HOMEFRONT: THE REVOLUTION All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 1080p HD

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[Music] it started back with the apex corporation in the 70s and the birth of Silicon River in North Korea even back then their tech was way ahead of what was coming out of America we bought everything they could sell from phones to tablets to just about anything and when they started making weapons well we couldn't resist our wars in the Middle East have been getting worse and worse one leads straight to the next even after that terrible day in Riyadh we kept fighting as our country fell apart and still we bought a packs to give us an edge as the dollar tanked our debt to North Korea spiral unemployment rocketed and the country was on his knees the failing government defaulted on a debt North Koreans made their decision every piece of technology they'd sold us a back door they turned off our military with a single button press the first kPa troops on US soil were said to be there to rebuild but after the early a packages it was only brutality [Music] they stole our liberty and our freedom America is under control yay [Music] but she will rise again you are the revolution [Applause] [Music] hello and welcome to KAC on Subic on today's top story preparations begin today for the much-anticipated Patriots Day Parade this auspicious calendar event celebrates the contribution of the liaison officers who work tirelessly to bridge the gap between the emergency administration and the ordinary citizens to ensure the safety of the citizens during the grade Mara Simpson has vowed to redouble anti-terrorist efforts and has allocated additional peacekeeper resources to tackle any and all criminal activity in the lead-up to the parade Maris Simpson does just released the following statement we all know only too well the threats we face daily here in Philadelphia the bombings the shootings all orchestrated by Benjamin Walters national network of terror rest assured we will bring these criminals to justice [Music] these super patrols keep our streets safe and secure for all citizens thanks to improved threat recognition systems and drones potential terrorists can be identified and neutralized swiftly [ __ ] guy he calls us terrorists after what he's done he wouldn't be so confident if he knew Walker was right here in Philly yeah Walker's really gonna stir things up how long do these do five minutes those drones scanning are we ready think so something a Brady only been what two three days with us and you're gonna meet Walker in person he's the whole reason I'm here he's inspired all of us Brady can you pass me some gas Thanks I guess Walker was a legend in Washington too I heard a little about what happened there I'm sorry I'm glad you're here with us hey guys there's something weird the streets deserted what [ __ ] is it us [ __ ] Walker's gonna be here any minute we don't tell them nothing Brady you hear hello thank you for waiting so patiently we can get started now so you are gonna tell me where I can find Benjamin Walker you're wasting your time here the last thing I heard Walker was down in Memphis you know I have superpowers [ __ ] your powers you pathetic little traitor whoa sounds like someone needs a demonstration I'll show you exactly how powerful I am I take my hand like this I point so how about it [Music] [Music] start talking I won't go so easy on you miss Walker [ __ ] you water get Maddie [ __ ] mess [Music] you you this is the place here for now but the norc's will tear the district apart looking for us we got to make contact with another resistance cell [ __ ] I picked a bad time to get shot remember these this phone is our ticket to safety if you can find a network transceiver and hack into it that'll connect us to the hidden resistance signal and show us the closest safe house here we're working blind here you need to find a resistance stash legend have intel on the district including transceiver locations but hurry Brady we don't have long they will find us we have to locate a safe [Music] [Music] [Applause] [ __ ] they got Walker I can't believe it come on Scott this changes nothing you're here means two mothers will rise up you can't stop get the [ __ ] off me get the [ __ ] up it's good my son where are you going huh [ __ ] spy [ __ ] traitor trying to sell us out to the Norse for a handful of rice yeah let's teach him a lesson I'll go first East bakes Dana said we caught anyone we got to tell her first you don't want to piss her off do you well I just hope she leaves a piece for me I wouldn't count on it I don't think I'll be seeing you again heavy [ __ ] huh be a bit lighter what's Dana's finished with him yeah hello down there I'm Dana and you are mr. spy you and I you're gonna tell me what the narcs know about us and I'm gonna hurt you while you do it and for me the new every Christian is quick although it'd be really just scream as loud as you want no need to suffer in silence hey Dana here we got company just another few questions how do you know he's a spy those two Dana the dumbest [ __ ] you got anything on it some ID you got here Ethan Brady I knew it walk his message said he was coming in with this guy no one told me y'all if I could ever find you when I need you you'd only just joined Harvey's crew right I'm sorry about what happened but you survived we could use a guy like you I'm Jack Bauer's by the way this is Doc Sam Burnett and uh Dana more you met no hard feelings I hope you're a lucky boy you okay kid looks like some head trauma possible concussion I got some pills you should take hey Doc you don't need helping up he needs to keep his focus head injuries can be unpredictable feeling confused kid disconnected he's fine doc you know what's real don't you brave looks like he's been through a lot last thing he needs a small trouble can't you fix him up a new ID and let him go it's not that easy doc you saw the screens the Lord's want this guy bad besides we need people like you ain't afraid to take a chance I've seen too much already yeah that's all what do you say lady you're gonna stick with us huh are they gonna be glamorous probably gonna die speeches like that ready yeah well that's why we need walk or have words ain't my specialty so any objections to Brady joining us no well no one's gonna listen to me I'll be getting back to my work good luck kid all right soon as we get word whether Holden Walker we got to find a way to bust them out everything depends on it the first things first we're gonna get you trained up and show you how we do things around here that's good you came along welcome us to see potential in it we trusted you my instincts tell me you're alright we need more people like you people willing to join the uprising that's what's all about now we gotta stir the people up and soon we'll be snowballs get the whole city behind us the North's won't stand a chance Walker's a spark people follow him we got to get him back we've been down here for a few months now this is all part of the Broad Street subway extension it was mothballed back in 21 when the city ran out of money it's not on any of the pre-war map so the narcs don't know about it here you have a Brady this is the boot that's gonna kick the KPA zas come on over here first things first let's get some American steel enhance this is uh who's this that's Ethan Brady was helping Walker Walker got arrested yeah but I wasn't Brady's fault don't worry about cookie here he's generally in a pissed-off mood but he's a genius and then provide some weapons and that's why we keep around in there I cook always cooking up something new one day you're gonna make that joke and I'll shoot you dead then we'll see who's laughing huh you said they'd take it easy will ya Brady needs a weapon what can you spare you can have this if it turns out you show some aptitude then we can talk about upgrading there you go now try converting your pistol always a charmer see you around Syd Parrish we're still waiting on that transceiver Intel yeah yeah I know don't worry about it Moore's on it say hey to Brady there's a new recruit the resistance is more just frontline what's up people helping the best they can take dr. Burnett he's a good example that's not gonna win this war the top line is we got to build up our strength by expanding our red Sun operations we keep ambushing and raiding that weakens the norc's and strengthens us eventually we'll turn the tables and in the yellow zones we're fighting for the hearts and minds of the people trapped there we give them the belief that we can win and when Walker gives the call they'll rise up and follow we only get one shot though we've got to be ready okay I want you to head to the red zone Dana will teach you how we operate out there she's the best in the business just try not to piss her off huh show me I'm right to trust you okay you don't want to go out there I'm prepared you should take some molotovs hey Lorna help the new guy out data this is parish I'm sending you Brady you can help you hit the KPA transceiver make sure you get the coordinates of every kPa operation in the area Dana here understood we'll get you those locations as soon as we can reach the kPa transceiver will download the data ship data we got a patrol switch overnight got any ideas no time to go around let's hit him Brady over here okay Parrish once you trained and I guess I owe you for before so you get to learn from the best just try not to screw things up new plan we're ambushing this patrol Brady how best if you go with g-man just do what he says come on buddy this way and yeah try not to die alpha you got anything give me a second okay yeah Dana there's barrel traps on elm tree Avenue just ahead breathe through here come on let's hustle dude through the window then get your head down they're closed just hope it works crouching the marker this is it ready on the barrels not yet wait okay airships coming in we don't have long the truck [Music] Isak flapping the breeze here where are you guys Isaac we hit trouble be better if we split up everyone head for a transceiver with luck some of us will find a way through Brady I've uploaded a transceiver location to your phone we'll try for the others good luck Daytona mrs. Parrish what's the situation screech the transceiver reacts at the lot of her parish in trouble had to split up one of us will get there don't worry turn it into his program that warehouse contains a kPa transceiver acquiring access to impede grant us death of the nearby strong home and other kPa operation to the zone [Music] radiates more you manage to get to the transceiver I'm impressed we'll put that Intel to good use I guess Parrish was right about you I'm gonna follow up a possible Walker sighting you should familiarize yourself with our operation we have a main weapons store hidden inside this district it's run by Ned Sharpe you should head over there introduce yourself I'm uploading the location to your phone now I'll see you around or to lose six guys for strikes already we need more covering over at holstee this Helen says there's no trace there the hell has happened to me Brady Moore called said you might show up lucky for me you did I got a patrol gone missing and I could use your help just wait a second get a hold of Connor see if he checked out the coastline maybe they got themselves lost and broken down live he's free tell him to grab a bike and head and go take a look sorry Brady I'm Ned Sharpe by the way I run the armory here but like I'm saying I've lost the patrol they were following up a report that Walker was being moved they said they had a convoy in sight then the transmission stopped any information on Walker is vital we gotta find out what's happened to them I got people out looking but there's a lot of ground to cover I need you out there helping the search keep trying to race to be something walking there radio Ned I'm doing my best I told Andy he was getting too cocky why can't a new guy can you're gonna look for Andy's patrol Brady its net the more ground we can cover the more chance we'll find Andy and his men I'm marking your search area on your phone you'll find anything at all I need to know about it good luck Brady tracked Andy's message and your closest mark and the transmission source on your phone get over there see if you can help I'll send support as soon as I can [Music] Brady its Ned thanks for what you did Christ I hate losing people only silver lining is this lead on Walker Andy's guy saw where the norc's were taking him and our spotters just reported some of them are dead norc's captured them and have taken them to Earl's that yellow zone we have to try and rescue them to find out where Walker's being held okay I'm heading to Austin now can you come meet me strike me as a man who gets results I'm marking the tunnel location on your map I'll see you there Brady its parish had told me you really helped him out I'm glad I was right about you he says you had no Earl so I gotta warn you the noise if I teach you your names all over the news Johnny ain't Polly's telling everyone you're a murderer you have to be really careful okay that can fill you in when you see them hey Brady we managed to get a real foothold in elmtree thanks to you and that's let us force the route drew into here Earl Stern yellow zone just in time too my guys are being held at the police station and god only knows what the norc's are doing to them we got to get them out before they give up any information but here's the thing this is yellow zone that means heavy security and what's worse the KPA are hunting you Brady now I won't lie it's gonna be hard just to move around nevermind Mountain Rescue but we got no choice the first thing you do you hide your gun then you have to use the civilians as cover try to blend in there'll be a KP a transceiver in the zone I suggest you make that your first target but before you go we've got a few tricks up our sleeves look upstairs on the table I think you'll find it very useful good luck Brady I'm counting on you hey Brady if you're heading out we got some firecrackers you can take nothing like them for making a distraction in the Yellowstone's kPa forces will recognize you as a wanted man and trigger the global alarm in order to avoid detection ensure you keep civilians between you and any soldiers and stay out of sight of cameras vehicles and drones engaging in combat will also set off the alarm if the alarm is raised the kPa will begin hunting you down for as long as the alarm remains active if you can break line-of-sight then the alarm level will begin to reduce but you can accelerate the cooldown by using hide spots be warned though you can't enter a hide spot while in line of sight of kPa forces and no safe house will let you enter at all while the alarm is active once the alarm level reaches zero the alarm stops and the pursuit will end distraction devices are especially useful here throw them to move enemies out of your path or to confuse them while you make your escape [Music] I can't be around this [Music] [Music] in order to start a revolution you need to persuade ordinary people to join the fight the map shows your progress towards inspiring the district to rise up and the five different categories of actions that will contribute to your total these are strike points which must be captured voice of freedom where you tune radios to the resistance station sabotage where you destroy kPa infrastructure acts of liberation such as saving people from police brutality and finally destroying the APCs that patrol the streets in addition to raising hearts and minds you also earn kPa tech points which can be used to buy weapon conversion guerilla toolkit deployment methods and new kit items once hearts and minds reaches a hundred percent you can activate the broadcasting of resistance propaganda across the district this will cause the people to rise up and allows access to the KPA zki strongholds in the district hey Brady its net nice job getting the intel on the district now we know what we're up against you can see the police station where they're holding my guys but there's no way within the mount of rescue at the moment the norms have total control we need to change that we have to get the people on our side appeal to their hearts and minds with them behind us I'll rescue stands a chance and once we get the info on Walker we can make up I gotta get back to the armory for some damn-fool posted sky-high but I'll stay in touch good luck Brady really often go ahead tone we lost the vehicle transporting Wolcott okay no purses you want some hide info ASAP you got it we have a concern New Orleans [Music] great work Brady people started to get behind keep the what you do [Applause] [Music] now the resistance knows about the garden thank you keep it safe from apne interference and make sure the produce goes to those who need it most nice work [Music] looks like they were investigating a particularly brutal murder of a peacekeeper I guess we're not the only ones who were choosing to fight the norc's Brady its filly alpha head back to the tunnel house you can give the signal from there and broadcast a message across the district to galvanize the people into action Brady great work while you've been stirring things up we've been hacking into the KPA PA when we turn this on it'll start broadcasting our messages across the whole district should start a goddamn riot huh want to do the honors Pyrrhus whoo we did it time to take our stand back thought I'd be doing this day in and day out Brady its Burnett I need you at my clinic it's on your map I want you to see what you've done pity the last [Music] take a look take a good look this is your doing you and Ned start on trouble in the zone and this is the price people ready innocent people all this fine talk about revolution but it's always the ordinary people who suffer I just don't have the supplies to treat everyone seeing as your actions brought most of them here maybe you'd be willing to help the KPA have a Depot on the other side of town should have medical supplies you want to do some good get me what you can Rainey its Burnett that's the default let's like it's protected by electronic Lots but your friends had no resistance always have ways to a variety I heard their establishment weapon factory in the district I suggest you see if they can help it's breathing hey Brady heard you've been kicking ass here come check this out these are hack tools we designed them to temporarily override kPa systems we rigged up this kPa gate to test them don't ask how we got it see how the wires bingo you just broke into a maximum security if you run out of hacks you can always build more see you around [Music] and here I'll make sure the supplies get delivered to Burnett we need to do what we can for his casualty can't lose any more time you've got Earl Singh up off its knees and we have to capitalize and hit the police station the prisoners are our only lead on Walker you proved you're a capable man Brady I know you can do this girls to drone control tower commands all the north AI tech within poster we take this for them we drastically reduce the effectiveness of the automated centuries [Applause] [Music] [Music] great work capturing that drone tower losing that should severely impact the KPA automated units in the zone [Music] Jesus breathing faster they didn't deserve this never good people and the intel on Walker's gone - why would they do this did they know we were coming god what a mess oh don't blame yourself Brady you did everything you could at least we got an Earl still behind us you better head to the subway when you can Parrish what's to see hopefully he'll know what to do next Brady its Burnett I'm sorry about Ned's men the motive violates every convention of the treatment of prisoners but it means you caused all this bloodshed for nothing I got a chance to thank you so I do it I figured we'd have a location by now something less they just kill him are we gonna stop the revolution I'll walk someone that can follow that about control all we can do is keep fighting hey baby boy come in come in you're doing a fantastic job pal I better watch my back you'll be taking over for me or hi what's up doc brings you all the way down here doctor someone tell you we found some band-aids listen prophet sent a message the KPA know about the armor they gonna attack [ __ ] did you say they hit the army will lose it all all our weapons all the equipment you gotta want your man they still time to get him out not without those weapons we need them for the uprising will be left fighting the noughts with spoons now now we need to get everything out first find someplace new to stash it we should turn the tables Surprise them before they hit us yeah that evacuations gonna take a while anyway out we need to stall them sounds like it's ambush time we have plenty of explosives ready it's an ork landing all the way over in Pyongyang like firework season you think this is funny you can joke about killing so where are we gonna stash the guns it's got to be someplace safe a few places would be better so uh hey Doc we're gonna need to use your products all right Zane perfect when the revolution starts no what if the knock sign that likes to get everyone you can't risk my people it's not ideal doc but this is [ __ ] war man I spent four years baking flour honest feelings get these clinics up and running it's the job to even call them that but they're all we have all the people have don't be careful Sam I'm sorry we got my choice the hell with you his people is your sweet all right you need to get over the army and help compare the ambush mutate are gonna round up as many fighters as we can to meet you over there don't have all the fun without us Ethan look you gotta hold them off until we get there with reinforcements we need to secure those weapons you understand me don't let me down Dana come on gotta move to my team yeah that upset it Brady and everyone we can spare now Dana are you gonna get our teams together and come as soon as we can just hold on we need those weapons [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] they're attacking [Music] get to the trucks get to the truck [Music] [Music] pops I can't believe it took down a [ __ ] Goliath quick see if the brain is still in one piece Heather has been after one goddess great chakra now get out of there radius Parrish I heard that did man I'm sorry we have to make sure he died for something that matters if you can get the brain back it'll be a big win for us so you made it back how many did Ned and most of his people are gone I look into the future Brady and in that uncertain darkness I see a face constellation of light the good deeds the joy and the love that will be spread by all of us as we travel our lives instead of this conflict extinguishes those lights and the future Duncan's for all of us I want to just run away from it all but then I hear someone calling in pain and I just can't do it I have to try to help I'm going back to work try and get some rest I want everything out Jack how we supposed to treat me but with rockets were all around our feet I can't quite put my finger on don't ask me jack I'm not a cold look we'll get you some extra supplies no I'll even get you that bad that x-ray machine you've been active will get it get it rigged up so you can run off a generator like don't worry about it the weapons will be out of your clinics and into the hands of the people in no time small violence revolution doc this is a war some things are worth fighting for bear do tell you you're just a conical eye it's single-handed managed to get the brain out you're a hero now kid what's up Dana what you've been wounded norc's interrogating them anything useful I don't speak Korean but I'm sending a message back that's universal what do you mean what are you doing to them perish turn on North TV love this hello and welcome to KAC all across America people continue to celebrate the capture of the terrorist leader Benjamin Walker here in Philadelphia it has been announced that Walker was stand trial at the Hall of Justice later this month if this [ __ ] you believe this [ __ ] we've been busting our asses trying to track him down and they go ahead and tell us where he is on live TV all of justice always be Independence Hall to me finally we could do something instead of sit around with a thumbs in our asses hey we rescue Walker from that trial and he's gonna dial this revolution up to the level you're asking easy as that last time I looked that place was ringed in steel a hole in your glass Burnett well your optimism is dribbling down your pants Doc's right this is gonna [ __ ] you know what you don't always get bail thisis what we need but it's all this risk worth it for one man doc don't get it man people are ready to rise up they just don't know it yet I wish I could tell them what I can't I don't have the words Walker does he knows how to reach people how to make him understand that fear is the only thing holding them back and once they realize that nothing's gonna stop them your revolution will become a bloodbath you think there's a peaceful way of doing this look we finally got our hands on a Goliath brain thanks to Brady we're gonna steal AG life and put our brain in it and that's how we're gonna bust our way inside that's plan get behind kicking boots gonna be on the other foot for a change we don't have a lot of time before the try so let's get to work Brady I need you to take the brain to Heather it's our best engineer she'll be able to figure out how it works how's those labs in Ashgate but the district got cut off love to use our spot Crawford to get you inside it's a collaborator really I'll tell them to meet at Holloway and come up with a plan all the ways down a platform and up the stairs I need to get a message to Crawford I got all the Crawford he's overseeing a work party there in Holloway so he's been able to come and meet you I told him to get you - gates who better see what his plan is just take care of that brain okay good luck hey Brady this guy Crawford's waiting for you upstairs so you're Brady parish's golden boy I'm Crawford Parrish says he needs you and educate not an easy task by any means even for me as you can see I'm a liaison officer collaborator or climbing your apartments though I've been resistance from the very beginning now I have certain access rights but I can't just walk you in through the perimeter checkpoint no I've got something else in mind watch the monorail we're gonna ride that all the way to ash gate of course it's not quite as simple as that the trains pass through scanners which will detect any unauthorized occupants but I have a plan to fool their systems if you can get your phone close enough to the Train perhaps by disabling it temporarily with a factor it will be able to analyze the software's handshake protocol and Wow it's very technical no need for you to worry about that side just get the data we'll do the rest I don't want you tampering with the Ashgate line in case they increase security but there's the fur Hill line so head for that I'll stay and coordinate with the resistance code team I'll be in touch when you get there [Music] I've just had word from the resistance code team they've created the software for you to upload into the monorail scanning systems to prevent them detecting your presence they just need the handshake protocol data from a train to complete the work I'll call again when you're close to the line the KPA leveled an entire flock to build a stronghold nearby claim it for the resistance and we will make it Brady wins Crawford you're nearly there I suggest you find a rooftop close to the line that's your best chance of hitting a train with a hack tool once it stops just get close on your phone do the rest that's a perfect vantage Brady now you just have to hack the next monorail that passes by that's it Brady now get close to them on a rail car Bravo Brady the date is coming through the coders will have atrocious software configured in a few minutes ready to upload I suggest you make your way to the nearest scanner I'm uploading the locations to your phone I've chosen software is ready to be used all that remains to be done is to upload into the security scanners the access terminal should be located towards the top of each scanner back the main gate is an option is to fix a blast open but if you can get an RC car inside too strong maybe use a hack on the game [Music] [Music] the software seems to be working now for the others Billy alpha 2 all teams got confirmation that waffles and eldini all right so we just go get it right it's not that easy place is locked up tight take a [ __ ] tank a break [Music] [Music] excellent work Brady the scanners are neutralized of the KPA have no idea anything's wrong all that remains is to get you onto an ash gate bound train fortunately for you I have a plan for that as well there's an old maintenance platform you buy it was damaged in the troubles two years ago but if you can reach it in our new parallel systems the trainees registers and pilots stop a lot easier than hurt is helpful do a moving train I'm sure you'll agree I'm uploading the location to your phone head over there I need to ensure there's an empty train theater board breeding if the elevators out of action try and find another way up there has to be a way okay Brady I boarded a train returning empty from the shipyard I'll be with you soon power on the system so the train will stop I think it's working the trains slowing down Grady get on quickly before they notice something's wrong this is it then if you're detected we're both dead this better be worth it you're sabotage on the scanners was effective we're out of the right zone this is Ashgate yellow zone collaborate a district to you this is a little different what you're accustomed to even the lowest-ranked liaison office it gets a much better standard of living since they're so despised by the general populace the authorities know they have to offer sufficient perks to make the job in Tyson this is the vision the KPA soldiers when they arrived cooperation to rebuild America and repay the debts here people still believe it or at least everyone says they do a lot of the people here just relishing finally having a little power you see it in their eyes revenge for all the [ __ ] they gate for the KPA arrived anyway practicalities I doubt my colleagues will recognize your face but the soldiers will be as vigilant as ever I don't think I have an easy life here I take risks every day that could see me tortured and killed but not all wars can be won with guns alone you think I'd get more recognition getting you through shouldn't be a problem just let me do the talking firt and who's this I'm not allowed to say he has information regarding the terrorists is that right well he's not on my list of course he's not but these things can't be planned for but his information is urgent so let us through come here come on I've heard things about you Crawford you're always pulling stuff like this disrespecting protocol I'll have to report it well maybe I'll make my own report because I've heard things too Harris like when the authorities came to take your daughter to the camps you said she been killed during the Troubles but I wonder what a search of your apartment returned sorry to trouble you no trouble at all none of us want that do we come on you must make your report another enemy made it's only a matter of time before this all catches up with me I need to go and fetch Parrish whilst Harris is still on duty you should deliver your package just don't stay on the streets too long you'll attract attention a little worried Crawford's plan wouldn't work he's a touchy son of a [ __ ] but he's useful now the person I want you to take the braid to is Heather she's a technical genius if anyone can figure it out it's her I'm uploading her safe house location to your phone now hopefully I'll be there myself soon Crawford's luck holds out Melissa Ashgate may be full of class but you still have to try and get people behind their cause keep your eyes open for opportunities to start things up a bit to take the range of this great nation [Music] [Music] hey Brady right I'm Wylie Parrish called ahead said you'd be bringing us a Goliath brain I don't know how the hell you got your hands on one of those Heather's our resident expert on all things technical she's on her way give me the brain and I'll get it ready for her hang here I'll be right back let's open the gate Jojo I can't get this car Spencer if you took a rifle around close range I need more like okay let's have a look here how did it happen came out of nowhere blind without their GPS data I need some guards come on come on guys back up Spencer fix it just keep the pressure there okay Joe this is ketamine you're gonna feel a bit odd okay I got it looks like he'll be okay I knew it you just stick through the heart to kill Joe Oh Heather this guy Brady's here to see you parish sent him remember hey you're Brady I'm Heather sorry so parish sent you this Goliath frame for me to look at it sounds interesting let's take a look this is some piece of work I hate to admit it but modding this will be challenging you're gonna need to figure this out on something less complex you think this is the time to be tinkering with Joe lying there shot hey don't you think I feel it too Spence says we'll be okay we have to keep going yeah yeah hey Brady I'm gonna need your help I want a secret brain should be similar and up to the Goliath same principle and I can experiment on that before I risk the real thing our stores are yours help yourself to anything you want hey come on Heather let Parish supply his own guys Wylie it's fine this is important look Heather we're low as it is and you're just giving away what little we have well don't we have to work together don't worry we'll organize another raid okay restock as much as we can there's no point in having a quartermaster if we ain't got any stuff we couldn't operate without you Wylie don't worry we'll sort it okay I need to take a closer look at this brain technology involved in his brain is so advanced but all they use it for his killing Oh way to go brainy that'll help get people on our side Brady it's heather carts are useful but I'll need more I keep scavenging hopefully you'll get the rest of what I need cure it for the resistance brainy it was look like decent components I can definitely work with those but I still need a few more keep going you almost have everything I need Brady its Crawford I have news on the Goliath but there's been a complication I'm selling my apartment location to your phone come over as soon as possible Brady I think I'm finally getting close to locating a Goliath but there's a problem I've discovered my supervisor Sunderland has been taking an alarming interest in my activities I did some digging and it seems he's been gathering information on me for a while now word has it that he plans to inform the KPA soon we have to act first if he turns me in before I get the Goliath information then we'll never get Walker back I can only see one course of action we have to eliminate him and destroy his evidence son golem will be overseeing the Green quad during his shifts we need to take him out quietly otherwise they could trace the incident back to us the last thing we want right now is kpa officials sniffing around the death of a collaborator as for his evidence it's definitely in his apartment probably locked away knowing Sunderland i scoped out the place earlier and it shouldn't be too difficult for you to gain access I'll upload the location to your fine once Sunderland is out of the way I can continue with my line of investigation I'll have what we need soon good luck Brady Hey Joe Brady Brady now the people are starting to notice our actions in the zone keep it up you're getting close to son Dylan's apartment you should be able to gain access from the fire escape just try not to draw attention to yourself great work Brady this will help get people behind us okay you're in now for the hard part the evidence will be hidden and locked away make sure you find it and destroy it Brady that evidence would have been enough to bring me and the entire resistance crashing down I didn't realize he had been monitoring me for so long it's a good thing we actively we did Sunderland is overseeing the green quad during his shifts it's a weaker world attempt at community bonding forcing people to grow crops under the supervision of armed guards the kPa is laughable attempt at teaching us of personal responsibility for our future no doubt do it now listen Brady you'll have to identify sundaland to make sure you get the right man we can't have any mistakes use your phone's camera and I'll make sure it's him remember Brady we can't have you killing collaborators at random make sure you get the right man if you screw this up we're both finished that's him that's Santa Lynette make sure he can take him out quietly we can't have the KPA tracing his death back to us so sundaland is dead it's unfortunate but I'm vital to the resistances success you do what had to be done Brady now that you've dealt with our little problem we can get back to the matter of finding us a Goliath but come back to my apartment and we'll discuss our next move if they're all Weaver's to get you in you can you like somebody's coming oh [ __ ] Brady sorry yeah glad you could make it Crawford here ask some Intel for us don't you buddy yes I do now we all know finding a Goliath isn't hard it's finding one that's deactivated and stealable that's the challenge I try repair depots and storage yards but that information is heavily restricted but then I was transferred into the logistics department a primary folks there is the movement of material and equipment in and out of the country and part of that involves arranging the delivery of military hardware hey you remember now very amusing go on I've located a shipment of Goliath hey not bad not bad at all a couple of days whole convoy coming in over the old Navy Yard box top fresh from the factory ready and waiting to be stolen we just got to find a way into that shipyard then you'll need my assistance again it seems the police station has all the work of manifests and with help I can access the shipyards records and make two copies of IDs you and Brady could use them to pose as workers and just walk right in nice nice job Crawford I mean it Brady you head to the police station I'm gonna scope out the shipyard we'll be walking in unarmed so I want to know exactly what we're up against good luck while the manifest location was easy to discover getting to it won't be fortified compound in the zone even when surrounded by collaborators don't stand a chance of getting inside ready if the transceiver is somewhere inside that department get in there and hack the KPA Network I can use their signal to work on has mystic alliances operation attention violence towards peacekeepers is a capital crime attention violence towards peacekeepers [Music] having access to the the KPA network and Ashgate will give us a better idea of their movements and activities should enable us to move around more freely you did it people are really riled up out there all you have to do is send out the signal and the KPA will be facing a much bigger resistance do it Brady send out the broadcast we got this Brady with the people of Philly supporting us we can't fail [Music] right we did it time to show the collaborators the price of siding with the enemy it's time to take a shade back for the people that's it Brady you did it the civilians are fighting back against the kPa and causing havoc in the streets sounds like a large group has caused significant damage to the police station get over there and see if you can use it to your advantage get to the police station and get the manifest the KPA are too busy dealing with the civil unrest this is your best chance to get inside the police station is at the heart of kPa operations and educate the worker manifest will be accessible from there as they vet the work is heavily for allowing them into the shoot [Music] Brady you did it Crawford has the manifest he's making our IDs I've scouted out the shipyard Crawford wasn't shippers Derek Elias there for sure I've had the safe house to make arrangements with Heather come and meet me there when you're all set all right tough guy simmer down this is this point crazier so [ __ ] appreciate but it'll work I wish I had your confidence fake jack Brady IDs are good to go Crawford's arranged to ship our weapons into the yard says he's got a guy on the inside we'll stash him for us is he reliable I'm talking about Crawford or his guy both I guess we'll find out well everything's set Brady when you're ready to move out let me know come on we got a train to catch I'll make sure my software is online once you connect the brain now go get that Goliath another day another no dollars at least reading for now don't forget it's zero days since the last workplace accident [Music] use your ID blend in act like these poor [ __ ] that gotta be every day new faces today what happened the hash and limey Steve beats me buddy would go over since just happy to have the work you can get plenty of that here just watch yourself the guards will drop you like that I slack it off though if that's what you had my everyone gets a quota hope Crawford knew what he was doing when he made these IDs I'll go up first if the alarm sounds oh wait just start running you gotta admit that was a good plan to give up with shipyards well-defended from the outside but all these workers were heavily vetted it won't be expected an attack from the inside once they realize what we're doing we should have an alliance fire found out blast our way out Heather's worried the brain will work but I trusted failed she's never let us down yet here goes Adie okay ash let's see here okay yes you're at station 2 that's hauling so hope you're feeling fit go on English okay says here you're at station 2 hauling go on we can install our brain into one of them I would be goal green why she more like Tony Crawford's contact get your gear I got a plan to clear the yard I don't want any civilian casualties for help the guy grading right listen I've got you Gary and just like Crawford ordered me to I stashed it in worker area aid but there's a problem the dorks have locked down part of that area by the time I realized what had happened it was too late you'll have to find a way to get access yourself ready don't worry there's no radiation leak I just tripped the alarm now I found with an orchid keeping our Goliath and I'm sending a little quesadilla now make your way over there I'll meet you soon as I can be careful Brady sweep in the area great Brady the noise haven't figured out what's going on here all right Brady you babies now go and plug that brain into the Goliath and so neither can control it it's help if we're gonna get out of here alive you sneaky son of a [ __ ] damn snipers let's hope Heather can work her magic fast [Music] [Music] better cover sass also use an RPG I get this gate open get on the Goliath and get ready to hold on I'll have this open soon boom let's do it [ __ ] here we go way to go Brady you guys totally stormed it nice job boys hey Brady come here Brady come on see how the norc's liked it tasted their own fire power come on let's go take another look at the new recruit hell of a job jack thanks shipyards worth of battered but beautiful it like me hey this is where the tide turns people this goes bare what am I supposed to do with this vid how's it coming together kiddo it's not like mixing a seeker weeks it could take me weeks oh come on don't be like that the damage it took getting back here has Fritz things remote link keeps crashing the targeting system is screwed still I think the turrets online Brady want to fire a test shot this is gonna kick ass [Music] we're not gonna get this ready in time ever you got this we're not trusted anybody else with this anything you need you got it there's the range - we need a staging post closer to the hall we got a plan for that Brady there's a stronghold in Lombard you capture that and we'll be in range of the trial hey get that gate open that tunnel leading straight to Lombard you get going Heather will join you soon as the Flies is running again thank you I'll do my best get to it and good luck hey Brady if you're heading to Lombard you're gonna need a mask it's toxic it's hell out there take this one bread you'll need your mascot there Norse dust at the district back in 27 when it looked like we'd we take the city kill hundreds of us stuff can still burn you long as you can kick it up upload the location of the target stronghold do you phone once you capture and Heather fixes of Goliath she'll come and join you good luck [Music] great job Brady this place is perfect I brought the Goliath come and meet me in the garage and I'll go over preparations for freeing Locker you don't mess around do you Brady all right people we need to secure the area check for weapons ammo anything that we can use I need to set up signal coverage for the Goliath it's where I spend more time at the keyboard than I did before the damn war and got it our Goliath now has full signal coverage in the area that should even the odds a little when we storm Independence Hall okay on to phase two so the norc's use flying drones to patrol the red zones we call them dusters because they drop this gas stuff is [ __ ] evil if we don't want them being used against us when we attack Indy Hall we're gonna need to take out all of the launch sites around the city I'm guessing they'll be heavily guarded but I'm not asking you to go alone I'll Drive the Goliath from here and back you up be a good way to test the systems just be careful with her please okay I'm sending the launcher locations to your phone and bringing the Goliath online let's get this done to use the KPA network to track signal acquired we're now connected to the KPA network in the zone nice work free braiding each other you need to get back here I can't say more now but it's bad Goliath is completely shut down I can't even query the systems to get a diagnosis it's just totally dead somebody did this somebody knew exactly how to [ __ ] it and I had absolutely no idea how to even begin to fix it yeah Wylie went out and managed to get a hold of some schematics that might help but he ran into a patrol and had to stash him I need those plans his last transmission point is marked on your phone can you please take a look Brady without those schematics I don't stand a chance of fixing this Brady the schematics must be hidden in that building somewhere see if you can find where Wylie stashed them okay take a picture to schematic so I can download it graty great job i'm receiving the schematics data at least now i have a fighting chance parish is called an emergency meeting I'm marking the location now you'd better get moving this is really pissed see you soon you're Brady we got a problem your lights been sabotaged we got a traitor was it him you decide you prefer to deal with the north than us huh I won't dignify that with an answer make you pay no come on back in your box we're not gonna fight each other Croft you know anything about this any hint one of us might have been turned an agent like this if we run by the secret police nothing leaks from this you you betrayed us you don't use thanks jack hell maybe you turned you always seemed like you had your own agenda all right all right I'm low NSA spook but even I can see it if one of us got turned we'd all be dead already it's got to be somebody low level right now we got to focus on the job you can repair the Goliath then heathering engineers are crawling all over it but it's never gonna be fixed in time but get Walker start the interrogations and find the [ __ ] traitor no no Walker's the only objective how many times I have to say it we need them the revolution depends on him what we gotta do is come up with a new plan what I saw the harlots no ring didn't steal only now you don't have to collide to blast your way in maybe will you back door away catch them off-guard or something I may have an idea there that go on I don't know it's probably unwise unwise notice well if you remember the Trojan War the Greeks couldn't penetrate the Trojan defenses so they used a war on horrid mysteries for people what's the plan the authorities are still after Brady here they want to force him to give evidence of the child I could simulate his capture and deliver him into their hands oh that's a great [ __ ] idea then I got two people to rescue instead of one like it's not hard enough already they'll hold Brady in Hall compound before the trial you then find a way break him out of his cell and he can use his talents to force a route for your strike team I'm still waiting to hear a plan that sounds like a suicide pact it is risky of course but does anyone have a better suggestion you'd be well rewarded for bagging Brady higher up you oughta more useful you know why I think this is worth a shot will the mayor be at the trial Simpson I believe so he would not miss such an opportunity high man Brady's got the guts to do it so let's take the chance we must move quickly if we're to attempt it you're in right right you're on a path to destruction Ethan you need to turn back doc great you know it's what he's doing if we pull this off not little Stoppers I'll make sure Brady's handed over safely nothing yeah we need to figure out a way to bust you out of your cell once you're inside don't worry we won't leave you hanging Brady you're too important to us now I really appreciate you doing this it takes real guts okay go with Crawford will see you at Independence Hall and after you [Music] okay we're committed brave I'll give you that come on don't have much time are you rich sorry terrorists come Brady its Crawford sorry about your head but everything worked perfectly you're now inside Independence Hall I'm sending an upgrade to your keycard access even open your cell parish's strike team is nearly here I'm helping them avoid the patrols possession I can deactivate the campus of my security access but I'm blowing my cover my career as a spy is over Salem is it okay okay we're inside the checkpoint open the gate nice work come on people let's go we're clear you did a great job come on everyone go No clear we haven't detected us we'll have the element of surprise when we breach couldn't ask for more than this surprise where's the [ __ ] tribe check the doors oh we've been played no this is a message of a terrorist group chorus sold us out their resistance your efforts are admirable is predictable if you want to live you'll throw down your arms and surrender you gotta get out of here as for your boys I stand before you today in the home truths which I have personally fed you since our kPa saviours arrived it's over oh and he goes on and on like this for some time your little revolution it's finished and Dana if you're there regrettably we were denied our reunion but at least we'll always have Riverside [Music] they're bringing up more troops much longer that's it we're clear Oh Heather you are the most amazing woman in all their world come on oh [ __ ] the turrets gone down again [Music] [Music] it's all a trap total [ __ ] disaster you should've [ __ ] told me get a room what now Ross Walker handlers be killed and the Goliath's toast we are [ __ ] maybe you can still rescue I finish man they broke he's telling everybody to roll over and play nice with the Nords game you know what I say I think you every lousy collaborator nor their wives their kids just know that's just killing for the sake of it revenge won't set us free we have to be ruthless it's the only way I'd rather be a good man in slaves and become a monster in the name of freedom God we don't need your [ __ ] preaching we need a plan the next person is big better say something Parrish you need to get out here we got reports of NORC attacks across the whole city once and for all I'll set up teams of medics can triage wherever you need revolutions over huh nothing left to fight for but our pride willin Orcas with most things but they're not gonna take that right come on if this is the end we're gonna go down fight the norc's have gone crazy they're hitting us everywhere they must have been planning this for months every sounds reporting casualties okay meet Dana Brady we'll get out there so we can do Brady you go to Lombard Dana Holloway I'll take elm tree let's move it's depressing we're with you Paris come on people so alive come on Brady we got to get to Lombard our people need help the KPA haven't launched an attack on this scale since beyond addiction fast [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Brady we've been smashed in every district hundreds are dead Parrish and the others are in the war room there's no play they can save us now Brady is still with us huh [ __ ] knows how the norc's have grinded us into dust I need food sleep we're almost done for doc how many wounds we got doc doc how many wounded father we can help much more we're giving methanol for the pain it's all we got most of them all make it better get back they need me doc citizen once you sit awhile you've done enough already I won't make no difference now the revolutions over you can't beat him it's not enough of us left maybe that door is closed you took them on with violence and you lost but I always said there was another way a non-violent way I have a dream dream who spent so long fighting for the people you forgot it - listen - I hear they haven't given up they have a last hope we got nothing doc nothing left to offer get on your feet we haven't lost our soul we're not dead so we're not finished we have to get back girl just stop I'll never stop I can't stop and so [ __ ] said hey listen maybe we should lay low for a while huh we'll make him think we're wiped out it will take some time we'll build ourselves up again if we wait we're finished we have to do something spectacular what put the mayor on TV do to him what they did to walk yeah that sounds good you know v8 that bastard Simpson on TV people know we're still in the game then get a ton of memory cards how are we gonna pull it off we'll parks bus is crazy enough to attack City Hall prison districts full of crazies dying for a crack at the norc's I got a few contacts here you're gonna make the same mistakes all over again will you never learn hey Crawford was always saying we should learn from the past and hear that I've joined into dogs they fight that's a mistake I'm gonna keep making it it's all I know how to [ __ ] do ooh I can stiffen you up again Simpson won't see us coming till it's too [ __ ] late come on Dana it's time for the helm there I need to rally the survivors this is not all we're gonna recruit a team to attack city hall we need to find a way into the restricted zone its maximum security but I heard some of the prison stroke out of that recently we're heading through old town if you can find out how they escaped could be we can get in the same way they got out you had told to I'll secure the weapons to a lot of recruits even its Dana head for the prison wall the prisoners probably use a tunnel to escape so see if you can find where it comes out kpa bodies and weed and kill them looks like they've been dead about a day it could be the prisoners came out around here somewhere looks like this is where the prisoners came out they must have a way to open that security gate damn I was hoping it would just be a tunnel or something we could use okay we'll just have to track them down find out how they opened that gate if they're on the run they'll be looking for hiding places could be they're holed up in one of her stashes you better download the locations from the transceiver good hunting [Music] okay I'm uploading the locations of potential hiding places to your phone see if the prisoners are holed up in one of them you're getting close Ethan go carefully don't want to spook the prisoners if they're hiding here looks like the prisoners have been here but something made them move on maybe they're heading somewhere specific I wonder if they have a plan to get clear of Philly better catch them before they pull it off the prisoners came here as well hopefully they didn't get far keep looking Ethan we have to find out what they know we're running out of possible hiding places I hope you find them here resistance I need help the three of us broke out but we had to split up in a sniper got me the others we'll be at the docks waiting for Brooks in a white container he's selling us a boat tell him to come back for me you better get to the docks find them before they find a boat that wounded prisoner said something about a white container better check them out maybe they've holed up inside one nothing here better keep looking this is bad no wait these bodies are old this can't be who we're looking for what the hell is going on here more bodies but again they've been dead a long time I hope our escapers haven't suffered the same fate who the hell is locking prisoners in these boxes and leaving them to die doesn't make sense for the norc's to do this thank God who is it I can't see thank you die [ __ ] Brook stock Crusaders just left us to rot he was supposed to get us on a boat said it was all arranged a [ __ ] dumb were we I should have known not to trust a clam 1000 bucks each we paid just to end up in this oversized coffer your resistance right don't leave us they'll take us back to the prison I can't hack another day in that hellhole okay okay take it easy look please will you help us three years we spent in the restricted zone and we're lucky we lasted that long if you could help us get a boat we'll give you anything we can we got no money left but we got this key card Brooke sold us that's how we got out but you resistance guys could make use of it I'd give it to you now but I swallowed it for safekeeping yeah old habits die hard but soon as it passes through it's yours just please get us that boat we saw one down by the bridge we just need you to deal with the soldiers what about reading we have to go back for him and we will as soon as we gather our strength we'll go find them if you're after a boat the nearby repair station is your best chance of finding one we used to do supply runs along the river from here until the norc's shut us down I can't believe it you actually got us a boat you crawled through a river of kPa [ __ ] and came out clean on the other side Cillian son of a [ __ ] I'll give you that yeah I'm impressed Grady I didn't think you spineless resistant types had it in you hey show a little respect Floyd you've been hanging around them kPa for too long forgotten how people should treat those to help them as much as I'd like to sit around and chat about morals all day we need to move the KPA won't stay away forever I want to be long gone from here before they come looking for us yeah yeah I got you okay we're gonna make a move here's the key car I promised you help you more than earned it good luck Brady I hope your little revolution pays off good work Ethan that keycard should get you into the restricted zone head for the gate once you get in look for a guy called Philip small he and him go way back he's not the most stable of people but he can help you recruit a team I've got the guns just trying to transport them your way it's hard to move around right now but I'll get there see you soon all right the card worked I'm surprised head through the tunnel Brady and you should end up and restrict itself when you get in there stay alert the restricted zone is one big prison complex the Nork set it up to detain all the people who rebelled against them it's pretty crowded in there and not just captured resistance they throw all the criminals in there too it's dangerous trust me looks like not all of them made it out you might as well take his prisoner outfit he isn't exactly making use of it anymore besides you'll need to blend in with the rest of the inmates if this is gonna work and we're in best not to hang around head straight to the safe house that's the last nail location I have in my contacts just watch you back come on nice one Brady this will help build support in the district they need to separate buckets like you there's that he's gonna straight-up killed the safe house is somewhere inside the bourse kph you never won penned in and the inmates police themselves small set up his operation here as its North cocoa zone the best you can do stay the [ __ ] back okay sit in the [ __ ] chair sit down who the [ __ ] are you you and nor Cajun [ __ ] man you're gonna get your [ __ ] face blown off I swear ting well answer it answer it you shouldn't leave them hanging Brady Brady you made contact yet more is that you [ __ ] I thought you were dead oh [ __ ] you wish I was dead forget what I told you last time no no no it's all good I promise yeah sure yeah yeah revenge for Walker good plan well sure I know about a dozen guys who run through walls to get into a fight with a Norse next thing we're gonna there's no way we could fight our way in so we'll have to try stumped look recruiting a team like I say that that's fine I can do that spinning on my head but are you really serious about getting into City Hall undetected no no no wait I just had a thought my man Mickey two-shoes he's explored the old service tunnels hey he's a good guy okay anyway like I was saying he's always crawling around the tunnels like a [ __ ] spider or something could be he knows away in under the hall hey hey wait man I really thought she was dead I preferred her when she was dead okay right listen most of the guys we're gonna need are locked up in ISO boxes you'll need to get hold of the prison list to locate them I'll send the location to your phone right I need to track down Mickey he's our only chance of getting the city home just hope you didn't go and drink himself blind again just when you think you're safe Dana [ __ ] more oh that maggot would jump at it any of the biker gangs if they didn't all kill each other yet a bunch of killers together you end up with just one okay Franklin I'll upload their locations now still no sign of Mickey though freedom [ __ ] yes I don't know who you are but I'm guessing you freed me for a reason right now I need to collect some things from a friend of mine but you should drop by the bourse sometime and say hi clearly not with the KPA so I guess we're not enemies you never need help killing north's come find me be happy to help okay okay looks like the gang is all here nicely done Brady head back to my safe house when you get a chance I have some pretty good news that you need to hear small said you're okay so I guess I read epbrody oh man thank you great get this Mickey's being held in maximum security over at the police station we need him Brady he knows the tunnels better than anyone you need to get over there and bust him out if we're gonna get into City Hall now the police station is a tough nut to crack the KPA have it locked down tight but if we get some support from the other inmates we might be able to get them to do the dirty work course and bust that place wide open [Music] [Music] [Music] this is so people that divorce can be [Music] way to go Brady that'll help get people on our side is how it is done a yes the inmates have your back Brady you've shown them how to fight back broadcast your signal the inmates will do the rest all right let's get this revolution started Mickey's being held at the police station you can get over there and bust him out if we're gonna get into City Hall this is the KPA most secure containment facility it houses those that greatly threatened the KPA activity in the area that's where Mickey is and where you need to go to get him out [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] please no more I've told you everything I know just put me back in my cell thanks for getting me out of it small must have sent you so I'm gonna pay him a visit thanks again Brady it's Parrish me and Dana just arrived for the poor's I've met your new friends and I was a little worried I still AM really Dana vouchers get your ass back here and we'll go over the plan this is a prison what do you expect lady like this here one piece we're ready to go after Simpsons with the plan [ __ ] the planning please sign up to fight the north so let's get to it already you forget who's calling the shots here small we're gonna use the tunnels Mickey shot us to get close to City Hall small you and your team are gonna grapple to the roof they got the north security and clear path to Simpson I'll leave it to us parish we've been waiting for a chance like this for a long time I mean parish will break into the security room here and put the building on lockdown that should buy us enough time to deal with Simpson and get out of life that just leaves you Brady you're gonna infiltrate the building across the street from City Hall once inside you got to manually power up the main antenna then we can broadcast a little chat we fail resistance is over no one here is gonna let that happen are you ready Brady we'll move out just make sure you have everything you'll need this is it Brady I hope [Music] okay everyone get your [ __ ] together it's go time let's kick some [ __ ] more gas even we're in me and parish are heading to the Security office small and his team are in position head to the roof and find the TV antenna we need that signal compromised before we get to Simpson with you Freddy we'll make sure you get to the TV station room for one piece my bands got supplies and if you need anything come on guys when can we start the fireworks it's quiet up here I wanna shut up small we can't make a move until Brady and the antenna secure don't [ __ ] this up smalls team will be ready for us smalls been itching to strike at the KPA & Simpson for a long time I don't think we want to know let's get off the string sniper crosshair looks like someone wanted out of here something slips through the kpms get through that fence we're gonna get I got you covered managed to hijack the window cleaning platform controls give me a second keep low and keep quiet let's do this fast I don't like the app here we're exposed to that's it brainy that's the main TV antenna find a way to take control of it so the north's won't be able to stop a broadcast [Music] [Music] signals secure nice work Brady okay now for Simpson will activate the lock house to stop the enforce that's getting you joined small team on the roads of George so since you can't escape my hair [Music] Brady lockdown the house looks like Simpson just [ __ ] himself you can join us shut up and kill [ __ ] Vicky that is this come over to us get'em newsdesk yeah I want you to read this and then what happens I'll let you go you have my word ready to get on that camera ready to get on that camera citizens of Philadelphia it's time to fight back today I can't read this really [ __ ] weasel it's insane don't you understand strike up a revolution on the way but every American in the city resistance or otherwise [ __ ] yeah Boston Pittsburgh when's the last time you heard anything out of them you expect me to believe someone who turned on his own people god damn it I didn't turn on anyone life's not so black and white I use my position to do it I can look there are soldiers swarming in here as we speak if you lower your weapons I I swear I swear I'll do what I can to make sure they show mercy and maybe mercy [ __ ] mercy listen no listen listen to me in my position how you use your possession you and your boys almost killed all right there's no one at home I down Bay listen back then I had nowhere to hide Dana No all right I know words ain't exactly my strong point but you know what this ain't no time for words anymore or prayers or hope this is a time for action now you're scared and I get that the walk is gone the norc's who got us backed into a corner and you're looking for someone so I'm gonna tell you what to do somebody to show you a way out when I say [ __ ] that if you want to be saved you gotta save yourself you gotta take responsibility do you want your home back take it you want your life back get it back pick up a gun pick up a brick fight with your fists with your teeth get [ __ ] furious man cuz this is it this is the moment this is our only chance stand with us stand with your sisters and your brothers stand with your neighbors stand the [ __ ] up if you want out of this hell they're gonna have to fight our way out we're out of time we gotta get out of here let's go we'll split up [Music] Brady me and Parrish made it out come meet us at the stash house after all this time I lost control right the Dragons Den the whole country saw our message my message I couldn't let him live not after what he did to me there's people on the streets man this is it a prize in a clock baby no I just thought we've gotta show him we weren't finished I never thought we could do this I finally got it it's time to [ __ ] party let me tell you something data you are 106 when you know how to get the job done what have you done celebrate oh [ __ ] doctors take ass in the city there's an issue spewing out gas right now others again Arabia they will kill everyone loves are you serious the mayor want why didn't you wait this isn't Jack's fault you've doomed us all how did I help you bring us to this I don't know who I haven't got no way we could have known as save lives that's all I have wanted to do I'm done with you Sam come on Sam [ __ ] we can't let this happen we got to destroy the airships before they guess the city we have missiles it's time to use them yeah we'll break out the Sam launchers spread them out to cover the city the KPA should know we have them up our sleeve we'll knock down the Blitz before they can react seems like we should split up them yeah you need to the launcher team we need to clear the outpost of kPa the airships nearly in range [Music] the airships now in range activate the launcher and bring it down ready why isn't it working why aren't the missiles getting done too many dusters they're protecting the airship for fun work if we can't get through the dusters we need to find a way to get the dusters out of the air I'd say he owes us a favor maybe it isn't brainy come on let's get the Crawfords place and see what that reason is to save ourselves Brady help me with the door Crawford oh [ __ ] you're here to kill me calm down this wasn't supposed to happen I never need information on the dusters they've been taking people out onto the streets executing and collaborators ratted us out they forced my hand I had no choice they knew about everything holy [ __ ] they have me by the balls I had to do it where are the dusters controlled from I don't remember [ __ ] there was so much going on so many so many plans they had complete control say Crawford they're already gassing Ralston [ __ ] rats they're coming in focus I want to help tell me how to disable the dusters Crawford get me out of the city huh take me prisoner you could protect me from the mob I don't want to die please I will give you the safety I promise the dusters are controlled from a command tower at Independence Hall Independence Hall I'm sorry for everything well I'm sorry it's wait there take me with you now you're on your own you made your choice I'll leave him to you Brady Parrish [ __ ] you you think this country belongs to you we were here first everyone gets replaced the KPA is stronger than you get out okay new plan you need to get to Independence Hall and find this drone control tower I'll assemble a team to get us in Brady you go and make sure our launchers in the red zone er in place and secure there's no point disabling the dusters if the KPA have scrapped our Samms check yourselves get to Lockhart set up those launchers I'm going straight to the top greedy the Sam launchers are ready to move out meet up with the convoy and escort them to their deployment zones all right our escort is here let's get moving keep your eyes peeled for any more movement I know this zone is abandoned but it's still too quiet good job people both launchers are in position and secure nice work Brady I'll let Parrish know he's good to go the best Hanover and supporters advance Brady it's Parrish we're assaulted Independence Hall now we'll get to the Dustin control tower or die trying can use your help rockets are that game now ready we're through the gardens we've reached the hall towers just on the far side I'm at eclipse hi everyone Betty I'm or you can we've got one more push get yourselves ready a group on me quickly those airships won't wait okay set by Renault boss come on cut this you have to break you'd be good for once in my make it count when you get to the tower take out those dusters it's up to you Parrish free time can't launch missiles best is a snowman go it right look at that this is thanks to you Brady today independence is reborn fight to keep it starts now [Music] [Music]
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 487,246
Rating: 4.7602906 out of 5
Keywords: machinima, homefront the revolution all cutscenes, homefront the revolution game movie, homefront the revolution movie, homefront the revolution story, homefront the revolution ending, homefront the revolution walkthrough part 1, homefront the revolution walkthrough
Id: nINSOYR-49w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 157min 30sec (9450 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 09 2018
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