American & Koreans Swap Snacks Part 2

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okay we're gonna be swapping snacks between Korean and American snacks are - have you had Korean snacks I've been to Korea but I never had Korean snacks so you never smacked on anything in Korea I saw a thing that they had like I thought was just kebab then I got closing I thought cricket sounds like now do you know anything about Korean snacks I do not I don't I've never had any Korean snacks ever I had lived here for almost 20 years and I am Korean Japanese American I am also Korean American but I have lived in the US for a total of maybe like ten years on and off I was born here but then I moved to Korea and then to Hong Kong so there's a lot of different places so I'll be representing Korean snacks I'll be representing American six right here we have banana kick believer it's next you know you don't usually taste bananas right this is like a staple Korean sweet snack I don't like anything banana flavoured we haven't dumped I also think they're gross think about the shape it comes from the banana enjoyed and that a kick from the sucker when you kick the ball it goes like this so that's why she it's shaped like that why I was not shaped like maybe a banana - that's a lot more it looks like a Cheeto laughs look it's gonna mess with my brain cuz it's not cheese flavored I probably last had it when I was like 8 years old I have here rice krispies treat it's very sweet there's like a slight chemically aftertaste which I love they're also styrofoam me but like the marshmallow makes it like super super kind of thick when I was in the military I remember people used to sing her care packages and on the ship we didn't have much snacks like that it was a bit like to see this right oh my god it smells like banana you like banana I love banana okay like 20 bags of these only one gum you like it I love it not my favorite thing to wear I don't want another one I mean this is definitely a nostalgic trip for me Oh shiny look how shiny both of them are okay this is great dense and sweet big machines are great they just they'll rot your teeth it's definitely tougher to shoot em it's good I like it I mean if you're into sweet things this could be addicting yeah if I was a kid and I had this at my disposal I'll be eating this every day this feels like it has enough sugar to have that whole packet so we have shrimp crackers from the ocean also aka a um basically means shrimp crackers I could say this could represent Korea whether you're young whether your kid whether you're senior a lot of the Asian countries have it but Korea has the best shrimp crackers that you can find on planet and it tastes like seafood it's supposed to taste section it goes really well here and I love but I am also allergic to shrimp I do too yeah so what I have here is pork rinds I don't know anyone who actually eats these I personally would have never had them my first encounter with these was on a road trip I've definitely seen this in some gas station and it is like literally fried pork skin they sprinkle some spicy like seasoning on it I have never seen that in my life oh man you're in for a treat most of all I don't think I'm a big fan of uh it smells like fat is that how you know okay let's let's try it don't really persuade me to yeah but you sold this oh yeah that's shrimpy so if you're allergic to shellfish can I have these I'm probably sure you can't interesting okay oh wow wow yeah I present taste like cracker but then it has like a sea food taste afterward I wouldn't necessarily read yeah I can see this going well with beer I'm not much about this small already pork I love pork so I mean I'll give it a try brave chills good chills are bad chills imagine bacon with like air in it feel like I'm eating styrofoam that has a really bad aftertaste definitely so calm these are great I mean honestly anybody these any that here we have this is like a stick hovering chocolate how do you say them Beto Beto mm-hmm it's really popular in Korea they've actually branded so well there's a day I remember that bit of day November 11 it's all sticks right like one little one you give it to the person you like I've made hearts before I made like books before I put letters in here before they turn their snack into a holiday that's what that's nuts genius marketing genie is my genius and then they have like a lot of flavors to it so there's almonds cookies and cream just chocolate covered one strawberry banana there's a madman game when why don't we do that way what I have here is Twix my sister was crazy about Twiggs chocolate and caramel covered cookie it's kind of funny because it this kind of has the 11 shape too there's two in each so you kind of share it also I have to share you don't have to I never I've definitely tried to explain this is Bob look at that that this tells you well I like it thick hahaha yes it feels like this is something you give somebody else yeah that you care about whoever you want to express your love to but I damn you I believe I don't need no diamond ring give me pepper I just had a flashback I asked a boy out using Phet photo and I got rejected not the memory I wanted to remember okay I'm fine mmm better sweet I haven't had twigs in over 10 years it just got to disease homo mr. chocolate you can't go wrong with that there's a queer distinct point in my mouth so it's got the extra sugar you know ma'am it's an extra texture mm-hmm it's it's fine it's good yeah I bet it was good uh-huh doesn't have that mm yeah this is like big on flavor this one is fun again fun to eat I like these this is just making me read you a tall of us next we have enough like a lot of them are just loaded with you know stuff still great taste fantastic but it will make your teeth hurt and this I feel like I can do mom I look a little pepper because I like how light it is at the same time yep awesome yeah I think I'll go I agree actually this is pretty good too actually actually I think that might have been my favorite snack when I was a kid I actually grew up on this when I was younger little balls of chocolate Joey bite into it a little surprise in there for you I remember when you post onesies open all the kids will be like are you I got Teddy Grahams I already tried this once in my life because somebody said look like Teddy Grahams himself sounds like they're a lunchbox staple in high school I was really fat fatter than I am and they used to call me a chocolate 80 gram in 2300 so everyone call me Graham all my life so I actually have a Teddy Graham tattoo I'll just take a bite I don't remember hot taste I got taste it again yeah I can see that soon oh wow okay I feel inside it's underwhelming I was expecting like in your face chocolate is it this isn't a chocolate it's it I'm gonna go with the punch oh wow I don't know yeah okay oh is that you eating a cookie mm-hmm and then once you bite into it that's when the chocolate comes out this has a stronger chocolate flavor than that one Pop's do whoever designed this even won't put this song yes you're jealous I don't like you right oh this all day gonzo thanks oh come on these are pretty good I still think I'm gonna go with the total they doesn't mean so much to me I'll take my family all the time and it matches my hair so yeah it does as well back in 90s when I was a kid a lot of older generation I know you could I've always had this you can adjust the sugar level I guess how so basically if you hold if you grip a little bit uh-huh and then pour you got you question I remember my mom drank a lot of this I didn't because I was you know like younger it's very convenient you know you just open up put in your water and for going there you shake it up any good these are like little grabbing those Starbucks be I still be addicted to these it's like ice cream in a bottle when you get a bottle like this you need to shake it up right and New York fizzes how we shake up our body that's how Koreans do their soldiers girl yeah yeah with the elbow whoa that's really sweet yeah it's a delicious not really delicious you can't really go wrong with this yeah you don't dig it before the energy you drink it for the taste yeah oh I like this yeah it might be because I love vanilla it keeps like vanilla coffee ice cool definitely takes a little bit of coffee but not really but it's all Pinilla and sugar can you show me how the the sugar technology good things are there so it's more sleep oh that's a lot of sugar uh-huh sugar did you pinch oh I pinched a little bit didn't do all of it yes how it works oh yeah wow that was like so sugar is that the thing we know everyone's very great what are doing some just mixing it all right just coffee grinds I'm just hoping my shaking will do everything right mr. posed to work and hot water uh-huh but I think it will probably work with this might be too much water now but beyond the goal these are gonna pour whatever water you had in New York huh yeah you know yeah well am I here exercising my coffee no sacred things there shake weight yeah the shake weight this tastes like an iced coffee this is great for a nice treat and like I would drink this slowly this I feel like I would drink all day and then like all the coffee grinds disappear it's a little watery it is it usually this water I mean it depends on how you like it mm-hmm so I mean since it comes in a little packaging you can adjust the water so if you like it stronger he would take it less water or like two packets at the same time or if they like it like watery then don't have more water I don't really drink Starbucks because I know it's a lot but this what I like about it is I just don't show you if it's hot after you put this inside it's sturdy that is so clever I would definitely choose this maximum this is a little too sweet for me yeah whoa perfect and that way that when I did that to that I vomited if I'm on the rush and stuff like that and I think I gotta go somewhere yeah I just grabbed this yeah pulling the bottle water and that's it again pretty convenient I think I like that one better yeah you're not a very good barista I'm not I'm jealous that you grew up with all these delicious neg everything was on wingman I've said this before but I don't think there's any bad things that I feel like overall the snacks were a lot healthier or at least less sugary like I feel like a lot of the things we have in the United States are just like home full of sugar I definitely do prefer cream snacks everything was very very sweet for me but I think it's very different when you want a light snack you can go with Korean and you could like binge-watch something and then just like binge eat American snacks are more like you want sugar you want candy here you go yeah I would not be able to eat like a bowl of rice krispies that would kill me but if I had like a bowl with banana cake I could probably finish that in like no time [Music]
Channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Views: 1,902,501
Rating: 4.9181118 out of 5
Keywords: K_fe, VXWf, Zuh7, american and koreans swap snacks, american and koreans swap snacks part 2, american snacks, american swap snacks, americans swap snacks, americans try korean snacks, buzzfeed, buzzfeed snack swap, buzzfeed video, buzzfeedvideo, food challenge, korean snacks, part 2, reacting to food, snack swap, snack swaps, swapping snacks, taste test
Id: ZH6InJczJWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2019
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