Minelab X-Terra Pro - Tips & Tricks REVEALED

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back when the M lab extera Pro first came out I did a video for you guys we unboxed it we assembled it went through the entire menu structure and all the settings here's that video right up here you can take a look at that this video today is an actual field test of the machine where I took it out in the field and used it and prior to this I had about I don't know maybe four or five hours on it but we kind of learned together along the way you'll find plenty of pro tips in there that'll help you I assume that a lot of you watching this video just got the machine we have Christmas coming up for 2023 and a lot of people are going to get this at Christmas time because it's very affordable at a retail price of current retail price of 269 us that this is the most incredible bang for the buck you could ever imagine a fantastic machine good build quality very capable you will find treasures with this machine you will not have a bad experience where you're just going to throw it in the closet it's a great metal detector it's waterproof so anyway you're going to take it out the field follow along and pay attention you might learn some good Pro tips along the way some things that'll really help you get a grip on this machine here we [Music] go all right let's take a look at the settings real quick so I'm indoors so I have the volume at zero but I had it 25 full volume out in the field with headphones you're going to want to run that wherever it's comfortable for you if you hold that in have the ferris volume at four threshold I had it off in the video but I do like to run some threshold with headphones on I was an all tones and for the disc you can see I got the first six segments notched out there you hold it in T1 is at4 okay and so recovery speed I was at three most of the day I did turn it down to like 1 and two and some spots where there wasn't much going on but mostly I was in the heavy iron so run it at three so there's the settings I was running all right we're going to run in 15 khz today field two got a little section over here kind of Knocked Down with the Discrimination pattern so going to try to swing around on this hill a little bit right here and see what we can find this whole hill right here should be some stuff up here I got one signal here I just found let's take a listen to that a look at it listen look at the [Music] numbers 59 60 turn 90 I love it sounds good you pinpoint [Music] it there it is right there all right let's dig that all right here we go shell casing wasn't very deep either okay let's keep going all right here's a signal [Music] here sounds pretty good 54 to 57 [Music] 50s again let's do the pinpoint oh it's shallow really super shallow it's going to be right right here and we're just a foot or two away from that sh last shell casing so maybe another shell casing similar numbers right I don't see it yet so let's get a pinpointer out still down there it's right here okay it's going to be up now another showcasing you can see by the patina on this thing that's been in the ground for a long time decades all right we're still pretty close to where I just got those last two shell casings but this one [Music] here getting some higher [Music] numbers I don't like the the variation of the number is 69 all the way up to 80 let's turn on [Music] it all right I got a signal here it's kind of positional so I hear sounds good here turn sideways actually it's not bad let's pinpoint that real quick wow interesting all right see what it is again we're pretty close to those last two shell casings so good chance it's just another shell casing yep look at that see it right there there it is right there another shell casing if you look at the way that was laying in the ground it came out just like that so when I was swinging this way I was getting this kind of a sound when I turned 90 it had the same angle so it never did I swing across the barrel or down the the sides this way I was on a 90° angle on the object both times you swing this way over this you get one certain sound that's very that can kind of throw you off because you hear it this way it sounds good you go across 90 and you turn and it starts sounding real crappy and that can make you think just to pass by right but maybe you do want to pass over a bullet but sometimes an ob- shaped object can sound a little crappy in a certain angle keep that in mind but this machine though it likes the brass at 15 KZ youever you're just starting out metal detecting and you have this machine as your first metal detector which is quite possible because it's so affordable that a lot of people will get into the hobby with this machine because of how affordable it is I'll tell you there's a lot of little clicks and pops you're hearing right now and you have to kind of just it takes time but you're going to learn to ignore a lot of those clicks and pops and you'll know when you get a signal that needs to be checked out you don't want to swing too fast either with this machine it's about the right speed right here we're in all tones right now so low numbers sound lower than high numbers which are a higher tone numbers are jumping all over the place here 20s to 60s that's a good indication when you get that big very iation of numbers that move on it's just iron of course you might want to dig those and those signals and learn but it's my experience that they're mostly iron we're starting to get real trashing in here now a lot more noise lot more clicks and pops you guys want to see what I'm looking at here today all the baby cows are just born you can see all the moms are out there with their baby you got a couple one-year-olds out there and some newborns and all the [Music] masas look at number six to 10 kind of really low number guys you hear that that's because the numberers low remember I told you we're in all tones the high tones are going to come from the high numbers but this is a low number just for fun let's go down and see what that is it's going to be right here somewhere yep straight down right there let's see if we can get that thing out and see what it is you don't hear low tones like that very often so I'm really excited to see what this is foil so just about every metal detector ever made gives you low numbers for thin foil that's because the number system is based on conductivity conductivity just means how electricity passes through it the more conductive the easier electricity can pass through it so obviously a piece of aluno foil probably doesn't letot elect a lot of electricity go right through that was it thin foil all right let's keep moving you know one thing I want to talk about with this machine that was help all of you guys is this first little lever right here that controls the distance of how far that shaft comes out loosen that and go all the way out as far as you can take it and then tighten it and swing it and you'll feel it's a very loose connection here the machine doesn't like when it's all the way out you might want to open that back up and slide it in just a little bit and now I went in about maybe that far from all the way out and now it's rock solid down there and likes this it's it's got a nice grasp of this whole collar down here but just keep in when it's all the way out like right here look at how wobbly it is you see that look it's really wobbly can you see that so push it back in maybe an inch tighten it solid just something to keep in mind and also don't forget one of the neat things about this machine is this is one of the only machines ever made that has this feature it's a fantastic feature especially for kids or anyone with small arms but you can loosen this and move this part so you put your arm in here and you want your arm to be kind of just right before the elbow and then you slide this up to your hand where it's comfortable and then lock that down right there so those two things I want to point out to you to make sure that you understand that this needs to be pushed in a little bit down here on the front and also that don't forget to adjust this distance right here to make it comfortable for you all right here we go [Music] all those clicks and pops can be really confusing we're not interested at any of these little clicks and pops look at the distance so I have a Target that I think is right here okay right here somewhere I'll tell you what I'll put the stick where I think the target is I think the target is right there okay when I swing across I'm not going like this that's not going to help you shorten your swing down like this this is a learned skill it's going to take you some practice to get this down but this is like the little wiggle you know you got to get down right here just to get right on the object and look at the numbers look at my swing nice and tight I get a good look at the numbers a good listen to the sound we're going to turn 90° do the same thing look at that weird huh 90° is not there there's something up there let me turn 90 on that look at the number difference so here 15 16 13 if I turn 90 [Music] 30s so what basically what I'm saying is these signals don't pass my test I'm not going to dig either one of I'm not going to dig that I'm not going to dig that there has to be a consistent number and it has to be uh consistent when you turn 90 that it still feels like it's in the same area in other words this one sounds good right here right when I turn 90 it should still sound good right there but no it's gone you know what that means I'm moving on so so should you and if you're wondering what I think it is I think it's iron found a really neat Target right here last time I was here incredible piece it was an old locket from the 1870s gold locket and when I opened it up inside there was a picture in there inside the locket from the 1870s but couldn't see what the picture had on it but inside this locket was human hair there was a lock of uh braided blonde human hair inside of it really neat find right here we got to dig [Music] that [Music] oh look at this it's got writing all over it and it will be something that we can open look at that and you know I'm going to be opening that when I get home sometimes when I open these there's still pictures in them so you just never know I was going to attempt to clean this with some rubbing alcohol on a Q-tip as soon as I started rubbing on the blue part it broke open and fell just like this all four parts and you can see that inside here is a picture I can't really tell what the picture is something else fell out too but I could not believe my eyes inside this 150y old piece of jewelry is human hair braided you see that absolutely breathtaking a lot of clicks and pops in here don't be fooled don't get distracted you waiting for that one good sound all right this is an interesting Target because I'm getting some high tones like a clue that there's something down there that's high tones 80s 90s you hear that doesn't sound very good as a trick right now is a test another test I'm going to change my frequency down to a lower frequency by clicking this button down here I'm g go to five and then I'm going to swing over it again and listen and see what what it sounds like now see the '90s but it's just not consistent the depth gauge over here shows a really deep signal turn 90 on it it's not there but I'll tell you what just for fun I'm going to dig this now there is you know you know there's a 10 20% chance of something good but but I don't think it's going to be I think it's you know that 80 or 90% that it's not good so but I can get it to hit right there so it shows it's really deep and I'm going to go ahead and dig it just for fun so we can learn together let's go ahead and get down there on this change the frequency back to 15 there we go all right so if that's a really deep coin it's going to be really deep I mean I'm talking way past 12 in for this machine to hear a high conductor that quiet it would have to be really deep cuz this machine is a deep machine I mean it'll hear a silver coin like a dime or a quarter down close to 10 to 12 in so I'm just going to pull some of this out down here and some of the big Nails out here in Gold Country and iron can come up with high numbers like that too because they have so much uh conductivity in the iron here all right let's see if we hear it down here yep going to pass this one up whatever it is is probably already out yeah it's already out square nail see that that might have been what we were hearing that's absolutely possible so but more than anything what did you learn from this little dig right here you learned that on deep silver coins this machine needs to be on lower frequencies to hear them better if you're trying to find gold and some of the other stuff that comes up with the lower numbers it does better with the higher frequencies so it's kind of opposite right higher numbers means conductivity silver stuff like that copper you want to lower your frequencies down to five and you can see our choices are five 10 15 and five would be your Deep Silver 10 is a good allaround and then 15 is like when you're trying to find gold jewelry and the little small things so moving on if you guys don't understand that go down in the comments and let me and and talk to me down there so I can help you understand what I just said a lot of stuff here a lot of signals you see there's Big Iron right here see that big iron [Music] see what I'm doing see this pipe watch you can follow that pipe that's that pipe right there let's go this way this is a tricky signal for everybody and I'll tell you especially for the beginner what you're hearing here like a quick better those real quick stuttery kind of signals what we have is we have something right on top of the ground and that's how metal detectors react when they're literally right on top of the signal uh you'll get to know this over time but what I'm going to do is do that little wiggle and try to figure out where exactly it is it's super [Music] shallow I think it's right there it's right on top [Music] like is it this stuff right here what's that is that foil no it's just a [Music] leaf all right take a look at this real quick delete everything I just showed you all right take a look at this real quick it got two signals right next to each other listen hear that one and [Music] then one here 48 49 36 couple different signals here we'll turn 90 on them and listen again let's go ahead and recover this one first and then we'll come back and see if there was really a second signal there or not machine says it's 4 in down let see what we got going on here I'm about 4 in down right here so if the machine is correct we we'll be seeing it right now it's right over here in this clap it's lead it's a fired bullet but it's old period it's lead you can see I could bend it really easy see that so get old lead all right let's check the signal uh check the area again and see if we get that second signal still kind of down there or maybe that weird shape was causing two different signals right let's check it that's what it was that weird shape all right got a signal right here what do we got 50s high 50s we'll turn 90 on it look at that little wiggle can you guys do this wiggle right here watch can you do [Music] this that little wiggle right turn 90 we'll pinpoint it all right there it is let's dig it passed all of our tests all right let's take a look it's shallow it's on this wall right over here see it's shallow it's over there that's what it was it's right there let's pop that out be right here okay yep it's in there I got the patina on that bullet it's old that's been in the ground for way over 100 years fired lead ball or lead bullet all right I'll recheck the hole and bury it back up let's recheck it that was it good stuff if you're new to this Hobby and you got yourself a extera pro and you're trying to learn about how to use it cuz you're watching my video right now make sure you cover your holes up guys when you're done digging be very careful try not to overd dig the minimal amount that you can recheck it cover it back up and cover Your Tracks okay that's part of the etiquette of this hobby very important you know if I come into a site where I'm metal detecting and there's holes everywhere from somebody else what happens if someone drives up and comes to talk to me and they see all of the holes there from someone else are they going to think that I did that yeah they're going to think I did that so unfortunately for me when I come up to a site where there's holes everywhere either I'll leave and go somewhere else or I'll take the time to fill in everybody else's holes because I don't want to be that guy when somebody walks up and sees holes everywhere so that's run real easy way to give this hobby a black eye it's not cool all right we got a lot of stuff going on over here all this chatter what would you do with this listen to this let me show you here's what I would do see that's a wiggle right look at the [Music] number 82 83 84 there's that 80s again something's right here let's dig that up and see what it is it's not the best sounding signal and I'm not saying it's going to be something good but you got to dig this one I passed a few of the tests so but this is a really noisy area with a lot of signals all near each other and it can be very confusing but you saw the little wiggle I did there right we talking we talked about that wiggle a lot in this video already you got to get that skill set down so you can do that little wiggle cuz it's important so you know what the numbers really are and where the signal really is and kind of help the machine separate the targets all right let's check this and see if we see what this 80 is that's down here by the way 80 is a good number on this machine it could be a coin that's a good number good nice high conductor you excited when you see an 80 out of metal detector now there's something over here that's different than what we're working on let's pop that out so it's out of my way let's see what that is whatever this is is gonna hamper us from recovering our other signal so let's get down and figure out what that is okay so that's what that was and that might be what was over here too so I think it was we'll recheck this but there's more of that band going this way that's by the way that's Barrel band goes around a barrel and held barrels together like you know wine barrels kind of like looking things and this is just one of the bands that went around the barrel to make it a barrel so I pull this out and what I'll do now so I'll recheck the hole and there's probably not going to be anything here and I'll bury it back up cover my hole okay all right guys so that was what iron sounds like don't get discouraged because those 80 signals can be coins though you got to check them [Music] [Music] for [Music] there's a signal good numbers right turn [Music] 90 it's a little wacky but I'll tell you what let's use the pinp [Music] pointer all right this's dig right there says it's 6 in down right here so let's see what it is this is a no-brainer Digger you got to dig this one for sure I have high confidence that this will be something kind of worth our time you know I mean as far as it could it could be a shell casing and a bullet but definitely worth your trouble to investigate a good solid signal like this all right it's a high based shotgun shell see the size of the base on that shotgun shell you call High base but it was a shotgun shell and it's old period so actually this is probably I take that back it's not a high base this is a shotgun shell the type that would have been all brass all the way up to here and it's just missing this part but this is 18 as far back as the 1880s for this style right here cool all right we'll keep checking around here that's neat to see something old com out of the ground like that all right take a listen to this area that I'm swinging over right now a lot of pops and clicks right you hear all that lot of pops and clicks that's all stuff that's getting discriminated it out right up in here in this area so this is all stuff you don't want machine's trying to help you by telling you that it's discriminating it out so don't get distracted by all that just wait for your little solid beep in there keep going back and checking some of your signals to see if they can repeat how how Poppy and choppy and nasty that sounds move on you don't want that it's got to be solid so one of the things I was going to say about when you're in Iron like this is's a lot of iron in the ground right here there's a really good chance that you're going to find something good so right up on this hill up here let's take a look up here right right up there on that Hill you see those that line up there that black line left to right that is a foundation there was a house up there a structure so we're swinging right over the front yard of somebody's old structure so you're going to have a lot of iron and stuff in the ground down here lot of noise just slow down and concentrate and try to pick something out if you can where you're looking right here is an old ditch dug by the miners so they could move water all through Gold Country and that would have been an early ditch that was dug way back so whoever lived up on the hill right here undoubtedly had a water ditch right in front of them right here we're going to cross the ditch go up and look at this foundation and swing around there for a little bit with the machine see if we can get lucky there's going to be a lot of clicks and Pops in here here it all just trying to find one good sound that we can get the repeat turn 90 on it and we're good to go who there's one right you hear that look at the wiggle guys look let's turn 90 on this one I'm just going to drop down it's not very deep it sounds like it's pretty shallow and sounds really good there's nothing else around it so why not start with the pinpointer okay it's right here it's maybe only an inch down I would say I'm going do this pull some of this dirt off right here or grass off it's right there see right there let's use our finger to kind of see if we see anything right there I don't think it's very deep no I don't see nothing yet pop it Loose a little bit there it is shotgun shell right sitting right up on top flat just like a coin the machine love that nice round presentation like that all right let's keep moving all right listen to all the pops and Clicks in here again heavy iron in here lots of pops and clicks and don't forget you can always hit this button down here in the bottom left the Horseshoe button and when you do that you put the machine in all metal mode now it hears everything now listen you all that little those low tones coming through that's the sound of all the iron it's in here you can hear there a lot and better on the ground right here this is how I hunt I like to be with the open screen like this so I can hear everything that's going on it's not for everybody though I think in time you might try it and like it but for now let's go ahead and leave the Horseshoe on so that it blocks out that area down there and that way it discriminates out more of those undesirable sounds something hiding right there you hear that I don't know guys I can't turn 90 on it and get it to sound as good as it does this direction I have very low confidence that it's anything good and I would have passed it up but I'll tell you what uh since we're making a video I would have walked on this let's see I'll dig it and let's see what it is let's see if I was right I would have passed this up because it didn't sound good on a 90 so let's live and learn together and see see if it really was trash it turns out to be something really cool boy better rethink my whole strategy on that right oh Bo where' my signal go oh here it is it's way over here okay yep we missed our pinpoint a little bit I still don't think it's anything good I would have left this alone and this went on let's see all right whatever it is is out no it's you know what that was not good man I'll tell you what this is brass you want to hear these so it was a one-way signal sound a good one way I'm glad I dug it to show you so you're going to do that too you're going to dig a lot of stuff that you're not sure about just so you can teach yourself and learn there's nothing wrong with that because I don't use this machine very much and that's a learning experience for me just like it would be for you on a brand new machine this is a brand new machine to me still so I'm it's probably good that I start digging things that I would not normally dig so I can learn this machine right still a lot of clicks and pops and stuff down there but all right let's move on it's interesting it's giving me some pretty big numbers but it's all over the place let's dig this real quick 80s and 90s on the numbers um eager to see what this is all right I see some metal in there see all this metal look more metal more metal bunch of metal down there let's get the pinpointer out and see if we can figure out what's going on here more metal oh yeah there's a can or something down here see that I think it was like a food can or something all right we'll re check the hole but I think it was just that rusty old thin metal can all right yep that was it all right we're up here in some really heavy iron this could be frustrating there's a lot going on here a lot of information coming in just slow down see if you can pick something out slow down Focus see if you can find something hiding in here it's tough with the big coil big coils don't separate very good in stuff like this if you have a small coil put it on in this kind of stuff where it's a lot of iron a lot of targets small might be better nice and slow deliberate see if we can find something in here there we go look at the wiggle so hiding right there let's recover that and see what that is so something down there oh there it is right there look we have to go far for that one that's right on top another shell casing all right oh something trying to sneak through right there you hear that oh can't get it to come through boy there's a nice High conductor down there something High kind of trying to squeak through but can't get it all right got a high conductor down here that little wiggle see that wiggle turn 90 on [Laughter] it nothing go back here it's very shallow look at the depth gauge let's get down to see why a 90 goes away when we turn sideways on it see what we got going on here it's kind of big that's big look at that so that could be a lot of the reason why it goes away there's some bottle Parts in here you guys see that some glass look any embossing on that nope wow look at that big old piece of iron another big old piece of iron more iron a nut Carriage bolt broken glass I mean do you guys recognize this now what is this do you guys recognize what this is It's a dump literally a dump look all the glass in here all these different things we stumbled on somebody's little dump area where they threw all their stuff big old Square Spike look at that nail beautiful never used what's this right here piece of metal putting all these in my junk pouch anyway guys all this metal coming out another piece another nail or something wow got a lot going on down here Carriage bolt kind of cool all right tell you what let's move on and see if we can find anything cool but this is definitely somebody's dump site right here I'm going to bury it back up and move on I'll tell you what just for fun I'm going to change the machine up a little bit put it down in 5 khz and really try hard to hear coins I'm really shooting for coins here so let's try 5 khz and I will go to we'll just run that here we go remember when you change frequencies you should also do a new ground balance and a new noise cancel each time so I did not but you should there's a reason for that is when you change frequencies the machine kind of resets all those numbers and values it's the machine literally does a full reset when you change frequencies so that means you need to redo those uh noise cancel and ground balance cuz the machine's fresh again here's a signal you got to dig but not too exciting some 20s high 20s turn high 30s 40 so you get a big disparity on the numbers are but take a look at that real quick and see why it's doing that but it's not typical of a good signal like a coin or something to give you different numbers in different directions that's rare could be something that just has a weird shape to it or maybe a couple different Metals touching but we'll find out soon enough all right see what this item was here we go huh not sure what that was maybe part of a pocket watch ring and chain is my guess and I think the reason why it gave different numbers is because two different Metals oh yeah see so that's what it is look this is actually chain you can't tell now but it's encrusted chain and it would have been part of the chain that went from here to something you see that the ring the chain turn the light on so we can see what we're doing here something down there kind of hiding check that with the pinpointer and see if we can oh I see it already a shell casing right here see that let's try that again that's what it was turn 90 [Music] it's not the best sound in Signal it really isn't it repeats it gives you pretty close numbers so we're going to dig it but it's not the best sounding signal just being honest like I wouldn't be surprised if it's a shell casing because two different Metals the primer and the brass you know you get those two different Metals together that's what it is too look that's why like you hear this part here and you hear this part you can kind of tell there's like two metals in the same hole together but a coin gives you just a nice solid clean signal in every direction that doesn't really change so got a bunch of signals all kind of right in here hear all that we'll Slow Down slow way down and get in there see if you can pick something [Music] out see that something's right there let's go down there and pinpoint that and see if we can pull that out at least there might be a couple things right next to each other down here but we know one of them is right here somewhere H okay there's one right on top right there see what that is real quick there it is pull tab let's see if there's another signal in here with that I feel like there's going to be a couple signals right here maybe two pull tabs nope that was it just the shape I guess and shallow all right here's another signal right here we can learn from because it's kind of crappy sounded it's like you can hear there's a couple different tones in there it's going to take you guys a while to learn how to hear a tone and know when there's more than one tone going on but there's that little wiggle 46 47 we'll turn 90 it's a no-brainer we're going to dig it but why does it sound so crappy let's see you have to dig them guys you got to dig the repeatables but you just learn that you don't get too excited when it sounds a little crazy like that huh let's get some material off this and recheck it there we go it's little deeper yeah it's deeper let's go see kind of straight down here here go see if it's out now yeah it's out here it is right here lead it's a fire bullet yep fire bullet bled all right here we go something down here deep see the bars over here it's showing six inches of depth 43 48 let's turn 90 simular numbers it's kind of deep let's get down and see what this is it's definitely a digger we got to dig this one okay let's see I think we're going to be having it out right here or we're going to be right on it let's see just in this club that white caught my eye right away it's a fired piece of lead bullet period though like I said the white bullets show age lead turns white after many decades so there we go desirable Target you definitely want to dig those so lead and gold kind of come up in the same spots on all metal detectors so if you're finding lead like that if that would have been a gold nugget you would have heard it no problem same depth same size no problem you would have found that cuz they come up about the same on the machines all of them all right let's keep moving a little bit of iron over here here we go low 70s turn 90 oh yeah that is a good signal on listen to this sound on this so earlier I was telling you guys I don't like the tone of a lot of the signals right this one has that solid tone that doesn't sound like two different tones at once it's got its own thing going on nice and tight see that numbers are the same so this has a really good chance to be like a coin or something you know that's desirable Target um compared to stuff that makes two different tones at once or crappy sounds this has kind of everything going for it so let's see what we got here so little deeper it's right here somewhere and now that I think that it you know it has a potential to be something good like a coin or whatever I'll be kind of careful how I dig it too cuz I don't want to ruin a coin right so I'll just be a little extra careful about how I dig it oh look it that's what it is oh cool you know what this is It's a harmonica read parts of a harmonica so you would have um there would have been metal on the sides and wood and everything but this is harmonica reads from harmonica so right here back in the day somebody dropped their harmonica right here nice that is a cool [Music] find 57 62 numbers change drastically so I want you guys to pay close attention to this signal because it has a nasty sound to it like a it's not a nice it's a and there's dual tones in there you can hear a couple different things going on that's trying to tell us it's junk is this a rock or yeah that is a rock okay well let's dig it but the numbers Chang drastically we'll dig it just to show you guys that the machine trying to tell you don't dig it but we're going to dig it just to learn from it machine doesn't like it it's giving us different numbers I think it's going to be like iron or something something some kind of trash that's in my hand still in my hand yeah it's just some rusty rusty chunk of metal right here just rust so anyway that's what that was like I said the machine was trying to talk to us and tell us don't dig me because the numbers are different and it's doesn't sound like a nice pleasant sound it was a real choppy nasty sound if nothing else in this entire video guys if nothing else learn from that right there that let this thing talk to you and listen very carefully to the tones on it because sooner or later more sooner than later you'll learn what tones are sweet and which ones are not so I've already learned on this machine that it go is not good it's just starting to rain look at this machine's completely waterproof so I'm not even worried about it but 72 70 68 67 wanding around a little bit but there's another good signal I mean the numbers are pretty close guys 66 67 68 turn 90 pretty close get that little wiggle down let's see what we got here all right going be over the cus hard must have got it out okay it's out it's right here that's a coin it is a coin what do we got here oh boy it's so dark out I can't even see it um let me get some light out for my camera here oh let's see what is this is it a penny oh it's a penny Lincoln penny is it a wheat back yes it's a wheat back all right so it's a Lincoln penny wheat back penny um 1919 I think I don't know I'll clean it up and take a at it but it was a penny down here so cool I mean that's yeah it's not green you know sometimes the green ones are the older ones but this one doesn't have any green on it but anyway a penny is a penny and that's a good signal I'm glad that we uh decided to stay a little bit longer it is raining right now so I figured i' just try to get in a few more minutes here but we're on the board with a coin today so that's good we'll keep moving and like I said just trust that this machine will give you that nice clean tone like we had right there go back and Rewind the video a little bit and listen to that coin signal compared to some of the junk signals you heard earlier and listen to the difference of the quality wow it is coming down now guys you know what I'll tell you what I see that rain coming do you see that rain over there I can it's headed my way I'm out of here that's going to be a wrap for this video guys all right guys that's a wrap I'm in the weather now rain's coming down it's getting windy out here remember that this is a part two to the original video I did on the xtera pro sorry for the wind noise take a look up on the top right corner right now and I'll put a link up there to that video and you can watch where I unboxed it put it all together assembly talked about all the controls settings and this is like a part two it's a fill version of where we took it out in the field and I was able to show you guys some Hands-On stuff a little bit of tips and tricks tomorrow I plan on going to the ocean weather permitting and we'll do an ocean part of this too you'll have three parts that's it for now like I always say go down to the comments and leave your questions and your comments down there I check them all I read them all I answer them all and uh my email is down in the description as well thanks for hanging out and I'll catch you guys next time thanks
Channel: Brass Medic
Views: 17,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting tips, metal detector settings, metal detecting, brass medic, minelab x-terra pro, minelab x-terra pro metal detector, minelab x-terra pro howto, minelab x-terra pro review, metal detecting for beginners, minelab x terra pro, minelab x-terra pro testing, minelab metal detector, minelab, x-terra pro, xterra pro metal detector, x-terra pro metal detector, minelab x terra pro settings, minelab x terra pro review, minelab x terra, xterra pro, minelab xterra pro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 47sec (3887 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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