Finish Grinding a Straight Edge on the Surface Grinder

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[Music] hello Keith Rutger finish machinery org guys today we're back to working on this 24 inch straight edge that we machined over on both the horizontal and vertical milling machines in a previous video and today I what we're gonna go ahead and get it ground in and as I had said earlier the milling that we did on here was just more or less rough milling I will comment that a viewer had asked and I actually went over the surface plate and checked the bottom surface coming off the horizontal milling machine and I mean I can fill my hand across here and tell us it's a little bit on the rough side we weren't really going for finished we were just trying to get material removed but I was actually surprised running an indicator over this it's flat to within about four thousand across out is that good enough for scraping yeah you probably could do it but it's a lot of work to remove fourth out we're still gonna go ahead and grind this get this thing a lot flatter hopefully get it more down in the range of a half an hour or less and that will make the scraping job go much much easier it's a lot easier to remove material with a milling machine and a grinder than it is with a hand scraper so we're gonna try to keep the hand scraping down to a minimum so anyway I've got my 24 inch grinder here pretty much ready to go first thing we're gonna do is a dress our wheel I've got a Norton stone in here this for grinding cast iron I've only been using this for a short period of time finally got the right stones after talking with some folks and these make a big big difference in the finish that I'm getting off the mill of the surface grinder so stress the stone out and let's do the little surface grinding I got my cluster diamond in here I'm just going to come down here until we're touching off on this and we will just take a little bit off of it until we get it Crudup six out of go and come back to cross on a 1 tau we should have a nice true stone now a wheel rather like our table down and we will take our straightedge we're gonna start by grinding this top surface because that's what we're gonna be using to shut down on the magnetic plate with here when we do the bottom so I want to get that nice and flat and parallel to the bottom it should be pretty parallel coming off the milling machine it's probably not perfect we're going to make it near about perfect we'll come in here and push off he's my fine adjust knob over here too on now and we actually touched off right there pretty light pass I think start a little bit tired now check my stroke here pretty much got it on a maximum stroke and we're taking about a half a cow on the death real light passes here I'm taking my time time to keep the heat out of the spark we're using a spray mist that's gonna help with the heat looks like we're pretty well cleaning up on this path after this I'm probably just going to speed down maybe a couple of tents and then we'll park it out all right down feed I'm going to go down about a tenth and we'll cut back the crop there and go back a couple of passes and spark it out I'm just feeling kind of manually go across just a couple of time so I quit see any sparks anywhere I'm pretty happy with that [Music] I'm gonna take some up magnetic transfer blocks and just kind of put this behind this and on front I just gives me a little bit more support we'll put one here in the front mag that down that just kind of gives it a little bit of rigidity from rocking back and forth it's uh raising our wheel up and we should be ready to touch off and grind this bottom come down and touch off saw a little spark there looks like it's just hitting the hotspots they're a little heavier on the end we're not quite as heavy on this front side is it the back I'm just fishing around here making sure we're not gonna crash anywhere I'm happy with that like it's a little heavier on the ends in the center that doesn't surprise me just because the way we did this on the middle of machine and you can kind of see that stripe pattern in there maybe that's just from the pattern left by the teeth on the meal shouldn't take but just a couple of file to clean this up like we've got it all cleaned up or just one little area here where we got a little deep on the on a cut and just one little spot I think another probably half now cleaning it up I'm going to take a full south and then we'll come back across and park it out see just a little bit and park it out yep that got that little area right there so let me make it across this pass probably fee down a couple of tents and go over a couple of passes until the sentence is sparking out all right I'm gonna feed down 110 and we'll come back to crop and barely see some sparking going on here getting a nice uniform cut all the way across just barely taking the pass that's what we want to clean up after this pass I'm just gonna go back and forth and back and forth without adjusting the head down until I quit seeing any spark this is a secret to getting a nice really flat surface you know as we're cutting across this our wheels degrading so when you get down to the end you want to make really really light passes if I get down here and I don't see me park to the end I'll probably feed down another half hour or another 10,000 and come back to cross there until I see that uniformly and then we'll just spark it out because you would you think it would be flat after just one pass but there's little B the areas in here and we're talking you know a millionths of an inch but where did we get everything down and get it nice and flat I thought we're after all right we're getting out here to the edge and I am still seeing just a few little sparks in here so we're still cutting everything's good and we're just going to go back and forth now I'm just going to take it off of automatic I'm gonna leave the automatic feed going left and right but I'm going to be manually to turn in my hand will and I'm just going to go back and for until I see it completely quit sparking out when I go all the way across without seeing any sparks I know we're good and I'm still seeing a little bit of sparking on the ends not taking very much off at all but it is still cutting a little bit and it may take five or six passes across this before you quit seeing those parts come back across the other way now they'll season spark they're getting lighter and lighter though all right I think we're gonna call it good all right we've dressed our wheel I've got my straightedge sitting down in some vblocks on some magnetic transfer Vblock so everything's a nice insight I've got it set so that we're going straight flat across the top of this but it's sitting at 45 degrees and we got it leaning this way so that this will clear it won't hit anything and I'm gonna have to be kind of paying real close attention to what I'm doing to make sure we don't crash our cutter because if we go too far obviously we can get over into that ribbing which we don't want to do so let me get down here such off so we touched off there I backed off about a half a pow Oh we got a little bit of an angle on this we're gonna have to grind it out but no big deal because this thing is uh had a little bit of a taper we need to get it all down flat I'm just gonna manually do this the end going back and forth I don't have to wait for the table to take a full lean it's only cutting about right now we're about a third let's clean them up most a half there so probably after this path we will put it back on the full throat try to get y'all a little bit better view where you see what's going on but it's uh it's cleaning up almost halfway across that's not too bad he didn't have his bad at the tape printers I saw but it's still gonna probably take this about five or six ow of down feed just to get it all cleaned up getting down here to the very bitter end and I thought that the last air was going to clean it up but I'm still barely missing out there on the tip will take another towel off and then cleaning it up but a little bit extra work there because that taper that we got in there probably just over on the middle of machine I was clamping this down with some C clamps and probably didn't get really good si clamping I've also using some Chinese vblocks that probably aren't perfect either so between those two factors that didn't fit in quite mil as flat as I'd hoped it would but no biggie will straighten it out here on the grinder we are just about finding straightening it out here on the grinder getting into short rows on this project we're gonna do a 1/10 down feed you can come back across and then I'm just going to go back and forth and back and forth spark out all right we're just gonna spark out now I'm just manually moving it back and forth but I think I'm pretty happy with that well I said I wasn't going to do it but I ended up riding the back side of this piece this is not a surface of any kind of critical bit at all it doesn't get straight that thought it'd look a lot better if I ground it so kind of down to those Finnish passes right now I will comment that you know we're basically sitting on the dovetail so it's on a point so that I got these magnetic transfer blocks behind it which is actually allowing me to bag to the bottom of this square to the to the bottom so those mag transfer blobs probably aren't perfectly square but they're pretty darn close but again this doesn't matter it doesn't have to be dead nuts on square you don't use that side of it as a straightedge it's just kind of needs to be cleaned up and want to make it look nice so we'll finish this and probably spark it in after this pass and I think we'll be done with our grinding [Music] and with that I think we're done I got a 50 millionth indicator on here and I can just tell by looking at the surface finish on this and the center part it looks really good when it gets out on the ends it's actually the finish is a little bit wavy and I think it just has to do with the wear in my surface grinder eventually when these days I need to get the bed reground on that and really fix that machine up nice but all in all I'm happy with the results this is 24 inches so you know we're basically keeping it within about a half a thousand up about a half a towel on each end but all in all 24 inches within half a thousandth I'm happy with that and I think I can do some fine-tuning to that surface grinder eventually I want to rebuild it and hopefully get it where it will be a little bit better than that because hey we aim for perfection even though half withou is a pretty good for far as of scraping projects goes this should scrape out fairly easily now we've only really got about a half a pound the ins to get drop it down and that should be able to do that a couple of passes and then it'll this should be blowing up real nice so this will make a great project for an upcoming scraping class and we'll flip it over and hinge it and I'm sure I haven't done this yet it's gonna hinge on the ends because we saw only actually it's hinging about where it should come at the ends on that end yeah so anyway it is what it is it's gonna it's gonna scrape out real nice and I'm happy with the results on that there we go a straight edge all ready to go get scraped in and a nice little fun little project all in all I did this over two different days but probably have about four hours of time in the milling and the grinding and that's including shooting camera work and everything else so not too terribly bad I'm sure if I wasn't filming I could do it a lot faster but as is usually the case when you got the cameras going and setting up shots it just takes a little bit longer but no big deal there and I may have another one of these I got to get it done for that same class Richard only sent me one I think there's two people that want me to do this so I may be doing another one but I'll do that one off camera no reason to make another video on it I'll also comment have been getting a lot of questions about my little 9 inch straight edges that I'm gonna be selling as a project here and after way too long we are really really close to start taking the orders in fact this is one of the final castings I'm real happy with how they've come out my foundry guys working on getting me some up to start shipping to some of our customers who have already pre-ordered on these people who had sent me an email and tell me they were interested I have already started taking some pre-orders but hopefully be offering these up for anybody here pretty quickly my price on them is going to be 115 dollars apiece and that is gonna be a shipped price so that will include shipping in the US shipping internationally or outside the US will be extra on shipping but 115 dollars a piece these things take a little bit of money to get the foundry to do them and so forth but anyway that's gonna be the game plan if you're interested in one and want to go ahead and get on that pre-order list you can send me an email and I'll get you on there and we'll be due probably doing a video completely machining one and scraping it and having it ready here so that we can start taking some orders on these pretty soon just thought I'd mention that real quick and with that that's gonna be a wrap guys as always thanks for watching please subscribe the channel have you haven't already and comments are always appreciated and we'll catch you on the next video thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Keith Rucker -
Views: 38,075
Rating: 4.9623637 out of 5
Keywords: Machine Shop, Machinist, Vintage Machinery, Georgia Museum of Agriculture, Metalworking, Keith Rucker,, surface grinding, surface grinder, straight edge, hand scraping, surface grinding machine, surface grinding machine operation, machine rebuilding
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 39sec (1419 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 16 2019
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