TEENS EAT BRITISH SNACKS! (Jaffa Cakes, Sherbet Fountain, Monster Munch) | Teens Vs. Food

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♪ (French accordion music) ♪ - (FBE) So today, we're going to have you try some British snacks. - (gasping) I am so excited. - I don't think I've ever thought of snacks in America are different than snacks anywhere else. - I honestly don't know what they eat. I'm willing to try it, I guess. - They just thought of fish, like fish and chips, but, I mean, I'm sure they have great snacks. - (FBE) So we know there a lot of snacks that subscribers have asked us to have you try, so we got several for this episode, and we may do more snacks at a later time. - Okay, bring on the snacks. - I think they'll be better than American food. - I love it when we do these kind of episodes, trying stuff from around the world because, I don't know, it's so interesting to see, you know, the different stuff from everywhere. - (FBE) Here is your first snack to try. - It doesn't look too bad. It smells like dark chocolate. - All right, it looks like a cookie. - Is this a Jaffa cake? One of The Yogscast guys was obsessed with the orange Jaffa cakes. - Oh. I didn't expect it to be this soft. I kind of thought it would be more like a cracker. - Hmmm. It's like jelly or something. What is that? - They're kind of dry, but I kind of like it. - I thought there would be marshmallow in it, but it's not. - It tastes like lemon, like those little lemon cakes. - (FBE) So that was a Jaffa cake. They are a biscuit sized sponge cake with orange jelly and a coating of chocolate. - I like it! I like the chocolate. - It's good. The orange, it's there. - (FBE) Here is your next snack. - Aww! They're little claws. - They remind me of onion rings. (crunching) - No. Ugh! Oh, that-- that's not-- that was awful. It's very strong. That's going to be staying in my mouth for a while. (crunching) - It's the consistency of a Cheeto puff, but it's kind of sour. - It was a little weird at first. Once you kind of just let it sink in, ooh! Ooh! It's good. - It tastes exactly like another chip, you know, that we have here, but I just can't think of what it is. - (FBE) So this is Monster Munch. It's a corn chip in the shape of monsters feet. They have roast beef, flaming hot, and what you just tried, pickled onion flavor. - I can live with that. As long as you didn't give me roast beef. - They're so clever over there. We just have squared shaped stuff and circular stuff, but they actually put thought into this. - (FBE) Here is your next snack. - Okay. I'm excited. This looks like chocolate. - It looks kind of like a tree log, but in square form. It's like a Minecraft block of tree. - It kind of looks like it was flat, and then they just kind of kept laying it and piling it on top of each other. - I think I've had this before. I think it's called something Flake. - It's a block of chocolate. Great. Mmm! That is really chocolatey. - I don't even know what to expect with the texture. I don't know if I like that. It's chalky, but then it turns into regular chocolate. - Interesting. It's really crumbly. - It's like if you were to take all the chocolate shavings, but not the good shavings, and mash it all in. - (FBE) So this was a Flake. It's a thinly folded milk chocolate bar. - I don't really see the point of that. They're just over complicating chocolate. - I'm not a big chocolate guy, but I like it. The texture's smooth. - American chocolate definitely has a different taste to it. It's more creamy, I guess. But this is good too. - All these are really good so far. I thought they wouldn't be that good, but I would eat all of these. - (FBE) Here you go. Here is your next snack. - What the hell? (chuckling) - I have no idea what this is. Okay... I'm guessing it's like a-- um, nope, I thought it was a spray. - Okay. - (FBE) So maybe try leaving the white powder in the can. - Dang it! - (FBE) And then see if you can get the stick out. - Did you see that?! The little mist? How is that supposed to be good? - What the heck is this? Is this licorice? - Oh! This is English Fun Dip. I don't like this as much as Fun Dip. I don't like black licorice. - It's sour. It's really sour. (coughing) It's really sour. - Okay, it's great. It's going so well. Okay! Hey, what-- what is this? You guys had me so confident about all your foods. - (FBE) This is called a Sherbet Fountain. It's a licorice stick you dip in the fizzy sweet sherbet powder. It's been made since 1925. - Wow! - They could use a longer piece of licorice because I'm having trouble reaching. - This is kind of bitter and, you know, weird and just old people candy tasting. This is like, wow, I'm a child. I want to eat straight sugar. Doesn't go well together. - (FBE) Here is your last snack. - It's a biscuit. We would call it a cookie, but it's a biscuit over there. - Very brittle. - There's these breakfast biscuits that I eat. They're called belVita. That's what this is. (munching) - It tastes like a cracker with no salt or any sort of added flavor. - Crunchy. Oh, this is good. These are like the cookies they give you at the airport. - It's sweetish. It's just kind of subtly sweet. - This tastes really similar to a graham cracker. It's flaky, but it has less cinnamon and it's less sweet. - (FBE) These are called Digestives. While thought of as a not-so-healthy treat these days, they are originally made to help digestion. - Oh. I thought this was the best one out of all of them. - I would eat this again with ice cream, but not by itself. - They're more like a cookie, so I can see why they're not so good for your health, but they taste really good. - (FBE) So for the poll, which one of these snacks was your favorite? - The flaky chocolate bar. - Jaffa cake. - The Digestives. - The Jaffa cakes. - Definitely the Flake bar because I love chocolate - I like the Monster Munchies. I usually like more like chips and popcorn type of stuff. - Digestives. It was the most simple one, I think, and it was plain and familiar to me. - The Jaffa cake. I could see myself right now, being super lazy, just with a pile of them on my stomach. There are some good snacks out there. I'm a snack connoisseur and, I got to say, a good snack is a good snack, no matter where it's from. - Thanks for watching this episode of Teens Vs. Food. - Don't forget to subscribe. We have new shows every week. - Bye! - Hey, guys, I'm Katie, a React channel producer. Thank you so much for watching this episode. What other countries should we let the teens try snacks from? Let us know in the comments.
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Keywords: british snacks, try british snacks, british snacks taste test, americans try british snacks, TEENS EAT BRITISH SNACKS! (Jaffa Cakes Sherbet Fountain Monster Munch) | Teens Vs. Food, reaction, react, reactions, reacts, TEENS vs. FOOD, thefinebros, fine brothers, fine brothers entertainment, FBE, versus food, vs food, taste test, food, eat, kids food, worst, best, gross, food challenge, comedy, weird, spicy, hot, challenge, viral, funny, laugh challenge, try not to laugh
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 52sec (412 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2017
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