memory lane

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hey everybody how's it going so since my last little video kind of triggered a bunch of people saying linux will not get better if people don't support it how you're blaming the wrong thing why are you blaming it without figuring out what it is i always relax chillax bro it's just a basic exhibition of what it is like to just install an operating system and install a program that works elsewhere in 2021 and see that it's still a but for those of you that are like hey you should support linux i want to show you something this is my memory bin yeah i got a lot of old stuff in here picture of me from sixth grade uh you remember this remember this remember these games look at this but above all check this out this is a good one this is seuss linux 8.1 professional that i actually bought at best buy using money that i got from shoveling snow when i was 13 years old this is from i believe november of 2002 my internet connection sucked but also in addition to just wanting the full size you know the full package i also wanted the manuals that came with it i figured maybe it'll be fuller or i'll get something that was missing online to make my experience easier so i started using gentoo i believe in early 2003 or late 2002 and i used mandrake red hat and sues before that or i tried but this these are actual seuss discs here check this out i would be very surprised if these dvds actually read but this came with i believe yeah i think it was seven discs set like one introductory disc and then seven discs with the rest of everything on it pretty cool isn't it i actually almost forgot i had this and you get the administers guide you get this little linux experts package you get seuss linux support over here you get a nice little installation paper and you get a user guide check this out this is kind of cool isn't it it goes over how to use yast booting remember this the philosophy of opera an alternative web browser because it would come with opera oh very very cool little kit i thought i'd share this with you all trip down memory lane so when it comes to support for linux i actually paid for it like 99 of the people that watch my channel let's face it on if you're being honest you guys probably didn't even pay for windows i actually paid for linux oh look at the other stuff i got in here check this out anybody remember this it was some some educational game that came with this sunburst thing look at this memory castle i actually don't even know where my discs are for this i gotta find those i'm sure they're somewhere i have a case of floppies over here look at the graphics in this game these i think one of these is actual in-game graphics over here look at that remember this remember the text based games these were the best because the thing is what made these games so good is that you had absolute garbage to work with like you couldn't distract people with cinematography or you know loud music or a subwoofer you had beeps and you know the 15 pixels to work with this almost looks like if i were to try to stream a horse with at t internet to youtube without using a vpn in the middle of the day but this is i'm kind of i'm glad i saved all this stuff and i'd like to eventually get a computer that i can actually use once i find the floppies to play all that stuff and i really liked it i want to take a dvd drive out at some point and see if these discs actually still load up would be surprised if they did but it would be kind of cool to see just what it looks like when it boots i just thought i'd share that with you all because like i honestly almost forgot that i still have this and it's really really cool all right see y'all later
Channel: Louis Rossmann: RANDOM LIVE
Views: 4,291
Rating: 4.9497485 out of 5
Id: pjFqi865rnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 34sec (274 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 15 2021
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