Oprah and New Age

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this talk kind of derives from a number of episodes that Oprah did probably two years ago I think she had a fellow on her show by the name of Eckhart Tolle and Eckhart Tolle is a new-age strange fellow who's written a number of books and his books his books present a way of viewing the world that is actually pretty stupid and when somebody like Oprah Winfrey in the media who has an audience of millions every day gives a man like this airtime that's a great shame it's a great shame because of what he says in order to understand what the New Age why he's so strange and not just him I mean this is we're using him as the example because that's who Oprah had on her show but more than just had him on the show she was so impressed by him that she dedicated an online class that went on for weeks that you could go you could login I don't know if you actually had to pay money for it or not I never did it because it's stupid but you went on to this online site and you took classes that taught you an understanding of the origins of man and our destiny and our existence that is totally contrary not only to the Catholic faith but common sense so let's talk about what the New Age movement really is first of all the term New Age the expression New Age comes from an understanding a view of the universe that every roughly 2,500 years and it's based on the constellations that every 2,500 years the world goes from one phase or age into another don't any of you remember the song or have heard the song from the 1960s this is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius well that's what that's about that the last 2500 years or so 2200 years was the Age of Pisces and that has ended or is quickly ending and fading into the Age of Aquarius so what this means for the church is that New Agers believe that this lasts roughly 2,000 years or so was the Age of Pisces and everything that happened under the Age of Pisces in the Age of Pisces is now fading away it's going away and it's giving way to the Age of Aquarius so the church and the faith and the teachings of the church are no longer relevant they're fading away now we're in the dawning of a new age the Age of Aquarius and that's what the new-age term means so another 2000 or 2200 years from now the there will be another age and this one will have faded away that's what the expression means now how did all of this come to be how did the new age system of beliefs develop well it shouldn't be a surprise that the new age system of beliefs is really theirs first of all there's nothing new about it back in the beginning of the church there was a group of people who were called Gnostics and Gnostics GN OST ICS Gnostics were people who subscribed to the a belief in gnosis Ginoza GN OS is canosa's that's the Greek word for knowledge but it's more than its Y gnosis and knowledge have the same sound to them not Gnostic knowledge it was more than just knowledge like hey I know arithmetic so I have some knowledge or I can quote William Shakespeare so I have some knowledge it was a particular type of knowledge and it was a particularly you know verse that totally flies in the face of Christian teaching and Christian morality Christian understanding this knowledge that you had was a secret knowledge that other people did not have access to that you were enlightened in such a way that only you knew the secrets of the universe and if you were enlightened or if you knew something about this but didn't know a lot about it you would seek out somebody you would seek out somebody who was knowledgeable who had this knowledge such a person was called a guru and he started to see all the connections with modern man and what was the knowledge what what was the knowledge for what secrets of the universe did you need to know all right hold on to your hats because this is where it gets stupid Gnostics who are the forebears of today's new ages now there's a couple of different flavors of this and when you talk to different new age groups they kind of believe slightly different things here or there but in general the system of beliefs is this and by the way this is Scientology as well that there was a God before time began and there was a bad God and they fought each other and the good God had a baby God and this baby God exploded into all kinds of millions and trillions of little pieces and these pieces came down from wherever these guys were and got trapped inside bodies inside matter inside wood and metal and cloth and these sparks of light needed to get back to where they need it where they came from that matter was evil because it trapped this spiritual force and Gnostics and New Agers have the view that matter is a bad thing that it's not good that it was created to trap life if you know anything about the book of Genesis red flag should be going off in your head left and right waving crazily like our hurricanes coming big bells going off and God saw what he had made was good and He blessed it and evening came and morning followed the second day and he creates this it creates that and at the end of creation it says and God looked on everything he had created and he said it is good Gnostics say it is evil and so we have the great philosophical tug-of-war between New Age and Almighty God now think for a moment this may sound all philosophical and it is but it doesn't stop at being just philosophical how were we saved we were saved through matter I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ the only Son of God eternally begotten of the Father God from God light from light true God from True God through him all things were made for us men and our salvation he came down from heaven by the power of the Holy Spirit he was born of the Virgin Mary and became man we are saved through matter we lost our original inheritance through matter and it was restored to us through mathur our Blessed Lord said to his apostles at the Last Supper I will not leave you I will I will not leave you orphans I will come back to you he wasn't talking about the last day he was talking about right there how is Jesus Christ present to us right now through matter the matter of bread and wine that is consecrated and retains the appearance of bread and wine through matter what is in this tabernacle is the same matter that walked out of the tomb on Easter Sunday morning it is the same matter that is sitting at the right hand of God in heaven right now it is the same matter that was conceived in the womb of our Blessed lady New Age beliefs could not be more contradictory to the Catholic faith then if Satan had created them himself which he probably did Satan hates matter Satan hates the material world he hates the natural world the world of matter why because it or rather his reaction to the news of it is what ended it up and did him up in hell theologians great doctors of the church the Fathers of the Church have all insisted that what it was that dethroned Satan was the announcement to him by Almighty God that after having created the angelic realm that God would create a material world now Lucifer Michael Gabriel Raphael and all the rest of them didn't have the slightest idea what matter was they had no experience of it they are incorporeal beings they have no bodies there aren't there is no flesh there's no matter in the immaterial world will at least at that time so God illumines the minds of the angels of the angelic beings and what does he lumen them with his interior knowledge that he so is bursting with love that he is going to create a further type of existence another realm of being of which they have no knowledge and no experience and this world will be the world of matter gas solid liquid that it will be run by physical laws that matter will be in relation to other matter and these physical laws will dictate how matter relates to itself that this matter here because it can go like this can pick up this matter and wave it around through the air and if he drops it the gravitational laws of the universe that dictate how this matter relates to this matter will kick in and it will make a sound he reveals all of this to the Angels to the realm of the angels they must have been thinking wow that's pretty cool it's matter stuff what's that got to do with us I mean it's cool but we're superior to matter we aren't held by physical laws we're angels and we don't need matter to communicate with each other we merely think to one another we simply think a thought and every angel knows that thought because that's how we function so this is wonderful god thanks very much for the news about matter but so what and then our Lord says I will make man and I will form him from the dust of the earth from the clay of the earth and I will breathe my life into and I will so love this man that I will raise him above all material creation and you will serve him well now there's a problem and Lucifer angel of light non sir Breanna I will not serve I will not serve a creature made from the dust of the earth look at me and my glory I'm not bowing down before that mud with a brain half brain I will not serve and from the lower ranks of the Angels the low ranks of the Angels one angel yells out Myka began I will not serve is your answer who is like God Lucifer who is like God not you and we open up to Revelation chapter 12 verse 7 and then war broke out in heaven Michael and his angel battled the Serpent and his angels and the serpent did not win and he was cast out of heaven and angels and heaven closed ranks Satan is eternally damned because of the material world because of his response to the material because his pride was so great that he simply would not accept that a lesser creature made of matter would be over him and he would be subject to him Satan's rebellion is something like the moon rebelling against the Sun where the moon sort of looks at itself and says Wow look how bright and shiny I am I'm wonderful look at me seeming to forget that the moon gives off none of its own light but merely reflects the glory of the Sun Satan hates the material world he hates matter so it seems extraordinaire aliy diabolical ingeniously diabolical that a system of beliefs comes onto the scene right about the time that Christianity appears preaching salvation through matter that God becomes man and not only will I love this man love man so much but I will join myself to him and thereby elevating his nature above you angels even higher than you might go in the good angels their response was what our response should be it's your will God your will be done Lucifer's response was of course I will not serve so when we look at New Age and its first basic tenant is that matter is evil and must be overcome it must be gotten rid of it must be escaped from somehow these things that are trying to get back they're called different things in Scientology and Gnosticism that a kind of a general operating name for them is a ons ons a ons and these ions need to get back to form whatever it is this exploded God must have been one great big piece of dynamite to explode a god and this is a sort of nonsense that gets pushed and I've often thought to myself when I hear some of this craziness about matter is bad and it's not real it's another thing you'll hear the matter isn't really real it's just an illusion and God forgive me but often times I think when I hear that oh really if matter is not real then I can just punch you in the face and it won't really hurt because you don't have a real face because matter is not real matter is very real matter is so real that the matter you have with you right now and I have with me right now this God willing is going to be sitting up in heaven for all eternity this body it was a priest friend of my once said well I hope when this glorified body rolls around it has about 30 less pounds on it we'll see Satan hates matter the whole Gnostic new-age whatever you want to call it Scientology Oprah nor a crazy little guru guy it's all lies and it's so all lies and twisted that as they're having their conversation with each other Oprah and Eckhart Tolle you can hear wrong philosophical principles right in the very beginning of the conversation there was one scene I remember specifically one very short exchange between them Oprah says to Eckhart Tolle shows so when the body is lying there in the basket and the the form is lying there where has the spirit gone to she doesn't even have her turns right in philosophy there's form and matter form isn't doesn't mean the form of a body that's the matter the form is the soul so she says while the form is lying there in the body in the casket where is the soul gone she doesn't in other terms or she says no the slightest idea if she's talking about the Greeks have this down twenty five hundred years ago five hundred years before our Blessed Lord incarnates the Greeks already had these terms down and so Eckart Tolle says to her response it goes back to the great the great wad it goes back it did returns or it goes somewhere else well there's a solid theological answer where does it go somewhere where hello somewhere how do you know whoa you just know because there aren't answers for this there aren't answers for this there on answer sport because it doesn't make sense if you dig down deep enough into New Age stuff and believe you don't have to dig very far the fact that a god exploded ought to give you your first clue if you dig down deep enough into this at all that you start to see the nonsensical pattern Catholicism is brilliant it's brilliant in the cohesions brilliant in every aspect but specifically what we're talking about right here it's brilliant in the way all of the tea fit together and how one supports every other one and everyone supports every individual one you can move through Catholic theology and Catholic thought and Catholic teaching like a bird can move through the air gracefully being here at one moment and over here the next and over there the next because it's all so fluid Catholic theology is as real as the air and as deep as trying to understand the air it's simple and profound at the same moment it's so simple a five-year-old can understand it and so profound that the greatest Saints in the church can never write enough about it why because that's from Almighty God because this god of ours wants to be known and wants to be loved there's that beautiful beautiful line in the Psalms my delight is to be with the sons of man it's beautiful my delight is to be with the sons of man Almighty God who invented everything you look at they invented creating everyone's new age created everything created everything we looked at we see taste touch feel put the laws of the universe in place called us into being at the moment we were conceived in our mothers wombs each one of us there were 1 billion with be one billion possibilities just as the DNA from each gamete was given as it unfolded and then came together and formed us just before it comes together there are 1 billion possibilities and you are sitting here I am standing here I knew you from all eternity I knew you together in your mother's womb this is a God in love with us with every single aspect of who we are everything so much so that he says he says to the Apostles that every hair on your head is counted God knows everything about us because that's what a lover does a lover is consumed consumed by his beloved and this love there's a priest back in Detroit is one of our spiritual directors beautiful wonderful holy man says he wraps up a blessing for us whenever he comes by the studio and then he leaves and says there's some matter and he says a prayer for us a blessing over before he leaves and he says and may God who called you into this existence in love see you safely through life until this love consumes you into eternity that is beautiful and it is the sum total of everything there is about being Catholic I hid you together in your mother's womb I called you into existence out of nothingness I clothed you with a body and New Age says that body stuff that's stupid you need to escape from that you need to figure out a way to get out of it that's what TM is Transcendental Meditation that's what yoga is if you're practicing yoga and you didn't know any of this well now you do stop it go find some other way to imitate a tree all of those things are eastern practices because the eastern practice Eastern religions and Eastern mysticism see and kind of accept this distinction between matter and spirit as being separate the yin in the egg they see this distinction and many of these practices are designed to help you disassociate yourself from your body so you can sit there in the lotus position with their hands out on your knees for hours because your body you've gotten control over your body over your matter so that you are almost free of it that's the point that's what these practices are so stop it if you're doing it you want to do something with your body kneel here and an apologist convert to the faith said once as he was coming to the realization of the truth of the faith he said ah it suddenly occurred to me when I was at mass he was still a Protestant it suddenly occurred to me while I was at mass and I saw the priest lift up the host and I've said that is you Jesus and I got on my knees and in the process of getting on my knees it came to me this is why you gave me a body so that I could worship you with it it's so simple and so profound at the same time every bit of it it's so real it's so tangible when you're in love how many people never been in love I mean really in love it's okay guys you can bid when your love don't you do look really stupid crazy things and all of your friends go is in love and you're doing these crazy silly things you're leaving little notes for each other in lunches and you send stupid little text messages and you'll go out and in your cars a little card taped to your steering wheel and all these dumb crazy and we're all just stupid but it's a sign we're really to hitting some nerves out there are we but it's a sign that you have stepped out of yourself that you're able to reach out to somebody else even to the point of making yourself kind of an idiot a fool but everybody understands they accept Dali's in love that'll wear off six months after he's married um we're off there were already more notes that'll be where's my lunch but God is in love like that with us but unlike leaving little notes God leaves himself in matter in the Eucharist he's always there always available to us and not just in the tabernacle but when we receive him in Holy Communion he becomes or rather we become him the DNA of God Himself joins to our D n/a we digest God and for roughly 10 minutes after we receive Holy Communion we have the blood of God racing through our veins because my delight is to be with the sons of man we can't do that we can sort of do that that's what the Marriage Act is all about for this reason the man leaves his mother and father and joins to his wife and the two become as one flesh that's what's happening in Holy Communion but in a much more deep and infinite sense we become one flesh with Jesus Christ my delight is to be with the sons of man to be everything with them to become them I incarnate I suffer my passion I resurrect I ascend to heaven and I so to speak reincarnate on their altars and I come to them and I join my flesh to their flesh my matter to their matter my body my blood my soul I join to them in preparation for what they will have for all eternity as a foretaste of what they will have for all eternity can you see how repulsive new age is to the Catholic faith because it denies all this it makes a mockery of the love of God in the Eucharist in Holy Communion it insults the deepest expression of the love that God has for us no Catholic can even give this credence for a nanosecond it denies everything of the faith and when someone like Oprah or other people broadcast this to millions of people and leave it sitting on YouTube for years and people who don't know the faith stumble across this you know it all sounds kind of reasonable a little bit it always sounds reasonable idiocy always sounds reasonable there wouldn't be as many idiots as there are but at the heart of idiocy is lies and deceit untruth falsehoods a denial of some aspect of Almighty God because God is truth Jesus Christ is truth and if something is preached that is going against the truth then it is being preached against and going against Jesus himself period everything about the Catholic faith everything is black and white everything is there a God or is there not maybe sorry not an acceptable answer there is or there isn't when the priest holds up the host and says this is my body that either is Jesus Christ's body blood soul and divinity really truly abstention or it isn't there is no middle ground there's heaven and hell there's not something else perfect when I'm talking about after the end of the world for eternity you die you go to heaven into hell or you don't the Catholic Church was founded by Jesus Christ is the second person of the Blessed Trinity or it wasn't it wasn't sort of founded by him he didn't start it and then stop he doesn't jump into the bread and then jump out of it he doesn't take a dive into the chalice of wine make it him for a little bit and then jump back out of it you aren't forgiven of your sins and then as you walk out of the confessional he grabbed you back tore sins back in you and shoved you out the door you're not baptized in original sin forgiven and then when you turn 6 all of a sudden you get original sin back although some parents think that that's what happened based on their children's behavior are you sure we're getting baptized my parents used to say about me everything in the faith is like that it's black or white it's yes or no on a Roth up or down gray is Satan's favorite color he loves gray because gray means confusion it means uncertainty it means ambiguity it means I don't know it means doubt and when you doubt you freeze you don't make a choice because you don't know and if you can't make a choice you can't commit and if you can't commit you can't love and that's what Satan wants we talked about in our earlier talk on dissent that's why dissent is so satanic because it stops people dead in their tracks and they don't know what the truth is gray is Satan's favorite color don't make a decision read a little more maybe he rose from the dead and maybe he didn't well you know these scholars they're all really smart men and they say we don't know if he rose from the day I think jesus knows if he rose I'm pretty certain he did when New Agers and the Church of Scientology and John Travolta and Tom Cruise and Oprah Winfrey and all the rest of the brain-dead crowd make comments about all of this stupid Gnostic New Age stuff you Catholics as you did 2000 years ago get to say that's stupid that makes no sense at all because God created the heavens and the earth and He blessed them and said they were good and to deny the goodness of matter is to deny everything and see one of the things that is perverse all the rest of this stuff is just stupid it's monumentally stupid but where it gets really evil is where some of these New Agers start to pull in Christianity into this to some things about Christianity certainly not everything but enough to make it seem palatable to me you know maybe that's kind of right that makes sense kind of I can see that so they'll say things like well Jesus was one of those types of goo Roo's who had figured out how to get back to the great and he came as Oprah says to show us how to do that and see for somebody who doesn't know the faith very well that kind of sounds right doesn't it Jesus came as an example to show us how to be better and how to get to where we're supposed to be going well on the surface no Catholic would disagree with that it makes sense Jesus did come and show us an example Jesus does want us to achieve what our final end is but it's when you start digging down and you start finding out wait a minute we mean Jesus oh you mean Jesus had one of these a on things inside of him trying to escape and you start to read some of the books they write and for the first few chapters it talks in these kind of gray terms that if you're a Christian you would look at and say well that makes sense I know that's what we believe but then you move on and all of a sudden by the time you get to chapter 9 or 12 or 16 you've been totally pulled off the rails and you don't even know it unless you know your faith you know your faith and the book stinks as it sits on the bookshelf in the store but if you don't know the faith you open it up you start reading it and it kind of makes sense because it it has a sound of something you heard years ago in Catholic school or some priest once said it sounds familiar it sounds familiar to you but you have to know the faith you have to know the faith back in the first century well okay here's a Catholic quiz now it's about the Bible so I don't expect all of you to pass because you're Catholic and you know we don't read the Bible how many Gospels are there well it's very good here is this the Baptist Convention I'm a doormat 2004 there are four Gospels how many Gospels were there by the Year 125 at 127 there were 27 Gospels by the Year 125 did you know that there was the Gospel of Matthew Mark Luke John and Stephen Thomas Judas on and on on 27 Gospels every one of them claiming to be an authentic Gospel 23 of them were Gnostic writings one of them the Gospel of Thomas said that Jesus when he was a little boy none of the other little boys and Nazareth would play with him so he got mad and turned them all to dust he was sitting on the near the water one day as a little boy he was bored apparently because he killed all his friends he had nothing to do so he started gathering up sand and poof turned it into birds to play with I'm guessing that it didn't take many Catholics very long to figure out what that doesn't seem right and so they dismiss that gospel but if you go to bookstores today Jeb borders and Barnes and Nobles here in the Philippines bookstores those yes if you go to those bookstores you can go into the religious or you know philosophy sections of the book and there they are sitting there right there on the bookshelves themselves the Gospel of Judas the Gospel of Thomas the gospel of the Gospel of Judas says ladies pay special attention to this ladies the Gospel of Judas says that no woman can get to heaven so some point because you're inferior I'm not saying I'm repeating it and in order to get to heaven you must become a man before you die none of those the Apostles read that and said this isn't real but I'm sure pretty sure that Mary Magdalene said throw that one out it becomes they have a flawed understanding of what the nature of matter is they have a flawed understanding of the nature of sexual identity of gender identity they have all of these problems because they start at the wrong place and because they start at the wrong place they end up with the wrong conclusions this isn't like math where you can do the math and still somehow wind up with the right answer if you start wrong you finish wrong period there's so much idiocy and anti-catholic stuff out in the world that you hardly know where to start but you have to be able to answer all of these things you have to have at least a basic knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith not just what it teaches but why it teaches it no Christian look even the Protestants have this one right the redemption of the world happened on the cross even the Protestants have that right nobody can be a Christian and say that flesh matter doesn't matter matter absolutely matters it's how you're saved so the Incarnation didn't matter that the second person of the Holy Trinity takes on flesh inside the womb of the Virgin Mary doesn't matter well there's a New Ager my Christmas party I'm throwing him out what are you doing here we're celebrating this get out you don't believe this everything we do the way we see the world the decisions we make when we vote the decisions we make about who our friends are going to be what we're going to read what we're going to watch on TV who we're going to talk to what music we like everything every decision we make has got to be imbued with our Catholic faith everything everything who I'm going to marry who I'm going to maybe fall in love with what car I'm going to buy well maybe not every moral decision we make as a sinner if you're waiting every moral decision we make has got to be has got to start with that question what does my faith say about this my child my husband or wife my action in this what I will do here how I will start my day am I going to wake up in the morning every morning and buy the daytime my day gets going had committed my day to Almighty God for the salvation of my soul and others oles is that how i'm going to wake up every morning okay I'm not a morning person I don't sit up and think that but about an hour later or so I do the first hour I kind of walk in the walls I don't do well in the morning especially after a 22-hour flight but everything about this has to be Catholic so that when you see this lunacy that you know our bodies aren't real and we don't matter and this doesn't matter it just you know you go why this is stupid this is stupid it makes no sense it's non sense that's the point so when somebody like Oprah Winfrey or any of these people are pushing this stuff if someone you hear or know or think is sitting around listening to this either with you or they happen to repeat hey I just heard blahblah an Oprah set it so it must be true you get to say all that stuff stupid here's why and say it like it is what's so hard say it like it is really you think your body doesn't matter well why are you getting a facelift if your body doesn't matter why are you on a diet because your body does matter because we are body and soul we are this wonderful union we were conceived like that do you know why God visited death on Adam and Eve as a result of original sin remember we were immortal before that didn't even know what death was here's why not just as some neat old God punishing people but because God so loved us and wanted to be with him body and soul body and soul that when we sinned when Adam and Eve sinned and that corruption beset the soul it flowed out into the body that it isn't enough for God to save our souls he also wants to save our bodies so he lets them go down into the ground and rot and decay so that sin will no longer be present in them and on the last day he makes it perfect death is a gift from God it comes as a result of sin but God takes the evil that is sin and death and brings good from it if we did not die there would be no way to get rid of the sin out of our body without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin in order for sin to be expiated there must be a trade of one thing for another life must be exchanged for life and in our realm unlike the Angels in our realm when one life is exchanged for another that means matter is involved in that and since sin invades the whole world with the fall then the whole world must be recreated and that's what the last day is but we individually have our last day each one of us when we and then our bodies lie waiting for the resurrection of the Dead see how beautiful the faith is everything about the faith is you know whoa I never thought of that before that's stunning I've never heard that I didn't think of that I guess I knew that but I never connected the dots before everything about the Catholic faith is absolutely coherent and beautiful and of course it is because the teachings of the church are breathed into the church by the Holy Spirit this is the beauty of the faith and when some of these lunatics run around intellectual lunatics run around about reincarnation and in you know the New Age stupidity you have to look at it for what it is if somebody walked up to me and said hmm I think you're a 63 year old woman I'm not going to sit around and have a conversation with them about it really it's kind of funny you should think that because I've sort of been feeling that lately too that I'm a 63 year old without a conversation was a you're an idiot get out my face well when these things present themselves in popular culture they're not going to present themselves as totally insane they present themselves as having some kind of legitimacy to them if I want you to buy my book here it is my book I'm not going to write something stupid on the first page I want you to buy my book I want you to accept my system of beliefs I want you to think what I'm saying is right so I'm never going to go deep because that's where all get exposed when I have a discussion with you I'm going to talk on the level of feeling I will not talk to you on the level of thought because thought is where God resides so I'm not going to talking about thought we're not going to deal with intellectual truths we're not going to talk about objective truths we're going to keep everything on the level of feelings so when you talk about these things and the Gnostics talk about these things you read through some of this material and it's all presented to you kind of as feeling or when they try to explain it it's very superficial they never say how these gods exploded they don't even talk about how there could be two competing gods they'll never get into the philosophy of this there's an expression goes way back in the church that bad philosophy leads to bad theology so they never get into the philosophy of it if you understand what the term God means you immediately know there could be no such thing as two gods the Greeks the Romans the ancients their gods weren't gods the way we understand the term they were more like kind of super humans with magical powers on steroids but they weren't God the way we think of God if you think of God and understand God and the terms that we think about him because he has revealed himself as such it would be impossible for there to be two how can there be two infinities there can't be there can't be two infinite numbers because they'd be the same number there can't be two infinities there can't be two eternities because it accomplices absolutely everything you can't have another encompasses absolutely everything because it would be the first thing so how do you have two gods and then moreover how do you up to gods opposed to each other or we're back on Mount Olympus again we have infinity and negative infinity you don't have to be a physics major to get that doesn't make sense so you start thinking about you oh this doesn't make sense but this is the stuff that gets pushed it gets pushed like it's real like we consider I don't have a serious discussion about two gods which is why when Oprah asks him well if the forms laying there in the coffin where does the beam go who it goes there what's there I don't know or it goes somewhere else it's an answer for idiots given by an idiot I'm not being unchristian here I'm calling out what it is it's nonsense it's worthy of rejection and condemnation because it doesn't pass the test of reason God gave you reason to be able to look at something and go hmm that's stupid so I'm not going to order my life and all of the decisions I make in my life which will result in me going to heaven or hell I'm not going to order my life around a set of principles that are stupid that's the point that's the point and that's why this stuff is dangerous someday God willing we'll all be sitting in heaven and we can sit around and laugh about how stupid all this stuff was they remember that Eckhart guy with his two gods and they one of them explodes and haha that was dumb but we can do that in eternity but right now that philosophy is costing souls their eternal lives and we are responsible because we know the truth to whom much has been given much will be demanded speaking the truth is a demand placed on us but more over than a demand that's kind of a minimalist way of looking at it if you love Jesus Christ if you love the faith you will happily stand up and defend him just as I would hope if somebody was slandering your spouse or your children your reaction wouldn't be hmm that's my childhood that he's slandering and I guess I have an obligation to stay up and defend him you would immediately spring forth how dare you say that untruth about my child that's not a reaction out of obligation that's a reaction out of love out of charity out of justice and you would immediately scream that's how we're supposed to be about Christ it's how we're supposed to be about the faith so we're supposed to be about the church Jesus is so wedded to the church and think about this when we talked about it would leave this as a parting thought what we said in the end a little bit earlier that when we receive Holy Communion we are in a communion a common union with Christ the Angels don't get to do that as powerful as the angels are they do not get to procreate they do not get to cooperate with God and create new life as powerful as the angels are they don't get to do that and the Angels never get to kneel down and receive their saviors body and blood into their being because they don't have a body from all eternity this was the divine plan you will worship Him because him will be because we are drawn into the Holy Trinity our body blood and soul to be united forever in the Trinity that has now body blood and soul with it we have an access into the inner depths of God that even the Angels do not have I'm sure most of us here have somebody perhaps many people who have died in the faith and God willing if they have passed through their purgatory they are experiencing this at this very moment for all eternity never-ending world without end forever and ever lost in the love of God and they so desperately want you there with them because God desperately wants you there with him see how stupid new ages stupid stupid because it denies the love of God and ultimately that's what's wrong with everything that denies some teaching in the church because it denies the love of God you are called to this great love you were created for this great love don't let anything anything block you from your divine calling and don't let anybody you love be blocked from that divine calling do whatever you have to do to save souls because you're not just saving them from Hell you're saving them for their destiny you're saving them for God and in so doing that you're saving your own soul leave you with the last two verses of the letter of Saint James go home and read that tonight I know you're Catholic and you don't have a Bible but on the way home grab one and open up the letter of st. James and read the last two verses chapter 5 last two verses whoever among you saves a brother and brings a brother back from his error will not only have saved his own but not only have saved his soul and saved your own soul but you will have cover a multitude of sins see what great love God has for us don't believe anything that goes against the faith reject it out of hand so you have the young one here who's passed out so in her body God love you oh let's finish with a prayer the name of the Father and the son of the Holy Spirit amen hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee blessed art thou among women blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus Holy Mary Mother of God pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death amen glory be to the Father to the Son and to the Holy Spirit as it was at the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end amen Sacred Heart of Jesus Our Lady's seat of wisdom and the name of the Father and the son of the Holy Spirit amen god bless you all thank you
Channel: Church Militant
Views: 73,091
Rating: 4.8485804 out of 5
Keywords: Church, Militant, Michael, Voris, Roman, Catholic, Oprah Winfrey (Author)
Id: vvZ0Q5buDGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 32sec (4412 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 20 2013
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