catholic Church was the church established by the son of God I knew that his teachings were divine revelation it was just all of that stuff was the case and yet I still sort of lived on in this sinful yeah just kind of view me too I have the same experience so I guess the problem that and this is something that a lot of your listeners will find very uncomfortable to hear and may even find you have a blasphemous or at least offensive which is that I found somebody with whom I'm extremely happy who I feel has brought me actually closer to the church in a way because it's opened my heart up for love and and and opened me up in a way that I was never emotionally available before and enabled me to connect more closely with my face and that is something people will find very outrageous for me to say but it is the case you know the person that I am with now has made me has brought me closer to to Catholicism and I do think that if you're going to do it you should at least get as close to the right kind of lifestyle as possible which is monogamous loving faithful you know as normal as possible and then you know maybe try maybe try work on it but certainly from my point of view I know that I could never be happy physically with a woman at this stage in my life it's not going to happen okay that's fair enough but and I know that so I'm faced with two choices why give up one of the fonts of joy that I have in my life which would significantly weaken my ability to fight the good fight this is a paradox I look this is why this is why it's a difficult question and this I hope will will help people to understand it it's not as simple as all that you know do I give up something that gives me power that gives me reserves of strength and enables me to do good in the world no is the conclusion that I've come to which because because it it would it would make me less good at all the good stuff that I do so it's can i interject hmm if you yeah let's leave aside for a moment the the question of sin put that aside and talk about on the level you're speaking of right now to be taken in the natural state and through a relationship elevated to a better form of that natural state yeah still does not address the question that the natural state on its own is falling you know in if you can I don't think I don't think that it does but I will tell you that being with somebody who for instance has a child and becoming a stepparent you know has connected me to a different kind of love and a different sort of adulthood and maturity that has broadened and deepened my understanding of people has has has fueled more indignation of injustice for me and as it makes me fight harder but I think my goodness do you imagine if it was you know I get it I've gained a little window a little insight into the Great War II and happiness as a marriage as God intended through this and it's made me better and it doesn't and I know everything you're saying I know I know I know I'm just not there yet and I don't know if okay I'm not I'm not the first Catholic who lives this way and does lots of good things anyway anything ultimately that's something I'll have to continue to wrestle with I would ask you if you have something like a thousand thoughts going through my head right here because I was where you are hmm are you capable of living chastely oh no and I think it's important to know yourself I think it's important to know yourself wouldn't it be better to if you know that you will snap that you will break if you know that will happen do you want to do it in a promiscuous casual disease collecting way or do you want to do you want to just bake it in and some I'm not I'm not suggesting some people don't be marvelous and go off and be premiss no no but I'm saying no but I'm saying like be honest I think that part of the heroic men manly virtua we were talking about earlier one of the you know the things about mentor ility and you know that i don't know many men who can live that way giving that up to become a priest which very few of them actually do giving up being a father having a wife having children is the most I mean there's a reason that most people can't do that no I am one of the people who can't do that so you know if I if I if I could I would have done it already um but I know that I can't because I'm a man with male drives and I know that that's not possible for me like I'll I can try forever and I will try friggin of it but I know that I know it's possible well I mean yeah you're you know let's go spiritual here for a second yeah you're right you can't do it I couldn't do it it requires grace it requires a cooperation with supernatural grace because that's it you can't you me and none of you nobody can live on the natural level and get it 95 percent right and still have the five percent you know wrong and you know depending on what the particular sin or sins are the root sins are you know they destroy their presence destroys the ability to step into the supernatural because that's where we have to go we have to live in the supernatural in this life to move into it into the next and it's just a transition I think and some of your listeners will find this even more distressing but since I went there people and say what I really believed in hey hey let's go I kind of always resigned myself to being to martyrdom if you like you know I've been a free speech warrior which isn't hizmet led to me being the most lied about the censored person in the country beyond the president I've always kind of known that I would end up you know full of arrows and you know on the battlefield but I would have done something that enable to break through that got the army through that you know contributed to the war being one but that I would be left you know on the battlefield was you know full of full of arrows and and in the hole or holes from sword-thrust anniversary I've kind of always known or always suspected or feared maybe there's the right word that that might be my destiny so maybe it is maybe my maybe my share Milo your destiny seven well I hope it is operated forever destiny seven that's the only time I've ever the only time I've ever not admired exactly but sort of been attracted by a sweetness or any other religion whatsoever because when you consider Catholicism versus everything else everything else comes up so short and looks so shoddy by comparison the only thing I do like is the is the scales in Islam you know if you do one really really bad thing you can outweigh it and be okay when we don't have that and then we don't there are certain things they just thought no sorry if you know what your names on the list you know what coming in and and and we don't have that and then I in my particular per day because you're loved enough to for God to want you to be perfect not watching watch happen awesome and I know that's a better way I no that's better and I know that's the right thing but given my particular predicament it's the only thing in any other religion that I kind of like the sound of selfishly all right that's fair I mean that's under those conditions I'd be fine you know yeah it's on it that's an honest self-assessment so let me ask you do you see yourself certainly I'll pray for you for this man I have a connection on this with you but many others do also but I happen to be interviewing you do you see a do you see the possibility down the road of I Milo can be a a Catholic living in full accord with the teachings of the church I think if my present relationship with end for whatever reason then I think that I would do it and I think I probably could do it because I think I would be able to use that sufficiently life-shattering chant you know changing whatever I think I would be able to parlay that into a very new way of living yes I don't hope for that if I have to be honest I have to be sincere I don't hope for that well but I look i sat I sat in some relationships just you know some more whatever than others but you know some very much exactly where you were sitting and my mom said something to me when she was dying a cancer I mean you look the graces I received thank God I cooperated with them but they were not of my origin or doing or you're bringing on or anything my mom you know prayed for years she did a st. Monica's st. Agustin thing and she said she said after I think it was 13 years 15 years something like that of praying incessantly and if you knew my mom she was OCD it was you know she probably drove our Lord nuts she said she said one day I give up Jesus you not answering my prayers he's not changing he's in this horrible sinful lifestyle is gonna go to hell that's it I don't care what you do to me do whatever you have to do but spare the eternal life of my two sons and my brother was in a different environment of sin but nonetheless away from the church as well and and that was it I mean she got cancer very shortly after that it was very clear to me that that was the big final cross that he you know that our Lord allowed her to have so that it would merit sufficient graces for me to be able to turn my life around and you know I sit in front of you now as a guy who's not gay understanding an awful lot my father died earlier this year I'm sorry it meant a matter-of-fact Friday is his his is his anniversary its one-year anniversary and that sort of lead up to what didn't necessarily appear to be his death but was you know it was 88 so if it wasn't then it was gonna be coming soon that whole thing sort of sent me into you know a lot of spiritual oh my gosh I got stuck in a blender this has been the hardest year of my life with my father dying and even though all of the actions and desires and all that stuff were resolved there was still a spiritual turmoil over all of this and it sometimes the only way God can get to somebody is through turmoil not that he wants them to be in it but he wants them to come out of it right holy so that that's the in you know to your question and that's the only circumstance I could see it and you know no we will absolutely keep here in the first of all I want to ask everybody watching this to keep not only everybody the church militant in prayer but I think Milo are you a your premium subscriber sorry you just cut out a bit then are you a premium subscriber here to church militant I think that I did it through the company so if you've looked me up you want to found me because we have a we have a secretary who will have done it but I'm pretty sure we are yes excellent okay well then for all of our premium subscribers you include it you know we are look we're gonna ask you know make it a part of our prayer you know for God to help you be a holy man however that that's I mean that's gotta be your prayer it's my throat's everybody's prayer who wants who prays to God and says make me unholy so you know the prayer is you know make me holy you know that was ultimately for all of st. Augustine's you know yeah it's not not right I mean look everybody there's probably no guy on earth II okay come on any other friend give me another five or ten years and then I'm in and I'm in all right well that's if we have another five or ten years who knows we don't know so that's the you know that's that's that's the issue god forbid some horrible whatever happened to anybody's and you know as my friend Douglas Murray likes to say we'll be all giving over transgender pronouns when the mullahs nuke us you know that's probably true but I just asked everybody that's your prayer it's my prayer I'd ask everybody who's watching here to be you know to be their prayer also that you know that you and anybody else faced with this predicament or any other predicament with you know we're sort of the pain and the chains of human yuckiness just you want to kind of tear away from them but at the same time it's got this massive attraction and that needs the help of God it just needs the help of God so we would pray for you and for everybody you know in any of these kinds of situations that our Lord however the grace is merited either by ourselves or by others you know pour out the grace and you know help you and me and everybody you know be as holy as God wants us to be we that's one of the final prayers we pray in the morning prayer chapters I make me God make me you know as Holy as you know let other people be holier than me as long as I am as holy as you want me to be and that's a prayer it's our prayer thank you well thank you money I'm working I'm working on it and I will continue this got us some prayer he will keep you in prayer thank you thank you I'll keep you in all-righty god bless my oh my Lily innopolis the everybody said and I'm really cool here - thank you yeah you know what it's actually really awful today I don't even know why I said hair I can't as normally it's so beautiful and today I kind of tumbled out of bed late I rushed it it looks dreadful I'm sorry but if if your listeners are not too scandalized by I mean at some point I come on again I promise to get a proper blowout before I see you thank you so much for having me it's been delightful thank you so much Milo god bless thank you God come back we'll have some closing thoughts on all of this and then we'll have a question from the audience we are speaking to you as fathers who have betrayed us many have abused however in their midst our other bishops who do have supernatural faith to those bishops stop being cowards we're back you can send us your questions and your comments and you can send them all in by email or Facebook or Twitter today ephra has a comment quote I love your good intentions to protect and inform people about scandals and such I fear your good efforts are going in vain I'm really disappointed that you discouraged so many souls from the faith and their trust in the Shepherd's of God the priests bishops Cardinals and even the Pope closed quote he fry you need to if we aren't discouraging anything you know we met Bishop Baron in the elevator when we were in Baltimore and invited him up for a beer - you know where all of us are on our way back up we bought some beer getting up the hotel's license last night at the conference there the bishops in November he is in the elevator we said hey Bishop come on up first move and he's like no thank you I'm not sure why I didn't want to hang out with us but anyway and we said you know we really are nice guys here and then I took a pause and I said determinedly we just hate the filth in the church he didn't respond to that but that's what motivates us here this filth in the church has got to go it has got to be exposed and has got to go not because there's some you know militant firebrand of wanting to what you know I'll stop everything but because it's preventing souls from seeing and living in the glory of the faith and the truth that's the problem with it and that's the reason Satan has done it so we could [ __ ] the church in the church's mission so hopefully you understand you know that and you know it can come around to see we aren't destroyed anything other than that which needs to be destroyed that's it for this week we'll see you next week right here at church militant comm come just twenty four hours a day that's the glory the internet seven days a week to hear all about what's going on in the Catholic world God love you [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Church Militant
Views: 116,392
Rating: 4.8333025 out of 5
Keywords: Church, Militant, Michael, Voris, Roman, Catholic, Priest, Protestant, Atheist, Jewish, Islam, Homosexuality, Liberal, Conservative, Agnostic, Democrat, Republican, Culture, Society, Sin, Virtue, Christ, Jesus, Pope, Vatican, Blessed, Mother, Virgin, Mary
Id: Ww8BuMbuEQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 33sec (4113 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 16 2019
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