How to Repair Rust Holes on Your Car Without Welding

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youtube what is up guys today i'm going to show you how to fix big giant rust holes on cars so this is an 07 hyundai accent with 200 000 miles on it and i got this car for free from my brother-in-law john and my car broke down it was like totaled and he's like dude i got i've been trying to sell this car for two years no one's buying it you can just have it really you sure it needed a bunch of repairs uh not a bunch but it needed a little work and then there's obviously some body things from it sitting the rest of the car is actually in really good shape this one area though is just a big giant rust hole like you can just pull this stuff off it's literally falling off so we're gonna you know do the old bondo repaint it prime it all that good stuff so it's probably if you're to do a job like this probably cost you about 100 bucks to be completely honest um so we're going to we got two different types of bondo body filler we got the regular body filler and then we got the bondo glass then i also bought the resin as well as the fiberglass to really reinforce it and then if that's not enough i also bought the metal mesh as well first thing we're going to do is remove all the rust and sand everything really good so you could do this by hand you could use things like orbital sanders we're gonna be doing a little bit of both um then i also got a rust remover attachment for my drill for like five bucks so that'll work really good you're gonna need some gloves some tape uh you're gonna need your paint i i got to order the paint for this car actually the actual color but you're going to need some primer some rust reformer this will prevent the rust from coming back and then you're definitely going to need some like gloves breathing and eye protection so this should be a lot of fun and uh let's get into it all right first thing i did was i took my rust remover attachment made by 3m onto my drill i tried to jack up my car and take the wheel off but the rust on the tire i i couldn't get it off so and we just went back to using my grinder and cut like an inch and a half past the metal and then i put these little bondo um metal sheets something for this just so the fiberglass could grab on something now this fiberglass glass with the fiberglass resin was extremely hard to work with it actually burnt holes in like 30 pairs of gloves i went through so many gloves with this it was a total mess it gave my skin a rash when it got on me and uh i'm not going to use it again you can see here i i was getting so frustrated with this stuff it is so sticky and it's such a pain to work with here i just decided to cut up some beer cans and shove them in here no they're aluminum and it's metal you know it shouldn't it doesn't rust it's aluminum so um they're very flexible too and actually i was able to form the shape of the fender pretty well with them and i should have thought of this earlier um the concept is kind of the same as those the metal bondo patches so to me i was like you know why not why not try it out it worked way easier than i thought it would and then i kind of just used a little fiberglass resin to glue that in place now here i switch i do one more little layer of fiberglass resin then i switch to the bondo glass this is a very thick version of bondo my buddy mac came over he's better at this than me and he told me i was putting it on trying to put it on tooth light to put it on heavier so i could just sand it down after and that seemed to work a lot better make sure you mix this stuff in small batches because uh it hardens very fast and you'll end up wasting a lot of it if you don't um but yeah just it's just like you know plastering a wall there's really nothing to it this bondo yeah is the very very thick harder one it's got little pieces of strands of fiberglass in it so you want to do this one first when you have big um big holes and stuff so then um after this we took an orbital sander started at 100 grit and then i moved to a 220 grit pad to smooth it out a little better and then once you get that all smooth i just wiped off the dust and then we started putting on some regular bondo this is just your standard bondo body filler and this is easier to work with it's a lot thinner sanded that down same procedure 100 than 220 grit with the orbital sander worked great make sure to look at all the body lines of the car and just get the best you can this is bondo's spot putty it's for like the little pin pricks um then just kind of cleaned everything off with acetone and uh started priming it with regular old automotive primer now here i'm using the paint i got off ebay and i gave them my vin number my paint code and everything and it's not the right paint it's basically they basically just gave me like a charcoal color uh and my paint actually has like a blue tint to it and it definitely was not the right color so you can see you'll see that in a minute but it did actually go on really smoothly and you know what it it looked better than you know having a bunch of bondo on the side of the car this is just some automotive clear i actually did two coats of this i only show you one here but and uh here's the final product all right guys so there is the finished product now bad news is the color i had them mix actually doesn't match so the source i got it from refunded me for it but i think i'm gonna down the road just repaint the whole car but this fixed the big massive rust hole which is the expensive part in any body repair now normally i would wet sand this you want to wait a day after the clear glue you're going to wet sand it starting at 1 500 grit working your way up to 3000 grit and then polish it with wax but since the color doesn't match i'm not gonna really even waste my time with that i'll probably hit it with some wax in a couple days or so but other than that um that's pretty much it but i'm very happy with how the bondo job and everything came out definitely not perfect but for me never doing it before really you know really turned out pretty good so thank you guys for watching if you're going to try something like this don't be intimidated it just takes a lot of patience and other than that it was actually a lot of fun and i'm looking forward to painting the whole car so if this video gets over 100 likes i'll paint the whole car using spray paint and i'll do that and if it doesn't look good then i'll get it professionally painted but i thought it'd be a fun thing to try out so um yeah i mean the color is not terribly wrong but it's definitely definitely doesn't match so yep thank you guys for watching smash that like button if you like this video and if you have any questions about anything let me know down below and i'll see you later [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Dylan Kowalski
Views: 535,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to fix rust on a car door, how to fix rust on a car without welding, how to fix rust on a car hood, how to fix rust on a car frame, how to fix rust on a car fender, how to fix rust on a car roof, how to fix rust on a car at home, how to fix rust on a car welding, how to fix rust on a car body, how to fix rust on a car with bondo, how to fix rust on a car chrisfix, how to fix rust spots, how to fix rust spots on a truck, how to fix rust holes, how to remove rust on car, car
Id: C35e9P0HG2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 59sec (419 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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