Metal Detecting With Broken Ribs | Bucket List Find | Detecting UK | #broken #bucketlist #history

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[Music] [Music] do you want to know was beginning off FL you look so [Music] high hello welcome back to Digger down metal detecting I'm back out on this a bit of a bit of a rough day I think it's it's back to Winter is it I've got the layers all back on it's freezing today um yeah just I'm really hoping the summer comes back soon um and AR we all I think I'm back out I'm actually I was planning on going on the field where I found the Henry the first coin um I want to really check that area which I will do today um but actually there's a field across the road here you can hear the road um that I want to get on as well just to have a little go on I'm not going to spend a lot of time there I don't think just because there's never that much over there if you like nothing nothing too decent and there's a lot of it seems to be a lot of trash you know but it is the field where I first found my first first ever piece of treasure which was a medieval silver gold gilded uh sterup um shaped ring with a fedy style um hands CL clasp hands on the bottom of it but yeah my first ever treasure item so there is Medieval stuff over there I don't think I've ever found a hammer across there so that would be nice I'd love to find one on there cuz it's one of the only Fields I haven't had one off um I've uh I I've cracked the rib I believe so I'm a bit I'm going to be a bit slow today as well I think um if anybody knows about those those concrete cement mixes with the crank handles um well needless to say the crank handle came loose when I was uh crank winding it up and it come around and cracked me in the ribs um it knocked the wind out of me completely and I I'm struggling a little bit with bending and and um and breathing in hurts so I think I've uh I think I've cracked a rib um which isn't great so a bit s um but I'm going to do my best um and we just got to get on with it with a broken rib haven't you I think it's um there's nothing you can do with them is this so um but yeah so we'll we'll get on with that and hopefully I'll bring you guys something decent today as always um we like try and find you some nice bits to look at um but yeah if you're new to the Channel please hit that subscribe button and the thumbs up it helps the channel massively and I really appreciate it um and if you're old to the channel and you come back to visit thank you I appreciate your return um yeah that means a lot as well actually you know the people who come back as well and I do really appreciate all of you all of my subscribers um yeah I'm glad you enjoy the videos that's what it's all about it's what I want to achieve so um yeah thank you guys I'll see you on that first hole right so here we are guys this is the field I'm talking about the one where I found the medieval ring um and it's been this one was Cloud deep as well at the same time as that other field and it's now been rolled like the other one as well so perfectly lovely flat conditions to play on um I don't mind digging up a bit of trash when it's this easy if you know what I mean um just a quick one before we start as well um I've got to do a massive shout out to Luke from swing and dig detectorist he has made me one of these fantastic uh screen covers CU you know how often I drop my manticore now this is 3D printed as you can see it's I don't know if I can get the shine in it look at that there's the little uh holographic little design on the surface there you can just see it it's better when it's the sun's really shining but this is 3D printed rubber now it comes off easily so it's just slides over there you go I won't take it all the way off but it just slides over and pops on pretty much there you go lovely snug fit but just yeah just a little bit of a bumper I don't usually like snazz and up my machine cuz I love the look of it anyway but but that looks you know it's quite inconspicuous and I like that that's that's my style there you go it's got M lab and Manor 3D printed into the surface of it as well look but yeah absolutely brilliant little bit of Kit this that guy's a legend absolute Legend he's even made me cuz he'll design stuff as well if you got an idea for the power knocks look he's made me another clip for it because it only comes with one bottom clip unless you buy it I think on eBay and then you can get it with a 3D printed thing but yeah he made that for me and it's even got Digger Dan in it look but yeah perfect little clip to hold it in place works an absolute treat um and being the legend that he is let me and he even sent me one of these awesome little spray bottles look at that how cool is that and that's proper etched into the the bottle as well that logo so if you want any of these if you want any of these you can use my code Digger D 10 um on the website the website is in the link in the description um there you go look at that shining now when the sunshine yeah looks absolutely brilliant like I say fairly inconspicuous doesn't cover up any buttons but yeah if you want any of this gear check out the website guys use the code get 10% off uh yeah dieran 10 um yeah absolutely brilliant stuff I like to say oh his coin pods you know are amazing as well so yeah go and check those out get yourself one of those um but yeah what a great guy thank you very much Luke I really appreciate it [Music] bit of an iffy one but it's it's okay it's certain places so it's around a 23 24 I had to go back to the van and get my snood cuz that wind is that cold around your face it's just ouch I didn't um I didn't contemplate the digging side of detecting with my rib I um I was thinking more about the bending down but that keeps falling in the hole whatever this is so it's one of those quite small I'm going to guess like maybe either a piece of lead or little button Maybe there you go it has come out now yeah um digging I'm not going to moan about my rib all day it's my fault I decided to come out so I I feel like if I if I have to go to work and ear money for a living with a broken rib then I'm definitely going to come out detecting on the weekend that was a piece of wire by the way just trash it had that iffy tone to it didn't it but yeah I'm definitely going to come out on the weekend and enjoy my detecting if I have to go to work with it so yeah I ain't going to miss this not for nothing break my legs if you like I'll crawl across the field with a detector yeah just got to take it steady I think like I said I'm not going to moan about it all day I'm doing my moaning now let's get out of the way at the beginning of the video shall we let's see if we can find anything else have a little bit of a live run for a minute let's say it's a bit of a trashy field usually of cans and bits so kind of ignoring most of those if he signals but if there's a there's a good little tone in there I'll I'll dig them you know just try our best you just got to try these places hav't you not the most productive of fields usually pretty solid 30 30 31 32 beautiful little tone there yeah just got to go steady with a dig inside on my left side so came out quite easily that's what I like you know this is nice and easy digging for me as well so that's handy there we go I tell you what second signal of the day this is promising that that is a beautiful little clog clasp I've actually had a few of those off of here further over but yeah that's lovely I'm going to give that a brush up on the other camera right here we go guys look I'll just give this a little brush what a beautiful little find that look at the design on that and I've had some fancy little clog clasps off this field before like to say so they have come up on here which is you know that's a promising little sign isn't it I don't know what age these are these are these more are they more sort of Georgian um I think I wouldn't say Tuda I don't know I'm not sure I don't think they're medievals so um I'm I'm pretty sure they're sort of more georgean Victorian thing um yeah let me know if you know any better I haven't actually looked that up that's one thing I've never sort of looked up the date of these little clog clasps but that little Floral Pattern look just coming up absolutely beautiful little find I love it when the brush gives it that little shine that is lovely that is a really nice second hole of the say that yeah you can see it's sort of imprinted on the reverse there the little clasp hook uh there would have been a bit more of a hook there I think it would have been a bit more curled round um but yeah what a lovely little find little clog clasp 22 23 pretty consistent tone there pry solid signal that could always just be nothing but and actually on here more likely to be trash but and yeah there you go ring pool toer oh dear yeah plenty of that on here unfortunately we got sift through it haven't we this one was coming in at about a 10 um and it's a very small sorry very small piece of thimble that I've just thrown away again um yeah coming in at about a 10 quite low numbers I've actually been I've just been sort of doing some tests I've been on a about an hour and a half now I haven't found much so I'm kind of heading my way off but I'm sort of doing some tests I might show you some comparisons uh between the five region all tones so uh so these which I mean at the minute which is my usual uh where I've set my you know they gradually come up and they're they're slightly slanted so you get a little bit of an extra tone for each number almost um and then just five tones which is they're all flat you see so they're all just one tone for each section which is what you'd normally sort of use I think most people would prefer the flat um but yeah I've just been just been testing between the two really to see what see what it does for me whether I uh whether I would dig something um you know in the regional all tone so whether if it was given me off tones and I've I'm ignoring it because of that um whether the flat tones would make me dig it um and I actually tried I did try it and it was a little bit of a there was a shoty end middle um which I would have ignored uh usually um and in five tones I didn't ignore it so um yeah there's differences there I think um it's worth worth trying out but I think the regional alone just gives you that little bit more information so we'll we'll keep trying it on different targets and see what happens but yeah a little bit of a thimble there nice I thought we'd do this one live I just found a piece of clay pipe just here and there's another one I don't know if you can see that very well it's just there I think yeah on the screen just at the tip of my finger there I'm not going to pick it up until I've dug this signal though because that would be twice I have to bend down with a broken rip I don't want to do that so oh I was had a little moan there know a little little bit of a lapse there let's put that in well try and stand the Mantic cor up soon as it's got his buffer on now it can uh withstand a little bit more we don't want to be dropping that yeah I just happened to find this little nice little signal 30s 31 right next to some clay pipe and I will pick it up cuz I do collect it all so there you go yeah yeah I keep hold of this it all goes in a little jar at home so that'll go in the bag with my pottery and Clay pipe bits and what is this just a piece of copper something or other I think I don't think it's anything um too special no I don't think it's anything really that's very crisp this one I've I've dug a lot of nice crisp signals on here today and there mostly being trash so I'm not expecting anything but oh disappeared completely so wouldn't expect anything unless it's on my there you go it's on my on my shovel what was that did I see something no oh no it's definitely not what I thought very crisp signal for that and it's just a some kind of Bolt okay so this one's coming in at about 39 I don't think there anything special but it is bronze it's one of those it's one of those kind of odd items that you just keep staring at isn't it I I was half wondering whether it was like a clipped Roman coin you know I'm kind of looking for detail on it but I'm not seeing anything in particular but yeah just an odd odd piece of bronze there really I think um yeah not sure what it was off if I'm honest so um I did pick up a minute ago if I can find it let's have a look try and reach into the bag here if I can it's gone to the bottom I think I'll take my pot out it's underneath that somewhere there we go it is a bronze bronze it's a medieval pot leg uh it's clay clay potle um it's green glaze it's not got much of the green glaze on it but there is some in there and it doesn't look very green if I'm honest on this one but but yeah bit of a pot leg there so that's interesting that was over this corner I'm nearly off the field and you can probably hear the road um but yeah I'm sort of making my way back yeah starting to find a few bits here actually so I'm not far from where that clog clasp was so 42 this one first signal on this other field where I the strip I call it um where I found the Henry the first coin the other week yeah cuz I was um in Wales last week glad to be back it's nice to be back on my own turf but yeah absolutely oh look at that trash straight W I am up the top end not far from the that trashy field that I was just on so yeah bit of a nicer sweeter 24 signal still haven't found found another one of those signals that I wouldn't dig with all re or five region all tones um sort of looking for one so I can show you where'd you go is that that like a stone it's not that it's because it was a stone that something smaller more can I think yeah well now something trashy I don't know but yeah we'll carry on we'll have a bit more luck on here I hope right guys well this one's a little little unexpected um I've sort of come over towards the the edge of the field I've already seen this I'm going to say about 22 23 22 23 nice little signal and it was I don't know if it was quite deep actually Sor I'm dropping the manor again let's lay it down that it wind trying to steal it again I want to put the bumper to the test too much um but yeah this is a bit of a surprise and I think I have I I did see it and I I wondered if it is and I think it's a fibula that's what it looks like to [Music] me uh yeah yes it is I can't believe though because this I don't get a lot of Roman on here so that's that's quite a cool little I tell you what I'm not far away from where I found my first ever fibula so that's nice to kind of find one close to that again I was just saying a little while ago wasn't I that um it was probably just like a passing room and he was just uh wandering through but this one looks this looks child like a child fibula it's very small very small indeed sorry I was quite off camera there but yeah that looks quite small so that's quite interesting um yeah like I say a bit of a surprise really that's that's really cool what an awesome little find was not expecting that there you go I don't know whether it's a little bit broken or it's a dolphin style isn't it I don't know whether it's missing the two little flanges off this this top half um possibly definitely missing the pin obviously you just see the what's left of the catch plate there can't you um but yeah there you go guys about sort of 16 to 1800 year old Roman bro absolutely amazing little find absolutely brilliant I do love fibula broaches I'm getting quite a collection now but that's beautiful yeah lovely little [Music] find CU this one was a 30 and I thought to start with I thought it was a buckle but um it's not I think it's one of those swivels uh off a it's definitely old it's it's medieval kind of similar to what you'd get on a dog uh lead you know the back end of it where it attaches to the strap and it swivels with a little hook it's that kind of style thing but obviously this is older um I don't think it was off a hook I think it's just like a swivel off a it's probably horse harness isn't it something to do with horse straps um but yeah quite a cool little find let's say thought that was a buckle for a minute but but yeah you can see the little little bit inside there where it would have come through and had a little swivel there you can just make that out now in the sunshine but yeah little bit different right guys this one has got me a little excited it's a pretty solid 40 that it was about 3940 uh jumping around a little bit but I have already seen it I've already dug it out of ly but I spotted a little Edge now that to me looks like a hammered coin and those numbers have got me rather excited because they're very similar to the numbers that Henry the and Hammer's most majority of the time come up a little lower than that so let's try and reveal this I might even oh look at this we may even we have we' got an imprint look there we go there's the coin we can see a got a little imprint there that is unusual for my permission you can even see the silver uh sort of corrosion or or patina if you like come off there on the on the CLA can't believe that that's a first that's a first for the Digger down Channel a nice nice imprint now who is that that is interesting let's try and give this a spray up and reveal it together I think I'm not even going to rub this cuz I don't I'm not sure who it's going to be oh don't Drop It come on let's do this without dropping it shall we try I'm trying to balance the camera it's not easy guys uh that's interesting okay I'm seeing a oh that looks interesting looks quite nice definitely looks different try not to I'm thinking an Edwood oh this is nice looking now is this a grow is this going to be my first ever of this kind of coin you know what I think it is that's interesting is it what you know what I don't know what it is but it's nice this is nice guys we're on to something here look at this I've bought you a treat again haven't I and myself what an awesome coin honestly let me just wipe that water away oh wow AB I can already see canor so it's a Canterbury mint there look look at that for a coin guys what on Earth of you know I've always wanted one of these with this I don't know I don't even know what it is with this little pattern around the bus there look at that what on Earth is it is it an Edward let me just try and wipe the water away from there or is it Henry I'm not sure you know what does that say there I'm going to have to have a closer look look at this and come back to you I think guys cuz I'm not entirely sure but what a coin absolutely amazing Wow Let's have a little look well guys yeah so I've just had I've had a little look online and my thoughts are Henry I 7th I think I'm not 100% I have put a post up on the early um English and mil uh hammered and mil coin page on Facebook uh brilliant group if you guys if anybody wants a um coin identified you know that is the place those guys are are amazing most of the time they they quick to answer and and they're all colle mostly collectors so they they know what they're looking at they know what the coins are um but yeah hopefully I'll get a reply back from them and uh we'll get a full ID on this but that is an incredible coin a little bit clipped I think it's missing a little bit of the the outer ring there of writing um but not a lot not a great deal but that's a beautiful coin I think ads part of the history you know when it's clipped like that they were clipping and taking the silver off it weren't they and you know but that's it that is just stunning that's a major major bucket list for me I've always wanted one of these I'm not sure I think it's a Gro I think it's a Gro um but that's a beauty absolutely Beauty wow [Music] little bit of a excitable signal here just so this it's all over the place really it's a bit of a giving me mostly 42s quite big signal from the sound of that 48 now it's out sounds a lot more sounds trashy if I'm honest it's a bit too um bit too bright uh no it's not trash oh wow wow that looks interesting looks like a strap end you can see that that's massive absolutely massive I'll tell you what I'll we'll go straight for the other camera I think guys cuz that's that looks pretty cool it looks like it's got some silver guilding on there silver uh wash on it as well so that's got to be the biggest the definitely a strap end it's got to be the biggest strap end I think I've ever found so wow okay let's have a look at the other camera so there we go guys I haven't moved it um absolutely crazy look at the size of that thing that's got it's got to be a strap end it's massive don't know if there's any kind of detail on it or anything bear with me a second guys I just got to get my other camera back so I've got somewhere to resue whil we give this a little bit of a cleanup I think cuz that's pretty awesome that's a pretty big chunky strap end that let's give that a little clean up gently don't want to rub any detail off of it if there is any not sure there's going to be any but definitely a strap end though look at the uh you see the split in between it little point at the top there that is very cool it's got to be medieval that's massive it's huge and I think it's even got some broken off it if I'm honest it looks like it was even bigger um that's awesome give that a little spray that is awesome look at that yeah there's no detail on it but it was silver washed what a cool find giant strap end that's the biggest one I've ever found that's for sure whether it's a I assume it's a strap end and not a like a buckle plate soorry just trying to get my spray bottled back into the bag yeah nothing on there that I can see detail wise but wow look at the size of it it's definitely missing some something here isn't it it's missing a bit it's a bit broken so it's obviously missing a little bit of it but that is pretty cool another nice bright 24 25 jumping in the early 20s there sounds quite shallow so we'll go in with a pinpointer where are you okay not super shallow but it just sounded like it look like it's going to be a couple of inches under just the trail try that am I going to get caught out by another shoty end that's that that's not it again trust your machine that's well it looks to me like a nail so I can't see it's going to be that it's too clean too clean a signal for that let me get rid of the TR for a minute might have been throwing me off actually I think there's a possibly another sign here what's that just a small piece of lead yeah I think that might have been it let say that little nail was not that signal you'll know that sometimes they false and give you a bit of a throw you off a little but yeah I think that lead was the signal we'll just double check check the hole always check your hole not so much of a hole but yeah no that was it 100% but there you are never mind I wasn't expecting much from this one but it was a 17 um let's looking I don't know don't know if it's a little token possibly I'm not going to go and over rub this cuz they can lose detail quite easily so let's give that a little I think we'll just brush it even I'm not sure I even want to spray that usually these little copper tokens lose the detail rather easy if you go too wild on them don't know what it is yet so uh thinking some kind of a token maybe so maybe not a lot of detail on it I think there is something let me just have a quick look I think it is one of those little copper tokens but unfortunately not a lot of detail on this one let's just give it a bit more of a brushing seeing as we can't see much anyway don't like to go too mad to start with I'll just have another little look myself that may even be a rose faring possibly let me know what you think but I think I can see like the the little rows in the middle here possibly with a little um I don't know what they are like Spears through it um it's crowned isn't it usually let me just see this side a bit better see if we can get some detail off it something there isn't there but there's some right I I I'm not sure I'm going to say it's a copper token if I'm honest but that side kind of looks like the like it would be a rose faring not 100% sure but there you are I think that is I'm going to go with I'm going to go with ro go far than on that one I think another nice little find another one here that's just too good not to film 21 very crisp little signal that I think it's out out in one scoop as well definitely a promising little signal that absolute crisp what is that am I going to be yes I am I think I'm glad I'm going to be very glad that I just filmed that you know what I think that's a cut off a this I tell you what this plow deep plow here has really bought it all up hasn't it I'm so glad I filmed that I'm not going to I'm not going to touch that I'll put it there and we'll go straight onto the other camera here we are just pick it up again oh I just knocked the soil off the top of it as well can't believe this second hammered of hammered of the day we've had Roman we've had a fibula we've had the most beautiful beautiful um hammered coin I think I've ever had um which is it was actually it was a Henry VI eth Henry E Henry VI 7th half Gro I've been told so that's incredible I think that that's definitely a first for me I've never had one of those so what we got here little cut half definitely a cut half not broken um just trying to see what I'm doing at the same time not sure who that is yet whether is that a voided I think it's a voided long cross I think it's hard to see the cross there it's a bit of a bit groty on that back side there's a bit been hit I think I think it's avoided long cross which would make it Henry II let me just have a little quick look yeah that is uh yes yes it is sorry guys it took me a minute there just to work that out but yeah that is I can't work out which way up he is there side is he what do we got there yeah can't work it out it's a bit of a bit of an iffy one that one but yeah a little cut half second Hammer of the day we are absolutely smashing it [Music] [Music] here we go guys I think I might have something that's a bit of an example I've had to just bury one of the shoty ends that I actually dug up earlier whilst testing because I cannot find one of those targets um to to show you between the two tones so this is this is five Regional all tones now points there's there's places where I probably would dig that almost it's a very iffy one but more likely you got the jumping numbers majority of the time I would walk away from that let's you know um if I put that into five tone instant difference you can you're way more it's even got steady numbers strangely don't know why but I'm way more likely to dig that um 100% it's not a bad thing I guess then five region all tones has given me that iffy just a bit of an off off tone you see even when it's out um like I say I've already I I buried this I just healed it into the ground it's not even very deep where's it gone it's just just a shoty end but what I'm saying is this is the reason I use five region all T cuz it it gives you that little bit more information I probably would have walked away from that one um but if I was in five straight five tones I probably would end up digging more of that I'm not saying it's a bad thing cuz you're going to dig more in five tone in this in the straight five tone you got to dig more with that but I think you're going to end up digging more or trash and not being able to just hear use your ears to hear that little bit of iffiness in the tone you know I'll I'll dig I'll dig some iffy tones don't get me wrong um but there's always a reason for me digging that iffy Tone If there's a little Sweet Sound in there you know majority of the time I'll dig it but but it's because my ears know um but yeah I hope that sort of clears that up and helps with that um yeah I know some people probably wonder why you know why use five region all tones rather than just five tone but that is the reason it gives you that little bit more information 43 44 now I cannot believe this well actually I'm not going to even I don't even need to say I can't believe this because I'm beginning to believe it um this is crazy I think that's another hammmer that's where it's just popped out of the hole too I just spotted it and thought no you know what this one's not trash oh and another Hammer I'm pretty certain it is a hammer let me just yes it is it is let's um let's try and give that spray the sun is now shining it's warmed up I'm out of the wind finally which is nice what do we got there looks like we got a it's going to be a Auda shield with a date I'm going to guess Elizabeth what was that 1578 look look at that it's going to be a little Elizabeth of first isn't it whe we got any detail there I think we can just make out the little rows on this side is that like a it could be a three Pence that's either a 3 Pence or a six P I'm not sure looking at the size of it I'm going to say that's a six p um not 100% I will just have a good look at it before I decide I think it's an Elizabeth anyway I'm pretty sure it is let's just have a little dry up there we go I can see that Tuda rose on the side there can we see her bust it's not very easy that isn't Elizabeth yeah can just see Elizabeth written around the outside there at the top absolutely amazing another hammered coin that is incredible absolutely brilliant isn't it what an amazing day honestly I think that's yeah that's a full coin as well shame the shame it's a bit worn on the bust side cuz that is it's even got the outer dots on there like it hasn't been hasn't really been clipped I don't think but that is incredible absolutely absolutely brilliant yeah very worn bust you've Al often find that with the Elizabeth the first coins um I don't know if they liked her much and they used to scrub her face off um but yeah look at that incredible pieces of history that side is absolutely stunning [Music] right guys well there we go again what an incredible day um wow and ow um ow for the ribs and wow for the fines honestly it's uh yeah what a crazy crazy day I just can't believe it triple hammered today Roman medieval just a bit of everything going on you know it's crazy absolutely crazy just some of the finds that are coming up I've uh I've hopped over into the into the Roman field just to get a bit of shelter behind the um behind the Hedge here uh yeah get a bit windy out in that open field um let's have a look what we found today guys this is is just amazing so here we are guys absolutely incredible day of History finding um yeah absolutely Mega I am over the moon with my finds today um let's get through them I guess we'll we've got little bit of a button corner here not so many buttons today which is strange that nice little sort of a different one there um yeah not not too many to be honest what we got there four five six buttons yeah usually more than that I think um that's a little bit of an odd one bit crusty um it was some kind of clasp possibly off a book clasp or something like that maybe very crusty um little tiny fragment of spectacle Buckle there uh little fragment of um thimble yeah not not complete finds on this section um yeah I haven't found a complete fimble in quite some time actually so yeah would be nice to find one of those again um I've only ever found one silver one which was nice uh but quite squashed um we got what do we have here earlier we had that lovely little clog class one of the first finds of the day but that's an absolute Beauty yeah so super pleased with that that was a lovely little first find of the day um this this is an odd one actually I didn't didn't film this one I thought it was just some kind of like a leather stud or something but actually it almost looks like this says Rex doesn't it that mean that's King I it's I think it's a coin but it's been made into something so it's what do that does that it doesn't say carols there does it s can't really make it out it's a bit of a a bit of a hard one could be a rose far I think that's a rose far then you know I think it actually is and it's been made into something hasn't it like a little stud or pin or something but I'm pretty sure that's actually a rose farn now looking at now it's dried out um yeah well that's quite a cool one that might be one for the flo actually that yeah very different um we did have one of those another one of those as well as well didn't we so that's a possibility that's a Charles I think that's a Charles I think that's a a rose faring as well I think they're both the same coin yeah see Rex there as well look yeah I'm going to say that's Rose farings strange that two of them have come up and that one yeah being being like that is a bit of an odd one whether it was worn or something like a little pin badge or don't know um a huge huge strap end absolutely massive never seen one that big um yeah really cool very different with a bit of silver on on there as well um that I've got no idea what this is absolutely looked as if it had some age to it so I chucked it in the pot anyway but um yeah if you got any ideas on that one let me know bit of a bit of an odd thing cap off something maybe maybe it's probably not that old don't know uh little leather Mount sort of swivel um yeah medieval again and of course we had that lovely little fibula brooch needs a good coating on that I think it's got a bit of bronze rot from the look of it um which is unfortunate but yeah very tiny little fibula brooch and I absolutely love finding these they're incredible little pieces of History um but yeah coins wise um as I say that little Rose faring and actually could chuck out it's not really a coin anymore is it it's not classed as a coin um so yeah two little rows farings and of course Triple Hammer today you can see that Elizabeth bust a lot better now for some reason um so yeah Elizabeth I first which was that last one we found with a date 1578 look absolutely crazy I just love them absolutely love them never get tired of them um and a Henry III voided long cross I'm not sure on any other details on that um it's pretty bad condition if I'm honest uh um looks almost as if it's been double struck or something it's got strange markings on it but yeah can't quite work it all out and of course my favorite of the day this is just absolute bucket list that is a Henry V 7th half Gro um Canterbury mint and that is just a thing of beauty isn't it absolutely incredible the detail on that still after all those years is just crazy but yeah what a beautiful little coin very very pleased with that indeed made my day I mean they've all made my day I mean triple Hamed and Roman and and you know the rest of the medieval period there you got every bit of everything haven't we um but yeah what a crazy day so come rain or shine broken ribs or whatever else um it's not going to stop me I'm going to keep going out and if I can have a day like that with broken ribs I I just don't care I just I could I'll craw like I say I'll crawl around the fields with broken legs before I uh before I stop detec and I think um nothing's going to stop me getting out on my Saturday i' got a little friend where is he where is he see him now just here there there little pheasant what he's up to creeping up on me um but yeah what a cracking day guys um I'm a bit sore now if I'm honest I probably shouldn't have done it but I have um I'm glad I did I'm definitely glad I did but yeah I'm in I'm in a bit of pain now so I'm going to go home a little bit earlier than usual um but yeah I don't care I've had a cracking day absolutely amazing um thank you as always for watching I'm sorry for moaning about my ribs um but yeah I'll see you on the next one guys take care sh [Music]
Channel: Digger Dan Metal Detecting
Views: 4,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UuK2gBSd-dA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 44sec (3044 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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