Aircraft Carrier vs Endless ALIEN INVASION in Forts!

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today in Bloons we're gonna be using this aircraft carrier and this blimp to defend the city against an endless Alien Invasion now the enemy if you've ever played Bloons you kind of get a good idea of what's going on they're gonna be sending multiple types that are going to get progressively harder and harder of Invaders they're gonna be coming out of these portals from this weird Pac-Man spear From Another Dimension and this strange Invincible warship now as we destroy these balloons we get these currency balls that just sounds strange that are gonna come back and make us rich so the objective is to survive against all of the waves and I believe there's 40 to 50 of them as you all know I love war themed games I've played tons of them most of them are modern Wars and I always like to experience something different like an ancient war and that's how they sponsor rise of Kingdoms caught my eye now rise of Kingdoms is an epic cross-platform strategy game that takes place on an immersive journey through various historical eras the game already has over 100 million downloads worldwide now in Rise of Kingdoms you can choose from 14 historical civilizations that have actually existed famous generals and unique military units from different civilizations will obey your every command as you build your own Legends on the battlefield that includes of course many ancient civilizations such as my personal favorite Rome what's more joining the battlefield recently is another ancient civilization the one and only Greece featuring exclusive commanders and special units argue respite is why why is Lilith giving me this name I don't speak Greek but I'm gonna use it in the game for sure I mean it can't be bad with such a long name now there's tons of other exciting features for you to find in ROK including seamless world maps customizable architecture and so on so Download Rise of Kingdoms Now by clicking the link in the video description below and the pin comments or scanning this QR code also don't forget to use promo code Greece for ROK for 20 silver keys and let's get back into the action so the first thing that we're gonna need to do is get some technological upgrades this should set us up pretty nicely in our initial machine guns are good enough to stop most of the early aerial Invaders the weapons that I'm going to want to get are anti-aircraft guns that can be then upgraded in maybe some lasers for when the big baddies come out but one of the other things we can do is get these turbines which will help generate the resources that we need so we're gonna need to upgrade this carrier it's gonna look nothing like how it began now we raised these so that they have a greater efficiency rating and look how much money is coming in at first you think you're being bombarded but the enemy is getting better and better and you know that they're going to be sending literal thousands by the time we get done with this so it's time we get our first big guns into play now this unfortunately is causing a dip in my ship but I'm thinking for any aircraft guns basically flak batteries oh God uh this isn't good it's already wave seven and we're having problems mainly because I stopped the guns we just lost that aerial platform this guy's gonna have to hold us back so needless to say it looked like we had it handled but it's getting more and more difficult I'm thinking we're gonna need some temporary machine guns on the bottom levels here and materials we'll use this so that machine gunner can shoot through this until we get these big batteries in place and then we'll just put one right here now we've got that handled but now the top is getting more and more difficult and this blimp much like the carrier will look nothing like how we begin this is gonna look absolutely silly wait a minute did we destroy the invulnerable ship it's it looks like it's still there pumping out endless balloons we're hitting something oh it was cloaked okay that's not strange at all but it doesn't really matter because it is in fact Invincible now at some point the enemy is going to have like really really powerful weapons so we need to basically set this up so we can hit them with heavy weapons I'm thinking we're gonna need to destroy this guy get new technology in the form of the Munitions plant in the factory wait a minute why is everything quiet oh what is that okay that was the first boss wave and it looked like what in Bloons you've got all of the OMGs right we actually took some damage that I have to repair now I'm thinking we're gonna want something powerful like the weakening beam or an anti-titan Cannon sounds pretty good and we're gonna need the platforms that these things fire on so they're going to need to be incredibly sturdy and you can see the ship is already listing just a little bit so I'm thinking we put them here in sort of classic Battleship fashion this is gonna look so ridiculous but it's gonna work now the question is does everything fire automatically this is a crossbow turret what I need to see this in action so we're gonna build one right there now we are on Wave 13. I'm not sure if the enemy is gonna have cloaked ones or not and we now have the tech to put in some powerful lasers it's gonna take a little bit of time for this thing to come in and this one probably is our weakest right now so maybe another weakening beam or do we want to just go straight for an anti-titan Cannon we could go for two anti-titan cannons but we need a lot more minerals and we're out now we have the money to place it and it's gonna be a little bit tricky I'm gonna put him here and just turn this into back bracing I just want them to be able to fire fast I also want to test to see if snipers are Auto firing or not so we're gonna build one they've got pretty good armor piercing capabilities oh my gosh okay if it wasn't for these flat guns we wouldn't be doing too hot now what is this guy doing are you firing here let's see there's a crossbow I don't know if that's good enough you can upgrade it to a Ballista or a try shot or heavy bolts this is the fun part where you get the balloon style upgrades now the laser just fired automatically which was fantastic because they're sending in the Boss Wave but this is absolute Madness wave 16. I'm a little bit nervous I want to see if the Titan Cannon will fire automatically yes he does fire automatically and he can hit pretty decently so we're gonna want more of those we're gonna need a lot more energy aren't we now this doesn't produce energy it produces minerals but we can use this area up here to be a pretty good energy production Center as long as the balloons don't hit it we won't lose production other than that first wave that hit the front of the ship we haven't really been threatened and that laser is glorious so this is a 20 millimeter Fort Shredder this is a Titan Destroyer I want to see if this thing can fire I'm gonna put it here oh man okay we need to have more energy storage so we're gonna fill up this ship once these are all done our energy production is going to be far more efficient because we'll be able to store a lot of it so that we'll be able to power multiple laser systems because we're gonna need them look at that see look at that we went from a 9 000 base storage to 41 000. now we should be able to afford this Beast I mean we might as well get a little bit of like one of everything right I'm curious what an inferno grenades gonna do so we're gonna put one here and we'll put one more weakening beam right there this is the Tower of death oh gosh okay uh this is getting a lot harder I think we're gonna want to increase the size of this front Tower however it's starting to cause the front of the ship to sink a little bit and once it's done I think I'm gonna upgrade one of these guys to a shotgun oh look at this the boss was looking like a missile which is amazing here's another one weakening lasers are fantastic I don't think Smoke's gonna do much I don't think a harpoon's gonna do much I'm curious to see if the missiles will work so for testing purposes we will build one and we have these snipers which are firing oh more boss waves not quite yet let's upgrade this guy to a shotgun now if he fires automatically that's gonna be great I don't think I'm gonna be able to have the micro skills oh gosh oh gosh this is not good my ship is gonna face death hmm we have a problem I'm gonna sell this guy that laser is great but we're gonna need far more of them you know what we're gonna try to do is use this silly Gondola system build a little bit down on the back spine to give it some sort of structural support because it's mounted in here as long as this doesn't get hit I wonder if we could build a bridge oh my gosh okay yep yep yep we have to be much quicker than we are oh this is bad this is bad I'm not feeling very confident I can't even look at what's happening not because I'm nervous nervous but because we have to build all right I'm gonna build one of these because it looks awesome and I don't think we built one yet and then I'm gonna just do some faster machine guns oh that's just terrifying okay uh quantity has the quality all its own we're basically putting just like simple monkeys out right now okay with those flat guns we bought ourselves a little bit of time but this is not good oh no okay this thing's really good I just have to manually fire it but we lost most of that when you don't know what to do spam the stuff oh they've got the regen balloons out now I just think the modding community of games is so fantastic you know what you're gonna be a multi-layer penetrator does this thing actually fire I fired the missiles let's see what they do that did a pretty decent job the issue is these ones here we don't have the fire rate to keep up with this we're gonna have to use the death blip we're barely holding on here this this guy's basically underwater oh my goodness okay well just keep building weapon systems I'm gonna go with a few of these luckily the reverberations from the gun doesn't force it backwards otherwise this thing would be like doing like flips uh there's a very long reprieve and it's kind of terrifying all right they're only sending it from up there all right let's give this guy a control group one we need missiles down here for sure we need to rebuild this and I want to turn this thing into this oh man we need minerals okay nothing's happening yet other than the enemy spawning more do these fire do the lasers fire or do they just not have the range the best thing is definitely these still okay we need to produce more minerals let's try upgrading one that looks like it's working uh what happened here you know what we should just have back backups in case the front ones die oh my God that is bad but as soon as they break through here you know what we need a line of machine guns I mean I knew this was gonna be hard I just didn't know it was gonna be this hard all right cannons do your thing please we don't have the energy oh gosh okay well I have a solution or an idea I just don't know if we're a little bit late on it now a lot of you may be thinking you know what Baron it's been a long time since you made a fort video and you're right if you guys do want to see more well let me know because this is a ton of fun and my buddy Blitz keeps telling me I need to be playing forts uh oh that's bad oh gosh oh no we're gonna lose this aren't we the reactor just went and we just lost all of this defense and the enemy is sending in some boss airships and we just don't have the power to stop them and flat guns are almost worthless almost worthless not totally worthless just almost these lasers are not good because they don't automatically fire and I need stuff that automatically fires we got to wave 32 before both reactors went Nuclear So if you think we should try again or if you want a custom map let me know what and we can make it happen thanks for watching
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 18,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames, forts, forts gameplay, forts bloons, bloons, endless bloons
Id: fIg3CU545yI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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