Mia Farrow Describes Her First Time With Frank Sinatra (1997)

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Frank Sinatra walks into your room the wedding night and you gave yourself to him you give you a virginity to him was he singing did he sing to you hey baby I'm here but he was so old he was so much older than you he was 50 but he was great-looking really yeah you're into older guys I was there yeah you're into that whole thing that's like you looking for your father right right exactly how did you stay a virgin through Peyton Place that's what I can't figure out at the beginning of Peyton Place I just turned 19 right it was like school right I'd ride my horse in the morning I go to Peyton Place did you get dressed up for your wedding night like did you put on the car I didn't it wasn't a wedding night we'd been going together for like three years when we got married right I didn't get married till I was 21 right so no I visited him in Palm Springs that was it and that was it hey baby how long did it take before did you hold out what was it it was a funny thing because he invited me to see a screening of his movie uh-huh and I went and I sat with him and we were watching the movie and I can't remember a thing about the movie but but that we were holding hands uh-huh and after the movie he said will you come back to Palm Springs with me I'm flying back tonight on my own plane Oh God got my pajamas and the only baby food now you know thank you very much and you know I'm sorry about the hand hold I was forward you've done it and he said no well then come tomorrow if you're more comfortable I'll send the plane for you and I thought you know he's gonna send the plane for me in the cab incredible so all that night I said okay you know and that night I just couldn't sleep at all and the next morning I couldn't decide how many jars of cat food to bring because if I stay for the day that was two jars but if he thought I was going to stay overnight then I'd have to bring four jars and I brought four jars it's like the boldest thing I ever did I got there and he showed me around the house had a separate room for me yeah and then just see that's the best move when she has it's a separate room right yeah and I said I better get a cat box cuz you know we'd flown all the way from LA I get a cake set up my cat box now a litter box and and he gave me a really great kiss Wow and that was it we do pad in your hand you put the cat down so and then he kissed you out of my arms is real romantic and he put it on the floor and I remember having the presence of mind to step on the leash yeah because you don't want the cat running out did the cat watch while Frank seduced you oh I know you know that's weird I want that my cat in the room when I have sex let me see that the cat box that we met in another room and he began kissing you and disrobed you if you undressed you yeah do you like it the first time seriously well you know I was a little frog yeah probably quick - wow I can't believe it you know Frank offered to break Woody's legs that's true yeah I think that's fantastic I love you baby
Channel: The Howard Stern Show
Views: 470,668
Rating: 4.7065687 out of 5
Keywords: The Howard Stern Show, Howard Stern, Robin Quivers, HSS, Mia Farrow, Frank Sinatra, interview
Id: t8ObP1vMZek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 49sec (229 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 14 2019
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