Mexicans and Filipinos Swap Snacks

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don't snort it hello everyone today we are doing a snack swap hi I'm Tony I'm representing the Philippines hey y'all - girl Bri and I'm mexican-american and I'm representing some Mexican snacks today hey I'm Tresca and I grew up in the Philippines I'm Maya I'm representing meheeco obviously a mexican-american I've never tried Filipino snacks before I'm really excited to try the Mexican snacks I do know that Filipinos and Mexicans specifically have very similar colonizers I'm pretty familiar with some Mexican snacks I grew up in San Diego I used to live in Bakersfield California shout out bake Oh there's a lot of Filipinos that live there but I've never tried any Filipino snacks ever in my life I read the comments of the last Mexican snack swap video you guys were very pressed but I picked a bunch of spicy snacks because yes I know we don't have just spicy snacks so this palette is more of a sweet chewy side let her heat what she wants to eat thank you [Music] so what we have here is over its chalky its powdery it's a dry snack they come in a lot of flavors but we have like a I saw that in Steven universe yeah okay this is quintessential philippine flavor so this is actually like a mexican style of you heard of marzipan and so instead of almonds it's made with peanuts there are also lots of fun and it's kind of like a little bit crumbly a little crumbly texture oh yeah it's very similar so we have a thing with this if you open it and it breaks it means you are a heartbreaker but it's like sweet but like a dull so it's not too crazy but it's very just don't be surprised but a little texture no this one is more like I feel pressured into open this right now my heart itself has been broken many times and so I don't want to put that on anyone else okay pretty song wow this is easy oh it's covered in sugar all right your turn well I break hearts though right oh it tastes like a cookie mmm my god this is very similar to a snack from Sibley my dad from Cebu and they have a snack that I forgot what it's called but it's very similar to this they're real peanuts in here little dry dry good yeah what's the original flavor it's really just like vanilla II see look how similar they are ours is a little more smooth hmm I feel like they taste the same doesn't that oh I like this alive I definitely would eat this again with like coffee or tea this is the I left up by like a clown lollipop but it's like a marshmallow eat chocolate has gummies on it sweet it's sweet okay but this is actually a really important snack to me because this is the candy in my life that taught me how to catfish people because if you look that is not what's inside oh so that's a sweet corn I grew up in the Philippines and then there were vendors sometimes outside and I would buy this all the time yeah it's really more like a champ see why the reveal I'm glad that you said it doesn't look like this face because that scared me so it's like a chocolate-covered marshmallow thumbnail this is me on like Instagram with my contour and like my lip gloss on and this is me real life with like my real number of chins marshmallow inside chocolate outside wow these are kind of like like also cheeto puffs but without the cheese Wow I love these it does taste like porn I think is great for kids they just want sweet stuff this is super good maybe a little sucking on it to make it like really like literally mix a little spiky little spice a little bit make it a limit Supino yeah mix up two snacks woo snort this for fun down don't snort it the gummy well I like that mixture this needs more gummies this mmm this was so freakin good teamwork cultural exchange it just hits the spot this is really good I did enjoy a combination of the gummies and the chocolate in the marshmallow I just want more gummy though this is called dueling it's just strawberry in a little chocolate actually no hazelnuts good that mwah these are the things that you get in the pinata when they when you hit it and it comes down this one is boy bomb it just literally translates the boy garlic corn eggs I'm excited about this this is my favorite talking snack nutty things with the garlic flavor I'm familiar with nutty things that have the garlic flavor to them my wife I'm gonna take I'm gonna have both like this mmm it's all that garlic oh my god Wow I do like this at home leave me alone you guys this is so good oh my god I I'm a big garlic fan and I love corn nuts and it's such a beautiful strong flavor but it's also like not overpowering this phase a row crunchy I can't stop eating them once we put Lucas on this yeah yeah I'm a frickin genius I'm a chef dueling dueling nobody I like it a lot you imagine like long little trips mm-hmm forever have like a little bit of a party and like you know yeah and if you don't want to get like too crazy but this was for the kids man like really like it's just all sugar what do you think of my peoples snacks maybe you guys love the sweetness and they're very good I really love that what that cookie name of did overall yeah that was real delicious I would definitely eat it again yeah you're going to snack we're really really good I feel like there's a lot of similarities within our culture which I think it's cool yeah my favorite is the marzipan because it also reminds me a little bit of my dad's hometown all right oh wait oh I had all the governors I like the the Diwali I would like buy a bunch of those in a party adios Pilon cultural exchanges euro exchange I didn't make it about the we can make it back you want to [Music]
Channel: Pero Like
Views: 897,990
Rating: 4.9537086 out of 5
Keywords: K_fe, KqOR, VXWf, best snacks, buzzfeed pero like, buzzfeed video, filipino, filipino snacks, food, maya murillo, maya pero like, mexican, mexican snacks, pero like, snack swap
Id: wa9nSRu9bA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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