Metal Reinforced Bondo - Rusty Hole Repair

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approximately 14 years ago i painted these basement doors for the first time it really helps me date how long we've been here because they need it bad and i i've really put it off and i shouldn't have let me show you this right here so down here at the bottom alongside of the door there's this rust that's actually eaten through like i said i've put this off too long but all is not lost i'm not going to replace the basement doors i'm going to show you how to fix this i know it might seem hopeless but it's not it's got a little bit going on the other side i'll show you the whole process of redoing the doors but mostly this video is going to be about how to fix that hole i'm going to start by taking a wire brush to everything [Music] this is definitely a legitimate time to wear a mask look at my arms this is a dirty job you don't want all that in your lungs i'm sure the guy before me used lead paint this is where the project will get worse before it gets better we've got to get all of this rusty business out of here and get it down to bare metal as much as possible the hole is going to get bigger there's nothing that we can do about that and then we'll make it better from there look at where we are now like i said getting worse before it gets better that i've got a hole up here i took it down to bare metal and then my plan is to first hit it with this rust reformer instantly converts rust to a protected paintable surface later on i have this primer for farm implements i figure that's got to be the heaviest duty primer i can get rust preventative and then we're going to top coat it with something else i snapped the top off the little pushy guy on my spray can but i figured out i could just use my paint scraper and still make it spray so man it's not glorious but better than running out and getting another can i'll be patching these holes with high performance metal reinforced bondo from the automotive department but first we have to backfill it so i'm going to use this great stuff gap filler which i love to use if you haven't used this yet it's so much fun it's like whipped cream but you can't eat it and you get to spray it all over the place and it expands so i'm going to squirt it in there it's going to come out the hole later on i'll break it off and like shape it how i want it uh so it it backfills so we don't have to fill that whole space with bondo if you've ever worked with bondo you'll know why that maybe wouldn't be a good idea so here we go that's gonna be good because it's gonna get way bigger there we go we're gonna do this one down here as well this will continue to expand over the next hour or so i need to go force myself to throw this away because if i don't i will end up like just finding little holes to squirt it in and making a big mess for myself later so we're going to exercise some self-control in the trash can it goes this is where we're at expanding foam is hard you see it pushed out of the hole this one down here it mostly expanded downwards but that's okay because i actually want to pick a little bit out to make a cavity there to fill in with the bondo um so i'll i'll do that this one i'm gonna have to pick a bunch more out i'd like the bondo to be able to catch the inside of that edge and really be on both sides of the metal if possible so this tiny little thing is what i got off of amazon thinking that it was a gallon normally bondo comes in gallon cans like a paint can and it was the correct shape and i didn't check the ounces 11.2 fluid ounces it's probably going to be enough i'm just going to have to work wisely it's just kind of funny because shrink flashing that's insane this is what comes in the can of bondo it's got the bondo itself and then hardener now i'm used to the regular bondo not the metal reinforced stuff normally the hardener isn't a liquid like this normally it's a paste like toothpaste and i've gotten pretty good with just window sills and like wood rot that i fixed using bondo and knowing how much to use i usually mix a little bit at a time when i read the directions looks like i'm going to put 35 drops in for the normal amount that i usually mix up it's like a golf ball size ish so the other tools that i need solo cups sorry it's not red it's orange and a paint stick this is just a paint stick that i've stirred some other things with i'm going to use it to mix the bondo and i'm also going to use it to apply the bondo it says i have three to five minutes working time and this metal is kind of toasty so i think that that will maybe even shorten it so i'm going to have to work fast we'll see how this goes i'm going to open up this bondo if you've never worked with bondo before i think i'm obliged to tell you you should always do this outside it is some nasty nasty smelling stuff i'm sure there's all the disclaimers about how it causes cancer in california yada yada but usually things that smell like this work real good so that's what we're doing i'm going to scoop in there get a dollop you never want to put the hardener in the container because you're not going to use it at once you're just going to use little bits at a time now one of the things that i really liked appreciated about the regular bondo is that the hardener is a different color than the bondo itself so you can tell how it's mixing by what color it is this hardener is just clear so i don't know i'm just gonna have to mix it real good i don't know if it'll change color as it mixes that would be really nice if they engineered something like that into it all right so i'm going to use just about that much i think it will be plenty to fill the hole it can be sanded and shaped after it hardens and the tricky part is it changes consistency as it hardens and as you work with it i might not want to talk a lot while i do this just so i can concentrate on what i'm doing so just ahead of time i'll tell you first thing i'm going to do is take the bondo and just jam it in there make sure it gets in real good add a little bit more on top and then i'm going to use the stick to kind of like to ice the cake a little bit and make it look nice you can shape it afterwards and sand it but the better you can get it on the initial application the happier you will be later all right 35 drops one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve three four five two seven eight nine twenty one two three four five seven eight three one two three four five clock has started going to start mixing see if i can show you i like these solo cups i can turn them and manipulate them with both hands it's pretty important that we mix it thoroughly i don't know if it would ever dry and harden without hardener some kind of chemical reaction that takes place it's not turning colors like the old stuff did just to show you how thoroughly you mixed it which i'm a little disappointed about but i'm just going to be thorough all right here we go try not to bondo the door shut that would be unfortunate sometimes if i do it too much i end up regretting it later i think we are at that point now all right so you can see it's not rock hard yet but it's way too hard to work with but i think we're good yeah it's pretty hard to the touch not sandable yet but that's how it's done look at this it's been about 24 hours and that is rock hard i can tell that the metal reinforced formula is definitely harder than regular bondo so that's great you can tell i have some sanding to do uh it's it's a bulkhead basement door so it doesn't need to be glassy smooth i will just sand it so you can't tell any difference between that and any other part of the door and then we're gonna prime it i'm excited this is where it starts to look nice and that's always a rewarding part of the project [Music] look at that all sanded smooth even sanded high part down to bare metal that'll be fine i've got this farm implement primer it's not going to look perfect if i was working on a car i would put an extra coat of bondo on this smooth some of that out but this is a 70 year old basement door maybe less than that maybe 50 year old basement door so it doesn't have to be perfect it's going to have these bumps and divots in it anyway so we're gonna prime this baby [Music] [Music] it rained hard last night but there's no water on my basement steps there's no longer a hole in the door i can't say enough good things about this metal reinforced bondo it feels like metal it sounds like metal i'm going to top coat this do [Music] do [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] you
Channel: American Honey
Views: 70,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rusted Metal Repair
Id: oTuBriRv7mA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Sat May 14 2022
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