Mexican & British People Swap Snacks

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Más bien parecen pochos.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/waiv 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

I'm from something, California and I'm Mexican

No, you're not.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/C_Armbrust 📅︎︎ Aug 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

Apoco los Takis son un “staple” en Mexico? Yo crecí en Mexico hasta los 10 años y la neta nomás recuerdo los productos Barcel y obvio los Duritos Mexicanos.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Thebends91 📅︎︎ Aug 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

No pude ver más de 1 minuto y nomás porque la rubia estaba 2-3.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/paisapaisano 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

y si esto les da cringe esperen a que haya aun más pochos cuando el país esté peor y todos vivan allá

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Mente_Abstracta 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2019 🗫︎ replies
it just looks a lot like a deep-fried chicken on a stick hey I'm Tom I'm from England I'm Julie I'm from Arcadia California and I am Mexican hi I'm Chloe and I am British and I'm Oscar and I'm from Mexico and we're gonna be doing a snack swap I don't know a lot about British snacks I actually don't have any experience with British snacks but I wasn't London for the first time this year you might have had someone not realise if you've been there if you went to visit you might have had some stuff well I know nothing about Mexican snacks at all I've heard in California for almost five years that's how you ought to know a little bit yeah I've been to Mexico a few times but I don't know what they're like classic snacks are like I've tried a bunch of stuff but I wouldn't be able to pick out what is like something anything spicy okay so we have Pocky this is like staple Mexican second I have like probably got one Mexican it doesn't like this I'm more of a hot cheeto guy is it cheesy I love these these are amazing how would you pronounce that word Worchester yeah we basically elide everything and call it whip stir more stir what's the sauce oyster oyster sauce and they're very like traditional British flavor and then Walker's is our lathe that grasps not chips thank you I'm sure I like yours better than Mike's oh my goodness it looks like lava that's actually oh not bad the lime makes it less hot than I expected but then the aftertaste is quite up okay yeah it's our soul eaters means that were insulted by lightless flights like a lot of heat on my mouth it's good right it is actually pretty nice yeah I mean I'm on fire but it's nice good yeah yeah I approve all I need is like some Chilean lime oh yeah I can get on this train I'm trying to remember what they make what's the sauce out of oh it's like it's rancid chutney I think that's essentially what what's the sauce is does it mean the same word yeah in America yeah so when it's pasta - expiry date oh it's it's what's this oh cool so yeah these are good these are some good chance yeah yeah I mean it's good I'm sorry they win please win hands down I would go attacking objectively nicer taste look us here we have Lucas chamoy it's really just like a powdery substance say you lick your finger and you stick it in there and just look about that's kind of like it tastes like salty spicy lemon flavor one of the things that we do with like we have food I'm kind of good fruit and just like tippet yeah that sounds lovely it sounds like sherbert except it's not sweet yeah you've had that ice cream like it's basically just sugar flavored sugar and you sort of you can set it from straws or okay it might be some in fact inside these flying discs if I remember correctly what is this I used to see them all the time in like candy shops where you have like like a pick-and-mix me but to pick out one oh here just like a candy store yeah and you just like put them all in a bag whatever you wanted and so these were always like the classic life yeah oh there's stuff inside yeah you know what it reminds me on that first I'm not Catholic I've been to Catholic Church cuz like communion by the way the body of Christ this is like I'm about to be blessed but like double blessed because there's like a sugar explosion yeah it's like once you get to like the candy it's actually really good if it's like flour but it's marketed not as as communion not as the body of Christ but as flying discs but like alien Christ yes exactly and I'm on board with that and Boop yeah it looks horrible just but just put a little oh it smells even worse just put a little bit in the palm of your hand and then like a look at all okay I understand that's good it is great though it's like yeah it's definitely not just sweet I don't like these many flavors yeah after you put it in it's like been there a little while the heat starts to happen yeah oh oh oh yeah oh that's like sugary yeah there is some definitely some sweet in there but also an awful lot of salt yeah I would go with Mexico on this one yeah I think I agree that is from what I remember the color weird and like weird I don't yeah it's yeah this yeah this is I like a little different flavor that's good it's not like my favorite of all Mexican candies and snacks and I can see why but I felt like I was in a holier place so I'm gonna go with era sugar communion wafers I think I'm gonna also have to go with the alien cries this Valletta the mango yeah it's just a mango flavored pop and then around it it has chili a mine you're in for a treat I'm not even gonna tell you what it tastes like mango mm-hmm okay these are wine gums these do very classically British wine gums they're like gummy candies basically all different flavors is your like gummy bears on steroids they're like bigger mm-hmm they're not as sweet as I thought philippi okay we're kind of like it's just like gummies but like like harder thicker consistency I really get stuck in your teeth I'm used to like sugar sugar yeah when these are like not that sugar what did you eat a whole bag of them but they're good oh boy okay Sigma cool it looks kind of hairy it just looks a lot like a deep fry the chicken on a stick like the smell of that is so unique like what is not know so much it's not almost like straw mixed with like spice bite it oh really I like to play hard yeah oh God oh I like how you just that is not nice I'm sorry and they can taste all of it this is just like licking the chili off yeah cuz the outside too sour for me like on its own but once you get in the middle yeah I thought I get a lot more mango than didn't solve the mangoes in the center alright so I just got a stick with the salt for a really long time before I get the speaking I do keep getting like a renewing style of it well I'm telling you we put lime and chili on everything oh we just keep making gonna get closer to the mango her good I feel like I want the flavors to be more together because I'm keep tasting and reciprocally make my mouth water I'm actually well now I'm stuck with it okay okay yeah like high candy the way a popsicle I suppose are supposed to taste rather than all yea really unique I remember just as a child like licking it and then like having another one it just kind of like tears up your tongue a little bit it's it's um toughening kids up basically like this is what horrible it's like a allegory for life I'm glad I persevered yes definitely Mexico wins agree more sugar I'm just gonna have to go with the pineapple mango because that's just like one of my favorites as a kid I had such a horrible experience so it's got to be the wine gums I mean just ice to heat it up yeah so here we have sponge marshmallow cookies with like some sprinkled coconut and like a little fruit taste with it all right have you ever heard of this thing before Oh like it's taken a cab okay this is a snack that tastes a lot better than the name would suggest it's spotted dick which everyone loves that name it is the stupidest exactly I don't know why it's called that the raisins do look like spots dick I assume it's just you know short for Richard right now big big again and you normally have this with hot custard but in order for you to appreciate it in its purest form we've got it on its own I want to have a very pure experience with any kind of spotted dick that I'm involved with thank you very much oh yeah it looks pretty too I love coconut and I love marshmallow I love cookie bits oh it's going everywhere it smells like old fruit may be rancid fruit okay I don't know with the English hat white English have a thing for rented fruit but we don't do that that's not how we roll and make oh yeah it's really good oh and I like the fact it has a little jam blob in the middle I always picked the jam out because I don't yeah it does actually taste very nice I like the texture thanks dub - no definitely so step two you're gonna have to try this I'm ready for the D that one's very spongy it's actually called a pudding which peoples is just also a generic term for dessert oh but pudding is also a very specific thing specifically this then a spongy so - I feel like I have to learn an entirely new English language not drive No okay good Stefan's not drive this is the first time I'm gonna say like a canned cake it's actually good quite a good one isn't it when do you usually eat it warm like this yeah you have to eat it you don't want to coast but it did no one likes a cold spotted dick like Fred beam it out of a can like it's not dry it happens has some really good flavor it also smells like carrot cake person yeah it does but I don't taste any character I'm like I don't take any carrot in here you know what it's not bad it could use a little what was it that I needed custard custard yes is that like it makes it moister it's like like a pudding oh well custard is okay what's big and yet what's yellow and highly dangerous [Music] shark infested custard the spotted dick is good okay I love spotted dick with custard so have that had custard that would win but it does it since it doesn't I think I'm gonna go with this purely because it's not completely correct I'll go with that - just because I'm missing the experience Oh dick I'm gonna go with the spotted dick it's a little bit like like flavored with a real food kind of Li yeah and this is good but it's like artificial flavored right I'm gonna have to agree with you on this I'd much prefer the spotted dick yeah it's like a very nice for cake I like but like you'll have so many flavors I like that your guys's stuff also has flavors cuz I tried to sign some other countries that are kind of flavorless but you like you guys have a flavor which is good yeah we're kind of known to not have really I'm like everybody tasted had like a good balance of different flavors yeah tasting different things especially most shippers I'm glad that you know the rumors weren't true about British snacks you know there wasn't as much of a kick obviously like I feel like Mexican candies really give you more of a punch sometimes yesterday sometimes I would say that punch is worth it and other times I would say no thank you I feel like I had to learn another English language yes and your terminology was probably more charming than mine fun sounding words like sponge instead of frightening words like rancid or spotted dick what about it I am delighted to have been introduced to a different way of eating you know what diplomats need to do this I feel like this is really building bridges it certainly is [Music]
Channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Views: 3,584,273
Rating: 4.8285375 out of 5
Keywords: buzzfeed, buzzfeed video, bfv, Mexican & British People Swap Snacks, snack swap, mexican, british, mexican snack, british snack, buzzfeedvideo, taste test, snacks, food challenge, food, snack swaps, swapping snacks, people try, buzzfeed swapping snacks, reacting to food, mexicans swap snacks, PL5vtqDuUM1DlhZlSVrG6EESlXotn9ej_8, K_fe, KqOR, VXWf
Id: MTlmVbg_02M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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