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oh she's not filming she identifies the camera identifies the camera I'm pregnant are you having a boy or an abortion [Music] every 35 pounds that a man loses he gains one inch in his that day for no particular reason I decided to go for a little run [Music] [Applause] I look so beautiful I guess somebody said otherwise [Music] y'all have fun go have fun hey so which one is yours oh I'm still choosing [Music] hello oh [Laughter] ready ready go go what are you doing you don't even have any hair all right thank you but he's gonna know nobody's gonna know they're gonna know how would they know [Music] wouldn't I'd be trying to prove that I'm not crazy when I knew I wasn't crazy um [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] you can see me yeah and you matter all right there's always going to be somebody that cares about you and you're a good person no matter what people say you matter [Music] not them they're losers I'm just trying to say something nice like I don't know what they're doing they're running away and stuff I'm just trying to say that you matter man or girl whoever you are you matter to someone just keep that in mind don't forget that women live longer Mark let me tell you it is because we are stronger and we are happier at the end of the day than most men and that is factual and you know it when when men are married to women who scream like you they just want to die sooner nah bro you ain't sleeping with me bro [Laughter] [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Laughter] [Music] Jacob with a challenge Rizzo gets a good read but joro off the ceiling what a save from Jake oh my God what is that oh my God what is that women in order to get flights actually on time or not delayed as much just curious if there's any work happening there yes so we've seen a almost a doubling in terms of improvement on on-time performance since last year that is a reflection of all the work that we've done across the ecosystem together with our partner Airlines with agencies reducing okay Flossie's family is going to be coming out here to throw you a big birthday party are you excited for your party not one bit [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] you gonna let me hit that tonight this is our first date it'll be separate these are the top three things I wish I would have done differently when starting my pressure washing business first is get more hose hauling a pressure washer around the house [Music] foreign [Applause] in the car it repulses me [Music] what advice would you give me okay what would you like to see him do a backflip Paulie how old do I look like 24. thank you I'll do it I'll be 30 and over my bad now my bad my bad I'm up even the tomatoes is Red Bro even the tomatoes is Red Bro how hold on bro how how um no [ __ ] I'm pretty sure you're drunk too oh gee oh my God I ain't gonna lie they might take your ass back to the pound cause I'm true toys in the back I stole them my bad [Applause] [Music] there [Laughter] yeah [Music] hey Dad I have a question why do girls rub their eyes when they wake up why do girls rub their eyes when they wake up yeah I don't know because they have no ball to scratch [Music] [Applause] [Music] they call me Cuban Pete I'm thinking of them [Music] pressure [Music] I want to speak to someone they who can vote that's it just me you can vote but you are a woman our women can vote I wouldn't like it if I couldn't vote Yes why because I feel like I'm equal with a man I don't want a man deciding what's best for me but the woman not that you're going to do man um a dog than a woman and then a rat and then a smaller cartoony like a little yes what the dog doing bombastic side eye criminal offensive side eye did you know that left-handed people can eat faster than people with no hands [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] today I'm going to teach you how to get free candy from a candy machine you go to the little flap here on the candy machine and you flap it up and down four times one two three four then you go to this knob system here and you turn it really quick halfway five times one two three four five and then you take a bat [Music] you want a paper towel you want two paper towels uh your dog just died who will the damn Nutella Jerry your mother hey seriously is this safe he went like 50 we lived 50 we die only time his [ __ ] want to listen why the hell you look so damn happy this what you want oh [Music] That was supposed to be chocolate I'm so [Music] um foreign [Music] what's on your face sticker huh brand new tires in the hood [Music] IE fullback he's like oh [ __ ] man [Music] away we need to talk here you don't need to upload a few picks to keep finding to make money anymore I can take care of us financially I need you to stay at home wash the dishes do the laundry okay Stephen I mean you made a [ __ ] dollars last month [Music] every time my power watch any one of these tactical toes [Music] are you ready now to witness a power not seeing for thousands of years [Music] [Music] I am a fighter and not a quitter that I am resigning you she's a hair pull in her mouth [Music] huh mom Ma mama no [Music] I'm not dead [ __ ] I'm high okay Peterman [Music] this is my wife Lucy I want to make it very clear that I have only one dear wife Lucy who's here and I do not have any other ask any question you want to ask me I'm happy to reply to them [Music] what does that mean means it means you're higher than twice the legal limit twice in legal minute hi I'm renasha Bliss and I'm your freestyle dance teacher it's yours [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] look I'm not pulling anything it's getting normally I'm flat as [ __ ] I'm flat as [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I mean I mean I got some friends you know but like they just not online right now they're all sleeping while I'm on here you know that's what I used to say too when I get no [ __ ] wow you just said I get okay wow are you single there's my answer so you don't got no [ __ ] you're a single man on here sat on a Friday night too to give that on a second so when you are twerking when you're shimmying you are literally releasing trauma releasing stored emotions from your hips when you're bending your knees you're crouching on the floor you're connecting to Earth you're connecting to the room you're restoring your energy as I was doing this I was healing myself through all of these generations of collective trauma and I realize that twerking truly is a spiritual practice [Music] inside their head [Music] [Music] needs to be sucked on okay quickly so I misunderstand are we saying that two plus two if you say it's four that's system and that sounds like we may be mischaracterizing it what if you can quickly sum it up no that's not mischaracterizing it at all it's math is basically racist under this ideology because it says there is no such thing as an objective reality so four might not be the right number two plus two might actually equal five if she cannot sit because there's no place she can always see it on your face where go buy coffee you work here yes I'm the owner you own this yes I do what is most expensive what is your budget a small budget I have but not too much what you have the most expensive s of 90. this is how much 2.2 million yes I need more I need expensive rather I don't think this is what my drivable drivers show me one expensive car everything is for sale brother everything no problem but Captain you work here go take coffee what is this Audi all right give me this and this one also yeah okay what else uh give me that Mercedes okay this Rolls-Royce and uh give me one Red Bull also no problem Red Bull for free no take money no problem keep the change [Music] [Music] on the car [ __ ] off hey can I smash these comments never make sense to me it's like what are you gonna do shove your dick through the computer screen how is that going to work like are you going to fly me out I feel like you're just talking [ __ ] you're just saying things you're just talking on the internet you don't mean it come on come over to my house come on over here I dare you are you gonna show up huh I'm waiting Tick Tock time to [ __ ] five four board fish Road that's your address that's the address perhaps I did go a little too far nah you good answer the question this huh that's not you know are we knocking on right now it's not your bedroom door this is your dad what are you gonna talk about is this actually a financial problem [Music] oh I mean I was so excited to see Tommy it's not pathetic he is so nice he's a such a good guy I was so excited to see him today everything [Music] a dinosaur as you can tell he's got the little knee with a long head we're gonna see what he is oh what the [ __ ] bro oh dog his mouth's open bro what is this look at this neck oh [ __ ] I got scared I ain't gonna lie bro what if he attacks me hey there let me get that butt boy oh [ __ ] oh um [Music] a little love tap on the 10 pin Chris bye just feeding it out to that four five board down Lane and look at this pin action [Music] Platinum Plus I can get you quite a few of those because I've got no distractions I've got no hoes boy you're my hero I need my baby for you oh you don't have to do that yeah I must it's a locked in Tradition we will name the baby um [Music] no [Music] what is a BMW BMW is a car spell BMW BMW if you dig a six foot hole how deep is that hole I like 20 feet one minus one equals it goes 35 what color is a carrot carrot I think it's a uh uh I don't know about Carriage I don't know nothing about that no it's good enough [Music] built like a one by one Lego piece what even is a one by one Lego piece yep you're banned have a good night hey pal what can I do for free drinks what do you have [Music] no need to ask Jesus [Music] all right hail is red green crab that's shitty Mary whoa okay let's go to probably let's actually what was that you yeah Daniel yeah I don't know how to dance like a lean hello welcome please made the mistake of wearing my brand new hoochie daddy shorts today and I've been capped called 17 times like hey boy what that PP do I don't know it pees it's small leave me alone all right can you just explain what's going on here hi thank you I have no idea I'm not eating this [Music] [Music] I love this this is great get up here let's do it again laughs [Music] not something you want to play around with what's your social security number sir okay buddy I'm gonna take a picture of your heart I'm gonna try to pet the seagull [Music] [Music] 50 seconds nine eight seven six five four three two one you don't trust anybody that's your problem I trust my barber and some cool on a cruise ship [Music] do you know 1981 was the year that men are the best cook in the world with just two eggs one banana and a drop of milk they make a woman full for nine months [Music] I'll tell you what though folks that's bloody nice that is really that is bloody lovely the whole time [Music] she's lovely and she's she's a good mom and I love her so much and I love her so so so so sweet [Music] bye bye Tata goodbye Gaya men with no hoes where are you so the men with hoes are up here receiving all of the attention from the hose including you and the men without hoes are down here trying to contact you on Bumble and not receiving an answer hope that helps wow I I need a minute to think about this teacher I don't give a [ __ ] do you have the key why would I have the key do you don't live here no what what the [ __ ] are we doing here I don't know are you serious are you joking no I'm sure I'm being [ __ ] get off this random person no no no yeah [Music] oh I am not I woke up in a noble um [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Laughter] [Music] knock knock who's there [Music] good luck gentlemen okay thank you so much I don't trick here sir good luck thank you [Music] outside um foreign [Music] boom [Music] boom he's in charge today who's in charge today how you doing I'm a state of Oregon Oregon [Music] he was perfect and took me places and spent money on me he had a car and he had a bank account and he had health insurance and I broke up with him and went back to my ex about me a 15 gift card at Taco Bell for my birthday foreign [Music] I saw that you were perfect and so I Loved You Then I saw that you were not all and I loved you even more hey I got you this rock did you want it I'm good [Music] lotion Kleenex incognito mode these are the ingredients to create the perfect night at home until Professor utotium accidentally introduced cast to family room TV and thus divorce papers were born Michael everybody here [Music] we hear them all right wife life Good Wife fight back kill wife wife gone think about wife correct yes foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you I'd be careful where I was sticking my nose if I were you [Music] well there goes another week these are the ones I've already lived these are the ones I have left happy Tuesday [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] apartment [Music] this Saturn Edge it's ruining my day but I'll tell you what your fat little [ __ ] this is 249 dollars 39 Oh my gosh can you afford it no I only have one dollar menu no baby Me Andy when I'm not with you when I went when I went with you and there's your beautiful baby any day now really you're eating Doritos he's eating Doritos not my ultrasound see what I have to do I know give me that no one should see them no one should touch them no one should feel them no one choose to squeeze them if you touch my private parts two more [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] saying the first word that comes to mind until we say the same word John [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] my God no way yeah yeah definitely clocked my boyfriend's toilet so I put the poop out and put it in his cat's litter box then he asked if I pooped in it I said no but he said his cat has been dead for a week please pick me up oh oh yeah okay [Music] [Applause] yeah wow holy crap yeah [Music] oh [Music] what's your name okay yeah [Music] hello it's my fiance where are you I promise you bro hey baby hey baby hello hi you're early I know it's working [Music] I'm single but I have two children but my mom takes care of them but their dad isn't paying child support but I work but the money is not enough [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] hello the journey is usually the part that you remember anyways um pardon me you didn't think we gave pretty girls tickets you're absolutely right we don't sign here I said that and I'm like oh yeah see me [Music] I'm being tested I'm being tested I think I can make it I want to do it I don't want to do it excuse me sir excuse me do you have time to talk about our importance take your Jesus Christ I don't run from the Lord where you go [Music] [Music] haha thank you have you ever had a dream that that you um you had you you would you could you do you would you want you [Music] a 23 year old woman has just been arrested for having a little too much fun with a 17 year old boy we are now speaking with the 17 year old victim Krishna sahai be the victim you should have seen what I was doing to her though the last thing I was was the victim this raccoon ever tried Dorito hold on bro you good damn you about to sneeze I'm out of here hold on you about to sneeze you by the sneeze gentlemen you got to be kidding me oh my God [Applause] hi you are currently being recorded [Music] oh my God [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] my toxic tray I'd be so unmotivated to do stuff and then when I start doing stuff I'd be all happy but when I'm not doing stuff I'll be all depressed but when I'm depressed I don't feel like doing stuff so I get stuck not doing stuff when I really should be doing stuff is doing stuff made me happy but it's true it kind of looked like [Applause] [Music] oh my God this is so much fun I can't remember the last time I was blindfolded oh wait yes I can [Music] daddy why do you have to go to work every day to buy nice toys but all my toys but mine ain't [Music] nice [Music] [Music] okay [Music] but no one was around though I'm gonna sing Friday night which is my original song what's it about it's about Friday night all right have some fun I Wanna Dance and I want to drink and I want a party all night and I want to enjoy this side because it's Friday night foreign [Music] [Applause] damn bro can you do this what check this one out East record s a woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle Academy coupons experience [Music] Kevin not waiting around long either gets a second Pitch this time but up and out over the plate just pounds it right back up the middle good fastball hitter two hits two [Music]
Channel: error memes
Views: 3,722,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dank memes, dankest memes, funny memes, dank meme compilation, dank memes compilation, meme compilation, try not to laugh, you laugh you lose, memes compilation, funny tiktok, dank tiktok memes, streetcan, tik tok memes, funny meme, dank meme, dank memes compilations, funny, tiktok memes, meme, unusual videos compilation, tiktok, best memes, memes video, fresh memes, memes, DANK MEMES, ylyl, funny video, funny memes videos
Id: qnYpwqGYLiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 14sec (3614 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2023
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