Rogue Iron Game - Ep. 17 / Split Triplet - Individual Men Event 7 - 2019 Reebok CrossFit Games

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the crowd continues to file in here at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison Wisconsin it's day three of competition of 2019 Reebok CrossFit Games thanks for being with us everybody I'm Sean woodland with Annie Sakamoto and a-chasing room we just watched the women go through the sprint triplet the men are up next when your takeaways from that last event well you know it we've talked about that this weekend being almost more of a mental test than a physical test in a lot of ways and of course there's TIA clear to me she had Kristen Holt's are kind of breathing down her neck she only had a five point lead on Kristin Holt so going into that event in typical Tia dominant fashion she just took that event and I think we can see kind of the the back-to-back champion side of Tia that we've been waiting to see all weekend she had that little stumble on the pegboard early on but once she got that out of the way she was just so smooth and so even all the way through that entire event and just proved to us why she still has that white leader Jersey on and I think why she could wear it for the rest of the weekend meanwhile Katherine David's already got in the ninth place to events ago has now moved up four more spots currently sitting fifth overall so Katherine's David Davis daughter who had the ability and we and we know that and this is definitely one of those events for captain to bounce back in a big way because it's going to challenge some of those athletes who aren't ready to be I would say in the top ten in the final cut when the pressure is at the most highest of stakes and captain Davis daughter stepped up to the challenge got third in the previous event and that bumped her up to fifth and now she's only 80 points away from a podium position and depending on how things go that can happen in a single event if she gets first and they get eight it's gone that's all it takes and with I don't know how many events are coming up next but I pour on the weekend but we have a lot of chances for her to move back up in the podium have an 80 point lead and it's gone that's what exactly can happen here in just a single event let's take a look now at the men's overall standings as they get set to take on event number seven Noah ohlsen is your overall leader just one point shy of 500 Matt Fraser 65 back at him Scott panchik is in third he is nine points back of Matt Fraser for second gerber Karl goombahs in Wilmore I the mat McLeod all over 400 points in all very much within striking distance the athletes who did not make the cut spots 11 through 20 Cole Sager not in the competition just misses out Travis mayor Chandler Smith Pat Beltre and Lucas Hauberg two of the three men on the podium last year did not make the cut but Cole Sager has always performed well when his back is against the wall but just could not get enough done here in event number 6 well he was 11th coming into the day and he finished in eleventh coming out of event number 17 he actually did well he took 8 in event number 7 that the problem was it wasn't Cole Sager it was actually Saxon panchik who is below Sager on the overall standings but he comes out and wins event number 7 and with the point scale so different coming down to 20 is that it actually Sager closed the gap but with Saxon finishing and winning the event that kept Sager out of the top 10 let's talk about Wilmore ad he's a guy that I don't think you would have had peg to be inside the top tender but when you look back at his body of work and what he has done in the past of the games of what the expectations were maybe it isn't that big of a surprise right I mean this is his second Games appearance but the big thing is is that we haven't seen him since 2014 he currently sits in fifth place you know the reason I think we didn't see him for a couple of years there is he had some a fractured rib and some other fortunate health issues he looked great coming into this season coming into the games he went to three sanctions he got third at the mid-atlantic third at the Reykjavik CrossFit Championships and the most importantly won the Brazil Championships which brought him here he didn't have a fantastic start to the weekend he had a 14th the 46th and a 25th on the first three events but what's really impressive is then he followed that up with a third on yesterday's sprint a seventh on yesterday's Mary and a fifth on today's sprint event so the fact that he's put himself in a really good position after not having seen him for a few years he's looking good same event that the women took on weights gonna get a little bit heavier who do you like here in event number seven for the Med 80 I'm gonna have to go with Scott panchik so if we look at even just this weekend at a glance right he got third on event one which involved a lot of upper body pulling a lot of grip we could say he got fourth on Mary again a lot of upper body pulling stamina he's only nine points back from that Fraser right now he's a games veteran I think he can handle the mental pressure besides the physical endurance that he needs for this weekend how about you two Noah ohlsen has a 65 point lead on Matt Fraser right now I'm looking at Knowles and to see if he can handle the pressure and the the big part of that to me is that every year across the Games champion has their moment in the Coliseum that defines their weekend I want to know if last night's Mary was no Olson's moment to step into the limelight not just on the podium for the first time but maybe in that first-place position and the way he handled the Sprint's this morning with all the pressure in the world that leaders Jersey is like the ring of Sauron holding around your neck and just slowly chipping away at you and I want to see in this event that we just saw Tia come out and destroy the field you know Matt is coming you know matt is coming strong and he's coming fiercely for you right now I want to see what no Olson does with Matt Fraser in this I mean you mentioned the overall lead that that no Olson has right now it's basically 65 points so if Fraser wins that event and Olson finishes eighth gone Fraser is your new leader so there's these numbers that were used to throwing out we're used to seeing them in a certain way 65 points that was a lead that you'd have to erase over a number of events but now the possibility is that it is gone after one event it's the first time we've seen the leaderboard and the scoring system as an element of competition at the CrossFit Games it's gonna be interesting to see how no Olson now handles the pressure he held off mat Fraser in the last event in the sprint he's gonna be right next to him once again here in this upcoming event the Sprint triplet Noah ohlsen won the last time he was in the Coliseum and we can see if he can repeat that effort here in event 7 as the men who remained in the competition are being introduced as we will check in with the CrossFit world feat that they are providing Saxon panchik one of two panchik brothers in this final group of 10 [Applause] James Newberry also guaranteed a career-best finish at the cross those games of prior group has finished 18th overall he's going to finish inside the top 10 and that's going to be a good feeling for someone like Newberry and a lot of these guys that maybe aren't you know in contention to the top three in the podium spot with a lot more turmoil and tension but you know a lot of guys who've been outside the top 15 or even 20 in their career sitting in the top 10 I miss playing with house money for the next few days well and although the points can go up and down a lot at least these ten are not facing cuts anymore I'm just going to take that off of their shoulders they can actually they can ride the ups and downs I think a little bit easier through the rest of the events I mean chase look there's still plenty of pressure here in this moment but as Danny said there are no more cuts now you can just focus on the task at hand you've been in the situation that I on the floor at the CrossFit Games what's that like it's immense and it just depends on how you handled it and I think a lot of that is going to come with experience so your veteran guys are have been in positions like this before but now the cuts no longer looming so you have that it's almost like your safety net is back in terms of the competition for the weekend so you can let go of a certain stress and just go out there and compete against the field that you're against there is your overall leader Noah ohlsen 499 points his first career event win at the CrossFit Games last night and Mary and he leads Matt Fraser by 65 five rounds in the split triplet pegboard double unders than 10 single arm dumbbell hang split snatches 10 single arm dumbbell hang clean and splits jerks 80 pounds here for the men I think this is a great event to pit your first and second-place men against each other when you looking at this event and who you think will do well Matt Fraser obviously off the page no Olson's another one you'd say you got a you know he got a perfect event last night in the Mary to set him up he's still got to take advantage of the opportunities that you're given for this one to hold on to a first-place position against the man on his right the three-time fittest man on earth Matt Fraser who he knows it's going to come out strong in this event I'm so excited to see how Noah handles this moment we are underway Adrian viola 10th place overall not a name you would have expected to see at this point of the competition but has played his cards right and here he is for the remainder of the competition again both pegs need to get to the top and then both pegs need to get below that red line for the rep count Noah ohlsen Matt Fraser Norvin guman Singh got off the wall at the same time Jacob Hepler closest to the camera now they're on to their 100 double unders there are 22 scored repetitions in each round they will get credit for just one rep once they complete the double unders so at 22 that will signify the end of round 1 first of five rounds here in event seven you're looking at the first round this is five of them it's kind of a feeler round you don't need to go fast nobody in here is going to win the event in the first round it's and you don't have to be cautious either you can just climb the pegboard do a hundred double unders find your rhythm on the snatch know what that dumbbells gonna feel like when you transfer from snatch to clean and jerk get used to that split and that alternating pull so his first rounds of feel around for a lot of these athletes I feel like with done though you know there are movement where rhythm really can can help you out and that's one of those things where the more rounds you do in a lot of ways the better a dumbbell feels Matt Fraser in the green and Noah ohlsen in the red shorts first two men onto their hang split snatches at 80 pounds remember you have to put the opposite leg forward from the arm with which you're lifting it look with your right hand your left leg has to go forward and vice-versa it is so weird seeing Matt and a jersey that isn't white yeah it's taking some getting used to no repre Fraser on his first hang split clean-and-jerk Fraser and Olson and Yerevan cumin sit on the right they are your leaders Matt McLeod and Jacob Hebner are fighting for fourth place in the heat but we are early just the first of five rounds here Fraser through 17 now 18 of the 22 reps in this opening round Olson one rep back [Applause] 80 pounds on the dumbbell for the men and Fraser and Olsen dead even through one we move on to round number two hey first feel around is done now it's starting to get into your pace and start chipping away at this event was that first pegboard easy how to feel coming to the rope what pace were you holding through the double unders could you push the dumbbells a little bit quicker now it's time to test some things in the next two rounds mat Fraser done first with his second of five pegboard climbs and now he is on to a second round of 100 double unders 22 scoot more scored repetitions in this round 44 will signify the end the leaders name is highlighted in a blue box at the top of your screen and the number in the white box will signify how many repetitions that man has completed jacob Heppner in lane one he is back for his second pegboard ascent as he begins round two now James Newberry returning to start round two these are your leaders Matt Fraser in the middle Noah ohlsen on the left and second and bjorgen Coubertin on the right the thing with double honours in the middle of this triplet is that this is your time to kind of think about your game plan coming into the Dumbo's no one's going to come to the middle part of this hundred double unders and try to feed everybody and often when you try to do that you trip up a few times and you do the exact opposite of what you wanted to try to do and you get to the double unders it's just stay consistent maybe bring the heart rate down a little bit move on to the dumbbell Matt Fraser done with his second set of double unders first he is slightly ahead of Noah ohlsen as Olson will now join Fraser on the 80 pound dumbbell hang snatches thing I like what Matt's doing on the right side of your screen is that he's bringing the dumbbell down to the shoulder and then going into the Hang we talked about grip stamina earlier as being an issue if you came straight down from the top it's going to put a tremendous amount of stress on your grip and your shoulders be able to stabilize that in so you've seen some guys go straight down to the ground you can see the Orient Karl Goodman s'en actually doing that on the right side of your screen it's a very smart move by Matt Fraser to save his grip Fraser now on to the ten hang dumbbell clean and jerks even though Fraser's beating Olson right now if Olson stays close he minimizes the damage if they finished right next to each other all Fraser can pick up is ten points and it's a good feeling for Noah's like what's the worst thing it can happen getting second to Matt Fraser well I think you're in a pretty good position a lot of people have been second to Matt Fraser and what you want to see is that it is only ten points it's good for know but 10 points 10 points 10 times that up starts to add up and now you start putting the pressure on perfection on some of these athletes because if Matt is going to go on a charge collecting first places again the demand and the stress on those other athletes becomes greater and the charge might be starting now as Matt Fraser walking back to the pegboard to start round number 3 here comes Noah ohlsen solidly in second place in Jordan Woodson continues in third but Matt Fraser hard work pays off as his mano and he's going to have to put a lot of that in here over the next events in order to catch Noah ohlsen so Fraser that is not the Jersey he wants anyway so he's not gonna wear it anymore Jakub pepper James Newberry and Scott panchik in that group of men who are now just finishing up round number two we're on to round number 366 the magic number in the scoreboard that they need to hit before they will move on to round number four Olsen on the left Fraser on the right now Olsen coming into this event with 499 point 65 up on Fraser here's what I want to see from Noah ohlsen I didn't say it had to win the event to have a great event here I want to see how you handle the pressure of the event this is going to be an imperative moment for Noah ohlsen if Matt is going to be great at this event don't try to beat him try to beat everybody else trying to beat him and what we've seen from knowing the past is that he's tried to win events he has no business trying to win and he ends up blowing up we saw it a couple years ago on the rope climb the two two two three yes all right pacing yourself out you're graded all of those things but you put yourself at a disadvantage by going too hard maybe let Matt just take this one the kit second take the ten point loss and move on to the next event that phrase are now starting to pull away from Noah ohlsen this is Round three ten more hang dumbbell split snatches for Fraser so Olson has had a few trips here on the double unders he's done bjorgen guman Singh bottom left your screen trying to gain some ground as Matt McLeod in Lane eight and Scott panchik and Lane 4 are now beginning round number three and this is grapefruit you know Scott panchik actually I think missed his first pegboard rep in that first round but he's made up ground by just being consistent through the rest of the rounds now sitting in about fourth place behind Fraser Fraser with ten reps to go here in round three it's the dumbbell hang split clean injure he didn't split at that point now this is where you really have to keep your head about you and make sure that you're doing the movement correctly and not just quickly it just takes a lot of focus and the problem with focus is that is to get more fatigue it becomes harder and harder because all they want to do is just push the pace right you realize I haven't but when you throw that little wrinkle that has no effect on the movement itself other than tricking you that's where athletes got to really focus on what they're doing Noah ohlsen still in second place has now fallen back into third is your bazoo manson on the right of your screen and this is good for Fraser Fraser needs a lot of people as many people as possible to get between himself and Noah ohlsen so he can gain as many points as possible a cut in to Olsen's lead Fraser going back now to begin round number four Frasor through 66 of the 110 total repetitions in this event scored repetitions I said say is the 100 double unders Capra's just one rep on the scoreboard yes Charlie we just saw Noah ohlsen finishing up his cleaning jerks he actually hasn't lost too much Brown but I think this needs to start focusing more of his attention on vkg than he does he needs Matt Fraser it's okay to lose 10 in one event but it's so easy to lose another 20 in total if the orphan Karl catches up to maybe was not paying attention Noah Wilson's rep counter has stopped ticking but he is in second place is on the right ear screen he's making his way up the pegboard he is behind Matt Fraser for second place Fraser is on to his fourth round of 100mm his right middle of your screen in the dark blue shorts and Noah ohlsen isn't completely out of it I'm not saying he's going to get second because we still have two more rounds to go and a lot of work left on the table and that Fraser has missed a few double unders he got a couple of no reps on the dumbbell if Noah can clean up his next two rounds he can casually put himself back into contention against Matt Fraser Noah ohlsen just stay close to Matt Fraser and then minimize the damage Olsen is in second Fraser is in first in Yerevan Karl guman Singh closest to the camera in the maroon tank top he is in third in guman Singh is ahead of Scott panchik the man directly in front of him in the overall standing so rumensin looking to vault in the third place as Matt Fraser is now done with his fourth ground to double unders and he moves on to the dumbbell the 80 pound dumbbell 10 hang split snatches [Applause] Noah ohlsen in the back and the red shorts he's breaking up his double unders as his German Karl groom it's an Olsen back to work [Applause] Frasor finishing up his set of ten hang dumbbell snatches and now moving on to the hang dumbbell split clean and jerks here comes Noah ohlsen the Matt Fraser has built a pretty good lead on the overall leader Noah ohlsen Olsen coming into the event with a 65 point cushion over Frazer that will shrink here if this holds another no rep for Matt Fraser as Olson is on his first dumbbell movement the hangman split snatches Fraser is on his second at the hang dumbbell clean and split turns Jacob Hebner and James Newberry they have just begun round four they are falling off the pace [Applause] raves are getting set to close out round number four eighty eight reps and then it's one final trip back to the pegboard Olson going to the choc Fraser done with round four and on to his fifth and final round as he works his way back to the pegboard Knowles and stays in second but he and Gorham rumensin is getting tighter here and the herb and Carl goodness on the right side of screen picked it up ahead of nihlus and Noah lost that lead that he had on vkg that first started clean and jerks this is good news for Fraser if Jordan gongoon sin' can get ahead of Olson that means that Fraser can pick up 20 points as opposed to just 10 on no walls and Fraser this is his fifth and final trip up and down the pegboard [Applause] Razors done and now on to the double unders Olsen is done with round four so he stays in second place ahead of Yerevan Karl guman Singh and guman Singh finishing up his hang dumbbell clean and split Jersey our van Karl goldenson took a break halfway through so after five reps he actually put the dumbbell down and had to rest in that set of ten no rep from Vinson now as his footwork wasn't where the judge wanted it to be is Matt Fraser alone in first place and looking to inch closer to Noah ohlsen in the overall standings Olsen his fifth and final pegboard fine [Music] and now Olsen slits so huge no back up right away please for Olsen now remember there no other heats so Fraser could win if Olsen stays where he is he's only gonna surrender ten points with Jordan Karl rumensin is back on the pegboard he's in Lane seven so goo Whitson has now overtaken Olsen for second place that helps Fraser Edmondson done he's on to the double unders Frazier's finished with his double unders in his fifth and final round he will now move to the dumbbell and here comes dela Olsen back to the jump rope now can Noah stay long after he he essentially did an entire pegboard and missed the last peg at the bottom and you stay calm enough to get yourself back into position it's what we've talked about all weekend chase it says little tiny mistakes that end up costing you a ton I mean like you said it was the very last hole of that pegboard that is a mess considering those little mistakes at this point in time in the competition with how much is riding on the line for each single position and place finish and even just the energy that goes into a pegboard you miss a clean injure it's not that bad we miss an entire pegboard rep that's a lot more effort to get back up Matt Fraser is done with his hang splits asses in the background in the red shorts is no Ellison he's on his double unders Jorvik are lumison on his GU machine had taken a sizable break and also kept going now gu Matson is done and he will move to the double so boom it's in now in second place Fraser with 10 reps to go here comes Boardman gue Matson Noah ohlsen making his way back to the dumbbell Matt Fraser will be making his way to the finish line [Applause] and just five more reps it's that breaking by the orgman Karl Goodman said that could cost him this second-place finish two reps to go for Fraser [Applause] he's back Matt Fraser wins a big seven Noah ohlsen now trying just to surrender only 20 points to Fraser Goodman sit on the weight is ahead of him here comes Owen Wilson they're dead even with ten reps to go Noah Wilson in the final set went unbroken for the set of ten where the urban car movements and his hearty broke in his first set of snatches BKG hats the hold on if he wants to beat Noah so far both athletes are about even Olson may have now just overtaken drawer van der woodsen by about half a rep and I will sit also continuing to work three reps to go for no awesome he has moved ahead of your Magoo Madsen one referencing Olsen is done and he will finish second to miss that legwork but still come back and retake that second place position Northland guman Singh takes third that's good for 80 points now GU Matson came in in fourth place overall only seven back of panting the Bloomington is going to move up he's going to move into the top three because of that Jacob Hefner and James Newberry getting set to finish up their events Jacob hecklers in he takes for meanwhile James Newbery's finished up he is in [Applause] that'll be a great move for both James Newberry who was sitting in seventh place and Scott panchik sitting in ninth place should really help both those gentlemen out as well [Applause] we still have panchik and more ad panties on the right more ads on the left now panting I think this is a Hannah more ad which it looks like he's going in there for ya he is in round four if Padgett finishes ahead of more ad panty probably stays inside the top five [Applause] [Applause] less than two minutes to go before we hit the 20-minute time gap that is Matt McLeod he's trying to finish the round finish up around number five he is on his hang clean and split jerks [Applause] five men have finished five men remain on the floor Matt Fraser the top time [Applause] 15:36 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Scott panchik is in panchik we'll take six good for 50 points now here comes Matt McCloud I mean all of these finishes are great for Jacob Heppner after sitting in Knight coming into this and he finished in a top four position in this event you might see a kind of a similar situation like Patrick Davis daughter running free busy for the women the goat get attached to any of the leaderboard that's reinvention they're probably gonna change every time we step out onto the carpet is he 11 athletes in event 7 the leaderboard the scoring system that Adrian Wyler 10 seconds to go [Music] [Applause] and that'll do it as just three men can't complete all the work inside the 20 minute time cat Matt Fraser it's his third win of the competition but Noah ohlsen does enough to minimize the damage but Fraser will creep closer to the man who's wearing the jersey that he wants any once and he he's worked for he's back in it he gets a first place finish we knew this was going to happen from that Fraser who's gonna come out strong who's gonna come out aggressively he saved nice and smooth on the double unders once he moved through there he started actually take a look like brakes Noah ohlsen who came in with that 65 point lead on Matt Fraser had that one stumble and I in me myself I was like this is your moment to fix an existence usually that is where no Olsson crumbles and kind of snowballs into a negative headspace but Matt Fraser takes the win but I really loved seeing how no responded to that to happen at the very end trying to chase first lose that position and move back ahead of pkg Matt Fraser back where we used to seeing him in front of the pack in an event Matt we're not used to seeing you come out here without that white leaders Jersey how much does that fire you up to get out here and push to dominate an event you know it was a really disappointing morning so I came out here I was gonna try to win it whether it meant that crash and burned in the process I don't care I'm going for it did you did you crash and burn or did it go the way that you wanted it to go did you crash and burn or did you approach it in a way that you were able to maintain oh no I have no idea if I can hold the pace but didn't care I'm going for the wins one more event in here for you tonight it's a clean weightlifting is your bread and butter you're gonna push to win that one as well absolutely there's nothing better than the lifting of the Coliseum we're going one of the time so Scott's going to get crazy thank you I mean I talk to the rest of the field saying he is going before the winds and the next event has been announced it's a limping if I were to get one out here a little bit but like he said only one guy's gonna be out on this floor at the same time here are your results your top five Matt Fraser followed by Noah ohlsen your Burgoon which is looking to punch into the top three Jacob Heppner finishes in fourth and it's James Newberry in fifth we're gonna take a quick break we'll be back at 2:45 to continue our coverage of the 2019 Reebok CrossFit Games here on the rogue iron game
Channel: Rogue Fitness
Views: 234,737
Rating: 4.7839999 out of 5
Keywords: Rogue Fitness, crossfit, rogue, made in the usa, american made, fitness
Id: qmzefUz1snk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 27sec (1947 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 03 2019
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