Meow Wolf: Convergence Station - Denver, CO

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hey you all carpetbagger here coming to you live from the west more specifically denver colorado and even more specifically than that we are here to visit finally visit meow wolf denver now the meowth is the third meow wolf installation i have been covering them here on this channel the first installation was meow wolf house of eternal return that popped up in santa fe new mexico i stopped there not really knowing what to expect and i was absolutely blown away it takes interactive art environment to a new level and uh a few years later they they announced they were opening other meowth locations earlier this year i was able to visit the newly opened omega mart meow wolf of mega mart in las vegas and uh the the the third location um is actually opening it open just a few days ago here in denver now the first the first meal they all have different themes the first meow wolf house of eternal return it's a suburban house but uh you go in and things are not quite right and it takes you into different worlds or different portals to different worlds omega mart is a surreal grocery store with some some dark secrets going on and uh now we are here at the third meow wolf location it is known as the convergence station it is apparently it is the convergence of four dimensions we'll have to kind of experience this to get uh the full scope of it but the idea is i guess it is like a public transit station possibly for four different dimensions i'm super excited about this the meow wolf locations are in the absolute top tier of uh of attraction as far as i'm concerned is the future of the roadside attraction so please follow me [Music] just look at this building it's very fascinating you see that actually the freeway like wraps around the building they built it like in a corner there between these two raised parts of the freeway incredibly efficient and effective use of space it's very interesting got here a little early you can see the workers getting the convergence station ready for the public this creature here emerging from the dirt is known as the plethodon almost looks like a axolotl or some sort of salamander so one quick note i do want to say um i got to the front of the line they asked that i not bring my camera in they said phones are allowed but they were frowning on bringing in any sort of other camera it should be fine i just wanted to make a note of that all right so here we are inside the convergence station it's almost like a set up like a subway station with different uh different departure areas for the different dimensions it's recommended to me to start here at c street departures interesting statue here this gentleman all right all right heading into this elevator for the sea lions if you should happen to lose any memories or suffer from frequent deja vu while student converges please contact one of our local residents as they'll be happy to lend amendments thank you for traveling with die and welcome to speech all right here is c street the media news to prank here on the newspaper see this is like you see this a lot at meow wolf there's there's story lines hidden things you could spend years unraveling all these stories with all these little clues don't really know what this is also it's like a sort of street vending car [Music] it's written in a foreign language [Music] this looks like some sort of butcher shop here yeah look at that pig like a see-through pig with some organs there some uh blue and green ham a little frog back there with the wing oh wow there's so much my god [Music] some sort of truck-like vehicle here we can peek inside oh weird is this the nervous system of the truck weird this is crazy just look at this walking down the street here another dimension this is wow just trying to take this take this all in [Music] so what you watching there uh right now it looks like a little commercial i'm waiting for the votes the votes yeah so we have a new mayor vote every 20 minutes 20 minutes just so nobody holds too much power that makes sense but right now i can show you [Music] yeah yeah yeah wormy's looking real good to me this time [Music] yeah you can register so if you click register yeah and then click register here and we can vote together we'll go together okay so when it comes in the thing it's like an arcade game okay you are green so make sure you get it in the slot okay okay three two one and go i've had a lot of practice voting so don't feel safe so voting is determined by your skill yes exactly it's a very skilled system here on c street you have to be good bad at voting apparently you get to vote oh looks like wormy wins wormy why but in two minutes you'll get to see who wins on the big screen oh okay yeah thank you so much for coming for showing me how to vote all right let's see what happens behind this curtain look at that that's some sort of scary deep sea fish look at these little guys here like almost little shrimp like creatures i don't know what's going on under under this let's poke our heads down all right we're in some sort of crawl space i think we'd stand up here oh look at this interdimensional interdimensional prairie dogs we got some a buffalo right there there's a cow it looks like a bobblehead a bobblehead cow watch out though there's vultures swirling above us oh it's getting dark it's getting dark what was that guy some of these furry dogs aren't normal oh what is happening this is oh my goodness i'm scared cow another angle where we can watch the prairie dogs against the people there sticking their heads up oh i see a jackalope back there jackalopes exist now in the meow wolf universe this is this is this is unusual this is i love this i really love that possibly possibly [Music] oh that's wonderful i don't know i don't think it's going to beat me i would like to look at it [Music] thank you so much apparently i just got roped into some inter-dimensional fashion show all right you're gonna head into the salon [Music] oh what's that one of those salon head thingies let's look inside oh yeah [Music] oh look at that [Music] [Applause] [Music] the most amazing oh [Music] what the heck some sort of fortune teller maybe a little something to eat at the mijo mijo cyber cafe oh look at this vending machine head into this dark alley here oh what is this sort of creature is this this hover car here is pretty cool it's actually a toyota cover car i don't know if we can actually [Music] oh yes [Music] i'm not sure exactly how to get this hover car started look at the window there get out of the way people i'm trying to hover [Music] the new mayor is hey mister 58 of the vote with this grocery here but just noticing over here in the window yes he's these are all actually little like tidbits from a mega mart as well we like to hide little easter eggs a little convenience store here look at the look at the flirt oh my gosh oh yeah they're selling all sorts of uh of omegamar merchandise in here really cool connection the movie theater here let's see the concession stand oh today [Music] so maybe we'll watch that some other time oh [Music] where are we now it's easy to get lost here [Music] looks like this is some sort of abandoned pet store see the fish in there looks like these these glowing hairy balls have escaped from their aquarium [Music] what the heck is that i don't know what this is here this is a little little spooky check out check out that face there very spooky paintings here thank you oh that's creepy so what where what is this building what are we doing here oh well i i'm sid and you're in my shop this is your shop what are you selling i am not i'm really trading if you will with just memories crazy memories yeah and also perhaps uh memories of the future this bus right here bursting out of the wall piles of appears the garbage tvs this jack lantern full of garbage here [Music] we can hop aboard the bus here [Music] on the bus i can actually head out there do you want to drive the bus here oh wow looks like we've entered into some garbage world here see all the trash on the walls there's a boat captain's quarters in here [Music] that's where the captain would sleep and the bookshelf here look at those put that gnome there piano piano there's playing [Music] tunnel back here takes us to oh get your stove sink dishwasher the microwave there what's in the what's in the freezer [Music] freezer's like a padded room got music playing see the lockers up there the wheelchair on the wheelchair sports camp looks like you're actually the opportunity to head upwards [Music] from up here we can actually look down on c [Music] street this oh now walking into here i don't know if this is a different dimension you may have left the first dimension we entered we're almost in like a jungle like environment here what's this here oh this is like one of those viewfinders you find at like tourist lookouts let's uh see if we can move that around what was that wait what's that oh wow look around us what is that look at that cute little piggy walking up the wall check out this creature up here this sort of interesting creature there his head is just squiggles or tentacles [Music] look at that little creature down there he's made of four separate heads look at that waterfall there look at this tall creature here standing there next to this flashing waterfall look at this fellow he seems rather enraptured with that fruit let's go check out the backside of water here [Music] i'm gonna give a flashing light warning right now what the heck what am i looking at how is this even real [Music] what delightful little sloth-like creature here you know bow tie what's this here a twisted tunnel where are we through these here there's like little rats fighting [Music] you actually control the wrath here oh yeah you move this controller the rats the rats fight each other come on you dirty rad [Music] remove we hear some very interesting busts sort of crab like minotaur that's pretty that's pretty scary right there [Music] this here archway made of books little couch there in the middle almost like a throne of books okay now now what's happening these birds on the wall it's like some sort of temple in here statue of this guy is he holding there let's go into this room it's like a circus theming in here clown head dancing hot dog oh wow [Music] what is this wait for the wheel to stop use telekinesis wheel numbers correlate to objects huh these are like fingers oh and a giant eyeball my eyeball i mean ball of eyes listen what's in here oh my gosh oh my god that logo looks a little bit like old showbiz pizza logo [Music] pizza pals blazo look at that pizza right there [Music] what is this oh my gosh that's a little a little haunting [Music] [Music] this is the founder of pizza pals play zones [Music] head up the stairs another interesting pizza-based creature this is incredible all right these fears took us back up to c street we'll head back down this industrial style room our little peep holes here the ships going by [Music] pigeons they're on top of this boiler interesting things inside all the people writing bugs little tiny people a giant bug world they smashed smashed cell phones being smashed apart by little tiny people oh what's this oh my gosh cathedral [Music] you know it's hard to tell the dimensions apart because they kind of i guess they're converging which is kind of the theme but this looks like a new dimension that we've stumbled on you can see the cathedral rotating there [Music] [Music] levers do anything figures there on top of the oregon walrus [Music] this giant robot here seen people sitting in his lap his laps a big chair [Music] some sort of control panel [Music] all right these buttons here are here to actually control the constellations [Music] cut up this staircase here [Music] good view of the chapel right here there's a what's this here we go from the intergalactic chapel to laundromat oh my gosh what is in that laundry machine [Music] oh someone put the bricks the bricks and the uh washing machine [Music] [Music] machine that distributes uh different types of laundry cleaner oh it's a secret passage i don't i don't know where i just ended up actually kind of difficult here to figure out what you have and haven't seen so you don't really know when you've reached the end of meow wolf oh it's just a little room full of faces it just got dark [Music] all right i think we've actually seen most of what there is to see so we're gonna head back down to the lobby in the station that was meow wolf's convergence station and wow i it absolutely uh absolutely lives up to the hype was worth the wait and compared to the other male wolves i don't know i can't like pick and choose which ones are my favorite so i love them so much but um this is seems like more a little more expensive this is the most fleshed out or maybe just largest meow wolf exhibit the the the the different dimensions converging um is kind of a different theme that they're using and i think it gives the artists a lot of leeway on what they can create what they can add to uh to the meow wolf environment um like i said i probably miss stuff in there it is so big it is so you know as you travel around you can't sometimes you can't really tell which way you're going you kind of just discover at your own pace like i said there's there's secret story lines you can work them out there's so much you could you could spend all day you could come out here to denver it's been a week um just examining meow wolf um but yeah check out my other videos on the other two meow wolf locations omega mart and the house of eternal return uh if you like uh the videos on this channel consider subscribing they'll let you know when new videos are coming out also check out some of my older videos if you have time i have been to the 48 continental united states filming roadside attractions amusement parks museums and haunted houses plus other fun random stuff if you'd like to support the channel consider donating to patreon three dollars or more we'll get you a postcard once a month also selling enamel pins in etsy shop and until next time this one's in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 111,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, meow wolf, denver, convergence station, omega mart, co, colorado, interactive art enviroement, art, instillation, roadside attraction, roadside america
Id: R_eCSPgzoCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 35sec (2015 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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