Meta Quest 2 VR Headset Setup Manual Guide

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foreign [Music] Quest 2 otherwise known as Oculus Quest 2. now the first thing you want to do is create an account and download the app go to and I'll take you directly to this page which is actually and then from here if you're already logged in into your Facebook anywhere on your web browser then you should see something like this and if you click on it it's going to take you to this page now yes there's another way that there that's coming up in order to log in and create an account your Oculus however this is right now right this second what you should do so once you are in this page if you don't see a message like so telling you to visit Oculus profile page you can just scroll down and keep scrolling you're gonna see this down here which says Oculus settings just go right into it from there it's going to take you to this page where you can just go on and log in with Facebook if you don't have Facebook account you can just make one right now and that's down here below just sign up it is free you don't need credit cards or anything like that for Facebook by the way but in this case assuming you already have Facebook we're just going to click on login with Facebook then you're gonna see this message just continue as taking the sign while that's in my case so I'm going to go ahead and click there and there we go right now I should tell you welcome to Oculus you can just go down you're going to see this and then a button should say continue as a new Oculus user so go ahead so right here we can set up your VR profile you can pick your username which in this case I'm gonna go on so I'm just gonna put in my username well this is any username that you would like to have this is what people will see in my case I'm just going to put Tech in the sign I was going to put underscores and stuff like that I'll just make it more difficult so this is the easiest way that I can look at it and unlucky for me for example if I type this in which would be much shorter it doesn't let you so you don't have to use actual letters sadly but anyways let's just click on continue create an Oculus pin so something that's not too easy for everybody to get so go ahead once you type in your PIN whatever you like you can go on and click on continue it's going to ask you to confirm your email and then just go ahead and click on continue again and there we go we're all done actually right now we can view our profile and you can go into various options so if I click up here or on the side depending your web browser you're going to see all these options order subscriptions redeem codes so if you have a code or anything like that and you can go down and take a look at all the options for your account at this point after you have done so let's just start off with your controllers so right here your control is to activate them just take this out first so maybe a little hard to take it out but there you go now the battery inside is working and we're going to do that here as well with the other controller it's going to pull on this so let's just put the controllers on the side for now because we're kind of done with those now remember this would be your left one this is your right one how do you know well this one will have this button and this one will have this button that's different plus inside the game it's gonna tell you because some people mess up all the time it's fine inside the game it's gonna always tell you this one's right this one's left and you're gonna be okay now let's take a look at your Oculus you're gonna notice that things are a little bit blurry at first and usually what you have to adjust is this so if you notice just by lifting this a little bit more tight and making your Oculus go up you might start notice that everything's a little more clear or maybe you have to loosen it up just a tad make it go down however apart from that look at your lenses to make things more clear there are things that you can do for example you can adjust these so if you push them you're going to see that that number three pops up yes that's position number three you can go to position number two or position number one all I'm doing is just pushing in and pushing outside so I'm gonna push out for number three number two and number one I'm just pushing it in I'm pushing out to make it wider it depends so select whatever makes sense to you for me it's about number two and see these bands right here most likely you're gonna have to loosen them up or even make them tighter depending on what fits best for you for me it's around there so I'm just gonna there we go make it bigger now something I want to point out is never to clean your lenses with any liquid but anyways just never touch the lenses now down here below you're gonna notice this is for your volume so those are your volume keys and on this side you're gonna charge it up here this other side will be for your power now this part right here can come off so you can actually just grab it and if you push on it from here it's just gonna pop out to see this cover that's how you take out the cover from your Oculus or meta Quest 2. so that's how the curry looks like and you can pop it back in so let's pop this back in all you have to do is just place it on the top give it a nice push align it as long as you align it it's just gonna pop in pretty easy and there we go you're gonna hear those clicks that means you did the job and it's all good and most likely we're taking this out is because you want to place that sweat guard which is the first thing that I suggest doing even if this is your first time using one you should so we're just gonna pop this out and here's the sweat card that we got so we just want to place it on top now these are always made with silicon and you do get one with your Oculus I guess I should refer to it as meta but even known as Oculus for such a long time because The Branding is still there on so many boxes that are being sold as meta but it it's the same thing after all it's just the branding that they're changing like here we go just keep putting all the way around keep matching up those corners and that's it that's how you can place this silicon cover over it which will help with the sweat so we're just going to place this back we're just going to pop it in right in here and there we go so that's how it looks like that's what's supposed to fit and we're all ready to use your Oculus so in order to download the Oculus app we just have to go into our app store in our app store we have to go into search and we can actually even type meta so here we go just meta Quest 2 search and there's the Oculus app I don't know when they will change the app's name I just don't think it's going to be something that fast but here we go that's the app that we need to download so we just press on get this is a 100 free app and here we go it's pretty small too so if we click on it we're gonna be able to see down here below it's gonna tell us the size so the size for this it's only 122 megabytes so right now that I just downloaded I can just open it up and of course we have to press OK however it's just easier to tap on this first options where that's exactly what we're gonna do and right now it's just gonna run us through the whole setup like I mentioned before since we already created a Facebook account and we have also an Oculus account it will tie things together for you anyways so we'll take you here and it will tell you that you already have a username because you already did that so at this point you could edit your username if you wanted to but what you should do is just tap on the top where it says your name tag and design in this case and we're just going to choose a picture that makes sense to us so I'm going to choose my Facebook picture right there save that up you can choose anything you like you don't have to choose your Facebook picture and then just continue on you can add any friends that are using Oculus as well you can just go on just tap on continue and once again choose whatever makes sense to you whatever you are interested in so for me it's shooting games and that would be it really so I'm just going to continue on you can go ahead and add your credit card or just add PayPal what I suggest doing is adding PayPal because it's just a little bit more safe it's a safety net so let's say something weird happens you could contact PayPal to fix that error and not just Oculus so maybe you have a problem with oculus store you don't really have to just contact the Oculus store for some customer service but you can also just contact PayPal and they usually take care of business really quick so that's what I suggest doing but you can go ahead and enter your credit card information or just skip this at this time now for most of you you will want to purchase some awesome games so I highly suggest adding PayPal but again you can always skip that and you can skip on the bottom but anyways as I mentioned you can always skip so right now that you have an account and you downloaded the app I'm going to show you this on an iPad same thing on a phone any phone for that matter once you're on this screen you're going to choose Quest 2. and then we're just gonna select continue on and it's gonna look for the headset so at this point just turn on your headset it's actually better if you had it turned on on the side we're going to see this button just hold on to it and we're going to see this light turning on so that's how you turn on your Oculus for the first time and if you put on your Oculus let me just hook us in on the app itself it's going to ask me for a five digit code to enter so if I put on my Oculus I will be able to see that five digit and it can't actually record that but you won't be able to see it once you put on your Oculus so in my case it's three four eight zero eighty five that's the code that I was able to see once I put on the Oculus and it's going to tell you right there on your screen that you should have your controllers with you so you can see which one's right and which one's left but right now it's pairing the two so again we're just pairing the headset with that which is perfect and then all we have to do is just put on the headset to finish off the entire setup so go ahead and do that but right now you're all done with this video now make sure to watch the manual that I got which tells you everything you need to know about right here your headset however this is it for your setup video if you guys have any questions comments you guys can write down here in comments area don't forget scribe and rate thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: Tech & Design
Views: 411,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Oculus, Oculus Quest 2, Meta Quest 2, Meta Quest, VR, virtual reality, tv, Elite Strap, gaming, controller, headset, 128gb, 256gb, vr headset, touch controllers, free apps, free games, iPhone, iPad, iPod, Mac, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, Mac Pro, Mac mini, iMac, Mac Studio, Apple TV, VR games, VR Apps, Oculus Rift, Oculus Go Gray, Virtual Reality Headset, Android, Samsung, Smart phone
Id: OAH24nZGmQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 05 2022
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