Messed Up Pixar Secrets That Actually Make Sense

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hey you yeah you I'm glad to see you made it to the Binger I'm sure it's been a stressful day but you know what you got a friend of me sit back and relax and pop open your favorite Dino co-branded soda honestly what better way to spend your time than to discover the messed-up secrets that lie within the animation of Disney Pixar let's start off with a super hidden easter egg that we never caught on our first viewing and Toy Story 3 Andy has grown up and ready to attend college his mother orders him and his sister to donate all of their junk as Andy calls them to Sunnyside daycare by the way let us just collectively cringe right now in pain because Andy called his best friends the toys that loved him for years junk his sister Molly is too busy reading tween zine to pack her things but let's just take a look at that magazine for a second in the bottom right corner you can see an image of a girl in pigtails smiling and wearing purple who do you think that looks like if you said thin O's you'd be wrong but thank you for the snarkiness no no it is none other than Darla one of the villains of 2003 is Finding Nemo she is the dreaded niece of the Australian dentist in the movie bratty and entitled she is known for shaking fish bags screaming and being pretty darn creepy overall so why is Darla on the cover of tween zine we postulate that having a wealthy dentist in the family helped lead her to some level of celebrity in the Pixar universe I mean it wouldn't even be the first time either the fish in Finding Nemo regard her presence with a certain degree of infamy she could have brought that attitude of the human world as we all know being entitled wealthy diva will always make you famous so it's not inconceivable that Molly is reading about the Australian tween sensation by the time the Toy Story 3 rolls around we're all aware of that outtake and Toy Story 2 with the bugs from a bug's life banter on a leaf just as buzz lightyear runs past but did you know that a bug's life may just be a children's book in the Pixar universe it's true going back to the Toy Story sequel we can find mrs. Potato Head reading a picture book that clearly shows stills from the bug centric animation now why would Toy Story contain this Easter Egg if it did not appear to be so blatantly telling in addition you can even find memorabilia of the film and toys present in the store that buzz sneaks into you cannot tell us that that is a coincidence especially with the appearance of the book one more piece of evidence can be found in Toy Story 3 on the wall of the Sunnyside daycare is the name odda a character from a bug's life this can be justified as the name of a character in a children's book perhaps one popular with kids at the daycare we also notice that a bug's life is the only original Pixar film to not receive a sequel that may be because the movie is merely an adaptation of a kids story never intending to move past its first outing and before you stop this argument by pointing back to the outtake we must stress that that is absolutely not canonical with the movie it was just a cute little joke placed right at the end for the Pixar fans this is another blinking you'll miss it Easter Egg that leaves some mystery to the only known Golden Retriever in the Pixar universe during ratatouille we can find Remy the rat scrambling through a house set to some wonderful music one section of this sequence features a silhouette of a dog oh when you pause the film and really take a gander at this puffer shadow it looks quite familiar after watching up we immediately recognize that it belongs to Doug the adorable speaking Doug arena found in the aforementioned movie we sure are glad that we sniffed this one out because we were afraid that we were barking up the wrong tree there why is Doug in this house and more importantly why is he barking instead of speaking and up Doug is given a technologically advanced collar that translates his thoughts to speech understandable to Hugh however this golden retriever that looked exactly like Doug isn't saying anything besides will bark we can only assume that this is Doug's original home before he was a member of that pack of loyal canines owned by Charles Muntz the bad guy of up Muntz provided the collars so we presume our furry friend had a previous owner in France checkmate Pixar and don't you forget it I should say that we don't apologize for using the Toy Story franchise so much here I mean there are just too many messed up secrets just waiting to be uncovered one thing that we can say about Disney and Pixar is that they really do love consistency take the corporation by and large for example in wall-e the company buys the entire United States government along with everything else in society the Transit System the electronics even food is owned by by-and-large the film takes place in a dystopian future but how did it get start look no further than Toy Story 3 during the second act of the movie Buzz Lightyear has his back removed revealing his batteries just take a wild guess which company makes his batteries yeah by and freaking large my friends this evil corporation got its start powering up the toys of Toy Story pulling all the strings in the background this may also be related to Dinoco an energy company also seen in the Toy Story series as a gas station Dinoco also appears in the Cars franchise as a major sponsor when we think about it Dinoco really should have been the rulers of humanity and wall-e notice that in the film earth is destroyed by abusing its atmosphere an energy corporation should be responsible for that could it be that by and large started its monopoly by merging other well-known companies we don't see Dinoco and wall-e and that is no coincidence let's get into some monsters Inc the premise of the film goes like this the stories about monsters hiding under the bed to scare children are all true those scares are used as a fuel source in the monster dimension so a frightening kids at night tends to be more of a job than a hobby however some monster really really like it take Randall for example the creepy purple reptile that serves as one of the main antagonists and monsters Inc he can blend into any background like a chameleon or an octopus to practice his scaring Randall has a slide show presented behind him filled with various wallpapers one of those is a sky-blue backdrop with a white cloud pattern the messed up part of this wallpaper is that we all know which room Randall visits at night he scares Andy the kid featured in the Toy Story series haha and you thought we were done with Toy Story check out the first three films of the franchise and right out of the gate you're gonna see that clouded wallpaper given the fact that Pixar loves its consistency and its tendency to call back to previous movies there is no doubt in our minds that Randall has likely stepped on woody if we can watch Sully hold a Jesse doll at the end of the movie then it can't be out of the question inside out is a beautiful animated movie it delves into the psychology of a tween age girl Riley who is forced to change her whole life as she begins to grow up the main characters are embodiments of essential human emotions joy sadness fear anger and disgust joy deals with her troubles by falling back into nostalgic memories stored away in Riley's memory bank as she watches one we see a montage of the girls family playing hockey laughing together and posing in front of dinosaur statues now if you've seen the good dinosaur then you know where we're going with this Pixar's often forgotten animation the good dinosaur was as the name entitled a story about dinosaurs when you see the statues in Riley's memory it appears that two characters made cameo appearances the Styracosaurus resembles the pet collector and the tale of the protagonist dinosaur Arlo is briefly seen passing by in a quick shot our theory is that these statues were made based on the specific fossils of those two dinos it doesn't mean anything to the plot it inside out but it's just a bit messed up when you think about it yes yes we hear you say you already know about the Pizza Planet trucks you know that the fictional food chain is present in nearly every movie developed by Pixar you see it in up you see the monsters Inc bla bla bla bla bla and the story but wait we wanted to highlight one pizza planet Easter Egg and examine just how screwed up it actually is as we mentioned before wall-e is a dark future where the earth is falling into despair and humanity has succumbed to the whims of monopolistic authorities namely by and large the super advanced robot Eve briefly friends an old beat-up car and a garbage heap after being awoken by wall-e for fans of Pixar we recognize it as the Pizza Planet truck but did you notice how it does not appear to be owned by the evil by-and-large remember that this is a world dominated by this conglomerate meaning that there are very few companies left out there we find it particularly depressing that the beloved Pizza chain is one of the last non by and large businesses left before the humans leave earth for a healthier planet I guess you could say that once by-and-large left earth truly became a pizza planet we will hold for applause we have to admit that the first few minutes of up are the saddest most tear wrenching moments of any Pixar film it starts off with Carl Fredricksen meeting Ellie for the first time as children then it flashes quickly into their marriage ceremony then their happy life together it then becomes more tragic as Ellie learns that she can't conceive and start a family with Carl they instead decide to plan a big excursion to South America a place that they have always wanted to explore but they were never able to hold on any savings for long before they knew it they became old and frail and unfortunately it ends with Carl alone and depressed without his beloved Ellie pretty sad right then why didn't Andy's family attend the funeral I'll explain in a deleted scene in the trailer - Toy Story 3 you can actually spot a postcard from Carl and Ellie and Andy's room in the movie itself you can find a similar postcard in the house so Andy's fan we were friends with the Fredrickson's by the time and he was college aged so they were close enough to send letters to each other yet when you try to look for any people that even vaguely resemble the Toy Story family in the funeral shot you come up short as Pixar is known for their attention to detail this cannot be a simple misstep why even bother to insert that Easter egg into Toy Story 3 at all we can only conclude the messed up truth about Annie's family they never really cared about Carl and Ellie dun dun dun oh no no no no no what's sociopaths we're sure Andy called them junk - we give Sid such a hard time but we should be looking out for the true maniacs of this franchise Woody Buzz and company were lucky to have moved on to another owner but let us hope that bonnie does not turn out to be a shamelessly cruel as andy or his family so we've learned some pretty messed-up pixar secrets what are your thoughts though do we sound insane let us know in the comments section down below and don't forget to Like and subscribe to us the Binger [Music]
Channel: TheBinger
Views: 348,906
Rating: 4.4309878 out of 5
Keywords: TheBinger, Disney, Pixar, animation, film, movie, toy story, monster’s inc, a bug’s life, ratatouille, up, incredibles, trailer, easter egg, disney secrets, pixar secrets, disney theories, pixar theories
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2019
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