Men's Shot Put Final | World Athletics Championships Doha 2019

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the men's shot put has the makings of an epic final krauser is the Olympic champion he's the best thrower in the world this year this is the title missing from his glittering collection [Music] world indoor bronze medalist last year Thomas Stanek another one of the 22-metre boys national record holder from Croatia Philip Mikhaylovich night on the world leader board this year what a story this would be for the pan-american champion John an Romani could become the first Brazilian male to win any global shotput medal and I include the Olympics as well as the World Championship in that story Serbian two-time national champion scimitar Mitch 21:51 PB shape this year it'll need bigger than that surely another one in the talented Americans six in the world in doors 11 two years ago Darrel Hill he's gone out to 20 to 35 this year that was recently in what they call the match in Minsk he brings formed former world champion from four years ago Joe Kovacs second in the u.s. chaps he won the Paris diamond Lee 22:31 this year so good to see this talented youngster from New Zealand back in the groove Jaco Gill a former world junior gold medalist battling back from a heart condition with three peepees in the last five weeks to another Commonwealth nation to bronze in Glasgow and on the Gold Coast Jim natal Fortuna pan american games from poland euro silver last year twice european endure a European under-18 championship yet ski African representation in this final now from Nigeria the African champion jewel citizen with the United States trip where bucha and a wedgie and the defending champion can you hear the ground rumbling World Indoor champion Olympic bronze medalist John Walsh of New Zealand Walsh is eighth on the all-time list Krauser is sixth ramani has gone 10th Tom Walsh has got a habit of always getting it right exactly when it counts to New Zealanders in this final great to see Gil back to form the Americans with Hill and Kovacs and Ryan krauser well fancy day can spoil the Kiwi party tonight eight men over 22 metres in 2019 and seven of them are in this competition it could be it should be one of the all-time great shot book showdowns [Applause] we will be rocking and rolling between the shotput attempts and the heats of the 4x4 as Ryan Krauss that steps into the circle comes from what you could almost describe as a dynasty of throwers his dad is uncle its cousins all excellent throwers in their own right browser opening this glittering final then oh that's big we already know it is going to take something special in this final and as if to underline that krauser has launched a big one with the very first throat he's laid down the marker and said okay boys on the man 22:36 already that will take some beating it will we heard him say big one first one he's the Olympic champion and is a world leader already but Ryan Krauss that has never been on a world championship podium before he was sixth in London that looks like it already maybe good enough well it would certainly take some beating that's for sure Stanek 2167 this season forth and Europeans last year world indoor bronze medalist he was just off the podium in London that's a daunting prospect to follow such a big opener from the Olympic champion and from the Czech Republic has its opening salvo in this Saturday night shot foot showdown well top marks for the raw he's around about what the 21 meter line here and Jenny Meadows alongside me it's not beyond the bounds of possibility here that there's so much talent in this field Randy Barnes low 23 s or am I just being greedy after Dylan Muhammad's world record in the four hurdles the other night yeah we've been spoiled so far in this championships haven't we and that's a 2061 they're coming up to sunny now darlin Romani no Brazilian male has ever won a global shock book medal well that's a nice way to start he's the pan-american champion he's been there or there about so often fifth in Rio in the Olympics fourth in the world indoors last year I think his breakthrough performance Jenny came when he produced three throws over 22 meters to win the Prefontaine Classic and smashed the South American area record that looked big from romani what a start yeah you want to start out well don't you especially after what Ryan throws a did that is a 2161 that's a whole meter down on what you did up to produce it Prefontaine Jacko Gil [Music] really quick in a circle that looks good now Jaco gills PB is 2147 that looks very close to a lifetime best to me yeah he's one of these athletes we've been watching for a number of years really hard to imagine that is still only 24 years of age now we've taught the lots of tip sticks over the last few days but he actually won the world junior championship age 15 is incredible that yak of Ingebrigtsen won it when he was 17 or 15 years of age what a great competitor just shy of his PB now the Commonwealth silver medalists of Nigeria another throw landing in the mid 21 and equity the African champion dual citizen American Dad is from Nigeria hence the representation for the proud African nation big guns big smile and he likes that he moves forth 21:18 a good opener Tom Walsh he is a metaphorical man-mountain the world Indoor champion the defending world champion the eighth best thrower in history what can he do now against the opening mark set by the Olympic champion krauser krauser leads with twenty to thirty six big roar oh my goodness me that's huge that is absolutely massive from Tom Walsh he's got a wild look in his eyes and he let out an almighty roar as he released the put that is huge [Applause] we're watching we're waiting 2290 Tom Walsh has gone forth on the all-time list that is huge Don O'Brian down on the infield water put by Walsh one of the best we've ever seen hey guys this is really exciting down here Ryan krauser got everything going with a really big throw the crowd was up and into it immediately but there been a number of really solid throws it was it was low 22 meters it was a championship record and I thought you know what maybe Ryan krauser is going to put this thing away on his first attempt but Tom Walsh is an absolute fighter he stepped in didn't blink and I didn't bat an eyebrow and he pops 2290 breaking the championship record and moving up this moving up the tables to number for all time 22 92 22:36 this is going to be a great shop up competition John were watching three of the world's best athletes ever here in this shop top top competition you'll Ryan krauser how'd you respond after seeing Walsh just go out to that one you know how how do you how do you respond to some of these throws it just it's just more mental fortitude these guys are they wait for moments like this they've practiced from almost like this high school college and as elite athletes they wait for moments like this on the diamond league this is when it counts the most and they're rising to the occasion well rising to the occasion they are we knew that we'd had some big throws already this year and this one promises to be a cracker I still can't believe that fourth on the all-time list and we still haven't finished the second round while we now Romani small figure he's almost as wide as he is tall he's in the bronze medal position now after that monstrous end to the opening round from Tom Walsh his face is a picture of concentration 2261 at the end of June he has a huge talent yes over 22 metres and now all of a sudden there are three men in this final over this magical mark never before in history of the World Championships have two athletes thrown beyond 22 meters in the final now we have three we're still in round 2 [Applause] 22:53 that is very close to his lifetime best and suddenly it's the Olympic champion krauser down in third it can't go bigger than that Kenny Tom Walsh has mentioned the world record is 23 12 it's another massive put it's not as big as he's first round it's a no throw 2290 the championship record the force bet fourth best throw we've ever seen absolutely incredible ramani and second krauser the Olympic champions in third now this is krauser no throw in the second round needs to find a personal best performance here to get in the shake up No and I say no it's over 22 meters in the most normal competitions in any other area it would be a fantastic throw but in the context of what we're seeing here that's not 2219 these are the the distances to which these men are pushing each other but what about that for a coincidence exactly the same distance as his opening throat stays in third Ramani brilliant throw in the second round get himself back up from third into second just a reminder no Brazilian man has ever won a Global shotput medal this history on the line here pretty much bang on the 22-metre bolts there'll be no improvement from Romani but once again underlining the levels to which this competition and this event have risen over the last eight to ten months yeah I think we might see something special here we've already seen three 22-metre throws but if they can start putting really good sequences together it could be one of the best competitions in history we talked about remaining at the Prefontaine plus pit beef it Ryan krauser fourth round here [Applause] oh that is big remember it's Tom Walsh leading with that 22-metre 90 throw in the first round browser was initially out front with 22 36 which he replicated in round three he was in the silver medal position until romani dropped him down to third or 2253 2271 he swaps places with the Brazilian once more so it's New Zealand from the United States from Brazil he knows surely he's going to be on the podium how big could this be oh it's such a high standard this final no throw there Dan O'Brien this short book competition has come alive brilliantly can anybody challenge Walsh and that massive 2290 well what happens when you put a big throw like that out there like Thomas Walsh has done it causes everybody else to swing for the fences we've seen a number of fouls and a number of really good throws Walsh is just really bearing down he's talking to his coach up in the stands every time he's up he's just every the crowd comes alive but what's interesting is I think it has changed the complexion of this competition it should brought everybody up a level and it has the officials down here wondering if there's something wrong with the equipment because five people have gone over the distance of the old world championship record this competition is absolutely amazing and we're winding down here guys are running out of chances and it looks like Thomas Walsh could be could be the champion again and Dan we knew this was going to be a great competition did you really think we'd see a throw that was closer to 23 than 22 well certainly there was a possibility especially when you look at the look at the throws in the top 10 list and so many guys are pushing that 22 meters now but yeah absolutely riding trouser popped that big one and I thought now they're all chasing him but Thomas Walsh put all doubt all doubts to bed when he popped his big one he wants everybody to know who the world champion is right inside there from Dan O'Brien he'll be down there until the end and as he indicated we're edging closer for throws left this is Joe Kovacs Kovacs best effort in the fourth round that 2195 if he throws a season's best or personal best he's in the conversation for a medal oh that's big yes Kovacs has announced his presence here we're watching and waiting for the measurement Romani is in third at the moment with 2253 krauser 2271 I cannot believe this I cannot believe this 2291 he takes the lead by a single centimeter unbelievable Dan O'Brien what you make of that guy's jolco back skin what were to his wife after his third throw before they went into the final three and she said Joe you've got to go for it I don't care if you have three big fouls here just let it all hang out and he slowly increased he got a little more he got a little farther a little farther on the fourth and the fifth row and he just unleashed one right there he was so balanced at the end 2291 he takes the lead by one centimeter the Americans above him here at the start of the hundred meters were absolutely going bananas that's a giant throw for Joe Kovacs romani has to improve here one last chance to get a medal it's absolute heartache for the Brazilian 2253 and he ends up in fourth place that is staggering Joe Kovacs by the way has now moved joint third on the world's all-time list ramani has done himself huge credit here that is an enormous throw to finish fourth bad luck for the Brazilian Kovacs third on the all-time list which means Walsh just a centimeter further back is now fifth on the all-time list Krauser the Olympic champion he has the bronze medal he knows that surely he can't produce one of the best in history kami [Applause] oh my goodness me this is incredible unprecedented strength and death here in the shop hood the Olympic champion has saved his best to last but how big how big [Applause] all right Ryan krauser he hit a big one in the fourth round and he kept turning to his coach and said I just missed it I just missed it his dad this is coach here today and I thought wow that is a giant throw how could he have just missed it it just came off his hand just a little bit differently but crowds are 2290 he's tied with Walsh and it'll be a count back to see who gets that silver medal if Walsh cannot improve right here but Walsh has just put bid pushing the boundaries all day long I've never seen anything like this Joe Kovacs giving giving krauser krauser could barely even watch guys he is on pins and needles Tom Walsh has thrown the joint fifth farthest chocolate in history and at the moment it's only good enough for the bronze incredible here oh my goodness me it's a massive effort from the New Zealand er but it doesn't register once more three men separated by a single centimeter and all of them go down in history Joko max the former world champion retains his crown when an enormous throat 22 metres 91 he goes joint third on the all-time list and what about this Brian Krause and the Olympic champion tied to fifth equal on the all-time list for the silver and on countback relegates the former champion Tom Walsh to the bronze all three of them with lifetime bests all three of them with memories that will last forever extraordinary just extraordinary here in the Khalifa International Stadium and just when you thought this World Championships couldn't deliver and couldn't get better it just keeps on surprising us in the most amazing way possible just saw the best women's 1500 meters in history the depth of that event many shoppers have responded I love that I loved and insights always listen to your wife it came well therefore Djokovic Kovacs a championship record the joint third best row we've ever seen krauser and Walsh PB area record the joint fifth best throws we've ever seen unbelievable here in Doha simply unbelievable [Applause]
Channel: World Athletics
Views: 1,963,713
Rating: 4.8913889 out of 5
Keywords: World Athletics, worldAthletics, IAAF, Athletics, World Championships, track and field, Tom Walsh, Tomas Walsh, Ryan Crouser, Joe Kovacs, SHot Put, Doha, 2019, Men's shot put doha 2019, World Athletics Championships fina;, new zealand, USA, darlan romani
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 8sec (1388 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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