A look back on Federation Force
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Channel: The Orpheon
Views: 36,653
Rating: 4.9370589 out of 5
Keywords: Metroid, Samus, Chozo, Orpheon, Crocomire, Nintendo, Ridley, Luminoth, Prime, Federation, Force, look, back, retrospective, review, ridley, adam, anthony, trace, kanden, hunters, sylux, analysis, thoughts, prime 4, returns, 3ds, switch, E3, galactic, kraid, phantoon, bad, good, elma, xenoblade, game, video
Id: xK-cbvMCho4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2019
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Hell yeah I love the orpheon
It is a game that went out of it's way to not do anything interesting with it's concept.
After MP2 I dreamed of a game where you were a weak Federation soldier. Samus would occasionally assist you, such as having an ice beam to combat Metroids.
What I dreamed of however was absolutely nothing like this. Felt like a Monkey's Paw wish.
I love the Orpheon lol. I thought his voice was a little annoying at first, but I've grown to love it. I don't know why. Maybe because of bird magic.
A simple fix that should have been in the game is once you beat it you could replay the whole thing as Samus
A Federation Force Redux with remixed visuals, and level design tweaks to make it more accessible for single player would be pretty dang cool, honestly.
All they had to do was not make it Metroid related and all the fans wouldn't have gotten mad.
Was the gameplay any good? Was there single player and online co-op?