Merno, Universe 13's Rogue Angel | Dragon Ball Super Kai | COMPLETE STORY

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according to YouTube 85% of you are not part of the mondo crew mixer by subscribing today authors and artists work really hot on this stuff so please support them using the links below what's up everyone as I said the initial first upload of this series Dragon Ball super Kyle was a little bit wonky getting put in video format as the first seven chapters I translated myself using machines in 8 onward actually hired someone to get a more accurate version so if you need anything translated from Japanese to English I highly recommend 0 Chiron who have linked in the description also be sure to check out the author Toshio Wataru and support him on twitter and pixiv but most of all just enjoy the stories sponsored by Miles Kirby a few days after the tournament of power Freeza finds himself floating in the void of space venting his frustrations after the events that previously transpired disgusted there are so many proven to be a superior in combat though maybe in the long run this could be a good thing to restore the respect and fear to his name perhaps more training must be done while he's still undecided upon attacking the gods themselves he isn't saying he won't do it either then a mysterious figure reveals himself ironically commenting on how nice the weather is today before telling Frieza he shouldn't feel such shame asking if it like to play King once more pressing it's a good feeling to see the space Lord sunk so low quipping to not give him praise for failure Frieza then takes interest in this man's ability to survive in space who tells him he's able to travel at will with much more freedom and speed than Frieza himself raising his hand Frieza comments that he will have to do something about this attitude of his perhaps it's just what he needs to help forget the tournament firing a death beam at the man Freeza makes it crack about how all that freedom is working for him now then hearing his voice from behind well that was rather rude as he is seen emerging from a portal of some kind he goes to tell the former emperor who he is unbearable everyone simultaneously senses the strange power able to tell its Frieza and somebody new Goku and Vegeta are unable to make heads or tails of it the only thing that is for certain they're fighting but jito believes are pretty evenly matched but we siz n't so sure that's when goku feels a shift in power claiming he's not exactly confident himself he can take on this new guy Vegeta growling at the admission of someone stronger than Frieza as Goku goes to check things out we urgently reminds him that he can't breathe in space and for him to take him with him grabbing his shoulder they quickly teleport to the fight and just as they sensed Frieza is well on the ropes against this new adversary he glances over his shoulder at their presence turning his back on Frieza before looking on Goku bulks yet again at this new foe Wiese it's been a while as goku already assumes the worst it's confirmed that this man is indeed an angel who introduces himself as mano telling him it's already been a crazy day asking Wiest to say hi to the family forum before making another portal we skulls after him brother wait but the wayward angel only apologizes stating there are other matters of foot and bids we stairwell taking off leaving goku and his mentor floating in space with more questions than when they arrived back on beerus is planet they inform vegeta of the situation we see explaining that mirto was his brother and best friend before he vanished one day causing Goku to finally reminisce about his own sibling looking over to Vegeta and ask him hey don't you have a brother too and yours is still alive and well you should really spend more time together but we all know how Vegeta feels about showing any form of affection Wiest then gets very serious going into detail on how his brother was the angel of the god of destruction of the 13th universe one of the six realms that Lord Zeno chose to erase however until now he was sure he no longer existed stunning Goku and how somebody could escape xennos power vegeta questions if murder was always this powerful but we stumble Eve so defeating Frieza with such ease is one thing but escaping Zeno is completely unheard of even for angels once Zeno decides to do something it becomes unchangeable the fact that he chose to erase mono should have made it become the infallible all of reality even though his brother was known for immense power and technique even he cutting we saw they here so this is where you've been living stepping into their plane of existence Moreau greets Wiest once more who is paralyzed at the sight of them looking toward Goku and Vegeta he asks who these two mosquitos are then recognizes goku from a few moments ago complimenting him on getting back here so quickly but singling out vegeta he only says what's a shame bringing vegeta to a bit of confusion going on he explains that he senses vegeta does not possess the same abilities as his counterpart Vegeta being who he is asks what that matters but the angel tells him to calm down as that is why he himself is here Goku finally Energex asking what he wants explaining matter-of-factly that he just wants to see who the strongest fighter in universe 7 is Goku responds almost out of character telling him back at the end of being a rather deadly endeavor but then the angel and a bit of an ATV moment hey wait was it there a purple cat here once but regaining focus he assures Goku that he bears no grudge towards them even though rumor has it this place does house amazing foods despite the quirkiness of the stranger Goku can't sit right de man needs to know what his goal is Moreau calmly tells him that it's a game nothing more leaving the planet momentarily silent before Moreau reiterates he thinks this is going to be fun but that's when we stumps between him and the Saiyans knowing how powerful any angel is compared to mortals but this challenger tells wheeze it's no use demanding he get out of the way but when he refuses Marno can only utter well look at that and here I was happy to see you again brother at any rate this is the beginning of enlightenment never one to back down Goku lets the rogue angel know that he has no issue in fighting him this confidence intrigues me no given he knows firsthand he has no chance at victory elaborating Goku lets him know that he does not want to fight but if he's come to cause harm and leaves him little choice to summarize the following conversation essentially Arno is baffled at the belief Goku Vegeta are willing to fight but have no genuine motivation so he decides to conjure up a plan using one of his portals he grabbed pan from the earth demanding he let her go he assures Goku this is only meant to be a demonstration of his abilities a demonstration that he can end the life of anyone he loves at any moment if he thinks he's holding back as pan begins to cry mer knows humor aside comes back putted her back through the portal muttering I don't know what I'm doing with this thing anyway before looking back at the Saiyans so come on then Goku now furious anyone would dare lay hands on somebody he loves warns a stranger he should be careful what he wishes for before being told his idle threats are meaningless unless he intends to back them up and at this rate it seems they'll be here for a while elated to see Goku is harnessed God ki of all things the Saiyan is done waiting himself as he sends the angel flying Wiest warns Goku not to engage him further but it's far too late for that complimenting Goku on such a hit Morano expresses his excitement and finding such a formidable opponent Vegeta looking on knowing how bad the situation is with a sinister grin the angel shell said he can't wait to see what the future holds [Music] [Music] during a break in the action it becomes clear rather quickly that Goku isn't holding up well even Vegeta admits he's not sure how they're going to get out of this one calling him out her no tells the Saiyan Prince that he's correct in his passive approach to this fight and sometimes it is better to just admit defeat but Vegeta sure's him they will find a way to win and it's only a matter of time scoffing of the notion he tells the saying that all this talk means nothing in fact he's already met someone quite like him asking what the celestial beam means he goes on to detail on how a powerful demon was the destroyer of his universe and a great galactic ruler very similar to freeze a status in this universe was a say and that was a spitting image of Vegeta himself naturally the Seine was no match for a destroyer and was easily dispatched although things here have transpired profoundly different than in his own universe so it's possible they're not at all related ever prideful Vegeta asks the Saiyans name but this topic has begun to bore Marino reaching back through a portal retrieving pan yet again he reminds Goku exactly what he's fighting for [Music] falling forest Rab the angel Trix Goku sending him through the portal but where has he sent him off to and why Pan falls right into the waiting arms of Vegeta as the villain shouts out that it looks like only one remains now telling the prince he sent Goku somewhere cold and empty a lonely void furthering this by explaining to Vegeta that Goku lacked the cold-heartedness needed to be his true opponent admitting to the Saiyan Prince that he and himself seemed to share an unspoken bond both the ranks were taken from them by someone who was unjustly powerful but this speech is interrupted as the villain turns around to find the father of angels and the right hand to zento himself the Grand Minister smugly asking what he wants he peacefully reminds me know that his very existence is unacceptable the fact he's meddling in the affairs of mortals is a whole other story but the fallen angel tells his father he answers to no one as he zento as well as his angel siblings all turned their back on him doing nothing as in Oh erased everything he'd ever known and he doesn't plan on letting them get away with it even Vegeta lets him know what a bad idea that is but naturally Moreau doesn't care what any of them have to say deciding it's best to leave telling his brother and father it was a nice reunion before disappearing Weesa pologize us to the grain minister for doing nothing to stop him but his father understands Vegeta explains the events that just took place as the Minister confirms the Moreau is indeed his son in everything he had to say is more or less true upon asking where he thinks Kakarot was sent the Grand Minister believes he has an idea as Goku floats in the lonely void he begins to speculate this is one of the universes and we raced suddenly sensing something in the middle of all this nothing he uses Instant Transmission to lock on to the life form while it's impossible to tell how far he travels he does indeed seem to have found someone who introduces himself but fails to mention his name and upon closer inspection we all know who it sort of looks like back with Vegeta Wiese continues to theorize on the agenda of Myr know the Grand Minister worries of the consequences when Zeno finds out about these happenings but for now there's nothing he can do to remedy the situation immediately as this goes beyond his scope Wiese as well admits he won't be able to do anything either and it would be best if Fujita just returned to earth for the time being as they figure out where Goku has gone not long later Gohan and Videl panic as pain is nowhere to be found as last they were aware she was down for a nap that's when Gohan senses the arrival of Vegeta for him this is obviously a peculiar occasion but they're infinitely relieved to see he has come carrying the infant go on thanks umm asking how he came across her but upon seeing the serious look on his face he asks the warrior what's wrong who continues the silence for a moment before telling go on to get ready as there's most likely a fierce battle looming and the earth will need all the help it can get as he takes off arriving at castlecore Bulma is already outside to greet him telling her husband he's had a friend waiting for him for about an hour now as his blood runs cold to find Moreau has already arrived a moment passes mur no can be heard letting out a hearty laugh as malmö tells a story of a time she slept beerus across the face the angel finds joy and us not only for the obvious reasons but getting a feel for Vegeta's personality it would see him all too likely he would end up with such a wife Bulma urges her spouse that Moreau is actually really friendly and he should join in on the conversation but the prince stays quiet Murtagh then goes on to ask Bulma about that parfait she promised earlier having forgotten she leaves to retrieve it asking him to wait just a moment after she's left Machida demands to know what the hell he's doing here sipping his tea he mutters he merely wanted to see how the Gaea Koon lived on earth going on to compliment on what a lovely wife he's found mentioning she resembles his bride from universe 13 back with Goku the saying asked who this guy is and where they are the beard lis gentleman calmly says aloud that when asking someone's name one should state their own first calling Goku by his birth moniker Kakarot asking how he knows that name he goes on his own little rant on how odd it is to see a mortal here as he even angels rarely tread these parts but eventually enlightens Goku that he's in a different dimension than the one he's native to palsy in a moment the man goes on to say pan is fine as but just recently returned her to go hon once again showing to know things he logically shouldn't but as single track as ever Goku asks if Vegeta defeated Murr no but that's not the case in the mysterious entity furthers this is just another game for the rogue angel before admitting it's been a while since he had a customer and if Goku would like something to eat lookie now into the void Goku asks huh what are you talking about there's nothing here calling our hero naive the mystic says he shouldn't let his eyes fool them if there is nothing then there is everything there is creation before destruction conjuring up a table full of food donkey at the feast Goku remarked said this guy is like one of bomas capsules speaking of which Morano grows impatient at her taking so long with that parfait using a portal to reach into another realm delighted to see what this parfait thing is in person getting a taste naturally he finds it to be amazing between the coldness and sweetness still disgruntled Vegeta tells the angel he can leave after finishing his dessert who wonders to the prince 30 minutes causing a bit of confusion elaborating he says that's how long it'll take for we stir realize he is here and will most likely intervene in some way however he then suggests he test Vegeta strength just as something to do while he is here who knows maybe this knowledge will come in handy someday this is frustrating for a number of reasons Vegeta knows that they fight here the entire city could be destroyed standing Moreau compliments west city even calling it a splendid metropolis yet somehow there isn't a single sound emanating from it that's when Vegeta notices he's right there isn't a sound to be heard getting a cold chill as he realizes Moreau has possibly done something with everybody in the city including bomba launching the prints through several buildings the angel grows a sinister smile across his face we're at boa and the others gone you ask it depends on how serious you'd like to take this though one of the few occasions vegeto rather avoid battle at the moment it doesn't seem he has a choice taking this very serious powering up to maximum tossing his garb to the side the angel mutters that's more like it's ready to test the difference between this Vegeta and the other [Music] using his own portal against him the saying sends Berto flying though quite winded at least he managed to get a hit mer no couldn't be more impressed even laughing a bit at his clever feet getting up he bluntly states fast Vegeta strong point he uses cold logic and reads his opponent's movements before surpassing them in his own style taking his fighting stance Moreau says there's still a little time left and hit like to continue reaching out to fire his final flash mirto gets excited and oddly enough even knows the name of this technique upon discovering the angel plans to take the attack head-on this only angers the prince [Music] failing to use that logic he was just complimented on Murr know places a portal right in front of him completely diverting the blast it's only now Vegeta wonders what the hell he's supposed to do as the angel charts that was good enough but would still like to continue meanwhile trunks rushes towards his home as Goten shouts were to wait up but the young warrior senses something wrong in West City and has to get to his parents maybe I should show you something interesting as the angel seems to be focusing jido wonders what he's up to releasing dozens of portals they surround him [Music] the kids could only look on in horror as West City is no more in Vegeta lies below defeated despite this Moreau complements him on his durability then the angel makes an unexpected offer explaining to Vegeta now the biggest thing to say in lakhs is a master which is understandable given there is clearly no one on this planet qualified so he himself offers to fill the void before noticing the presence of Goten and Trunks the latter of which shouts after his father hmm look at that some children have come to greet you since they've arrived to help maybe I should go say hello but not willing to put him in danger Vegeta attempts to rise to his feet once again impressing the angel who goes on to comment that since his power has weakened he better take a precaution reminding him of that final flash from before as he comes barreling back through a newly opened portal overtaking Vegeta as co-tenant trunks can do nothing shortly after if the angel appears behind him the boy demands to know what the strangers done to his parents reaching out mur no merely Pat's him on the head assuring trunks he's merely an acquaintance of his father and he'd like to get along mysteriously at the lookout Vegeta wakens surrounded by the boys piccolo and Dende happy to see his son is alright he then asks what happened to burn oh and it would seem he suddenly disappeared again if he could overpower you Vegeta I don't need to state the severity of the situation trunks asks piccolo if they can use the Dragon Balls to save his mother and restore West city but his concern is that the Dragon Balls were at bolas house and if West City has been destroyed then Moreau makes another timely appearance assuring them there's no need for concern as he has the Dragon Balls tensing up Vegeta growls asking what he plans to do with them who admits he has been thinking about wishing to dissolve xennos order but he assumes that's far beyond Shannon's power so maybe he'll just wish for an unlimited supply of those parfait things as he transports the orbs to another realm before singling out Dendi telling him not to get clever as there's no point creating new Dragon Ball or using the namekians if they do so he'll just gather those up as well leaving the Guardians speechless and before he goes mur no asurs the gang that bulma and the citizens of West City are perfectly alive and well this has been quite fun I think the next theme will be me versus the earth until we meet again and as quickly as he arrived miRNA was gone once more what a wicked creature but den de questions piccolo asking if he really believes that to be true and it may be weird to say but he doesn't sense any evil from within him surprisingly enough Vegeta agrees and with his fists trembling states aloud they are all just tiny pieces in this little game of his but what exactly is this game with Goku turns out one can eat a whole lot of nothing when nothing is everything then again this is Goku even he admits this is the most he's ever gotten to eat in one of the few times he's actually felt full the mysterious man laughs reminding the saying he could just whip up some more food anytime he wants Goku thanks him but says now it's time to leave but the figure asks where to as no one can escape from this place even teleportation won't work causing a bit of understandable panic explaining Goku can only be teleported by moreau from this place and to be honest he isn't even sure if this was murrow's intended destination for the Saiyan believing Goku's God ki may have interfered with the portal confusedly asking what he should do the man instructs Goku to ask Murdo himself what are you serious elaborating Vegeta mentions mirto said me versus the earth before he left believing he means that literally doing to the planet what he did to West City the boys chimed in wanting to help and they just may need every single fighter they can get double-checking to make sure this actually is Moreau the rogue angel happily greets the misplaced Saiyan Goku then assumes he came to finish what he started but the mysterious entity tells him not to be so hasty once again referring to him by his birth name then explains that this Moreau is a creation of his own and sorta just like a doll much to the astonishment of Goku thinking he could only create food before now he then reminds him that as possible in this realm this replica even has the same power as the original mer no this figure will act as Goku sparring-partner obviously a lot to take in he finally asks who this guy is exactly lifting his hood claiming to be nothing more than a retired old man embarrasses world we seen standing before every fighter Vegeta could gather knowing they're gonna have to pull out all the stops for this one further stadium they would like to be trained by wheeze and to the great surprise of the angel the Grand Minister approves telling the Prince he will train him himself while we sis 2:8 the others which sounds perfect to Vegeta unknown to them someone is eavesdropping on this conversation and very excited on how fun things are looking to get what may the leader explaining we states Roshi's knowledge and experience makes him the most suitable for this role Kerlin agrees arguing that Goku and himself have only come this far because of the turtle masters training going on we ste can come up with a strategy to utilize everyone's strengths Sain allowed Roshi details those strengths where Karelin has his key ends on and was further able to develop the in solar flare technique youngja has his crab omelet on rice technique neither 17 or 18 exhaust power who was a universe of abilities on his own the boys confusing to go tanks piccolo when his clever battle tactics in Gohan's ultimate form ro she believes combining technique power and knowledge will be their best bet giving Gohan an idea but with Vegeta the grand priest explains that the biggest difference between he and Goku as their approach to battle all Vegeta has to do is improve his skill in this area and the Grand Minister believes he will be undefeatable admitting that he himself does not possess the same abilities as Murdo his overall power is greater so if the prince can defeat him he can also defeat the rogue angel vegeta laughs Assaf saying that's easier said than done but embraces the challenge warning he will be training with the intent to kill which is exactly what the Grand Minister was hoping for meanwhile grandpappies on hotels Goku or Kakarot to listen carefully as his training is all about imagery if the Saiyan thinks for a moment that he's going to lose the battle will be lost reminding him once again that here anything is possible well come on away in the middle of space hmm maybe I should wait around for one year if it were just the cheetah kun then maybe half a year revealing dozens of Myr knows all arguing about how long to wait before implementing their plan with one mentioning there's no need to be so hasty if they set no date at all it gives them even more freedom but what in the world is going on with so many murrow's as one of them meditates alone the angel remember something he was supposed to be the one to train vegeta not the Grand Minister to see his growth has been the plan from the beginning bringing some humorous frustration nomer no not long later we congratulate schoo Han on his forthcoming strategy telling the others he thinks it's time for them to go support Vegeta from what it sounds he and the grand Minister are training pretty hard and sure enough as the prince tries to catch his breath he's complimented on his ability to produce so much power tell me the great impression to his mentor getting folio himself and to be honest rightfully so if the grand minister's willing to give his praise Vegeta brags that he'll show him how powerful he really is but the dashing Khan is gone while the Saiyan tries to locate him turns out Vegeta is the one who was left Myrna was teleported him to what looks like their previous battlefield of what used to be West City looks like your progress with father is going well yeah let's continue where we left off then revealing he has also brought the others here elaborating it'll take at least an hour for Wiese and the grain minister to arrive so he'd like to begin immediately though gorilla and pleads his concerns about fighting on the planet worried it'll crumble to pieces however Renault assure him to worry not his daughter meirin is no longer on the earth and facts no one with exception of present company currently resides on this planet so there is no reason to show his concern for anyone else causing a teen to snap the man needs to know what he's done with her daughter and go hunt a question if all the other earthlings are okay but brno coldly responds why would I bother to keep track of such fragile things as he dashes after the villainous angel he stopped by piccolo who firmly warns him to calm down as most likely he's not done anything harmful to anyone as mortal lives don't interest him causing Murtagh to interrogate whether this is commie former guardian of planet Earth or possibly the intellect of the demon king speaking resolving it doesn't really matter only disappointed to see go unrestrained from his provocation youngja showing some heart analysis he's had enough talk it's time to teach this guy a lesson as KOAT angries even the old timer is ready to go reminding Buu he's counting on him who seems optimistic and whatever planner oh she has up a sleeve pinching his belly he rips off a few pieces of boo blubber tossing them into the air and in a surprising turn 18:17 tien and the others are willfully and snared as boo uh sure the blobs back to on absorbing them all transforming Super Buu is reborn oh wow you sure know how to party even Vegeta is impressed by the strategy myrrh no eggs on the remaining game to entertain him which seems to only be boo in the prince himself while impressive it still doesn't seem super boo can stand up to an angel though Murtagh admits he's faring better than he expected using go ting super ghost kamikaze attack mur no laughs this off sending each of them through their own portal for utilizing the after image appearing right next to mer no he uses a solar flare caught off guard it proves greatly effective before fiery is candy beam hitting mer no head-on transforming the angel into a chocolate bar on the ground Vegeta wonders if this is really the end looking at the sugary morsel even boo seems uncertain when Moreau arrives back through a portal well that's what's surprising stating he's not quite sure what the sea fighters are thinking even if they do destroy him is there anyone who can bring back all the humans who can only furiously look on wondering if this guy's even mortal which is ironic coming from him of all people and Vegeta discovering the more you learn the less you know in that if he and Boo are unable to figure out mer no how can they stand a chance however the thought of being eaten and turned into chocolate doesn't sit well with the angel grabbing booth through another portal he spouse it even as calm self would be mad and such an politeness will not be forgiven that's another familiar villain in ER Jax that's my role you know after firing his death beam he scolds mer know that he's been searching for him for a while now and figured he'd be here promising a revenge for their last encounter from the ground but she does shocked to see he's still alive having Goku and we skin' firmed his death in person and himself feeling this ki vanish and in a strange display of character Moreau Garner's a cold sweat stammering this is definitely bad away the saying explains to this copy that he wants to be able to defeat his real self shocked at the statement the double questions if he sure and we all know Goku he wants to study every possible movement the angel can replicate you know they're probably going to eat those words majeeda boo and freeze ass and frozen but what would Frieza have to be surprised about looking into the sky we see four figures enough Vegeta is on the ground who is this extra fighter springing through yet another portal one of the murrow's from before rising to see for himself Vegeta scoffs up the angel has finally shown his true nature stating he has the ability to create clones of himself gently laughing mur no claims that Vegeta figured this out after their first encounter but kept it to himself until now which the prince admits to having not wanted it to be true to be fair it's not exactly as it seems let me teach you what this power is all about elaborating he can diverge into large amounts of separate entities who shows his nervousness at this turn of events Moreau eyes down the Majin stating is quite similar to his own for tension Hans Multi form technique but with the addition of interdimensional teleportation he can launch an army of himself at a moment's notice he then details how he was able to escape booze candy beam turning the back of his hand to the Z fighters he informs him this crest previously had four markings and now has five and if we look back the first time we encounter Moreau and his fight against Frieza he sported half a crest the second time he had one fourth just as he does now during his tea with Bulma only two markings every timer no is left it wasn't the same one who returned since mousse successfully defeated a single mer know that iterations crest has been transmitted to the others and the angel can collect many more pieces to this insignia alas just as Vegeta fears the more complete the crust becomes the more powerful Mauro is claiming there are 13 pieces to assemble once they're brought together he will be at his full power and given he has eight in his counterpart five it would seem that goal is rather close finally asking why he's bothering to divulge all this info which he too inquires of Myr no so cocky that even if the Z fighters know what to do is still won't be enough and that's pretty much it firmly believing that his father the Grand Minister is the only one who can stand up to him however if he's able to do so he wouldn't mind dying up Vegeta's hand who was more than happy to oblige summoning his inner Yamcha Buu tries his hand at the kneel wolfing fist hey sweet name [Music] uh behind you [Music] as cold as ever Frieza blows boo to pieces but he quickly puts himself back together before screaming at the space tyrant demanding to know what he's doing attacking an ally responding Frieza scoffs of this pink bubble man is just in the way instance Buu can regenerate any way he fails to see the problem furthermore Frieza doesn't consider them allies and if he continues to be a burden he just needs to get lost much to the frustration of the Majin suggesting that fare better by working together Frieza promises that he alone is enough to win this battle looking to the heir who uses tias Kiko ho leaving morose stupefied beaten and confused the tyrant spouts that boom missed his target apologizing for this grievous mistake he offers to heal him right away warning him not to get caught up in the next attack naturally this deserved revenge leaves a sour taste in friezes mouth tossing his cloak mirto proposes he and Vegeta get started mur no quip said he can't wait to test the fruits of Vegeta straining with the old man snorting of the old man label given to his father the Prince finds it interesting that even some angels have a rebellious streak causing the so called rebel to remind him all beings do in fact one day his own daughter bro will call the mighty Vegeta old man as well using this to segue to his next topic inquiring a Fujita ever respected his father claiming in universe 13 the Prince killed both his parents for his own gain but Moreau admits this is what he likes about him he'll do just about anything to get stronger which reminds him there's still more he needs to inform him of his special ability to create portals they don't simply transport matter from point A to point B for example he could simply teleport Vegeta from this planet to somewhere randomly in space but that wouldn't be any fun the portals can also transmit particles such as light or energy like heat if he wanted he could bring warmth to a cold dead planet and even life to reincarnate it demanding to know the point of all this and what he's planning the angel bluntly states what he's getting at his favorite ability the portals possess is the freedom to transfer the energy from one being to another even if there are complete strangers the strong could stay strong in the weak can stay weak as he decides revealing he's done this through 13 universes in total which one would assume means the current 12 universes in his own offering to grant the prince infinite strength just as he did for his counterpart to become more powerful than he could ever possibly become on his own but Vegeta doesn't even consider the offer refusing outright well greatly disappointed Murdo kind of figured he would reject the offer but claims his other self was much smarter but the prince doesn't care being beaten down and overpowered by someone is the worst feeling in the world for a Saiyan he refuses to admit defeat bummer no just calls this naive why choose the trivial task of training with the green Minister when one could have that same outcome tenfold instantly but whether it's trivial or not but jitta claims the angel will know soon enough Vegeta has finally achieved ultra instinct beautiful on their way we seen the grain minister travel through space his father asking how much longer he thinks it'll be and it should only take about another ten minutes or so sensing Vegeta's key spike the both of them are astonished to see how much he's improved with his energy of radiating like never before it almost seems Moreau stands corrected on his previous belief staring him down the sand tossed the angel chiding him to bring it you say so good join with them Murr no couldn't be happier with this power boost standing by who was astonished on what an evolution this is and frieza just mutters grumpy races stuff under his breath asking if he's done Vegeta states he would like to begin [Music] after witnessing Vegeta quite literally beat murrow's ass up and down the planet who worries he's going too far just because nobody's here there's no reason to destroy the earth like this much more and he's sure it'll simply crumble [Music] while his other self takes a barrage of key blasts head-on the crust on the remaining angel becomes complete signifying his death but also but he's now risen to full power as he didn't believe for a second Vegeta would push him all the way to this point even coming closer to tell the prince himself snorting that his old man occasionally gets something right he even admits he's gonna have to use his full power for this one but not here for the angel has some more better in mind descending a portal on them all taking the four of them to the planet he previously gathered his copies on the silence is near maddening gazing out into space Morano admits simply losing himself among the stars is one of his favorite things to do here boot shorts what a happy-go-lucky guy you are before stating three-on-one may be tough for even him realizing he accidentally teleported more than Vegeta here Murtagh offers to fix this right away raising his hand he tells he and freeze it a stay still a moment levitating them above the ground he requests that they just sit and watch from there aggravated by this taunting new charges but is stopped it would seem there is an invisible wall preventing them from interfering extending his arm Frieza commands Buu to move but even he cannot break this barrier knocking on it further it doesn't even seem to be damaged looking back on him Murr no shouts that those idiots won't be able to budge that thing especially the pink one that uses dirty tricks still holding the grudge of being turned into chocolate apparently and now there's no one left to disturb them the angel reiterates that Vegeta has grown quite powerful so strong in fact he knows he wouldn't dare use such petty techniques to win even before today he's always found those types of attacks aggravating requesting he and the prince fight with their fists from here on and such a proposal Garner's no protest from Vegeta away it would seem copy Moreau is getting the best of Goku perhaps understands he is improving but I don't want to kill you but if you continue at this rate you will surely die requesting the Saiyan throw in the towel but he can only laugh at the suggestion try as they might alas no luck causing Frieza too short that boot was making a fool of himself which seems to result in a in the armor gawking at the crack they begin to theorize on what happened possibly it was just latency from the last attack calling Buu an idiot Frieza points out that's not even close to where the blast landed as it cracks once more Mirian what happened in fusion reborn the space Lord gets what's going on singing out an extended note but nothing as the silence becomes awkward he spells ravu not to just stand there and make himself look like an idiot - and it breaks again with no other option it could be insults damage the shield the two of them go to work quickly chopping down on it congratulating him in his own way Friesen says boo continued but upon requesting the space tyrants help he pushes that Buu alone is enough to participate in this ridiculous endeavor annoyed heels stupid small guy laughing aloud that managed to take a big chunk out of it snappy not to insult him boo assures him he was directing it only to the barrier but no dice giving it back he begins to scream he bubble gum trash arrogant gummy blob resulting in a shouting match up childish insults once again recommending Goku give up copy Moreau informs us a and he's missing something to break through his most recent ceiling rising I'll be a shaking Goku shouts that he'll do whatever it takes to improve and the angel believes he has just the right thing stating he himself has been able to live under no-one's order to thrive with zero disturbance and he has obtained the power to achieve his dreams suggesting he used the Dragon Balls to assist but Goku scoffs that isn't strength as gifted power isn't earned copy Moreau takes interest and that there does seem to be a limit to Goku's willingness to improve giving him an idea snapping his fingers and getting his attention two portals open one containing pan and the other chichi demanding to know what he's doing he explains it's only a simple game Goku will have the opportunity to save one or both of them if he can answer a few questions but if not either of them including up to both will perish and if one is to meet their end Murtagh will simply add someone else to fill the void and this game will continue until Goku wins knowing how bad this is he can only curse at the angel reminding him that if he wants to be mad Goku should remember who here is pulling the strings so if we'd like to show anger to anyone perhaps it shouldn't be him furthering he also reminds Goku if he'd like to forego this test then he could always just kill him but that's highly discouraged announcing the first question as go who screamed for him to stop [Music] thank you to himself Vegeta knows that even if he can't predict murrow's next attack he's too relentless to get in an opportunity noting his fighting style is completely without precedent the Grand Minister beginning to grow nervous questions again how much longer until their arrival and due to the change of location it should only be one more minute but Vegeta's key is fading fast continuing to make headway boo and Frieza shout every petty insult that comes to mind [Music] announcing to his father that they are here we squiggly takes a note of the winded potty mouth inquiring to the purpose of this language who fills in the angel on everything that's going on who doesn't take long to comprehend the situation assuring the duo to leave it to him questioning if even he can shatter this barrier we smear Li takes in a breath before shouting something so obscene aloud it can't even be said to the general public back with Goku the Saiyan lies before to empty portals meaning he has saved both chichi and pan by activating ultra instinct Murtagh informs him that he should get a look at himself who didn't even realize he had entered the form going on to elaborate granpappy details his reasoning for putting Goku through such extreme circumstances while it's obvious he enjoys fighting merely for the sake of it and for his own self improvement it's also evident his trigger to evolve leaps and bounds lies in his affection for his loved ones at first he wasn't sure but it's become obvious apologizing for putting him through such intense measures and now goku straining here is done extending his arm he restores Goku's ki wish she'd unlock in his endeavors as the portal opens behind the Saiyan he thinks the old timer for everything he's done then realizing he never officially found out who this guy even is turning around to ask his name who bluntly states as we all suspected he is Zeno in hopes he can meet up with Goku again one day as Vegeta finds himself in the dirt morose cold so he can't be done now frantically spouting this is the most fun he's ever had how could the prince let him down like this and in a cold sweat he elaborates that any minute his father will arrive and something catches Vegeta's eye grabbing him by the arm Goku dead eyes the angel hey remember me Goku wow you've sure changed what's with the hair in the aura you seem even stronger than the chena kun walking over to set a lie Goku blurts said the prince has seen better days who doesn't much care for this obvious statement and that's when it clicks with the angel there is only one bean the sand could have trained with to achieve this kind of power curious to find the stupid brat still lives on in that realm but it makes no difference now if you were going to do something it would have already been done taking excitement in the fact his fun gets to continue for a bit longer Goku explains what happened after he went through the portal including GPZ no in the copy Moreau which angers the prince just a bit slightly upset in the fact that Goku got to train with an exact replica of their opponent this entire time well he's just had to learn as he goes trying to apologize that's just kind of how it happened Vegeta continues his tirade on his scores of improvement through training with the grand minister and once again the great chakra has to one-up him hmm well this is rather humorous I'm afraid my time here is slowly running out their endless bickering finally comes to a halt as Moreau approaches Goku kun Vegeta kun that's quite enough it's really all the same in the end so let's continue the Saiyans take their stance as Vegeta warns Goku this is his fight Goku fires amer know who calls the attack meaningless opening a portal in front of himself redirecting it behind our hero and that's when Goku shows he can use the portals himself [Music] sending us this through the portal we see goku san hinted at by the wristband showing the fruits of his labor goku proves he can stand toe-to-toe with anyone to the great irritation of the angel who's still holding his face in pain watching the chaos even boo doesn't know how to react to such a mess of a battle when something catches the attention of wheeze telling his father he never remembers seeing his brother have such a good time as the Z fighters seemed to have run out of steam the rogue angel shouts what's wrong is that the best of Gus [Music] Oh [Music] girion that last punch stopped short he chides Vegeta he can't win like that mocking with his own hand as a prop come on dear Prince swing me with all your might my turn now your turn for Jia kun [Music] in a rather odd display this continues back and forth of your turn my turn causing the odd fighter to joyfully laugh aloud though put off initially even Vegeta can't help but crack a smile taking a moment to merely witness what's going on both warriors being simultaneously knocked to the ground mur no belly laughs while lying down echoing wheezes observation he admits he's having too much fun unable to recall the last time he laughed so much if only things could stay like this forever but I guess it's the end as the grain minister steps in to put a stop to the chaos complimenting his old man on destroying his barrier so fast looking down at a son he explains this is not something everyone will forgive but if Moreau is able to express his remorse he will attempt to show leniency scoffing the angel questions if that's coming from his father or that I shin Khan interjects he will not judge him subjectively as good or evil as everything comes down to zero in the end mur no comments that's typical from him calling out for Wiese he inquires if he cares about Vegeta and the others which of course he does to the extent an angel can before asking how he would react if the - in Khan were to be eradicated by his own son referring to universe 13s Vegeta's actions towards his own parents standing his ground Reis agrees with the grain Minister everything that is is the will of the Omni King Vegeta continues his silence you are such an adult's assuring the rogue angel to leave her no has other plans beginning to radiate energy he bluntly states if you were to go before that little brat he doesn't like his odds as we sees what's going on he commands everyone to quickly surround him choosing to self-destruct rather than face the possibility of being erased by Xen oh this brings up a recurring question with boo was mur no really bad as dendi himself even said previously he didn't seem to have any wicked intent and after all it's not like he killed anyone causing fries out of snort in the background and the Grand Minister himself doesn't even know but angels must remain neutral as they are only to act as the will of Lords heh no sane allowed Goku remembers copy Moreau mentioning something about obtaining freedom leaving us to wonder exactly what his goal really was guess I'm up I don't want to rely on these reserves forever but let's get to it since the bodyguards are a bit too comfortable maybe I should have a little more fun and for now that concludes - Shiva Taro's Dragon Ball super Kai remember to support him using the links below and to quickly give my two cents on the series I think so many things were done right now maybe going deeper into the other world slash afterlife mythos was a bit much for some people so soon after the tournament of power but I don't mind it personally I think mur no war waka was a great fun character that fit well into the new writing style of Dragon Ball super and an even better way to secretly reboot Geneva one thing I was confused by very briefly was thinking everyone mur no kidnapped was lost forever but since Goku learned how to use the portals I guess they just have a bit of certian to do and they'll also eventually fix the damage to earth using the Dragon Balls but I could ramble on about this forever I kind of realized that while writing this but I'd rather tell the stories rather than review them so you guys take care thank you so much for supporting this channel in the Dragon Ball community and I'll catch you next time [Music] you
Channel: Mondo Cool
Views: 839,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dragon Ball, manga, anime, new dragon ball super, new dbs, fan manga, manga dub, comicstorian dragon ball, dbz, dbs, narration, read, manga 2020, merno full story, universe 13 angel full story, vegeta ultra instinct, what if goku, dragon ball super manga, db super, manga review, dragon ball, dragonball super, dragon ball super new arc, dragon ball super, full story, comic review, beyond dragon ball super, granola the survivor, blackscape, granola dbs, dbs merno, dbm, emosh, dbx, db
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 25sec (3025 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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