Messy Squirrel Moments | 60+ Minutes of Fun MARATHON | Hey Duggee

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how many sheep are missing [Music] doggy 10 there's 10 let's find sheap yay found one woof one here sheepy sheep sheep found [Music] one woof two found [Music] one woof three h thanks [Music] oh four where are you Mr sheep found one wo five found [Music] one [Music] six found one W seven I found [Music] one [Music] eight [Music] one o nine nine that means one more to find ah the perfect cup for a lovely drink of [Music] peekaboo sorry it's all right Ry it was an accident how will douggy drink his tea now H don't worry I fixed it sort of maybe we can make duy a new cup but what with oh W don't worry squirrels Duggy knows he's got his Pottery badge what's Pottery woof woof woof woof woof yes Pottery is making something out of clay can we do a pottery [Music] woof what's that it's a potter's wheel tag oh W wolf duge is going to throw a cup with it throw yes really throwing is what Potters call um well what douge is doing now ah can we try doggy Oh [Music] yay oh a how do you do it doggy a woof woof woof the thing is squiddles you have to be delicate Pottery is a bit of an [Music] art now where is that noise coming [Music] from oh dear [Music] oh dear oh dear oh dear where is that noise coming from it's coming from the mountains thank you naughty monkey oh it's not here [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's coming from over there yay that's where the noise is [Music] coming look doggy I found a lovely puddle oh W yes maybe you shouldn't be standing in that puddle happy why what's wrong with it well douy can tell you because he's got his puddle badge a wolof woof woof you see there's more to a puddle than meets the eye when a new puddle is made it's clean and fine to play in but as it gets older algae grows on it aie what's that it's a kind of water plant which can make a puddle a bit smelly yeah a wolf but also very attractive to lots of little creatures like me oh much much smaller than you happy are they invisible no just hard to see oo a lifetime of scientific research suggested we need to communicate with this alien not fight with it we need to show it love not hate that plan show crazy a it might just work let's do this I hope that crazy Professor is right about this the whole of M kind is cabinet on [Music] nice here [Music] go w [Music] H can you see them [Music] happy kind [Music] of but it's a bit smelly I think I've had enough of Puddles for one day doggy the green monsters leaving bye-bye green monster we love you wait you did it no love did it yes what is TI o TI in O and not tidy no we'll have to tidy up [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh done ah well done squirrels that was fast now you can use the vacuum cleaner my that is a noisy machine what does this do oh no oh no W oh no [Music] oh W wof Duggy can make anything you want tag uh well my dad makes me seral in the morning just the way I like it up to there please Dad no a bit more please a bit more please a little bit more bit more bit more more more more yes bit more please bit more please a little bit more bit more more more more cereal gives me loads of energy see I like pancakes for breakfast they're my favorite my mom mixes milk and eggs and flour then she pours it into a pan and Cooks it my best bit is when she flips it really really high my Grandad Catches Us kippers for breakfast M really big ones W aren't kippers really small Ry uh yeah my dad makes a shack shooka that sounds nice yes it's got tomatoes chilies and peppers with eggs on top all the eggs it looks very healthy yes it makes my brothers and sisters really bouncy that's if you eat all the chicken's eggs what do the chickens eat chickens don't eat eggs happy then what do they have for breakfast a wo they eat pellets pellets don't sound nice oh they love pellets in the first role play douy will pretend to be Alan Sergeant ant yes Alan has arrived late at your house for tea and you want to find out why enter a wolf wolof no excuses for Less Helen in subordination 100 press UPS thank you Sergeant ant but I I wonder if there's a better way of dealing deing with Alan's tardiness I have an idea come in hello Alan you're a bit late is everything okay oh woof woof oh I can't tie my shoelaces either shall we find someone to show us very diplomatic tag and you helped solve alen's problem sugarcoated nonsense not a press up in sight now Nori is going to play latia who has a ball Ry will play ace who would like a go with it give me the bll no oh might there be a more diplomatic way of asking for it could I have a go with your ball please yes much better wishy-washy now your turn bety happy is Fabrizio a custom at your Cafe and you're Lucy who's brought fabito a delicious meal Wella one cheese and cucumber banquet BL oh dear Fabrizio doesn't like cucumber it's not BL e it fabito isn't going to do what you say Lucy how could you deal with this diplomatically one moment please customer no cucumber thanks excellent role playing woof by showing you his going slow badge oh but isn't going slow a bit slow well yes but going slow gives you the opportunity oh to see [Music] more hear more and feel wow [Music] going slow is magical woof ah look that clouds a train and look there's a lion and a whale with a funny face Gloria huh Wait For Me Gloria Gloria I thought this was supposed to be fun Gloria they're going too fast woo they should take it easy rush rush rush they should try going slow yes like taorus oh hello wow you must be the best at going slow taorus slow I can't be slow I have to get to the hospital my wife is having babies babies we've got to get you there first I'm using aqua marine early spring Crimson Sunrise wild Violet yellow stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop what's wrong Tino H it's missing something oh off no not brown h I know art it's missing art what's art now that is art really yes squirrels no more brushes no brushes but what are we going to paint with we'll paint with everything Le B sponge potato good good good potato good A W Woof Brown not good finger painting C [Music] stencil sprinkles good good and [Music] stop Ribbit is it finished Tino H now it's finished wow do you like it duy oh um it's very very colorful uh wo why is chicken sitting on her eggs she laid them now she has to keep them warm until they hatch and her baby chicks come out wow eggs are amazing o oh yes du's a big fan he even has his egg badge did you have to learn egg to get get that Dy the eggs are starting to hatch woof chep chep one chick chip chip two chicks Three Chicks I think this one's having a little getting out huh a leg look another leg look chickens look a mouse an octopus a hippo a crocodile uh a rhino a rhino look look a big brown dog a wolf look a fiil a rest a cow a PEB a fence a stick a cloud a keep looking H what do you see on your side happy I can see five beans same here that's not different lovely day for spatting the difference 1 2 3 4 5 six stocks in a triangle mine are in a rectangle that's different good going squids four more to find I can see a frog on a boat a pirate frog mine's a sailor then that's different two down squiddles three to go ooh you've had your nails done nice I see a rabbit painting yeah a whole carrot mine only painted half a carrot oh was hungry man different that's three you found I see a beach for Nori me too everything looks the same hey can we hurry up please I can't hold this much longer W ladybird you're different now just one more to find any luck tag they're both handsome horses who obviously look after themselves just look at their HS the HS are different colors well done you spotted all five differences yeah finally he can be our pet oh w W yes pets are a big responsibility you see douggy has his pet badge and knows they can be a lot of work a w they need [Music] feeding [Music] cleaning exercising [Music] in [Music] and training oh pets are a lot of work well yes but pets are wonderful too they help us [Music] relax play with usof make us [Music] laugh make us happy wol and they give us lots of love oh so pets are lovely does that mean we can keep potato oh w why not Scruff lumps live in the woods not in a clubhouse I'm afraid a oh woof woof by potato I miss potato yeah potato Dy potatoes here huh I'm a word it's too early happy go back to sleep [Music] a you're listening to physics FM it's precisely 68.9 de F outside and here's a morning Melody for all you musicologist out there morning tag so [Music] bright wake up yeah morning doggy what are we getting ready for today then woof woof ooh a big walk that sounds nice you'll need lots of energy for it wo so Dad for breakfast I'm having blueberries for vitamin C fish for omega3 toast to slow release carbohydrates one boiled egg for protein and water to keep me hydrated so what are you having for breakfast dad coffee time to get up Ry Ry Ry [Applause] Ry wakey wakey rly [Applause] splash splash happy stop playing with your food [Laughter] Splash breakfast ready Ry breakfast ah breakfast the most important meal of the day oh can we make done the crab now oh w w yes you just need to swap the watermelon for a pineapple and then follow the recipe again H step one get the ingredients yay they're going to make me Nigel me got them and step two prepare the ingredients yay I think some adult supervision is required here doy all of this reminds me of when I ran my own kitchen Nigel crab a four starfish winning restaurant La soli on a bed of pre SE SP some of my finest work and serving that to a very special customer changed my life forever finish very good now all your preparation is done you just need to do step three put it together pineapple car red rolling you bit one of them orange [Music] claws will this be the perfect portrait of mu nid now everyone how did you get on duy made crab and we made crab oh I don't think they've captured my best side Nigel now squiddles the best part of a recipe is eting it cover your eyes Nigel this won't be pretty haven't the squirrels done well today doy let's organize the pencils by color blue orange green yellow red no rolly this is a pen we're organizing pencils see now let's organize the blocks by shape pink green yellow rly yes we need to organize them by shape otherwise they won't fit oh angles triangles circles squares it fits now let's organize the toys by shape no by size oh small medium large we've organized everything inside let's organize everything outside small medium large shape thin square round oh color pink green blue oh Brown I must organize the animals yes yes shape triangles circles semicircles we are by far the best shape I'd Rather Be Square what a shape no who put me with these two where's Nigel [Applause] Nigel what if we organize them by color orange I don't think so gray not cool man green pink red blue yellow oh why can't you be one color uh news flash that's not walking wadling 101 always keep one foot on the ground yeah check me out got my arms down down low y my feet is acting right under we tilt tilt we're water Ling boom you have to take it front of the other step by step one in front of the other step by step now careful not to overing squirrels we don't want anyone toppling oh flippers Darlings where is your Poise when I say sh I have total control when I walk I own the road I'm Fierce my look is bold I'm elegant I am the queen of style you know what to do strut BL take it step by step [Music] St the other one front of the other we didn't know there are so many ways of walking well there are and there's more much more you can stump like me stomp stump tiptoe like me tiptoe hop like us hop Shuffle hi Shuffle Shuffle walking all Mar like us we're marching ping stumping sashing wling shotting dling dring we're taking it one in front of the other step by step one the taking it step by step wait where back at the clubhouse that was fun whose turn is it now I don't know why whatever's the matter squiddles we don't have any energy a wof wof wof wof wof wof wof woof you're right douy moving will give you more energy but I don't feel like moving oh W you'll feel better when you do douy should know he has here's exercise badge wo yes let's warm up those Muses with a little run first first come on squirel let's [Music] go woof woof yes get those arms pumping squiddles higher faster let's see a bit of effort This Is The Life Duggy healthy body Healthy Mind hello squirrels hello King Tiger what are you doing why I'm working out on my sports Throne I can do all sorts of exercises on it the slipper clap lovely why don't you try SLI Clap The Royal wave Royal wave then I nod with satisfaction at the world and my place in it nod in satisfaction quite the workout eh time for a gentle jog back to the Palace that was fun yes now back to our exercises [Music] h yyy [Music] a [Music] hey naughty monkey it's us your favorite cousins it's been ages since we played nice tree house such cool stuff oh yeah this trampoline is awesome how do you play with this I get it hey check out this swing let me try you don't mind a PO maker banana fit naughty monkey I love all of your clothes you have the best Stu it's so much fun here I could play here [Music] [Music] [Applause] forever looks like you need some help nauy M oh ooh how about this one yeah I love Squires hello squirrels I wonder what douy has planned for you today [Music] yay huh uh duy why are you sitting on that bow that's not what a ball is for a woof woof woof that's right douy a bull can be good for sitting on it helps improve your posture and strengthen your core but Bulls are for kicking throwing uh catching and that's it hence the reason I prefer squares then it's just as well dugey has a wolf his ball BGE because he knows there are lots of different things you can do with one like a woof bounce it and you can W it kick it throw it catch it may I certainly per it I still prefer squares uh okay hey doy what you doing a woof they leaves douge collects them aren't they pretty yeah you must really like leaves a w yes dogee even has his Leaf badge wow but where's that leaf doggy woof that's the only Leaf dugey can't find what does it look like it looks like a rainbow yes happy that's the rainbow Leaf it's a very special leaf and very hard to find can we help you find it douy yay [Music] keep your eyes peeled for that rainbow Leaf squirrels rainbow Leaf do you mind sorry not the rainbow Leaf I found it is this is a rainbow Leaf douggy a wolf wolf a wolf it's a tiger Leaf a oh it's still a very good Leaf though M come on let's keep looking yeah this rainbow Leaf ducky oh woof that's a palm leaf the biggest one I've ever seen I don't think that'll fit in the nature book duy a [Music] woof a woof woof woof some artists are inspired by their passions like teapots carrots [Music] man what are you passionate about rer I know is that a rock yep oh finished H you're passionate about potatoes we still need inspiration doggy oh yes sometimes you can find inspiration closer to home by using your nose your mouth I did an art you're who body inspiration inspiration huh finished I am art beautiful Betty ooh but we still don't know what to do douggy off wolof off wolof sometimes you can find inspiration by looking at yourself someone else stop moving Nigel or even something else so conceptual Boris yeah oh I have an idea [Music] finished very impressive tag yay next we'll need some water water we also need shampoo lots of it buos water buos water bubbles water bubbles water bubbles water bubbles w w I think that's enough bubbles Ry what time duy woof ribit oh W woof is the water okay woof do you need more bubbles woof just relax douggy relax maybe it's time to wash your hair [Music] douy Tucky is washing his hair W Tu getting out that's the washing part over now time to get dugey dry y now douie will kick us off with some dos and don'ts he's learned oh woof do have fun playing with a ball y but don't a woof woof play with it indoors oh a woof woof woof do make a nice cup of tea but don't put the milk in first never what else doggy oh woof do go outside and enjoy the fresh air but don't forget your keys can you think of any dos and don'ts squiddles oh I have one do eat your dinner M but don't eat your dinner on a horse you're right but unlikely to happen do wear your raincoat in a shower but don't wear your raincoat in the shower a not again Ry do wear your Wellies playing outside but don't wear your Wellies in side whoops very is sensible nor I've got one do cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze but don't stand near a sneezing elephant correct but rather nich happy how about this one do put teddy bears on your bed but don't put real bears on there again not not a regular occurrence tag but do sit up straight at the table but don't sit up straight on the table my cousin Eric told me that I suppose Eric's technically right immense excitement have found some rather large footprints that I believe belong to the snard have managed to fund an expedition to track the snard which I have been doing over many many miles finally a clue a small tuft of colorful fur then at last there it was the snot however to my eternal regret I got a small case of the Snuffles tragically it was enough to scare away the elusive creature my message to Future snot spots is be quiet oh no it's eel are you okay what happened you slipped on that banana skin who would have left a banana skin on the floor naughty monkey you can't throw banana skins on the floor naughty monkey [Laughter] [Music] watch out for the big hole are you okay naughty [Music] monkey what should we do I know let's [Music] get naughty monkey slipped on a banana skin and fell off his tree into a hole a big hole because he wasn't very careful woof woof doggy you can help he's got his be careful badge so we can help nor monkey yes as long as you be careful did we maybe go a little too far north du oh wof woof ah so we just need to go East to touch but which ways East there are no trees to tell us well squirrels animals can also help you find a direction a wolf animals like wo migrating boing boing fish excuse me fish where are you going we're going to a party of a jaato sour DB live techno event actually where is it e of course where all the best pies are sweetie Easter's that way cookie too far east du oh woof woof of course we just need to head a little further south now but which way is south donkey H Lobster uh no I'm a crocodile not you the clouds drifting on the southern winds you see that one looks like a tractor it looks more like a slug wearing a hat but if the clouds move South then we should follow them oh cookies huh it looks nothing like a cooky a we went too far again oh W yes just a little further west maybe but how can we find our way in the dark a w w by using the [Applause] Stars here is a blueprint of JN and Nigel's house a WF and this Pepper Pot represents Nigel while Nigel is in the bathroom we will assemble outside at exactly 1211 when's 1211 oh off when it says it on your watch it says it on your watch oh wait you don't know how to tell the time do you no well douggy can show you he has his telling time badge a woof you see on a watch the big numbers from 1 to 12 are the hours in the day and the little numbers are the minutes in each hour what are the arrow things they're called hands the small hand points to what hour it is 12 and the long hand points to what minute 10 oh you've cracked it now listen very carefully at that time we will all be outside John's house synchronizing our watches does everyone remember the plan yes at exactly 12:15 when Nigel is in the bathroom John will let Noy and I into the house where we'll sneak down the hallway with the decorations at 12:29 while Nigel is loudly eating his musly I will lead Lost Lobster dolls into the living room then at 12:45 precisely Ry will ring the doorbell in Disguise delivery meanwhile I will enter with party food and sneak into the kitchen followed silently by dugey oh hey dou what are we doing today well douge has written a list of all the things we're going to do a wo woof but now you can't find it uh woof what's the list a list is all the things you need to do written down onto a bit of paper like what um like things you need to do around the house we'll start with topping up the Mt done next Oil the port Callis done and repoint the battlements done in oh wolf wolf yes sty some lists are of things you want to do in the future I want to fly with eagles run a desert Marathon woohoo this is easy win gold at the hopic cord World Championship just have to learn how to play first yeah I'll start tomorrow and some lists can be simple instructions Step One open box step two build quantum computer huh and shopping lists can help you remember what you need what are we getting again four large carrots 10 baby carrots two Redland carrots a bag of nobly carrots a wangoo giant carrot a dozen purple carrots whatever chanton carrots they have and carrots and a register is a list of who's there bulock the Barbarian here sonor the noble Annihilator present wand the Wayward Warrior W anyone seen wand attendance hello squirrels what are you doing we're looking at nory's new bike ride it I can't why because you have to p and balance and steer and break it's too difficult don't worry Dory even dugey finds things difficult really yes he can't skateboard very well he's yet to make a successful bone marrow sufle and he's been trying to speak cat for years me you see everyone has something they find difficult yeah I can't tie my laces mom done them a I can't click my fingers I can't swing this one doesn't work this one does wee I can also do a handstand use chopsticks blow my nose do Algebra bleed a radiator and I can even wink see that's not winking that's blinking what well it sounds like you all need some help oh W luckily douge has his difficult badge yay it's important to remember that if you don't succeed try again you're right I'm okay how are we going to look after a plant rolly um oh W don't worry douy can lend a hand because he's got his looking after Bears yay [Music] are we looking after pipping well douggy oh woof I wonder where Philly's frog and Fleer now delivery for the square Wheels you mean the squirrels it's a postcard what does it say Greetings squirrels we are now over the snow cone mountains it is very cold de Mr filia frog Ops Pippin unlike himself is getting enough Sun must upop as the ink in myen has frozen would you like some more Sunshine Pippin [Music] yay oh no Pippen's leaves keep falling [Music] off what should we do delivery for the quizes you mean the squirrels thank you dearest squirrels and Pippen we are now forging our way through the hungry rainforest the creatures here are many but they are not all [Music] friendly we expect bipping leaves have fallen off by now but that is nothing to worry about your in filia CL and flee it's going to be [Music] okay it's so cold doggy are you sure Pippin's okay squel squirrels oo there squirrels traveling is hard work you cannot stop for even a moment the life of an adventure sh is an odd one they're so brave oh there's more it will be cold at home so make sure pipping is kept nice and warm now we must continue with our uous trip how will we keep Pippin warm oh woof ah there you go Pippin nice and cozy huh who is is that is Mr wly the jelly juggler oh woof woof and it says he's coming here next week well next week is that long well dugey has his days of the week badge and knows that a week is made up of seven days so today is Monday then tomorrow is Tuesday followed by Wednesday Thursday Friday Friday Saturday and Sunday and what day is Mr wobbly coming a wolf he's coming the Monday after that that's ages no it'll fly by all sorts of fun things happen in a week like what oh on Mondays douggy gets everything just right for the first day of Squirtle Club [Music] [Applause] [Music] really loves his Monday mornings oh I like Mondays too because I'm allowed to take the register dougy woof tick happy tick Nori but you know I'm here Betty Nori [Music] tag tick Ry Ry are you here Ry uh yes and take today's the day of the annual animal obstacle course race what's that it's a race where each team tries to get round a course by going over under or through different obstacles as quickly as they can and the team that finishes first wins a prize Well sort of can we race two douy oh yes because douge has his obstacle course badge so you can enter as the red [Applause] team wonderful weather today Chuck that's right Pam perfect condition for this the 115th annual animal obstacle course race we've got some great teams out there today let's say a big hello to the blue team hello and looking confident today the Green Team always good to see the yellow team and of course Plucky newcomers the red team will they have what it takes to complete the six terrifying obstacles everyone designed to test the very limits of endurance I'm frighting for them King Tiger when you're ready I now declare this obstacle course [Music] open and they're off run rly run [Music] mind your [Music] head interesting technique from the red team let's see how they handle the second obstacle the watery ditch of dread ooh I don't like the look of that yeah novel approach here Chuck big crab Little Crab big crab little C it's like a bether all over again just time for one more thing chy hug oh dogy hug
Channel: Hey Duggee Official
Views: 40,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hey duggee, hey duggee official, duggee, hey duggee video, hey duggee videos, hey duggee song, hey duggee full episode, hey duggee full episodes, hey duggee episode, hey duggee episodes, duggee full episodes, duggee full episode, hey duggee clips, hey duggee clip, duggee clip, duggee clips, cbeebies shows, cbeebies episodes, kids cartoon, cartoons for kids, hey dugee, hey dugge, duggee hug, hey duggee badges, MESSY, tidy up, spring, roly, back to school, school holidays
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 8sec (3728 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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