Metal Detecting for Karen's Ring.

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are you doing alright found it Kenny nice nice to meet you no no I love it I love it oh my well now I love it it's beautiful to me I love old homes okay let me get my detector out here we love kitties and dogs okay okay so you didn't see it laying I did not see it land okay all righty okay and it's a white gold that's okay to the hydrant and to the fence okay that's not bad that's good over there yeah okay so that's good awesome I need a workshop oh the pin they're awesome well we're gonna do a section here that's in the hot spot I'm going to say now do this section here you [Music] nope you hey puppy Oh got 12:16 right here [Music] yeah I found a couple pieces of trash so far but okay so it's not in there but she told me that she can't throw very far and kind of flicked it so I'm going to set up more flags this way I'll probably go about two where you're at sound over here and I'll go you looks like we're getting some help [Music] [Music] 11:07 we're running out of real estate to find this ring just beautiful right there so I started hunting up there and down here expanded my search area and she said she just flicked it it didn't go very far but she was up there by that bicycle and evidently he's got a better arm than she thinks because she got it right to here yeah yeah she didn't think she could throw that far but your mom's got a better arm maybe she should have played college softball what do you think you're pointing it out a face yeah I know it is you're gonna you're gonna be a YouTube star that cool okay what's your name Carson well the cat's gonna get all the cats stepping right on so what I do on my youtube video is I normally prank the people when I find the rings so I figured I'd prank her it's beautiful look at that honey yes oh my gosh breem a completely remade so it will fit her finger it's a tiny ring she's she is tiny she is Wow well what do you think your mom's gonna be happy all right everybody's happy and so is she gonna she'll be behind the cowboy no her she'll have a nametag on right here that's her right there oh wow look how pretty she is oh she's gorgeous that's where the daughters got it from yep exactly uh-huh so our name is Karen okay I don't all right so we're going to take this ready now that's it this way oh there we go it's always that barcodes right there good turn around yeah that's me all right we got oh we've got to wait for Karen to get up to the counter frankerz give me a price on that I'm glad you got it back wow that's cool well you're welcome yeah that's perfect all right you
Channel: mowerdog
Views: 1,139
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, metal detector, underwater metal detecting, metal detecting gold, beach metal detecting, metal detecting videos, metal detecting finds, metal detecting rings, beach detecting, metal detecting for gold, best metal detecting finds, metal detecting beach, metal detecting underwater, metal detect, rings, metal detecting gold rings, metal detecting rings video, found gold ring, ring, metal detecting gold rings video, etrac, the ring finders, searching, wedding ring
Id: itQHAw6805g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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