657 - I gave out 999 Shiny Gimmighoul

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gimme ghoul is a very unique case of a non-legendary Pokemon only available through special Encounters in scarlet and violet and in these special encounters it's shiny locked there was no way to obtain a fully legal shiny gimme ghoul until the Nintendo Direct on the morning of June 21st 2023 shiny gimmickle is possible I gotta get one of those now since they advertise the shiny gimme ghoul as part of this most of us thought that it would be like the shiny raid events that they did last generation in sword and shield where during the event the five-star raids had a dedicated guaranteed shiny encounter slot but we hadn't gotten one of these kinds of events yet in scarlet and violet and by this time in sword and Shield's lifespan we had already gotten quite a few so I made a cheeky tweet saying wouldn't it be funny if they just made this full odds and guess what that's what they did I was given the gift of Prophecy and in scarlet and violet with the way that the raids are generated it's a little bit worse than full odds that one in 4103 instead of the base one in 4096 with no way to influence these odds with even the shiny charm making this hunt a potential huge pain in the butt if you know me I love a crazy shiny hunt so I was actually a little bit excited about this at first but then I actually tried it out okay that's hard to tell that's very hard to tell the way you hunt this involves checking the 10 event Terror raid dens that appear on the map every day indicated by glowing icons however only the five star raids which don't have any sort of Overworld indicator compared to the three and four star counterparts can be shiny for this gimme ghoul that's a three star so we gotta go to another one here so we have to check all 10 event raids and maybe only get like three actual shiny checks out of it on average when they're 5 Star after checking all the event ends you change your switch's date and time settings to generate the next day raids and repeat the process also shinies and Terror raids do not Sparkle when you first encounter them so you also have to manually spot the subtle difference on gimme ghoul which I found easiest utilizing the switch's zoom tool and comparing the buckle on the chest to the ghoul itself if the ghoul is lighter it's shiny but this is still a very lengthy process and five total hours of streaming I was only able to check 65 Star raid dense averaging 12 an hour and I found two unrelated shinies on the map in the process of running towards the raids I feel like no matter what there there's like a suffering component and including finding a shiny Combee there's the suffering component of the night tonight naughty gimme ghoul five minutes later I have massive respect for anyone who survived just in general oh what the heck dude what on Earth I don't have the shiny charm this is full odds we found another shiny gimme ghoul there goes all my gimme glow luck oh no someone was telling me that this raid was bugged I didn't think of it this way all right shiny golden go we did it y'all now I'm used to Long hunts and I wasn't afraid to download this on another save file and take this hunt offline even after the event ends in fact that's still my future plan but I realized that this hunt was not built to realistically be done within such a short span of time unless you get incredibly lucky which sort of injects some artificial value into this shiny gimme ghoul I don't personally believe that shinies should have any objective value it should all come down to the Hunter and how they personally view the shiny but this event seems to be built off of fear of missing out something that feels more Pokemon go than Pokemon main series especially after I ran some math if I were to have average luck and let's say do 4103 encounters to find this gimme Ghoul at the pace I was going at the night before it would take 342 hours and during the 11 day time span of this event there are only 264 hours so did they really end intentionally set up this event where you can't even get to odds on the number of encounters that you're doing within the reasonable amount of time the answer is actually maybe because at first this event also had broken rewards in scarlet and they fixed that within an hour without touching the shiny odds for the rest of the event to me it seems like they designed this event as some sort of social experiment to see if the people who did get lucky enough to get a gimme ghoul decide to share the wealth I feel like the stars kind of had to align for someone generous enough to be lucky enough to get this thing but the next day I found one such Cinderella Story through shiny Hunter and streamer the official big cat who got the shiny gimme ghoul first encounter and decided to keep the raid den and keep hosting it throughout the entire event to anyone who needed one on stream I walked to Burger King it's the Burger King code big cat's generosity really resonated with me and I thought about for how every Big Cat there are probably a thousand other people out there who won't get that lucky or won't be that generous and it made me start to reconsider my thoughts on my selfish Pursuit for the school on my own hunt that I was planning to do whether the event was still online or not I wanted to shift my focus from give me ghoul to trying to give you ghoul no matter what it took even if it disrupted the Canon event of me not finding one of these naturally before the event ended so I took a bit of a trip to the dark side of switch modding [Music] look ma no hands I utilize this fantastic program called raid crawler which directly reads the raid data from your game while it's running and runs a bot that automatically date skips on your switch until it finds a raid that matches the criteria you're looking for it is kind of a gray area tool the way that I look at it but the game is actually still generating the Gimme ghoul here let me do a stupid analogy to tell you what exactly is going on here let's say you get in the car and you want to go to McDonald's McDonald's is our shiny gimme ghoul in this case normally hunting it it would be like aimlessly driving around and getting out at every individual building and checking to see if it's a McDonald's dude I thought that this building said uh calzone for a second until you arrive at your fabled shiny McDonald's that you're looking for utilizing RNG manipulation which is something that raid crawler is not nor is it even possible with scarlet and violet raids with the way they get generated did would be like looking at a map created by 19th century cartographers who did some empirical observations about the land around them to predict where exactly McDonald's might be and it's up to you to follow the exact steps outlined by them to a t to reach the McDonald's or if you don't pump your windshield wiper enough times the McDonald's will be a Taco Bell when you get there which is not the worst case scenario because you can enjoy a nice tall refreshing Baja Blast raid crawler is a little bit more like the regular hunting but it's like getting in a self-driving car that will aimlessly wander around until it itself detects that it's at a McDonald's without you having to exit the car and investigate it each time note that this is also different from just completely cheating one in raid crawlers not Conjuring a McDonald's out of thin air because if you were to do that who knows what might be wrong with it they might serve waffle fries there and say my pleasure after you pay them you might be asking why I made this McDonald's analogy in the first place and it's because I wanted to do a stupid bit alright it's grimace's birthday happy birthday Grimace time to try your new Shake oh yeah it's pretty good it kind of tastes like a blueberry muffin the shake was actually so good that I didn't die but anyway I left raid crawler running searching for a shiny gimme ghoul raid while I did some good old-fashioned manual shiny hunting in gen 3 on stream and then I lied to a couple hundred people okay I gotta answer something on my phone real quick I'll be right back I told them I was checking my phone when in reality The Raid had been found after only four hours and 778 date skips which is around 2 000 something rates and at my old Pace it would have taken me 167 hours which I would not have had time to do during the event all right it's past midnight I just ended stream um this right here is going to be home base now this should be a shiny and it is so what was gonna be my ultimate gimme gold now I decided I wanted to give out 999 of them because that's gimme ghoul's Pokedex number and the number of coins you need for it to evolve into golden go and get a heart that's good as gold the next day I began the trial run of Hosting this raid giving it out primarily to friends DK donkey coffee the leader of the bunch you know him well he's given Now give me goals to the people who need them all right we got the official big cat the one that uh I got the first gimme Ghoul from and then later that night I set up a stream where I was going to run a queue and hopefully give out as many ghouls as I possibly could within the first 15 minutes of stream they were already over 300 people in the queue waiting on a gimme ghoul and I had to individually message and coordinate with each and every one of them to send them the raid code as it went on I also had no idea how long this would take we were hours into stream and I felt bad for the people just joining who wanted in on the Queue who had no chance of getting in so sometimes I would run wild west raids where I would just show the code on stream and wish everyone good luck you'll never guess who showed up to the first one Saul Goodman I could just hear like the guitar chord playing right now from the theme song my brain was sort of fried by all of this rat is short for Matthew I mean wrath you I messed that one up I could have just automated this hosting process but honestly it was more fun to do it manually hold on we're upgrading the setup real quick the code guard goon there were sometimes issues with sending whisper messages to people over twitch and chat was so good and patient that we were able to do the ultra honor System here all right we're gonna go off the ultra honor System right now I'm just gonna straight up send it in chat platypus are you ready type yes in chat right now if you're ready Scout's honored this is crazy yes okay sent you got this platypus you got this I either have the best chat in the world or everyone was asleep because it was 2 am but platypus was still able to make it into the raid I streamed for nine hours staying up till 4am doing this making considerable upgrades to the stream as the night went on oh my gosh we got a wild west oon Yeehaw can I get a Yeehaw in the chat it's Talent big enough for the three of us I ended the night having given out 282 ghouls with many people still somehow waiting in the queue after nine hours foreign then I started the next day when your switch rolls over past midnight the game is supposed to generate a new set of raids but that only happens if the game is running if we have the game currently closed and just make sure our switch date and time settings match the day when it was generated as long as it doesn't roll past midnight while the game's running you can keep the raid for as many days and as long as you want so I didn't have a strict 24 hour time limit on giving out all these ghouls I once again started out the next day handing out ghouls offline I had told a bunch of people on my stream that if they waited around in my offline chat I would also be handing out some ghouls there and I had a pretty solid turnout box combo no slop extra toast extra ghoul extra sauce offline chat extra raids extra raids I realized how much easier this offline setup was when I immediately started streaming afterwards doing the whole Q system and individually messaging people again so I once again advertised after stream that I would be hosting more offline and lots of people stuck around all right check it out the 500th ghoul has been given and now I'm gonna give myself some freaking rest because I am tired the next morning I started out offline once again and decided I would try and scrap the Q system entirely to handle a stream like I handled the offline chat with the code card goons set aside in the Wild West I actually did end up blocking out the code with the goons again to give everyone a Level Playing Field by typing the code exclusively in the chat then to level the playing field even further for both slow and fast typers I started typing out each thing one letter at a time I even once didn't reveal the final letter and still had people instantly join alright 26 1-26 chance if you just type a letter and hit go right now this Chi you it's only saying one thing to me right now well well actually this gimme ghoul is um it's um it's not the best gimme ghoul because it doesn't have a zero attack IV look how happy I'm making everyone doing this right now this just brings a smile to my face but I tell you what it was lightning fast I once again hung out in the offline chat after stream too and ended up giving out a crazy number of ghouls for one day the next day I dished out even more ghouls including to John Stone who I hung out with last month to work on some big future videos then I did one final gimme ghoul stream bringing back the old Q system I tried to fit in as many people as I could but unfortunately at the end of it there were still 74 people left but I was only a few more ghouls away from my goal which was something that was absolutely nothing for me to knock out while I was working the next day in the offline chat I actually ended up giving out more than a thousand gimme ghoul giving out a few more after I hit the 9.99 goal but in the end I feel satisfied I feel like I've done my part in an event that I may have cosmically brought upon us and very soon I will embark on the long and arduous journey to track down this raid Den for myself so stay tuned for that and if you received one of my ghouls I'd love to hear about its Adventures so let me know what your ghoul is up to if you got one from me and if you weren't able to get one from me I'm sorry hopefully there won't be a next time that they mess up a raid event this badly but if there is I'm gonna try and host it again so uh let's see what happens
Channel: AbsolBlogsPokemon
Views: 43,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, scarlet, violet, sv, gen ix, gimmighoul, shiny gimmighoul, event, gholdengo, shiny pokemon, raid event, giveaway, raid, raidcrawler, bot, ghoulveaway, wild west
Id: yA31dgs_1H8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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