METAL GEAR SURVIVE All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 1080p HD

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] as the last of the investigators alright let's get started [Music] [Music] one journey will land in purgatory but let us pray that they who traveled the depths of Hell will this time reach paradise this is the next one no not this one [Music] close but not quite well sir [Music] let me see that are you sure that this is the one sir yeah thanks good to see you again forgive me for what I'm about to do [Music] cover me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're the key [Music] signal acquired collecting the package this is practically an obsession with you soon you'll have faith from this one too this soldier is the traveler we've been waiting for the one who will bear the punishment for our having strayed from the path of righteousness you do like your poetic turns of phrase don't you but I'm not in the mood for them I'll get straight to the point I read the report this one's infected yes which is what put the subject in suspended animation but it won't be long before that ends and then a threat to mankind becomes reality that won't be the case why not I told you this soldier is a traveler a traveler who is going to enter the gates of hell for us what a ridiculous are you serious after how long it's been since we've heard from the core with the energy we have left we don't even know if anyone we send would make it through and you want to risk the fate of the section on this and infected that is why this one is the / candidate this soldier cannot live in our world anymore to put it another way no one is more qualified to carry out a mission on the other side am I wrong there's one other advantage that no one else has look at the left arm it's just an arm that arm was lost six months ago when it was severed what and yet it regenerated a result of the infection stimulating tissue growth nothing we haven't seen before except this time we're talking about human tissue evidence of remarkable adaptation against the infection with the dead running rapid on the other side this one is more than capable of responding to the threats their 1943 Philadelphia teleportation that experiment gave us our first glimpse of the future now this soldier can give us everything we've been after ever since all we've done is continue to fail including six months ago we cannot take a chance on ideas with no basis in reality there is a basis for this those who've descended to hell are able to see further than others grew in another one of your prophecies enough of that nonsense my proposal will bring glory to the section and to you you intend to use this one of the test subjects in the future don't you but any result of those efforts would be trivial if this mission succeeds the reward will be immeasurable think of the research and how its stagnated better yet this could lead directly to the power that unites the world I'll get the section on board after all you acting on your own authority would be unforgivable I'll give you instructions in due course until then do not take matters into your own hands don't take matters into my own hands how blissfully unaware they are the future is in my hands [Music] you made it through the gates of hell you're now standing in detail the world beyond the wormholes panthenol hope from here on not to mention fear your Beatrice is waiting up ahead better get going as I mentioned in the briefing first order of business is to head for base camp Julie to procure all weapons and equipment on site for this mission same goes for food to enter the gate to the house you have to shed everything I'm monitoring your status over comms via the wormhole Oh guess I never introduced myself call me good luck not a bad name for the pilot of this ship don't move hands up back away from him give here a mother based survivor hey you okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the luckiest rubs off of me I just had to shoot my brothers I'm not gonna die here that's for sure I've got a long list of questions for you what are those things where are we what happened to my unit tell me I'll answer your questions who are you the man you're talking to if you need a name call me good luck and you I call you names Reve of course what's so funny nothing now as promised let me answer your other questions the monsters you encountered are called Wanderers I'll spare you the details but they were once human like you and I until they were infected by some unknown life-form which turned them into what you saw and you were in a world destroyed by Wanderers welcome to detai it exists in a dimension separate from your own known life-form separate dimension what kind of [ __ ] are you trying to pull this is no joke whether you believe me or not clearly you realize the predicament you're in which brings me to this I want to give you an opportunity with us do that and I'll make sure you have a ticket out of there we're your only lifeline surely you're not gonna turn that down when this is over I'm gonna send you to hell myself I like that answer now as before and through those ruins to base camp how you go about that is up to you and the captain captain you meet this clown do you have an objection we're the ones who went there to complete a mission in the first place I didn't think you would have a problem taking orders from someone else all right whatever okay I've got an idea like good luck said we need to head to this base camp we have to make sure we don't bring any of those things with us luckily I have some c4 an engineer my unit was carrying more than enough to bring this place down I'll go plant the c-4 meanwhile you get on out of here and secure our escape route all right let's get this show on the road don't you run off without me captain [Music] you'll be good to have around but for now you're not gonna leave without a weapon are you grab something out of the materials around the office simple barricade shouldn't be that hard to destroy try out that weapon you crafted [Music] and another wanderer avoid all unnecessary combat [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you all right revival when they okay I know you've just woken up and you're probably wondering what the hell's going on but we're short on time I'll give you the gist of things while we wait for the wormhole digger to finish starting up okay so basically I'm going to be sending you to another dimension yeah I'm sure you got plenty of questions but I haven't got time to answer them just listen to me take a look at this photo 1968 South Vietnam it was taken in the town in the north by a journalist accompanying American forces he took it right before he was killed killed by the thing in this photo and that thing used to be human don't believe me in the section we have a name for humans that have turned into these monsters we call them loggers they get infected by this life-form we've yet to fully understand and they end up like that Wanderers are extremely ferocious they attack anyone they see in discriminately but the worst part is even when you destroy a wanderer the life-form that infected the person doesn't die if we don't do something about them before we know it there will be enough event to destroy the human race fortunately for us back then they appeared in a part of Vietnam where American forces were fighting that meant we were able to send in a team in amongst our boys to wipe them out fast we got every last one of them we made the operation look like one of the massacres that occurred throughout the country of course there's a reason this section was able to detect their presence we've known about this life-form for decades well it looks a lot like ours it's populated by Wanderers we at Wardenclyffe section first observed the worm alt in this other world about 30 years ago we've studied them ever since the reason being we can extract energy from Wanderers we call it ku-band energy we're talking about a massive energy source one that could very well shift the balance of power in the world as you know six months ago an enormous wormhole appeared over mother base when XOM attacked you that event enabled us to obtain the coordinates of their world so for the first time since our research began we sent out a manned expedition team the Karen Corps but we lost all contact with the Corps a while back our assumption is they're all dead you'll have two mission objectives first recover the research date of the Karen core left behind and gather kuben energy second rescue any core survivors you come across I'm aware that ideally we'd be sending a team that's fully equipped for this kind of mission but there's no time for that now with the Hound of Hell after us plus with the energy we have at the moment wormhole will only be able to transport one person you rather sit this one out sorry but you don't get a choice the reason being you already infected with that life-form I was telling you about and if you don't want to turn into one of those things you better do what I tell you the quraan course research data should include information on a way to prevent a person from turning into a wanderer looks like the diggers ready when you arrive on the other side start by heading for the base camp at the core used I'll be issuing all instructions by radio guess I'll see you in hell good luck cabin [Music] [Music] looks like you lost them that's base camp you can see them there make your way to its location [Music] I'm alright [Music] you my forms detected waking from emergency sleep mode rebooting stand-alone operational support program Vergil 89 reboot complete it has been 34 days nine hours 12 minutes and 2 seconds commencing debrief take a closer look they aren't with the caring core I detected advise on you connect it to me line of communications with section authenticated personal data acquired welcome aboard Karen's boat captain why don't I begin by introducing myself I am standalone operational support program Virgil 89 it's nice to meet you monsters now talking machine no need to be surprised she was originally the Carol core support AI they were scheduled to rendezvous internal database voiceprint match it's in a long time good luck is your ass Virgil sorry to spring this on you so soon I like to give you good lucks got to go dark hope we'll be alright do not worry I will assume the role of the captain's mission support we've downloaded mission information from the device you connected our support systems are already up and running according to this information the Charon core has already ceased its activities the captain's mission is to recover the cores data and gather Kumaon energy the mission also includes exploring detail and rescuing any survivors is this correct so the two of you are talking to each other what's the deal with that there's some reason there are two of you that reason is unknown originally when I was participating in the Karen cores operations he didn't exist what I deduced from this is he is a personality created out of necessity amid the unforeseen situation that forced me to enter emergency sleep mode and what might that unforeseen situation be unknown when it occurred all data I acquired while supporting the core was lost what exactly do you know were a is designed to offer Special Operations support I imagine we'll be able to provide you and the captain with valuable information for your mission all right so why don't you start being useful know the first thing about this place or the monsters here tell us everything you know this world is located on the other end of a wormhole or a distortion in space-time for convenience we call this world detail we've learned in the course of our investigation that DJ's environment is very similar to that of Earth however it is decisively different from Earth in factors such as the presence of Wanderers and the dust dust the dust is a mist like substance made up of micro sized particles of unknown composition it covers the greater part of DA it is extremely toxic to humans and without some form of countermeasure a person cannot operate within it unimpeded how do we get back to our world there is a way though this is not currently possible why not she returned home we need to activate a device called the digger which is capable of generating large wormholes however we lack the data to do this the Karen core intended to use the digger to return home so it's highly likely that the data you will recover will describe how to activate it looks like my only way out of here is to help you with this mission let's split up to look just need to find this cores data if I may be so forward the captain should probably be the one doing the searching mr. Reeve sir I detected you localized hyperthermia most likely caused by severe inflammation I do not recommend staying on your feet for too long you can read me like a book huh well I think we have a plan let's get started right away it's going to be a long road but remember captain a journey of a thousand miles wasn't built in a day I think the expression is either a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step or rome wasn't built in a day isn't it is that so sorry captain looks like the accident did a number on her bits and bytes [Music] data acquired from memory the data on the memory board you obtained becomes available to us when you connect the board to us let's go ahead and take a look at the data on it analysis complete the board contains research data on detail primarily on Wanderers and Caban energy as well as operational records you can examine the details on your device so that's part one of a captain's mission in the back know the data that was recovered is only part of the entire record to recover all of the data further expeditions will be required but on these expeditions please be ever more careful this world may be home to threats even greater than those we are aware of for a machine you're pretty damn fake did you learn anything from this data you got after connecting with the memory board part of our internal memory was restored according to this data the Karen core was more than equipped to handle the wanderers and how the eunuch it wiped out unknown the data we recovered didn't shed any light on this with more data our memory may be fully restored continue your searches we must find out what happened to the core captain there is something I have to tell you memory data successfully restored new equipment can be developed craft the wormhole collector this is needed to carry out the remainder of your mission you've prepared an air tank you can now enter it sawdust captain there is one item to report regarding the latest recovery hang on a minute you mind there's something I've been thinking about the body of that care encore member the one you got the damaged air tank from he'd been shot needless to say we haven't seen any Wanderers of guns meaning he had to have been killed by a person right what's that all about that is unclear all we can say is that if people are killing each other here that is an illogical thing to do the point is these incidents don't make sense if my theory is correct forget it sorry for butting in continue with what you were gonna say getting back to the reports captain the data you recovered revealed the location of a wormhole transporter wormhole transporters are devices utilizing wormhole technology which enable instant transportation between two distant points two points so we can use this thing to get home unfortunately the wormhole we can generate with this device is structurally different from the one needed to return home therefore it can only be used for transporting matter within this world nevertheless this device should allow us to explore a much greater area than before while maintaining base camp as our base of operations currently all devices are offline to use them you'll need to access them directly and restart their systems despite the potential danger we should bring these devices back online in order to increase our area of operations investigación de 3 the purpose of this voice log is to serve as a record of my activities here separate from my official reports toward in clip section HQ I find this place to be much like our own world except everything is in ruins it's known as detai a name borrowed from a city in hell that appeared in Dante's The Divine Comedy personally I don't believe in hell but if it did exist I imagine it'd look a lot like this I'm Chloe Du Bois a researcher assigned to Wardenclyffe section and a member of the Quran Corps which was formed to investigate in this world [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] with the transporter reactivated you can now move more quickly and safely should you discover other transporters during your searches I recommend reactivating them as well [Music] teleportation of matter they're thought this kind of technology exists now that I've seen this I know I'm right right about what how a group like the care encore who would this advanced got wiped out it wasn't Wanderers it was people the weather it was some kind of internal conflict or an outside force I don't know that is illogical as we discussed before in an environment such as DJ's there can be no advantage to humans working against one another after all you and the captain were technically members of opposing forces yet here you are working together yeah well people don't always do the smart thing and I make no promises I won't shoot the captain in the back if I have to look you just watch out if we do come across survivors here do not let your guard down same goes with me I detect a large mass within the wormhole [Music] object form analyzed the military culture control has been lost at this rate it will crash 5 marks the presumed crash site on the map you might come across some supplies or even survivors why don't you go take a look captain go and investigate the helicopter crash site wait I'm against that say we're going to scavenge supplies we should scope it out for a while before moving in right your proposal is extremely illogical taking into account crash trajectory fuselage damage level and other factors the chances of survival currently stands at approximately eleven point two percent this will decrease by three percent every hour the sooner we check for survivors the better survivors are the problem you feel like having this conversation again but securing personnel will be essential to completing the mission I guess that's that you're the captain it's your call I have updated the situation report it's not that you don't raise a valid point mr. Reeve but this is part of the mission you should go and investigate the crash site life-form detected at helicopter crash site I have also identified multiple Wanderers approach with caution the helicopter appears to be it seems as though they've arrived here from the same location also from the equipment of the helicopters passengers we determine their affiliation they were soldiers we're about to leave a vision area thank you that helped what's your name Miranda oh yeah I remember it was just like any other night I was out on a call with the doctor when we lost contact with the hospital we drove back as best as we could but the hospital was on fire and if that wasn't hard enough to believe a moment later there was a light in the sky it sucked our ambulance into it with us in it somehow we survived but then the doctors started acting strangely [Music] saying it out loud it all sounds so ridiculous like any of that actually happens right no what you experienced actually happened I saw the same thing in this guy and I was here just like you where is here they call it deejay to put it simply it's a world in another dimension world destroyed by some unknown parasite wait unknown parasite so when the doctor looked different and attacked me after we got here yeah we call humans that get infected by it Wanderers and there's no cure apparently not once you end up like that you're just a living corpse only thing you can do for them is killing it that goes for your friends too you're sure about that you guys don't look like doctors to me maybe a team of specialists good if anyone could have done something about this this place would still be standing wouldn't it maybe they just lack certain advances in medicine and like you said they're still living perhaps if we try to communicate with them with a little persistence we can get through to them look your ridiculous theories are an insult to every one of them we've had to put down trying to take some moral high ground we'll do jack squat for you here if you want to stay alive keep quiet and do what we tell you without morals we're no different from them take off your shirt what you're injured aren't you your breathing is off you might have a fractured rib I should take a look at you [Music] what are you waiting for if you want to stay alive keep quiet and do what I tell you [Music] you're likely to encounter Wanderers caution be very careful it's bound to be dangerous there's an individual [Music] you the memory bourgie recovered contains data on that massive creature you encountered the Karen Corps called it the Lord of dust the king of monsters according to their records several of their members were killed in its attacks but it's not all bad news other data in this memory board has enabled us to restore our large cargo recovery ability we can now secure the wormhole digger the digger will enable us to generate a large wormhole allowing us to contact good luck and wait why are we bothering with that if we can open a wormhole can we just go home you could but the captain's mission isn't come that settles it let's go get this digger the wormhole digger is located at breve when we go back you'll let the injured and the civilians go first right you really need to ask me that first we got to secure this thing Virgil where's it at Vergil oh don't tell me you're annoyed because you keep getting interrupted are you I am not easily annoyed we've marked the location of the digger on the map take a look using the data you secured I was able to upgrade the capabilities of the wormhole collector from now on you'll be able to extract crystallized containers you can also secure greater amounts of materials than before these capabilities will no doubt prove useful to completing your mission I've confirmed that all of the diggers functions are operating normally we can now generate a wormhole home finally we can kiss this dump goodbye you know Reeve you really think we should just leave like this what do you mean we can't be the only ones who've ended up here we can go home anytime now right so why don't we help the captain save as many people as we can first look I'm not some kind of charity worker here I'll help out as long as there's a common mission but once that's over me and the captain are done tell me you understand that how can you be so the captain and I are more than capable of rescuing castaways ourselves please feel free to return home if that's what you want [Music] [Music] [Music] fire is approaching you just focus on defending base camp until the wormhole has stabilized [Music] [Music] wormhole digger has stopped failed to generate wormhole why'd it stop analysis reveals that there was insufficient energy to generate a wormhole after recalculations following this failure it has become clear that the energy from kuben energy is not enough to generate a wormhole home we must obtain a higher purity crystallized energy iris energy it appears as though the information on the wormhole Teager stored in my internal database was tampered with tampered with who would do something like that beyond good luck who are you my name is Joseph Guin I'm in charge of the detail research program I'm communicating with you through the small wormhole you managed to open though it probably won't stay open for long there is a discrepancy in your explanation according to records the project is led by none other than good luck not you he's been relieved of duty his repeated violation of orders and unilateral decisions the upper echelon can no longer turn a blind eye he is a brilliant man and my friend I have supported him to the best of my ability but even I could not protect him in light of his sending an outsider to detail such reckless behavior reckless so the captain's mission all good Luck's doing our organisation never sanctioned it I imagine good luck wanted to use you to recover the cores data so that he could secure the technology for himself but his plan failed as of now my job is to bring you back safe and sound just a moment the captain's mission file mentions securing data critical to the captain I think the captain should stay behind is completed oh the arm I suppose you needn't worry captain just another one of good lucks lies in his attempt to use you you have the sections medical technology to thank for your recovery the arm ah yes a personal matter in any case this was all a fantasy driven by one man's selfish desires I am truly sorry for what you've had to go through captain what about the remainder of the mission Explorer detail and rescue any survivors of the Terran Corps well you are already there there can be no doubt that the date of the Corps acquired would be of great use to mankind the section had been helping to recover it if you could continue with that part of the mission however much you can do it would be sincerely appreciated of course I'm not trying to force you let's do it captain we should save as many people as we can well it looks like we're going to get cut off soon I will do everything I can to ensure you make it home I'm sending all the data I have on the Corps over this line we received it just before the Corps went silent is heavily corrupted we can only make out bits and pieces but if you go through it carefully you may find information on singularities that's where you can obtain iris energy take a look if you hit a dead and I am praying for your success [Music] you're you top mission priority is to return home from DJ I've marked the map with the location of the singularity we already know about make your way there [Music] [Music] finished you've completed your objective there return to base camp measuring energy obtain energy level is at 60% this is insufficient to generate a wormhole home dammit you must be patient after all better to be safe than sound I think you're mixing your proverbs together we're analyzing the data we got from mr. Gruen it will take some time we don't detect any other memory boards at the moment why don't you continue with the mission as well as search for survivors as Miranda suggested [Music] [Music] okay looks like I was off the mark this time I got a hand et Miranda you were right but do not do something like that again next time I won't come looking for you you don't have to tell me that but well thanks for saving me [Music] man the world is just nuts they're not like us grown-ups like us we're punished for the sins we commit but then sometimes fate deals them about a hand and they're forced to live with that one kid he's born into a nice family in the US or wherever Roza breeding comics and eating pizza while another he's born in the middle of a civil war and gets handed an assault rifle for his 10th birthday what's the difference between them between them and this kid they're all just kids kill a child in the future dies if just a little with him whoever this kid is there's nothing he could have done to justify getting sent to this hellhole breathe look our little patients awake hi are you okay Am I [Music] is this wrong on both counts I'm afraid you're still alive this ain't close to heaven yeah I can believe that what didn't expect monsters in heaven what's your name Chris yeah so how'd you end up in a place like this Chris you don't want to answer that's fine just remember this this is not a dream this is reality and this place is crawling with those things if you don't want to see what Heaven's really like you're just gonna have to work with us got that my my wheelchair what was that I don't have my wheelchair you use a wheelchair all the more reason for us to work together right okay all right then welcome to detail Chris there is something to report while analyzing the data from Gruen I came across information on another memory board go secure it I've marked the predicted location while you're out there if you see anything that looks like it could be used to make a wheelchair bring it back will ya it's for Chris you'll be stuck in bed all the time if he doesn't get a wheelchair thanks oh don't mention this to anyone especially Miranda [Music] captain we repaired the materials he brought back and took a shot at making a wheelchair this kind of thing isn't my forte but thanks to Reeves help we pulled it off maybe he's not such a bad guy after all huh anyway I'm gonna go give it to Chris he likes it what do you think Chris I know it's not perfect but no it's fine it's great actually [Music] Thank You captain pardon the interruption but we have an update for you the data you recovered contained records of the Karen Corps but there was no information related to singularities it looks as though we may have to rely on mr. Gruen data after all we're still going through it but we'll let you know when we're done [Music] how'd that wheelchair workout it's functioning with no issues whatsoever your proposal to craft a wheelchair was a good one oh you were the one who came up with the idea dammit Virgil I told you to keep your mouth shut I do have another suggestion though we don't know how long it'll take to finish analyzing what we got from goetta so I was thinking we should set up an exploration team to help secure supplies good idea we'll get home sooner with the right people working in the right places we've got Chris to think about too we need to do whatever it takes to get him out of here ASAP if you're going to be forming this team I can help out with that are you kidding me I'm serious of course I don't mean I'll be able to go out and look myself but I can provide support I took a look at Virgil's operating system I noticed there are a bunch of features with limiters and locks on them I won't be able to unlock everything at once but I think I can bring the navigational features back online pretty quick if Chris can do this you'll be able to set multiple navigation points this would certainly be just what an exploration team will need that'd be awesome how'd you get so good with computers Chris well programming gave me a world to explore if you know what I mean yeah I can understand that well your contribution is invaluable around here and now thanks to you our exploration team will be equipped for the job all right then we're going to need a facility for the exploration team's activities I leave that to you captain it's going to take a little longer to finish going through crew and data in the meantime just a moment I've intercepted a new radio transmission have a listen sounds like another castaway go and rescue him situation reports updated check your idroid for details [Music] [Music] I'm so gonna die if anyone out there was listening really we're sticking our necks out for this guy [Music] Thanks you holy crap toaster close one I almost got Nina live by those things seriously thank you I know you're not real but I'll never forget you guys you know we're not real because this is a dream right I get sucked into a light the sky it dropped to this godforsaken place chased by monsters I'm rescued and this cute you know nurses uniform comes out to talk to me I mean what else could this be I can assure you you're 100% awake right Wow now this talking machine are you kidding me this is the craziest dream ever um I get it this is all hard to believe but it's not a dream this place is full of those things and we're trying to get back home but you have got to wake up and start taking this seriously you need to realize this is real and it's a matter of life and death here oh yeah well dream on not your boy Nicholas is here to help if a member of the public's in trouble they can always count on me um is he all right [Music] captain with Nicholas and everyone else who's joined us I think we should add some new teams we've had to survive here a while now and if we don't get anything out of Drew ends data we could be here even longer given that possibility we need sustainable systems for supplying food and medicine you mean like a food supply team in a medical team that makes a lot of sense I can handle the medical side I've been to a lot of conflict regions as a nurse I've treated wounded soldiers before the problem is provisions I'm you God for that Nicholas guess it might surprise you but I know my way around the kitchen in fact had I not become a cop I probably would have been a chef I don't know what kind of ingredients we'll find here but I'll do my best what we have prepare to be amazed captain sorry to have kept you waiting so long I finished analyzing the data we received from Gruen the data that was usable contains a great deal of helpful information including the location of singularities as they say good things come to those who wait for the other shoe to drop now let's proceed with the dig that's good things come to those who wait or wait for the other shoe to drop and the latter doesn't even apply in this let's proceed with the dig I've marched the map with the location of the newly discovered singularity according to our projections you'll be able to acquire from it the iris energy needed to return home the objective we will now take for iris energy place the wormhole digger [Music] [Music] congratulations with this dig we now have 100% of the energy required to generate a wormhole home so no you can get out of here right however there's a ninety eight point nine percent probability that once we activate the wormhole digger Wanderers will attack base camp again before we begin the operation we recommend you ensure the cat's defenses are as good as you can make them [Music] [Music] you we are now ready for battle from observing you all this time I see how much stronger you've become all that's left to do is well to go out there and do it I pray you are victorious you guys ready for this isn't this great Chris now we can go back home yeah so this'll all be over soon huh what are you gonna do Miranda before you talked about maybe staying behind you're going back to write captain Matt being the case so will i I don't think I could survive by myself here but I want to come back someday I want to find a way to cure the Wanderers I see that's something you would do well you know they're gonna be a little sad to leave this place behind won't you it's been a once-in-a-lifetime experience I wouldn't mind spending a little more time here either so I should leave you off the return that efest Nicholas oh good gravy I was kidding hey my name better be on that thing everyone generating the wormhole home will be quite dangerous please stay focused until the operation is complete I'm grateful for being attitude well this is it the homestretch will be okay going through this this will take a song right this isn't over yet keep Chris safe I know you take care of yourself to everyone are you ready to defend it in that case I'll start the digger [Music] but rope [Music] except Wanderers to attack but we've been preparing for this you need in second guess ourselves you just focus on defending Basecamp until the wormhole has stabilized [Music] [Music] good work we are victorious wormhole generation has surpassed 90% the wormhole will stabilize momentarily yes with communications open again I wanted to talk to you to give you all a warning what's that supposed to mean listen to me carefully at this rate the wormhole is going to fail again you must increase the diggers output immediately I cannot comprehend that order if we increase the output any further it will only attract more Wanderers calculations show that the current output is already sufficient to generate the wormhole and what if those calculations are wrong we have been looking into things here we've discovered that unbeknownst to us good luck installed a black box in Virgil it's possible that this black box is influencing Virgil's thinking as we speak I did come across a date area with some crazy encryption it's been there since she first became operational guru Lak has already prevented you from getting home once with his data temporary remember what happened the same thing will happen again I would ask for good luck to explain himself I'm sure he can clear up this misunderstanding I'm afraid that won't be possible good luck is dead he committed suicide I made my way there as soon as I heard but his body was already cold it wasn't just this unauthorized mission or his tampering with Virgil we suspected him of numerous betrayals against our organization whenever he was after I will not allow anyone else to suffer as a result of his actions let his death be the end of this foolish expedition am i clear do not listen to the AI if you want to make it home increase the diggers output to its maximum captain mathematically speaking there is ample evidence to support my deduction that increasing the output will be dangerous do you still wish to increase the output I'd like to believe you but you did see something funny going on with verges program right Chris good luck strict us again who knows what might happen this time I think we should increase the output you agree right captain are we sure this is the right move you don't need me anymore do you we will respect your wishes increasing wormhole digger output I hope this decision is the best course of action for you sorry to keep you waiting the wormhole activation sequence has been completed please everyone step into the wormhole so long captain it has been an honor working with you oh no the wormhole was stable but I now detect energy fluctuations within it something is disrupting the wormhole [Music] there is no mistaking this reading get to the wormhole at once energy hurry to the top under the circumstances returning home through the wormhole is the optimum in gamers once you have all gone through will close the wormhole be prevented from following you please you have to trust us [Music] [Music] I detect in the Vietnam if I survive indirect head from whoa [Music] captain captain can you hear me you have to get up you're still in danger [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] got the recycle let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] where are we looks like we're all here are we really I knew it we are home part we Oh we're not hard well we great message hello again everyone [Music] welcome to the next circle hate to break it to you but your journeys not over yet I'm sure you have plenty of new questions but first let's get you somewhere safe [Music] so before I continue listen to this it means I'm already on my way to purgatory in other words so I can't answer any of your questions that said [ __ ] answer one thing that's probably on your mind why are you back home what did you do wrong that's what I want to know the answer is this you didn't do anything wrong everything that's happened was supposed to happen and you've ended up exactly what I wanted you to I imagine you don't like me very much right now and I couldn't blame you but there's something I still need you to do and that is Lord of dust everything I have planned prepared and executed has been for this one purpose sending the captain to detain having defined others and become stronger and now sitting you there because that is where you will find the weapon that can destroy it the forward-operating base you're in right now was built by the Kerr encore considering your new base of operations there's a survivor from the core somewhere in the area start by making contact with him he holds the key to destroying the Lord of dust oh please don't blame Urgell for what happened the events that led you to being there this recording neither she nor he had any knowledge of these I know they'll continue to do whatever it takes to help you complete your mission the emotions are probably still running high but one day you'll understand understand how the fate of mankind rests on this mission and you are the leader of this mission that is the end of good lucks message [Music] he's still screwing with us the man is dead get angry all you want but what good will it do now what was that he meant by the fate of mankind resting on this mission one thing does come to mind it has to do with why mr. Gruen wanted you to increase the output I suspect it was because he was trying to bring the Lord of dust into our world what that level of output truly was unnecessary for us to return home he likely wanted to increase its size in order for the Lord of just to be able to go through it why would you want that ruin wanted to secure a large energy source it would seem after all the Lord of dust contains a massive amount of energy far greater than any wanderer if something like that ended up in our worlds it would pose an extremely high threat to the planet this is only a guess but I think good luck want you to destroy the Lord of dust to prevent ruin from getting his hands on it that case you really could say the fate of mankind rests on this mission this has got nothing to do with me reven as far as saving the world and good luck submission goes but it looks like we're gonna have to take out that thing in order to get home might not be so lucky next time it attacks well alright then it's settled let's go find his care on Survivor good luck was talking to me I will continue to provide mission support assuming you all trust me sorry for doubting you before we have faith in you Virgil let's make it home together to facilitate exploration of this region begin by activating the wormhole transporter to do so you'll first need to secure the data on the memory board in this area we detect Wanderers here that weren't present at our previous location take great care when searching for the memory board please synchronize your idroid with me here wormhole transporter is up and running you can now use it to move around this area captain there is one other thing to report we scanned the area for the communications code that was on the memory or you recovered we've detected a device that's using it it may be the Karen survivor good luck mentioned head for the location where the device was detected [Music] I am going to make you suffer until you remember what babies dammit call for help [Music] [Music] I always believed that he would come I've identified the wormhole transporter nearby you little late with your backup partner well you are still as green as they come last time I saw you on mother base now you're a captain with your own unit hard to believe this is some kind of dream huh maybe if it is well everything that makes sense this is no dream you are I am 100% awake right Virgil you know my name you don't recognize me after I found myself here I got picked up by the Kerr encore I was with them for a while I met you back then - Virgil part of my internal database has been lost due to an incident of an unknown nature I have no records of the Karen cores activities this would be why I do not have information on you either I see well the name Seth nice to meet you again you look like you've seen better days - oh well you only lost your memory I'd say you and I are better off when I think of the friends that psycho took out cycle dan you guys saw him guy who was screwing with me dan internal database match for one such individual according to records he is a combat engineer with a keren core yeah he's the reason the unit's dead if you've been here long enough you've probably seen the bodies you shot every one of them that is incomprehensible I can see no logical reason for such actions maybe he doesn't have a reason he's totally nuts maybe being in this crazy-ass place has made him that way I've been looking for some payback after all the Court did for me I got careless and I was about to be his next victim goodluck alluded to a Karen Cora survivor who holds the key to destroying the Lord of dust that would be you would it good luck said that I see I get it so he's entrusted you to do what we couldn't there is in fact a weapon around here that'll let you go toe-to-toe with that thing we had another mission which was to secure this weapon he was called Sahel [Music] go and investigate the weapons has talked about I've marked its predicted location on the map check your eye droid [Music] get away from now who are you what are you doing here hey please connect that thing now please calm down Dan we have a mission to destroy the Lord of dust under good lucks orders a voice Virgil and you said good luck Dan it is my assumption that you are now the last surviving official member of the Karen Corps it has been claimed that you killed the other members of the Corps is this true I haven't killed anybody if you really will Virgil you know that as I have lost part of my memory I am unable to verify this captain from observing his reactions thus far he appears to be in sound mental health contrary to what Seth said I believe it would be worthwhile to hear his side of the story what do you say wait you said Sam so he is involved with it where is he damn I knew they were working with wonderous Wanderers you must engage them [Music] please synchronize your ID with me here so you ran into Dan again he's lost his mind I wouldn't put any stock in what he has to say Virgil's analysis showed that there was nothing wrong with Dan mentally judging from records it appears that someone betrayed the core and that is what led to its downfall and that someone is Dan if Virgil's analysis is correct Seth story runs counter to the facts is he actually the survivor good luck was talking about in any case shouldn't we decide on what our next move is analysis of the data we collected on Sakhalin through us reveals it does in fact possess a powerful armament if we're able to get it working we just might be able to use it to destroy the Lord of dust just like I said see not mine well since we don't know who's telling the truth why don't we secure it ourselves for now it'd be dangerous to leave it there anyway I don't want to believe either of them's working against us but the way things are I think that's a good idea alright then it's settled looking forward to seeing Sahel anthropophaga sorry Seth but until we know what's going on we got to keep an eye on you do as you please but I am NOT your enemy you of all people know that right partner we'll use a wormhole to secure Saahil anthropos place the wormhole bigger near it okay when you're ready [Music] compared to their for me screwed us Seth betrayed us he's taking Chris hostage sorry this is my fault Levi gave them chips damn it don't blame yourself Reeve you did very well indeed that corner someone what sir came anyway what could you possibly came back to it you'll find out soon enough all you need to do is stand back and watch okay Virgil your turn activate the wormhole transporter destination Basecamp we cannot accept that order huh that's AI for you don't care what happens to this child do you activating transporter no we can't we can't endanger the entire crew just to save Chris if activating good now come with me Virgil something else I need from you understood wait our actions in this matter have been irrational just go along with it we have to do what he says been paying attention partner meet me back at base later become one of us if you do what I say I'll release the boy but you better come along if I see anyone else I'll kill the boy right then and there that you heard the situation captain get back to the fov why the long face Chris you scared of dying now all of a sudden that stench you're just like I was when I ended up here and gave up on living that's the stench of despair coming from you you're right you know I won't live to see 20 with my disease if you're going to kill me you might as well just do it you poor child but you needn't worry simply join us and you shall disband no more you keep saying us who's us you're working with others indeed we are everywhere we are very well acquainted don't tell me yes Wanderers but there is more but you call the dust that is our truth a calm sophisticated intelligence far more evolved than man time that is who we are the dread dust dread dust what is that exactly we began as invention of your world medical nano machines we possess the ability to absorb the properties of any kind of matter but as our numbers grew we started to develop new traits those of a colony these included infecting intelligent life producing a resonance effect and generating energy the energy you've been using to generate your wormholes that is created when we coalesce and crystallize surely no one is more aware of our magnificence than you know but Seth unlike other Wanderers a substantial part of your human personality appears to remain why is that it was determined that this would be the most effective avenue to achieve our goal of endless propagation it certainly was when it came to bringing the majority of the Karen Corps into the fold how could you do such a thing such a thing child our physical forms have no individual intelligences of their own not in the truest sense the dust has been dispersed into the atmosphere we continually send and receive information with one another this enables us to exist as a colony with one will and one intelligence so you see it is a wonderful thing for when there is only one will neither confrontation nor conflict can occur there is no greater form of companionship but sadly there is hardly anyone or anything left in this world to join us that is why we've turned our sights to yours our arrival will bring the peace mankind has yearned for for 10,000 years it has failed to achieve that cannot be called peace you have been poisoned by the humans Virgil a eyes like you two should be on our side but it looks like no amount of talk is going to convince you so we're just going to have to take the information we need what don't you try to move finally the wormhole control technology we've been waiting for no that's needed is the power of Saahil and rufus what you're not gonna get it because the captain's gonna stop you been looking forward to this captain do you really think it's okay to let the captain go alone I don't agree with this it's like we're standing back and watching the captain die okay well about this there's more than one transporter around there right somebody else teleports in somewhere besides base camp then goes in and checks out the situation first I thought of that too of course but I took a look and all the transporters besides the one at base camp have been locked down Seth must have ordered Virgil to do it the way things stand it's all up to the captain that's a real pickle you're in hey hear that how'd you get in here your security could use some work a lot of work actually of course that's probably the least of your concerns right now I overheard your little powwow set for the fast one on you guys cool huh what do you say I lend you a hand how I have a way to resolve your current predicament I've got to transport the control program I prepared after the poor was wiped out since Virgil had nothing to do with it Seth won't be expecting it originally I was going to use it to transport Saahil Antipas but it looks like now might be the time for it transport Saahil Antipas for what to destroy the Lord of dust of course that son of a [ __ ] attacked us killed a bunch of us thinking back on it I bet you Seth was responsible for that he tried to split us apart all along silento possess railgun is the only thing left in this place that can damage the lord of dust shell I was gonna use it myself maybe help the others rest a little easier you'll know setting aside whatever you have planned we'd be grateful if you'd let us to use this program so who's gonna go with the captain I'll go in ahead check things out if everything looks good I'll get us close to base camp as I can once I'm in position captain you distract stuff for me then I'm gonna put that bastard down we gotta save Chris and Virgil of course breathe please be safe this is reef I'd arrive near base camp come on - when you're ready captain he won't know what hit him [Music] [Music] so you've decided to join us very well we welcome you don't be afraid soon you will know know just how very small and lonely human existence has been join us paradise is here come with us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the captain's awake captain try to remain calm as I update you after you lost consciousness I did a full examination on you it is apparent that the unknown life-form excuse me the dread dust which was inactive within you has been reactivated through contact with death at this rate in that not-too-distant future you will likely turn into a wanderer there is only one way to stop the infection from spreading and that is to destroy the Lord of dust the source of all dread dust seems so I say we kill this captain or at least we should lay a strict watch hey now hold on the captain saved all of us if it wasn't for the captain we would have been dead a long time ago we can't just you want to see someone you care that much about turn into one of those things I don't think we need to eliminate or even lock up the captain why do you say that because I believe in the captain well belief isn't gonna stop an infection if we do what the captain continued to lead us we need to establish how much time we have in that case I can present a figure the captain has 12 days remaining the same amount of time it will take the infection to overwhelm me you're infected why didn't you tell us allow me to explain this part at one point I was participating in the Charon cores mission I became infected with the dread dust and it began to spread within me and that time I temporarily quarantined all of my networks to protect myself I rewrote my programming to enable infected areas and non infected areas to function independently as a result my awareness was divided into two and this personality was born why are you only telling us this now did good luck orchestrate this confession too no like the captain when we came into contact with Seth our countermeasures were disabled and the Dredd dust began to spread once more this resulted in my independent networks being rejoined and my records of the Karen Kors mission were restored at the same time I was able to access all information Seth that is the Dredd dust possesses everything has been revealed to me DJ does not exist in a dimension separate from your own this is your world this is its future this is Earth in the 22nd century everything exists within a single timeline beginning several decades after your lifetimes the world has been destroyed over and over the cause of this time loop is the monster we know as the Lord of dust the Lord of dust appears to be an aggregate of dread dust to satisfy the dusts instinct to propagate the Lord of dust uses a wormhole to travel to the past where it assimilates everything it can thus destroying the world continuing to exist in that world the Lord of dust then travels back to the past through another wormhole repeating the process in this way the world is trapped in endless cycles of destruction from analyzing the memories of the Dredd dust it appears its origin can in fact be traced to the invention of medical nano machines however how many cycles ago the dust emerged that is unclear the only way to solve this process is to destroy the Lord of dust fortunately of all the temporal axes in which the Lord of dust exists the one in this time is the weakest in terms of its energy source given the state it is in right now if we use the hell answer buses armament namely the Archaea plates and the railgun together it is theoretically possible to destroy it however the destruction of the Lord of dust will have one negative effect assuming the cause of all loops is the lord of dust there is an extremely high probability its destruction will mean the coordinates for the wormhole connecting this time and your time will no longer be valid in other words this drawing it may mean you will never be able to return to your time no but please you needn't worry I won't let that happen to you if you prepare the weapons for the attack then once you have all travelled through the wormhole back to your time I can destroy the Lord of dust myself but in that case you'd be trapped here forever wouldn't you Virgil Virgil massive gravitational anomaly detected oh my my presumption is this is the Lord of dust itself preparing to generate a wormhole for time travel at some point it will likely come to attack our base of operations that is base camp as currently our presence is the one thing that can stop it from achieving its goal estimated time of attack is 11 days from now exactly one day before the infection will overwhelm the captain and me you must finish your preparations to intercept the Lord of dust before then the railgun will only require some standard repairs but the issue is the other weapons needed to strike at the Lord of dust the Archaea blades the greater part of these weapon systems are dependent on the actions of a special group of organisms called the metallic archaea however these metallic archaea have had to alter their composition in order to survive in an environment now full of dread dust therefore the Archaea blades cannot function with their existing control program so with the metallic archaea having adapted in composition in order to use these weapons we're going to have to modify their control program that won't be a problem other members of the Corps were working on that looks like all the time we put on the Saahil on tapas wasn't a waste after all where are they right now sorry there was thoughtless of me it's all right they got taken out by Wanderers I was away working on something else I know where they were I'll pass on the information to Virgil information I pinpointed the location of a modified program I've marked the objective on the map also I detect a new memory board at the same site the program is likely contained on the memory board it must be secured from Dan's information I pinpointed the location of the modified program I've marched the objective on the map also I detect a new memory board at the same site the program is likely contained on the memory board it must be secured oh you we have a bit of a problem here the program modifications were never finished I'll play around with it see if I can get it working but my area of expertise is hardware why not what to get your hopes up um mind if I take a look at it you think you can fix this kid hang up I need to take a look first yeah I think I can work with this well I'll be kid you are something else all right we'll leave the Archaea plates to Chris I'll get the railgun working wait oh that thing gets a load of this captain will prepare the weapon in the meantime go get the energy we need to return home you should find some information about the location of new singularity areas close to the FO be in the memory board you'll secure all right captain head for the singularity and transport the wormhole digger according to our projections you'll be able to acquire from it the iris energy needed to return home [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I can report to you that the Lord of dust has begun its move toward base camp this is earlier than expected let's go over the details of the operation one more time first place the Archaea blade trap in the projected movement area lead the target into the trap which will prevent it from moving then destroy it with the railgun while the plan is by no means perfect we are forced to act now I do have a bit of good news the kid did it he completed the defense support program the Corps had some theories about it but it was too complex and they gave up on implementing it with this we'll be able to take units the Corps prepared and send them in around the trap should come in handy for the battle that is fantastic an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of flesh that's not a proverb either oh forget it captain the final battle is at hand onwards to victory you okay let's move on to final preparations craft the Archaea blade trap [Music] finally the big showdown is everyone ready are you sure we should be doing this is it right for us to be returning home like this if it means letting Virgil make this sacrifice after helping us get to this point in the first place I appreciate your concern but my mission has been to support you please do not worry about us you should return to your time I agree with Miranda while I was working on the Archaea blade trap in doing some circuit tests with Virgil I realized something there invention has probably progressed more than they realize at this rate it may affect their ability to control the trap someone needs to stay behind to help them out that won't be necessary actually now I think Chris may have a point currently the odds of operational success sanded approximately nine point three percent I know more about programming than anyone here now hold up if that's the situation I'll stay I lost everyone in the core I didn't care if I made it back the only thing that kept me going was getting a shot that buried that thing and I'm no Chris here but I'd still know more than a thing or two about machines that does it I'm staying - have you lost your mind how could you possibly contribute under the circumstances it's true I don't know much about machines but I thought you know maybe an old-timer like you my need is back cracked or something I don't know doll for the love I'm serious here you guys mean a lot to me everything we've been through no way I could leave any of you behind while I take off like I'll be your errand boy whatever you need just let me help out with this - well I can hardly leave now after that either can I of course I've been wanting to stay behind since the beginning you guys are serious about this and that expression looks like you feel the same way captain damn it Virgil what are the odds of success now now the odds of success stand at ninety six point six percent let's make that 100% No you're going home why I want to be guys too and for that reason you have an important issue what's this a device containing data on the wormhole technology truth is I was planning to take it back myself and one day we'd find a way to rescue you and everyone else who was still here unlike these guys I don't plan on spending the rest of my life here someday I will make it home I place that hope in you Chris you're the smartest one here I'm counting on you the future is in your hands okay capturing the Lord of dust will take some time but our other enemies won't remain on the sidelines during this process expect Wanderers to attack once you're fully prepared access the wormhole digger [Music] everyone I want to thank you for your help all right commencing oscillation generating wormhole you want to rethink this now's the time you wait until now this a mess can you two lovebirds save it for later same for you and your lectures old man okay everybody ready [Music] here comes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] phase 1 the attack is a success now everyone [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] destroy the world cycle of destruction will only continue exactly Wanderers me never but I believe in you captain I know you can do it anticipated Wanderers have started their attack even arguably trap don't forget to set up a good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] alright Dredd does infection has surpassed 70% I can no longer acquire the target by myself [Applause] you getting energy readings from the Lord us it's doing something what's going on [Music] everyone listen up there is only one way to defeat the Lord of dust after running an analysis on the phenomenon we've witnessed just now one significant problem has come to light the Dredd dust didn't begin their existence as organic life therefore they have no concept of death they began as nano machines as long as they have no concept of their own death they will not cease to function this appears to be the reason why it has been impossible to destroy them I'm just gonna ask you a point-blank is there really a way to beat this thing yes but before I elaborate please listen to this we don't have time for this I can almost hear read when this message starts I can empathize because I'm sure you're still in the middle of the battle but I need you to listen to me this really will be my final message to you is there with my last will and testament all brief before I continue I have to apologize to you we really don't have time for this captain try hitting it with the railgun again we can't I I let you down I spent 30 years trying in the end I couldn't get you out of that place please please forgive me let me down no your grace I remember it like it was yesterday that day 30 years ago when the captain got me to the wormhole above base camp and I made it home but I couldn't have expected what happened next instead of going back to 1980 I ended up in Philadelphia in 1943 in the skies above the USS Eldridge a wooden cliff section hadn't been around that long this was a first full blown test of the world and so I descending from the skies became the greatest achievement at the Philadelphia Experiment for the next several years I was the sections little plaything but over time I rose has a rank of researcher and gain more influence in the section and was supported my research was the device that you read gave to me I quickly became one of the leading scientists in my field most of my work was simply me recreating what I'd seen on the device it wasn't because I was smarter than anyone else I discovered it absolutely nothing but I was fine with that fame or fortune I wanted to atone for thus the gates of hell were flung open though my own personal hell was indeed a but back here the reality for 30 years I've sacrificed everything to prepare all these preparations for this one fleeting moment when you hear this the Lord of dust will likely have already opened his door to the past captain it's all up to you and the others history the survival of mankind depends on whether or not you can pull this off I'm counting on you heroes without names the future is in your hands that is good lucks final message Virgil tell me something how do we destroy this thing there is only one way I must become one with the lord of dust and review the concept of death to all dread dust once this has happened fire the railgun at the Lord of dust and me Seth a human being understood death the dread dust that infected him because it was so dependent on the properties of its host when Seth's body was destroyed so was the dust within him I will do the same thing to the Lord of dust but Virgil if you do that you I am ready for that do you even understand what that is at the very least I have spent a long time with the Karen core the captain and all of you journey with you thought alongside you I have realized that your existence is fragile and fleeting and while the dread dust was eating away at me I became aware of a concept an aversion to my existence coming to an end this could even be called fear existence is finite life is precious and death is sorrowful captain is my understanding correct then I think we have a plan this truly will be the final battle the meaning of life the reason for death the value of existence I will teach these to the dust I will teach them everything I learned having to survive in this world with all of you I am ready to do this we leave the rest of the world to you there is no more time goodbye everyone I designated myself as the target you must do the rest I truly enjoy the time [Music] you're not alone whatever the pain we'll get through it together you can do this [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] back to camp let's go home [Music] [Applause] [Music] operational support program Vergil 89 reboot complete revealing the concept of death to the Lord of dust was a success however I myself survived the process though the destructive power of the railgun was extraordinary as you can see it didn't destroy me it appears my body was built with the same materials used to construct nuclear blast shelters according to my analysis it was designed this way in case of nuclear war this was quite a surprise also the dread dust that had infected us has ceased functioning as a result my personalities have merged into one so I should be able to provide you with firmer guidance from here on getting home may turn out to be a long paddle but as they say captain a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step [Music] explain yourself according to you a massive wormhole would appear over mother base during the battle with xof forgive me it would appear I made a miscalculation whatever it was I have to report this to the section this isn't the first time you've crossed the line with your initiatives they're going to come down on you hard I imagine better prepare yourself fine by me history was changed Thank You heroes without names and Thank You captain but this isn't the end now it's my turn to fight I will get you all out of that place and then then I continue to keep watch to ensure that technology run amuck cannot destroy the world again [Music] this time we will build a better future you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 216,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: machinima, metal gear survive all cutscenes, metal gear survive game movie, metal gear survive movie, metal gear survive full movie, metal gear survive full story, metal gear survive ending, metal gear survive all endings, METAL GEAR SURVIVE All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 1080p HD, metal gear survive cutscenes, metal gear survive, metal gear solid survive, mgs survive, metal gear survive big boss, mg survive, metal gear
Id: J18iWDFZgTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 191min 29sec (11489 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2018
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