Metroid Dread - Nintendo Treehouse: Live | E3 2021 - Part 1

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I hope the Switch works its magic with this game sales wise. Metroid deserves to come out of the niche.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 63 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MeddYatek πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Please sell good i want more of these if it atleast sells as much as links awakening thats great

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 44 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Hamza441A πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

It looks so good. Can't wait

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/curicurita πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

As someone who is not a huge fan of 2d metroidvanias, this game loooks really good. Day one for sure.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Tito1983 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Nintendo: Metroid Dread is the first 2D Metroid title in almost 20 years.

Other M: Am I a joke to you?

Everyone: YES.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/EvenSpoonier πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I hope that one person didn’t get into too much trouble for swearing live on stream. These events can be so dry but it’s refreshing to see such genuine excitement/interaction in this one

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mierecat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This game looks so cool, hope we still get Prime too but I love the look of this one!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jjmawaken πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] thanks akamoto-san hello everyone welcome to nintendo treehouse live i am super excited about this next segment where we're going to delve into an early work in progress version of metroid dread show some of samus's new moves in action and also i think get to a little bit of the way the game develops this uh suspense and tension that um gives the game its title so i'm joined by audrey and teresa from nintendo treehouse and theresa is going to take us into the depth of planet zdr yeah all right so let's uh take a deep dive into the very beginning of the game um so we're gonna backtrack just a little bit to show samus's free movement here [Music] so like i just spent a little few missiles so i'm going to use this interactive here to replenish but one of the things i want to show here is free aim which for those that have played uh metroid samus returns this has made a comeback you can see a lot of the the area around as you use it also has this little tracking system that um when it's targeting an enemy it'll make that sound i want to take a moment to say that as nate and sakamoto-san already mentioned this is the first new 2d metroid game in 19 years that's almost two decades i don't know if you did the math but uh that's a lot of years we've been waiting for this for a long time so we're really excited to be finally showing this to everyone here's another returning move from metroid samus returns which is the melee counter one of my favorite features and then a new one is or the development of the melee counter let that guy move a little bit back come back the melee dash i really love that because it doesn't break momentum i can immediately do a counter and immediate damage to an enemy yeah something this game does really well is improve upon the improvements from metroid samus returns so like you mentioned we had free aim and the melee counter in that game and here we have the front the running free game which gives you even more freedom and the dash melee so instead of having to stand still still and wait for enemies to attack you you can just go get them which really has great movements to this game yeah i i love that like samus moves so well and it's just all that freedom is just this is probably the smoothest i've been able to control samus in a really long time absolutely and you've opened up the map screen here something that metroid fans know to love and adore the map system is just as important in this game as ever and it really shows you uh the classic metroid game gameplay progression which is back in full force in this game where you look at your map you identify areas that you haven't been to yet or aren't able to access yet you try and find another way through find a new ability push your way forward fill in the map lather and repeat so that's back and better than ever in my opinion yeah and this area here is blinking white because there is a something here that i haven't discovered yet so i could use markers to kind of pinpoint it just in case i don't have an ability i'm going to have to backtrack here once i'm able to explore it don't sleep on those markers those can be really important in this labyrinthine world sure um but this looks curious it is really uh a part of the charm of metroid though having this uh renewed uh sense of purpose and you're backtracking paired with pushing forward yeah one another thing i want to pinpoint is the amount of work the dev team put in in samus's animations like just her animation of gripping the walls when she can't move or like holding on to the ledge it's just looking around yeah you'll notice little touches everywhere so keep an eye out for them that seamless transition to these sort of uh story scenes is great little moments like this when you're in the helmet view for a moment really add to the isolation uh and the tone of this game yeah this game is a sequel to metroid fusion but you can see that her suit looks a little bit different than that so um that'll be a story element that people will find out what happened uh when they play the game we don't want to spoil too much so these are the emmy that sakamoto song was talking about and none of samus's weapons seem to do anything against them so run yeah oh that slide move is so cool she looks so cool when she's lighting yeah it is nope okay no just just no yeah oh gosh uh missiles don't work either oh my gosh so scary about this being called dread that would be why they're very relentless oh my oh wow okay did a little reach for me there that was new oh yeah that one's clearly not well but it's still quite frightening yeah um i'm glad that it's a bit damaged and can't completely reach to me but we're gonna have to find a different way to tackle that enemy you know this thing is a central unit which controls various areas of the planet it's sort of a bio-mechanical computer kind of a homage to maybe similar units in previous metroid games and from this unit samus can power up get a temporary power up for her arm cannon and turn it into the omega cannon yeah so in typical 2d metroid fashion we've always seen the camera panned around here and now with the omega cannon ability there's this dynamic camera that you get to see over samus's shoulder which is so so cool yeah little additions like that really flesh out the classic 2d gameplay without it feeling like it strays too far from what we loved about it just makes it seem really powerful let's see if this works against our emmy friend here it takes a little while to charge up so it does way too long okay oh i wanted to make sure i had it on the site i hope you enjoyed that that's your one shot at it yes it was so powerful that uh in order to take that emmy down um our we lose the ability of the omega cannon and it goes back to a regular arm cannon it was worth it though we can breathe easy now it was for a moment [Music] i also want to point out while you're scrolling your way through all of these uh different halls that there are so many different ways to play this game like teresa is amazing with a missile she's the queen of the missiles but you can also just shoot your regular arm cannon you can try and avoid enemies altogether try and hit them all really it's up to you what kind of samus you want to be yeah and as as audrey pointed out to earlier that you could use free aim to do more like line of sight shooting but you could also just free aim shoot while you're moving as well it's good because you need to shoot a lot of different things in this [Laughter] i want to game a pixelated door and now i'm filled with dread this is a new entryway [Music] yep these are the entries to the various zones that the emmy are patrolling and once you're in there you need to be on the lookout for those yeah you can hear in the background the music is so atmospheric it really puts you on pins and needles just listening to it very i am completely on edge because yeah really eerie i can't seem to climb these yet not yet yeah it's the detail in the background so things is great oh and there you go there it is especially during moments like this you can really appreciate how cool it is to have an hd uh 2d metroid game we we tried that already hey it was worth a shot just try again maybe we'll work on this now run so luckily this emmy can't go through tight spaces so i have an advantage here somehow emily doesn't seem oh worried oh okay oh it's fast you're following okay you gotta you gotta get away from that that's my recommendation yeah when they go into this uh patrol mode and turn red um the door locks until they sort of lose track of you it's still trying to get at her still looking around but try find another way to get to me yeah also i don't know if it's my heart throbbing through my hands or the controller but it's yeah it's pretty nerve-wracking when facing the emmy they're terrifying species yeah team makes it seem like she's calm cool collected and badass i like to pretend that she's actually as nervous as i am when i play it but i don't think it's true i do want to point out like also the backgrounds like the amount of detail that the developer the development team has put into like not just the enemies in the forefront but also in the background i don't know if you guys can tell the shimmering thing in there there it's moving it's okay that doesn't bode well yeah well probably point note that for the future yeah some of those details kind of tell the story as effectively as you know a voiceover or anything yeah if you want to be a bounty hunter you have to pay attention to details and watch out for gooey enemies this is more but i love the detail of like the the rib cage in the background you just know something went down there so uh the thing about metroid enemies too is that some of them have patterns and and you can counter them um and others don't like this one so i'm just gonna move him out of the way so i can use it um and this room is a communication room with adam who happens to be um samus's ship's pc or a computer we're going to skip this part here just because we don't want to spoil any of the lore but dan if you could summarize for the folks at home yeah so as samus is exploring uh she uploads data to adam their ships ai and adam kind of gives a little analysis um just just really hints though not necessarily uh telling you where to go or anything like that it's still up to you to kind of explore but there's some interesting lore in there and you know some some little hints that you can potentially use and in that one adam was basically summarizing the uh the emmy and kind of the limits that they have of patrolling a zone and also how dangerous they are which we've we've kind of seen but hopefully we won't see too much firsthand here now so you can see t doing a great job of just shooting at the environment looking for secrets looking for a way forward because it's not always going to be obvious you really have to it's like a puzzle it's not just action it's not just exploration there's also a lot of puzzle elements here trying to find the way forward yeah and it's really cool too how metroid dread does this really sweet balance of you know the moments where you're allowed to have like some quiet to solve the puzzles and then it's interspersed with this really heavy intense action so here's the uh oh no that was uh the emmy as dan had mentioned they have kind of three modes one is the surveillance the others uh which is uh marked with blue they're just scanning the area um playing the name of chase so fast with it um and then when it has samus on i uh eyesight uh it turns red which is the um chase okay so yellow is it's heard it's heard a noise or since the vibration and it's going to go investigate that oh oh oh gosh no no so the emmy are pretty relentless and ruthless uh it is sort of like a perma-death which is very unusual um for you know enemies with uh in the metroid series but luckily it's not very it's the game's pretty forgiving uh it allows you to respawn at an area that you were in recently so we're able to just go back and counter that again yes he said insta kill is new to the series but uh it's really great because it offers a chance for you to have that challenging difficulty that i think metroid fans expect but without being quite so punishing with the respawning that you just have to play the whole game to get back to where you are so it's a really wonderful balance yeah and when the emmy are in patrol mode which is that uh right now it's in pursuit of me um they're scanning areas where they last sense movement and so they'll go and investigate it and then if they see something in eyesight then they'll go chase it this is such a small but really neat touch the way that samus moves slower in the water yeah and the audio changed too i absolutely love that detail all right there's always one little that one straggler there i don't need to save i'm feeling brave nice dash melanie see that really shows how you you don't have to to stop to fight these enemies if you really master that dash melee you can just kind of run and gun it's a water puzzle i really love the animation of the water flowing from one area to the next such a cool detail now that the water levels change to have access to other areas and here is a map room so interacting with these room will grant me more visibility to the area that i'm currently in um so we sort of lightly touched on the narrative of this game which occurs in the events post metroid fusion and so that's why samus's look looks different but also to point out back to audrey's point about you know the game is about exploration and action and so this area uh map upgrade allowed me to see more about the map but you can see that there's still a lot of obscurity here and so you need to explore in order to uncover more of the area and also any secrets involved so it's also worth noting that this series and this game is full of really juicy lore so whether you're a new or returning metroid fan if you've never played a metroid game before it really gets you up to speed with anything you need to know to enjoy the story and if you are a long time metroid fan you have a lot to look forward to as sakamoto-san said this concludes the story arc between samus and the metroids so we've been waiting a long time for this and it delivers it's that little enemy that uh teresa just blew up he's kind of like a item pinata gives you a lot of missiles yeah defeating enemies is a definitely a boon because um it grants you replenishment for uh for energy and also um missiles so definitely want to defeat enemies for that i just didn't expect the emmy to be right on top of me when i destroy the awe tools that little beeping sound just i hear it in my nightmares now they always come up oh he's persistent it's persistent i don't think the interesting detail about this game is normally in metroid games you start at the surface of the planet and you work your way deeper but in this game you actually start deep within the planet and try and work your way to the surface and so that that yearning towards ascension really adds to the tone of this game as well [Laughter] i also love that you don't have to necessarily wait for an enemy to attack in order to counter in this game if if you keep an eye out you can actually sometimes counter before they if they start their attack here's a throwback so i have to use a missile in order to destroy that cover and then i'm able to access that door just one missile though that's good oh of course there you go i got it yeah that's the other thing about the dash melee is that uh if you use that on an enemy you will get i think a few more extra items here's our first upgrade the charge beam so very iconic to the metroid series um so samus you know starts off without any abilities and slowly um becomes more powerful and able to tackle um stronger foes but also be able to uncover or explore new areas that we weren't able to before yeah and suit upgrades are another classic part of metroid gameplay that is alive and well in this game i love you can see if you keep an eye on the background and stuff they're all kind of cool statues and architecture that really piques your curiosity about the lore of this world i love that too using the charge beam to make a charge we spin attack and defeat some of those enemies is really handy oh that feels good got some more life which is always a plus for me that nice yeah look at all those items yeah he's doing a great job of showing that once you you really get to know these abilities and uh become adept at them you start to feel like samus first you're like maybe not quite there but once you get the hang of it you really start to feel like a badass bounty hunter yeah it's just so smooth it's like she's parkouring through this this is more great architecture but we're not here to look at architecture shoot things and explore so now we can't go through this area because of the water so we're not able to slide but we are able to access this door that we weren't to before ah and here's another emmy door um but in order to not spoil any more surprises here we're gonna leave this as a cliffhanger and uh enter our assignment here all right well that's all we've got um on metroid dread for now um thanks theresa audrey next up we've got some mario superstar mario party superstars to show you so stay tuned
Channel: Nintendo
Views: 538,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metroid dread, metroid dread nintendo switch, metroid dread e3, metroid dread treehouse live, metroid dread announcement, 2D metroid saga, metroid fusion, E.M.M.I. robots, Samus, Samus metroid, Galactic Federation, E3, Nintendo at E3, e3 2021, 2021 e3, new games, game announcements, e3 switch, e3 Nintendo, nintendo, game, gameplay, fun, video game, action, adventure, rpg, play
Id: Ys_GegPKDvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 27sec (1347 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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