MENS HEAT 1 - 3 Fibonacci CrossFit Games 2018 Fraser

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we'd like to get creative with our event names here Fibonacci is one of them and Mike Arsenault has more on that director the CrossFit Games Dave Castro says he takes inspiration from the world of art and literature in mathematics when designing events while the Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers where each number is the sum of the two previous numbers 1 1 2 3 5 8 and 13 that's the rep scheme on this event one mention is last year only two men have finished so far three three heats thank you Mike the top 10 men in the overall standings in this final heat hat velder in lane four has been the living embodiment of Murphy's Law so far in this competition but he is still in third place overall but he might be Murphy's Law but I love the fighting spirit so here we go we started off this year with the mechanical issues teens coming off we saw him fall from the cargo net watch this drop boom even had to go on a trip to the hospital this guy has been through the wringer and still is able to fight in wit his weight and stay in the mix it's currently sitting in third place overall I tell you what if this kid can't catch a break it's gonna be something amazing and he's trying to catch that man Matt Fraser the overall leader by 20 points final heat of Fibonacci under way we begin with those five deficit handstand push-ups so right off the gate you see what my keys are here no fails you you cannot have fails on these handstand push-ups and the way it's set up with that 5 8 13 break them up early the next thing those big big kettlebells 203 pounds in look how big and awkward those things are so you're gonna see that the feet are very close together it's a whole different style of deadlift because you don't have a bar out in front but there's a lot of dealing a lot of managing with those kettlebells you have to count play with as you work your way through this event Northern Division was the first man jump with those five dozen hands and push-ups in five kettlebell deadlift and now we move on to the round of 8 Coubertin is on the bottom left of your screen leaders name highlight into the blue box at the top the number of rescues completed will be in the white box Valmer did not break before Matt Fraser broke now this is thing Matt knows how to do this he did very well in this last year came in second he was he's taking an early break so we talked about not failing that's very smart for him to do that Matt doner even though who has his gymnastics skill went a little bit longer they just need to make sure they don't get close to that failure mark let's go down to Mike Arsenal on the competition floor guys there are disparate predictions of how many wet men were going to complete Fibonacci in 2018 a few guys told me they expected fewer than three other guys said ten plus to enter the games Dave Castro setting hope the 10 to 15 men who would finish this in the only two three see if any more will be added to that tally thanks my Gerber Karl good machine you saw him walking his kettlebells forward he is the first man done with a round of eight there are 67 total repetitions in this event at the 52 mark they will take off down the floor on that 59-foot overhead walking lunge with the 253 counter pound kettlebells head held over their heads last year pkg done the bottom left hand side of your screen there he this event came in seven plays that were also again he is pretty experienced he knows what this is he knows where to make the brakes he remembers exactly what this feel like but he was capped plus nine reps so he's doing very well managing that rest and again we want to see these guys not sit up in that handstand position if they're not gonna move they need to come off that's exactly what be cagey digits did there that Fraser is your leader right now through 35 reps Patrick Beltre four behind him in second and you're the boom it's in his third Lucas Homburg is the man who is closest in that Fraser in the overall standings he trails him by 20 points and hope burgers the big guy in the blue shorts who just kicked up on the parallel stands underneath him he's in lane number six now the right ear screen is Lucas Hauberg and Matt Fraser is now autumn his round of thirteen kettlebell deadlift halfway to the six minute time cap really curious about how Matt was gonna handle this he's never really had this much pressure on him at that particular part in the game he saw him falter a little bit on the cleans earlier so we wanted to see if he can actually handle the pressure of being chased by what he looks very confident right now he no do the head of everybody but their hat builder is the guy that's keeping the pressure on him all the way through Matt Fowler in third place overall 74 points behind Matt Fraser he needs to start beating into the vents in order to pick up points but Matt Fraser is a man who does not surrender points easily now Lucas home burgers going to join Fraser and bellever on the kettlebell deadlift and Holbrook has been an amazing that he had an incredible start at this particular games he does he don't hold on to that position he has to keep fighting that Fraser will be the first man on the overhead walking lunge the Pat Beltre is now done Fraser taking off down the floor time to be 522 point three nine seconds belongs to Noah ohlsen but probably not for much longer look at that tempo of those steps by Matt Fraser very quick and last time he was waving to the crowd of the coins not doing that now Fraser continuing to march towards the finish line and he's going to take a break and he has to retreat to the nearest slide and here comes Patrick Belden looking down those arms of the argue and we've been hit that's very rough on the shoulders but he is fighting trying to catch Matt Fraser has it kettlebells back up and he continues to move towards the finish line however you want the answer will still be the same Matt Fraser Liberace [Applause] [Music] I'll tell you what I love seeing him chase that's impressive Frasier with 100 points out pat Felder and Mingus Holbrook are gonna try to keep him from widening his lead that the two of them can come in and the second and third doesn't look like that will happen because the next fastest time is five twenty two point three nine seconds and here comes the big Swede looking over thirty Seconds maternity at the time cap Matt Fraser back on the Lunger pardon me that's packability back her the lunch Fraser its finishing one of the events the other is in after that Olivia the third-place finish in this event possible doesn't look like he's going to beat Logan colleagues so that if it takes for the here comes Brett pukowski who makes up a ton of ground the first time we've talked about him in this event fikowski did not make it across the finish line in time so he will get hit with the cap that man is gonna get hit with 100 more points his eighth career that win and a much bigger overall lead as we head into Game three a competition man that was a fun fun battle to see Matt get chase and I was really wondering how he was going to handle the presser you know and he started moving very well with Pat Bella right next to him these guys are handling those hands and puts up lots of power with those legs but they weren't the first one to get through that we had pkg it was off the wall right away and moving those gargantuan Kelly bells very very easily but then Matt's got himself to those overhead lunges and even though he was able to get himself out there I saw Filner marching his way trying to hold on doing everything you can because he was straining with those arms but he just does not have the speed and then couldn't make up the distance on Matt and Matt just closed the gap so we wondered what it would look like when he gives it cheering - the crowd we just found out and pretty much domination but last year Matt Frazier competed happy this year he competed angry the difference Matt Frazier wins the event locks up 100 points and we'll have a much bigger lead on top of the overall standings Noah ohlsen gets his best finish of the competition as he takes the second Logan columns for the second straight year finishes the event Patrick velder continues to impress as he takes fourth and fellow Canadian Brent fikowski rounds out the top five for the two-time defending fittest man on earth is with my carcinoma Thank You Sean Matt your walk up to the kettlebells for the lunge looked a little bit different this year than last year how did you prepare differently for this version of Fibonacci you know I still still want to pace it right off the start but and then really hammer it on the set of 13 and then try to get the lunge I'm broken but uh well this year has been a little bit different start for you button pushed by Lucas Lucas Holberg for the entire seven events we've seen so far in the competition so what is that how does that impact you mentally as you get ready for each day oh you know it doesn't really change anything it doesn't matter if I'm in first or tenth place you know I'm still gonna give it my all and just try to try to hit it the right way you know it's fun having don't go and have to have with these guys you know see you see what when you throw down after the toughest day in CrossFit Games history that we saw on Wednesday how does your body feel right now and what do you have left in the tank as we move ahead to the weekend Saturday and Sunday well you know I feel I feel great right now you know the body is feeling good after a day off today was you know we had lots of the time in between our events so I'm ready for two more days thanks Matt congratulations thank you five plus a plus 13 equals Matt Fraser 564 points as he whities his overall lead over Lucas Hobart Patrick Beltre is still in third but Brent fikowski is within striking distance Yerevan Karl gubin s'en rounding out the top five you know Matt fray just seemed to definitely have this has his mojo back but it's still a tight race we still have half the competition left so I don't think it's gonna be a run away and I'm excited so excited to see this battle to the end we are through two days and seven events and for the third straight year that man is your overall leader thanks for joining us here in Madison Wisconsin for Bill grunther by carcinoma Tanya Wagner I'm Sean woodland we'll see you tomorrow in Madison Wisconsin [Music]
Channel: Mean Productions
Views: 190,434
Rating: 4.8455172 out of 5
Keywords: crossfit, crossfit video, crossfit training, crossfit blog, crossfit vlog, crossfit vlogger, vlog, vlogger, health, fitness, nutrition, weight loss, weight gain,, crossfit wod, what is crossfit, mat fraser, rich froning, brooke ence, team richey, obese to beast, crossfit games, subscribe, subscriber, workout, gym, amrap, gymnastics, weightlifting, olympic weightlifting, wod, training, strength, strength cycle, pewdiepie, jesse, casey neistat
Id: m2M7ylJff5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 04 2018
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