Melody Holt stars on two hit OWN Series, “Love & Marriage: Huntsville,” and “Behind Every Man”

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[Music] welcome to money making conversation i'm your host rashawn mcdonald it is important to understand that everybody travels a different path to success that's because your brand is different the challenges you're facing your life indifferent so stop reading other people's success stories and really start writing your own now you can be motivated by their success because their stories can offer you direction and help you reach your goals through your planning and committed effort my next guest is one of my favorites melody hope she's a producer and starred our own series love and marriage huntsville entrepreneur she's a home builder the doctor series follows three power couples long time friends i don't know if they're longtime friends no more melody and martel ho fire dynamite my girl letitia and my soul that's my frat brother and kimmy and maurice i don't know kimmy my boy maurice you know he tried to be a businessman in huntsville i don't know and loving marriage and hustlefield but she has also hosted one of my favorite shows behind every man which is also on my own please work in a mello what's up i'm about to say her name please open the money making conversation my friend melody hope how you doing melody hey i'm doing great how are you you know it's always just a pleasure um being able to be a part of your show you are so phenomenal so inspiring and encouraging so i'm just very thankful for the opportunity well you know it's really interesting uh about your whole career and let's go track it you know like uh you came into my life and the first interview i did on money-making conversation was you and martel and it was a it's an inspirational interview about a couple that uh worked their way through high school and beautiful kids and then the second time i got you on the show or you was by yourself and now the third time i have you on the show i saw the episode the premier episode of uh after the episode you're gonna really be by yourself after that free episode you buy yourself child you ain't kind of by yourself you buy yourself in a good way while you're over there i ain't trying to change well i understand because you know if you're a fan of the show i'm a fan of the show and you brought me into the series you know my boy carlos king he created the executive producer the series very talented the ep of docuseries type dramas here's another series on um on own called bail collective but we're talking about love and marriage huntsville and the the questions you know this ain't a messy show this is a show about watching an entrepreneur watching uh a young lady i still can consider you very young an entrepreneur minded and it almost it almost looked like a series where i got to see you grow as a woman as a mom and then the other half of you didn't want to see that same growth am i correct so you know what i will say is definitely being a part of um the kingdom reign family and being a part of love and marriage huntsville you know you're absolutely correct in terms of the growth that you've seen and that's really because you know as you go through things in life and you experience certain things those are really the things that help shape and mold you to be who you are and um who you're supposed to be and that's really what my viewers have been able to witness the past few seasons is me really going through one of life's biggest challenges um when one of the you know supposed to be strongest buns is broken and disconnected and what it looks like to maneuver through those type of waters and so that is how you guys have been able to really you know as you say have seen me grow because you've watched me go through um something that a lot of people can't even go through behind closed doors and i've had to live it out loud publicly so it's been a little bit different um what i will say um you know when it comes to ux about my you know martel and that support and that growth what i will say is that there was a time in our marriage in our life you know i'm not gonna sit here and act like we had a whole bunch of years of some terrible marriage because that's just not the case um we had a beautiful beautiful union beautiful time um beautiful you know family children um a real friendship definitely you know we were definitely great friends and so i was saying that there was a time when he definitely pushed me and motivated me and really you know stood you know kind of stood with me with some of the things i wanted to do right um but sometimes in life people just start kind of going different ways and things change i did an interview earlier and i shared with them that you know studies show that people change every five to seven years and um you know that's just real no one's going to stay the same you know i really um because i care about you a lot you know i have six sisters so i consider you one of them six uh two and pass away so i'm asking you to fill in one of those slots in my life because i i believe in you and when i watch the show especially premier episode this season you know i was i was pained a little bit because i could you know we watching you on tv play out some emotions especially when martell talked about he going custody of the children and you really you really lit up the room because you weren't going to let this act like this even sense of a possibility these are four beautiful kids that you've uh delivered to the world and then earlier in the episode by the way she showed off her little body by the way she showed off her little body just embarrassing everybody in the nation she had dropped four kids coming around the corner like look like she she's like a fresh out of high school body so we ain't gonna talk about that let's go back to the emotional i just had to throw that out there and like step on her because that was unfair that was unfair melody like you have seen a little bit more than i have seen just know that well i don't care i saw i said she come out of the car pole destiny she like just dropped one kid just like wow my goodness girl well you know what can i say it's time for me to show the world what's going on with melody hoe okay and then we go forward you know you're backing you you know because you was in a lounge with your brother hanging out in the back you know drinking a little wine trying to get your act together for two weeks and then now the reality is back you're in the house with a man who let's say you don't trust you need with children that you love that you born like you said you're not here to talk about like this relationship was a bad relationship but when he says the possibility that he wants to give full custody kids you lost it yeah yeah you know um it's one of those things where i think for most parents when it comes to your children that's just that's one thing you just really don't play about no matter who it is obviously um and so um we all have those triggers certain things that trigger us and unfortunately a lot of times people know what your triggers are right um and so for me when it comes to being a you know a woman of many hats being an entrepreneur being a mom being a wife all of those things you know me being able to um fully engage in all of those roles was one of the things that was a problem um in the marriage and one of those things that was somewhat try you know i would say he tried to use against me at times um and that was when it came to the kids and so for him to make a statement like that despite knowing deep down that i'm really wearing all these hats very well like there's my kids are very well taken care of we do vacations we do trips they've been out of the country hell i hadn't even been out of the country when i was their age okay um so it's like don't play with me like that and then and it shows but but the series as as i see because you know i can't wait to this the next episode and the next episode right there because really it's about watching the i i on this show is about motivation it's about people overcoming fears people walking in the darkness walking into the unknown and you and that's why i'm standing on this a little bit because i want a lot of people to hear this because a lot of people don't go to the next level in life because they fear change they fear the unknown they fear the what if what if it's not something i expect and you're doing a courageous thing with your life because this is not this is bigger than the television show to me because it's about you because when the lights go down or cut off you really living the life that we're just getting little bits and pieces up with that being said what's the next path for melody what's the next one now path for you and career planning because you know i call you sometimes you say we shout i got people in la i got people in huntsville i got a team around you because you know i'll be talking to you you'll be every time i talk to you know it's more advancement in the various business ventures more opportunities that you want to engage in and you surround yourself with a much stronger team that allow you to win so talk about that and you know what um it's it's so funny that you mention a team and just you know the people that you have around you i feel like you know you can't do anything alone in life period you've got to have a team a team who believes in you that supports you that pushes you even on the days when you barely can push yourself and i'm so thankful and blessed that i have been surrounded um you know god just placed the right people in my life at the right time you know i can speak all the way you know to my management team as you said you know i have you know a team in la i have a team in atlanta um and when i look at the time that they came into my life and they're older than me and that's another thing it's kind of crazy because it's like i'm 35 but god has surrounded me with people who are older than me and who have so much wisdom you know and that wisdom comes from their own life experiences so when i hear their stories of things they've experienced and that they went through early on in life and what i'm going through right now i know that it was a divine connection and meant for them to be in my life and so um you know we're we're always working on things and i hope that's what people also you know of course our reality show you have a little bit of drama but i hope that people really get to um tune in and pick up and understand and see that you know the sky really you know is the limit it doesn't matter what what you go through what you experience i wake up every day and i put a smile on my face and i'm uh hey good morning how are you positive affirmations all day period um and from there it has just really allowed us to move into some different areas i have music that i'm working on i can't wait i've teased my fans a little bit um with my song by dropping it on social media pieces here and there um so i have music i'm working on i'm actually about to go in the studio and record the second song because i'm done with the first one um and then of course also i have my acting career um that i'm working on as well i actually just finished doing some acting stuff i've been in atlanta doing a movie um the past week so just moving shaking and trying to fully um be in the purpose and my god-given purpose because life is so short you have to wake up every day you have to make it count you have to make every hour every minute and every second let me tell you some don't you ever do because even in the series i got mad at you because you know i'm based in atlanta he was in atlanta for two weeks okay did in the interview right now well i just got back from l.a i mean from atlanta you know i just got back from no call no text because no no no no no no no no no no no no no what are we gonna do we're gonna go to lunch we're gonna go to the dinner chat up whatever you want she'll dm me in a minute hey richard how you doing well this is one thing i love about her and i i i responded back to her i said look she would recommend people to be on my show i mean and uh and she's supportive that's not and i laugh at her in a good way it's not a bad lap because here she is you know she's out there trying to make her career work she's trying to be a good person because she is a good person but she will not hesitate connecting somebody for an opportunity and that's a quality that when you say richard why do you like melody hope why do you why you always champion her because she's so busy championing other people she's not about letting no it's a lot of people in competition because it is competition they fear i ain't gonna let nobody get my hook up i'm not gonna let anybody get my connection and that's not you talk to us about that personality at all you know let me tell you so i am big on making connections i will be honest i'm that person who and i'm not gonna be like oh i'll send you the number later if we're having a conversation and i know someone who can maybe help catapult you to the next level take you to the next level in your life or goals career-wise whatever it is oh i'm gonna be like okay i'm testing i'm sending you the number right now you want to call them right now like that's what i look and i love to do that that's just a genuine part of me um because i feel that you never know what someone else can do whether it's a simple word whether it's you know a simple connection that can just really change someone's entire life and i have to believe that um through that goodness of my heart and purity of all of my intentions that that is why god has continued to bless me and he has continued to look over me and put me you know in the past of the right people because i'm always looking to find a way to bring people together on the same path you know there's enough out here for everyone and if we stop being so selfish and we become more selfless yes man let me tell you we learned how to come together and i ain't gonna say it's always easy because it's not but if we can learn how to come together there's just so much that we can do so yes i love connecting people and you do a great job of it now before i go on to the the series uh behind every man i want to talk about the other characters on the show there i shouldn't say college or other other couples other people because it's gotten more expansive on the show you know we see more on this season we see more of a kimmy and uh maurice's son and then of course a t-shirt they got the the cigar place black that they're building out this season give us a little sneak preview of what's coming up on this season because of the fact that uh my dog when i tell people to watch the show because i am a fan of love and marriage huntsville is because they're individuals who are black individuals in a town like huntsville that have big city problems and that's the fun part about it i think all the couples in some shape form or fashion um bring a great dynamic to the show and i feel that you know um this season you guys are going to be able to see more business moves taking place which is something i'm very proud of because you know i don't think anyone goes into rally reality tv hoping that there will be drama it's just kind of one of those things that's that can end up happening um because life and you know so when you imagine um being put in situations where maybe you would have avoided that person for another month or two because you know you kind of ain't feeling them right now then you see them instead in a day so sometimes those emotions may still be up so you know that just that's the piece that brings the drama in but um i'm looking forward to our audience really seeing um you know especially with the climate of the economy and where we are as a culture as people where we are as a country right now thing was important to show unity and how despite differences despite um you know difficulties within the friendships or the relationships at some point in time you guys are going to see you know some of us come together and be able to do some great things and actually be able to be in the same room pushing for a positive purpose or a positive cause you're going to see businesses you know excelling and growing in you know individuals figuring out different paths of entrepreneurship um and so those are the things that i'm really looking forward to being displayed and shown this season and showing a lot the great thing about it now uh your master class which i saw because it was kind of like born out of covet cover 19 uh created a lot of uh creative approaches to us tell everybody about the master class that you did this summer it was outstanding by the way so hpa hope preservation academy um that is my baby matter of fact i have a class tonight so um what i do is i've had the um you know i just say it's a complete blessing then opportunity to actually now it's about 180 since june about 180 individuals i've been able to help them become entrepreneurs and start businesses in property preservation which is a multi-billion dollar industry that has been a white male dominated industry for a very long time most of my students however have been african-american women and so what i have been doing is you know having um weekly meetings with them one-on-one calls with them helping them set up their llc's their business checking teaching them the game about this industry and helping them get contracts meaning when they get contracts they start receiving work from the banks and they get paid as they complete those work orders and so um i you know it was like you said born out of covet my first class started in june of 2020 and it has been phenomenal phenomenal i'm very thankful to god for you know for that whole avenue being open for me we know what god gave you is the ability to talk because you can talk that's why you to me you know you always tease you about that you know you just y'all don't know man melody we be talking we will be talking a little direct dm and all that follow up with girl give me your number down all this uh dm and back because you didn't like texting her i said and so that you say that because earlier like i said i did an interview earlier today and they said to me they said oh yeah your manager said we're going to enjoy um our interview we'll enjoy it because you love to talk i said oh it sounds like she tried to throw a little side jab up in there i'm gonna make sure i call her when we get done now here you go i'm very vocal and that that that's why i love talking to you because you know there's a journey and i i will never ever stop you from your dreams i will always encourage you i also support you always will push you to the next level because i know there are only greater opportunities you're at the right age to start discovering yourself and pushing those dreams because a lot of people wait till they 40 50 or i'll wait till my kids graduate or i'll wait till i when they get out of college all that weight all that weight all that weight and that's not your dna and that's what i love about talking to you and i encourage people who listen to these shows when you when i get a person on the air like you listen to what she's saying this is you know there are setbacks in her in her life there but she don't let that become a champion talk about that you know um i will say that you know so i got married when i was 22 and you have this whole thing planned out of what you think your life will be i don't think anyone gets married um expecting or hoping for a divorce to happen you think that that's your forever and you think that that is how your life will be and so for me i went from feeling like i had everything together i had these beautiful children i had anything i wanted to get i could go get what i wanted to you know i had my husband we had these businesses you know we're being able to travel and go whenever we want to and then boom just like that there's a change right and so at first you know of course you you know the heartbreak and the disappointment and the tears and the depression and all of those things that come with um you know something as major as infidelity hitting your marriage i went through all of that and um i went through a lot of different layers of it so um for me you know going through those things and experiencing such a big change in life and then i didn't know that i was gonna have to play it out on national television even right so that was another thing you know what i'm saying when we started filming the first season um i had just recently found out about you know what had been occurring however i thought everything was done over and we were good mm-hmm well right when we start shooting i find out oh it ain't done and over we ain't good so that's when people got you know what i'm saying kind of got all the other um and so all the other emotions and other sides melody the angry sides um but you know i didn't expect that that was something that was going to be played out on tv i didn't think that was gonna be continue to be a part of my life story my marriage story right um and so now here i am you know going through a divorce with four children um and trying to make sure that i'm taking care of me and keeping myself together but then also making sure that i'm you know there for my kids and helping them to keep it together too um and at the same time still refusing to allow the choices of someone else to affect my purpose right and the goals that i have set for myself so it's a lot it's a lot and it's a lot of moving pieces but let me tell you i just get up every single day and i start moving those pieces absolutely you know on saturday night you can see her series i wanna call this your series love and marriage huntsville that's that's why i watch i'm just telling y'all tonight i'm not just watching the air bubble show i watch my girl melody now guess what it's gonna be this saturday gonna be back to back melody hope oh now i'll tell you something that's what we got back to our block behind every man i'm gonna just let everybody know see carlos king makes me mad now this is serious right is this called he got me mad see because see i watch this series that you're hosting and i'm mad i'm going like because it's such a beautiful series because i got six sisters so why did i think of this because you know you have you have more kurt franklin and his wife tammy on the show you have the the wife of uh wyclef john on the show you have the wife his mom i didn't even know that uh uh neo was married seriously i didn't know he was married and i was that the only man he's on he's on the show and it's like dj envy and his with her wife but it's the wives who are the stars of the show behind every man uh how did you become a part of this series and i was just how about one thing i'm gonna tell you the truth about this is an engaging series well done uh the the women you you get a personal journey about them it's not a serious if they trying to hook you in with a famous husband no no no it's about these women how they have survived physical drama sometimes uh abuse sometimes near life death experiences sometimes and each one of them have survived and they've come into the lives of these famous men help them to be successful along the way and they have sustained longevity in their marriage and blossom into a loving relationship how did you get involved behind every man well you know that's why it's so important um to speak out loud your goals and your dreams and speak those things into existence um and so you know i've shared with carlos a long time ago you know my goals in terms of posting and acting and things like that and so when it when the opportunity came and you know he was awarded the opportunity to do behind every man you know he reached out to me he said hey so guess what and i'm like what and he was like we're gonna do another show this is what's gonna call and uh we want you to host i'm like what really are you serious and so you know it went from there and um it was another again something filmed during the pandemic so of course we had different parameters of course we would have loved to have had it where you know i could have flown into different places and actually sat down in person with these individuals but we've got to be safe so we still made it happen and made it you know made it work um and for me when he called me that day i'll never forget and he had um his other producer angela on the phone as well i teared up when he shared with me what behind every man would be about and here's why um you know i'm big on women empowerment right i'm big on strong women and women you know just being coming together and really pushing one another and being able to be authentic and transparent and share your journey share those you know we love the glamour we love to show off the the rolls royce the lamborghinis and all this thing however right being able to show the times that weren't so good and talk about that which is what really helped you move to the next level i love when people can be transparent i think that's the reason that a lot of people connect with me on love and marriage huntsville so when he shared that with me and i heard what it would be about i just literally teared up i said wow wow it was just something within me and i'm big on intuition and being led by the spirit and there was just something within me that was like yes this right here is god sent for you oh no it's amazing me experiencing what i was experiencing in my marriage and knowing that you know it wasn't going to be too much longer before it wasn't you know i wasn't married anymore it wasn't about that it was about what i love to do shine a light on other women like you know i do my mimosas with melody then i always award women women on per woman on purpose award um still i thrive woman of the year and all these different things and so any way that i can um just really shine a light on women who are doing some amazing things that's what i love to do and so this was just i mean this was perfect and it was truly an amazing experience well let me tell you um i'm a fan i get to see you back to back the back the back to back hey i wanna i wanna i wanna back to back to back melanie whole saturday or old network cause you gonna do it you're gonna do it yeah cause you're owning it over here there you go there you go there you go the thing about it is that i i'm so proud of you and uh i watched this journey you know when i said that i'm sincere and i know you do a lot of interviews and and watching you grow and like i said i've seen this journey play out and and when you come on my show we can have honest conversations and i don't think only negative in your little book is you come to atlanta and you don't come see your boy okay because i bought a new bill i bought a new bill i got to show y'all i gotta i gotta i gotta you gotta take a picture about my new business sign all that stuff i gotta i gotta get some of your shine on my building okay let's do it let's do it absolutely well i won't hold you but uh again thank you again uh again you know anytime your flyer come out i gotta promote you this weekend and uh you know your sorority member and all that good stuff and uh girl you know keep winning and uh keep i i got your support and your brother here you can tell your brother that called me with his little tie behind he and atlanta as himself you know yeah he got nothing to do absolutely so that'd be great you know and i love you already know i love you thank you for you know you're always opening your doors and opening you know but just being welcoming with me coming in on the show i appreciate that so much it's kind of like like you said sometimes they're just those god-given connections and i feel like from the first interview we've just always you've been what you're saying that you are you've been encouraging um you've let me know multiple times that i have your support and i really appreciate that um and i love you know we have to pull strength from one another especially when we're going through different you know difficult times it's so important for us to pull strength from one another and um you my fans the viewers of love and marriage huntsville everyone has been my family my management team everyone has just been so amazing and i know i wouldn't be where i am right now if it wasn't for all of you awesome well she's the star of a saturday night on their own network loving marriage hunterfield and um you know behind every man wow that's my show she's the star melody holt melanie thanks for coming on monday making conversations again if you want to see more money making conversation interviews go to or subscribe on my youtube channel i'm rashawn mcdonald i'm your host
Channel: Money Making Conversations
Views: 37,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: money making conversations, money, making, conversations, Rushion, McDonald, Rushion Mcdonald, Stephen A. Smith, Steve Harvey,, MMC, money conversations, money making, leadership, entrepreneurship, career, lead with your gifts
Id: 3Uts5apKRTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 48sec (1788 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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