MercyMe - Beautiful - Story Behind The Song

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we um this next song is another new one that is really special to me it was you guys can have seen by the way no it made you feel guilty after Amazing Grace but you can take a break it's like I don't want to sit and he'll jump ends no this song was written with my my daughter's in mind I am I have four kids I have a son named Sam that is eight a little girl named Gracie that is about to turn six a little boy named Charlie who is four and a little girl named Sophie who is 20 months old and I'm and you know the one thing that I've learned as being a parent which may be shocking to you folks up here but there's a big difference between boys and girls I've learned I mean a huge difference for example with boys if I upset them you just kind of kick them around the wag their tail and forgive you in about an hour of thirty seconds really doesn't take long with a girl there's about a seven day waiting period before things are made right I've learned on many occasions and I wouldn't change it for the world there's something incredibly special between a father and his daughters not to take anyway from my sons but there's just something I don't know how to explain it but there's something between a dad and his little girls and if you're blessed enough to be a father with daughters I hope you can relate to what I'm talking about and I'm and you know the one thing I've learned is they're all gonna face pressures in life but there's a certain pressure that girls are going to face I don't know if guys have to deal with so much and that's when the world is telling them how to act how to look what to eat what not to eat and just what you're supposed to be from materialistic a physical standpoint and it's heartbreaking I can already see it in my six-year-old watching TV it's like oh I got to have this I got to do this and I'm like are you kidding me we're getting rid of cable you know and I get all freaked out and I know that when they get a little older and they start to become a teenager it's gonna be pretty bad and the best advice I was ever given as a father to being a father was that I have to figure out some way to have a louder voice than the rest of the world when it comes to my kids and I tell my kids every day that they're perfect and that God has an incredible plan for them and remind them that whatever the world says they are so much more and I realized when we finish the song that this isn't a message for a six-year-old girl this is a message for little girls 88 year old men whatever it relates to every single one of us because all of us at some point in our life have felt like we're unlovable that we feel unworthy that maybe there's something in our life that we think is so terrible that we could never be everything that God actually desires us to be now understand we are absolutely nothing without Christ and we're pretty filthy and we have an incredible ability to screw things up but because of the cross because of Christ and Christ alone we have a chance we have worth we have value if you know Christ and you've been made holy as he is holy and that is something far greater than whatever the world may say that we are and there may be some of you tonight that you feel like you've done something so horrendous that there's no way that God if you ever saw your heart your whole heart could ever forgive you and this is kind of a Sunday school answer but maybe they're onto something there is nothing there's no one that is ever out of the reach of Christ and then there are those of you that you do everything you're supposed to do right you think you had this to-do list and you go to church and you play by the rules and you're honest and you're a good person and I just want you to know that you cannot be shiny and polished enough to earn the grace of God so I guess we're all kind of in the same boat we all desperately need Jesus and if you think you may not fit in that category you desperately need Jesus so one thing we have in common regardless of what church you go to or don't go to regardless of what issues you stand up for or don't believe in regardless of the little things that we nag about when it comes to religion regardless where you stand every single one of us need Christ I believe that with all of my heart because I know what I was before and I know what I am now and if anything good comes from me it's of Jesus and that's the reason that we leave home that's the reason that we come out here tell our families goodbye for a few days is because we believe it's a message worth sharing we believe that there may be a few of you that leave tonight a little bit different than what you were when you came here we believe that God's gonna get his glory through all of this we believe that nothing is an accident that you didn't just stumble in here and so I guess this song is just a simple reminder that there is a god that is so huge that he threw the stars to the night there is a God that is so incredibly awesome that he and only he tells the Sun when to shine and that same God is madly in love with you that should blow your stinking mind and so whether you're a child or a grown-up that is so strapped down because of your pride whatever it is just know that regardless what the world says you were still absolutely beautiful in his eyes the song is called beautiful come here yes why should you are sacred you are yes you
Channel: Fair Trade Services
Views: 1,194,100
Rating: 4.9003315 out of 5
Keywords: mercy, me, mercyme, bart, millard, beautiful, story, behind, the, song, fair, trade, services, contemporary, christian, music, scenes, interview, fts, ft s, live, concert
Id: ygR8Q7IaI44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 40sec (460 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 27 2011
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