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hey guys my name is lula and i did an instagram live interview with melody and this was a really fun interview we talked about life the show her kiss her healing process and what she has coming up with her business venture you do some you do see me looking down doing the interview that's because i was not monitoring the chat from the fans but also like reading questions so don't mind that um if this is my first video so please subscribe to my youtube page and also follow me on instagram at lulabera underscore anyways congratulations on season four how does it feel like when you pitched this show to carlos did you ever imagine that you guys want to make it to season four yet alone for it to be such a big deal you know i don't think that i necessarily had an idea in mind in terms of how long the show would last but i know me and i know my work ethic and my grind um so the fact that it is still going it is still successful i'm not surprised so to speak you know what i'm saying yeah so when i do something i like to put my all into it and try to make sure you know that it's successful and i love to as much as i can you know help other people you know do the things they desire to do whether that's putting their business out there reaching their goals you know i love to open up the doors for others too you definitely do that your team speaks highly of you i follow a couple of them on the phone but and then also another congratulations your new single came out last week i believe yes yes you were number one like your fans do not play when it comes they did not they did not i tell people all the time numbers don't lie you can't look the numbers don't lie honey so to all the supporters thank you guys so much you guys have been amazing um really even last year was almost right out of the year when i dropped my first single telltale signs and again we were charting i think we got to maybe number three so they have been showing tremendous support you know since the beginning and now down actually made it up to number one and so i think at the end of the day it shows you know the love is real and um i appreciate you guys um so speaking of the song who would you like to collaborate with like do you have a dream artist that you want to work with um i don't have necessarily a dream artist that i would love to work with but some people that i can tell you i admire and i enjoy are of course you know mary j um beyonce um i actually like cardi b i like t.i um and i actually like reach homie quan um so you know you just never know you just never know never know oh yeah that's true so hey open yourself up that the universe and god has a way of like connecting with the right people and could congratulations on your skin care line look what came today i got the whole bundle yay oh my gosh awesome i love it i love it that's what's up i got on my seventh avenue uh shirt too yes the support with that has been amazing as well um when i say everyone flooded the website last weekend saturday it was crazy um but the love and support has been great you know it's a skincare line that i was i'm very passionate about i was able to work you know with a black female chemist and um who's based right who's based right here and so she and i have been working on this for quite some time and just finally getting it out there to the consumer i knew there were certain things i wanted i know i wanted to be paraben free natural clean vegan you know all of that good stuff and so we were able to make it happen while also using some of the things that my great-grandmother taught me to use to come back kitty ryan is rosacea so um it's been phenomenal it's been phenomenal i take it one day at a time and i i come up with different ways to market and do certain things and i just run with it is this a rebrand of embrace i believe okay yeah it is it is a rebrand um and so you know that was i'll be honest so any of you out there who are you know looking to start a business or started one that didn't quite go the way you wanted it to go don't be afraid to start over do not be afraid to start over don't let negativity come across you in a way or your mind in a way to make you feel like you should give up um if you have a dream if you have a goal go for it period doesn't matter how many setbacks i say all the time delayed does not mean the night so if you have you know a vision that god has given you stay on the course and stay true to that and it'll come to pass whenever it's supposed to so literally i was at lunch one day with one of my homegirls and um my friend dwayne actually we've been friends she owns pros and pins which is a content writing company and we've been friends for about 14 15 years and we were having lunch and out of the blue i said i'm naming my skincare line 7th avenue premiere skincare i was just going to ask you like what was the inspiration behind the name yeah she was like oh okay i was like yeah and it hit me that day in my spirit and i ran with it from there um i actually grew up on 7th avenue um so for me as a young girl that's where i learned the importance of you know i had my babysitter and her children next door that i caught once but really you know weren't us and then i had you know just neighbors and family and um it was kind of one of those things where i learned there on 7th avenue the importance as a young girl taking care of myself them teaching me my mom and everyone you know who love me teaching me the importance of taking care of my skin taking care of my body as a young girl and so seventh avenue for me um embodies all of that and all of that teaching and the importance of taking care of yourself amazing one thing that um obviously we met you three years ago almost four years ago now that you guys are in season four you definitely have talked about the journey of entrepreneurship even i think i believe season one you talked about how you and martel started the business the cleaning and the lawn service business i believe so i i know now like a lot of people are seeing like this huge growth and success within your business but like you've been doing this back then like experimenting trying to see what works so i think that speaks to you saying like this ain't easy but you just have to keep going absolutely i tell people all the time you know um and then i have a class master class with melody i've had about 400 usually my class has anywhere from 30 to i've had as many as 90 students in one class but i've had over 400 students close to five now to date since june of 2020 that have come through my course and i tell them in that all the time when i got into property preservation my ideal wasn't having to go in and clean these filthy homes and you know sometimes poop is all over the toilet and they're super dirty and all of that however um getting in there working doing what needed to be done to set me up to get to the financial status that i wanted to get to open other doors for me was what it took and what i did so it's not necessarily you come out getting a pretty job so to speak at first right you have to do what you have to do yes i was out there cutting the grass pushing mores riding mowers learn how to do a zero turn blowing the leaves and raking and doing all this stuff so i put in years um of hard work dedication grinding and then to be the one to do the admin after the end of the day of the work so um my work ethic hasn't changed i've always been this way even since i was a kid honestly i've always just had strong work ethic always involved in a lot of things enjoyed doing a lot of things at one time and i'm still that person yes speak i think speaks to um when opportunity meets your um your work a lot of times a lot of people are not prepared to receive to meet the opportunity that's in front of them because they haven't done the work to meet them at that level so i think that absolutely speak to who you are yeah yeah so season one when we met you we were you were not we you were going through such a like challenging space in your life you were navigating you're being a parent a business owner infidelity in your marriage friendships and living in a community as an affluent that you are like pouring into other women and over the last three years we have seen you go through such a roller coaster of emotions and challenging life experiences and i believe that in life when you're going through such challenging times that requires you to really sit still and listen to what god has to say to you because a lot of times we try to run away from our problems and i know this from watching your social media but also witnessing a lot of the um interviews that you have done like we're meeting like a new version of melody um elevator version of melody and how has it been for you to kind of like sit still and work on yourself whoa all right so well you know i'm gonna keep it a hundred period um at first it was very hard i didn't like it i didn't like it at all um i wasn't here for it you know i often post about um a customized healing journey is where it's at so as myself and those close to me started putting together my customized healing path and journey part of that being me sitting alone by myself and um i wasn't here for it i i would tell anyone i spent the most time alone than i have my whole life this past year and i naturally love people so i get in a room with people and my energy goes got high and i i don't know i love being around people so having to sit by myself to deal with the things that i needed to deal with um to face the things i needed to face and to continue the healing journey that i was on at first it was a novo for me today i understand why what was your resistance to the healing journey initially like why did you resist it because i want to be sent by myself say what girl let me tell you but listen after a while i got used to it and i fell in love with me again i did i fell in love with me again and i realized man i'm pretty doggone dope you know i'm pretty cool you know i fell in love with me again and so i will be here by myself um and i would laugh at my little corny thoughts and just be like girl you're so crazy you know what i'm saying like just loving me taking vacations by myself yeah and embracing that and embracing just loving on me and getting to know me again so yeah mm-hmm i did i had to put the work in you know i tell everybody you don't put in the work honey don't expect any results no and and if anyone has gone through any type of healing journey and it doesn't have to be a divorce like it really can be anything that in your life that you have experienced it's so messy it's so ugly it requires the hardest part is it requires you to face yourself right it's just like because no one else is around you like you're choosing to heal so you have to face yourself in order to heal and like so you meeting the new melody um what was that like like what new values did you learn about yourself like what what type of life did you want to create for yourself in this new space so definitely a life of peace um a life of happiness i had many years of rollercoaster rides emotionally and mentally so being stable in that department even if that meant being alone um and and just really trusting my intuition more as well um so i guess you would say believing and trusting in me more than i believe and trust in someone else yeah yeah yeah oh that's powerful believing and trusting myself more than i trust in myself because you got married pretty early so like i feel like your 30s now you're like rediscovering the new melody interesting so yeah i got married at 22 and now i'm 36 um so yeah for sure you know because the fact of the matter is until the ladies who are on here um the fact of the matter is sometimes when you're in relationships or marriages you know it can get to the point to where you are um so so believe you believe so much in your spouse or the person that you're with that you will second guess and question yourself and your intuition and so me spending time alone and allowing god to reveal certain things to me so i say all the time isolation brings revelation so me allowing god to reveal certain things to me in the spirit and then seeing those things happen it put my intuition on another level caused me now to move and operate how i move when it comes to protecting my space and protecting my peace oh what would you call this season of your life right now if you have to name it about the season of elevation yep that's what i would say have the people in your life or the people been in your life have met the new melody like has that created like conflict or like resistance um i think the people in my life um you know who've been around for a very long time they're super happy to see me in this place you know to see me in this place where i am i'm happy they see that they feel it you know everyone doesn't get to be around you but those that are around me they get to be around me they feel it they see it and so they're just excited to see me come out of something that could have literally broken me even after i left everything that transpired that still could have broken me and them seeing me continue to stand and be strong and now be in a place where i am happy even alone um they're just happy for me i love that i love that it's nothing like the people that that love you the most see you like heal and evolve to the person that always they always knew that you were gonna be yeah um oh someone is asking are you planning on like um expanding your skincare line like to stores like what is the plan i meant to ask you that earlier very good question so i actually have already had a few people reach out to me in regards to going into retail going into stores um for me what i want to do right now and you know after especially having a good conversation with my homegirl stormy i don't really want to do that really what she said kind of gave confirmation to what i was feeling i don't want to go into retail right now i do want to stay doing uh just e-commerce for a while but eventually long-term plan goal absolutely probably shorter than longer but not too short but um i do want to do e-commerce first for a while so if any of you out there if you have businesses or products um anything that you're trying to sell you know i would say just be strategic about how you move be strategic in your growth because sometimes people will try to push you and by the time they get you out there in that ocean honey and leave you out there you can't even you can't even try to find your way back to shore so take your time do things in a way that you feel like you need to do it just be very strategic about growing that's so true you got to do it on your own time and make you feel comfortable so switching gears a little bit and i think this kind of ties to the season um last season the most heartbreaking scene that i generally got i teared up was when you martel were having a conversation with your kids about the co-parenting and the divorce and being able to create the new normal that you all have to live to um have to kind of like adjust to and recently went live and you talked about the kiddos being in therapy and having conversation i think you did it was live um how are they doing and what type of conversation are you having with them as far as like what's going on so um you know it's a process for everyone it's a process for everyone um it's not an overnight journey i think that's the thing we become such a microwave microwavable generation we think everything happens overnight and it does not and um it's a journey so for me part of the things that i wanted to do was i wanted to make sure that my children had a strong support system a strong village meeting people that they feel safe and comfortable talking to um because i don't want to or i will say i would refuse to because of the neglect on my part as a parent end up with adults who don't know how to manage emotions don't know how to manage feelings who have all this trauma so they've gone into relationships and marriages with all this trauma childhood trauma and um it's causing issues in their adulthood so i'm doing my part as a parent to make sure i'm giving them the best that i can as it pertains to you know them being um understanding what's happening but also knowing that they can express themselves share their feelings and have a safe place to be able to do that i have conversations with my children all the time like for example when i made the decision to change my last name i had a conversation with them and i went through the process of explaining to them hey so when people get married you know this is what happens the lady ladies last name becomes the husbands and you know unfortunately those sometimes like mom and dad sometimes marriages don't last so guess what she gets to decide if she wants to go back to the last thing she had before she was married you know and so just having those real like sometimes i don't know especially i think you know we just we try to avoid certain conversations yeah um and i'm not gonna say that's a good thing you know talk to your children and talk to your children we're so used to be quiet don't ask me nothing just do what i said because i said it no like i spend a lot of time talking and teaching my children as it pertains to life in general wow that's beautiful and they seem so receptive and they're very smart the questions they were to ask so they seem like they're in a good hand um guys i'm gonna ask the questions we're building up to this upcoming season they're like screaming at me in the comments oh my god listen let me tell you something it's so interesting because i say all the time people's is patience these days it's off the chain honey they be trying listen who's that i was um i was live i was live recently and somebody did something i can't remember somebody did something but anyway long story short um the people were trying to go hard oh they couldn't get their um their instagram to act right and they were trying to go hard and i was like look y'all just chill like we gotta be on the edge on 20 all the time just chill he gonna figure it out give him a minute they gotta give her a break she don't get to the questions i am and you know like last week is when i started doing this whole literally my introduction to instagram live was last week when i went live on this big stage so i'm learning give me a little bit grace you guys i'm having a conversation trying to be present in the conversation with mel but i'm also going through the questions that's why i keep looking down so okay okay anyway so let's talk about this upcoming season um i had to often he talked to carlos last week and he just like you are not ready for this upcoming season he was like it's like nothing we have ever seen before and we got to watch two episodes at this point and it does feel different like this time around there's so much story being told from like every person's perspective and it looks like you guys also picked up this season right after the reunion um aired so i'm sensing like emotions were high and also a lot of things happen at the reunion during the reunion and after the reunion and i'm seeing various dynamics of the different friendship groups and marriages even experiencing i think topics that we haven't really talked about before and for the first episode that we see that two perspective of stories being told from two perspectives so talking about you in destinies and leticia's friendship um in the first episode we saw destiny tasha talk about what happened at the after the reunion when they were in the hotel room and you overhearing their conversation from their perspective it seems like they were just um talking about what happened during the reunion when destiny wasn't there and then we see the conversation you and kimmy having and it feels different because you mentioned that destiny had came to you and apologized based on what was said so what happened in that conversation like what did you hear because if i was just listening to your perspective it's so different and then if i was listening to just their perspective it's so different and how did we get to the space of george so as you will see as this season goes on it wasn't just this conversation that caused me to make the decisions that i have made it wasn't just one thing um it was a series of things which again is discussed that you always say as the season goes on um so it's twofold one the first thing that occurred um at the reunion was as we were all on the stage i really was um taken aback a little bit by leticia's comments and destiny stance on the stage um first you know there was the incident where leticia was just like she was doing smirking and stuff on destiny and i were talking and so you know it's like girl i'm not talking to you like so you know and she's like well i just don't feel like so finally i called her out on her smirking and she was like i wasn't smirking and carlos was like leticia what what what it is and she was like well i just don't think mel is a good friend and so it was kind of like okay um so that along with her saying you know this girl tried to destroy my marriage and she said it was so much emotion when the true truth be told if people go back and watch it i'm not the one who actually the person they school with right now the person that came out and started talking about 20 women it was not me it was my ex that did that though it's very interesting um and then after that there was a conversation where i was asked and i'm like figure it out for yourself and then it went from there so long story short that was the part first with leticia and then with destiny on the stage that was the first time um when carlos asked her you know so how's y'all's friendship like when she walked out on the stage i was like yes you know i was hyping her up i was happy she looked really cute um and i didn't have an issue with her so when carlos asked her that for her to say well i don't know where our friendship lies i hadn't spoken to her or talked to her whatever she said um since we wrapped so it was like no we have yeah we have and she's like no so for me in that moment knowing that i had pulled back some had nothing personally to do with her but it has i pulled back from everything and everybody because filming is very stressful um i think probably my personal life has been the height of every season since the inception of loving marriage huntsville so i do have to take a mental break my mental break didn't include me not talking to destiny at all um i i texted her i'd invited her out to brunch i texted and checked on her she sent me a picture you know she was on vacation on the video she was on vacation enjoying herself so she couldn't go to brunch so for her to say that it just kind of threw me oh so then it makes me feel okay so what are we trying to do here you know because unfortunately i think people like to try to have an issue with me because they feel like if i have an issue with mail then i become more relevant you know what i'm saying so it just threw me um and then after that so the whole reunion happens after that i actually didn't know that my room was next to destiny's i didn't know that um i you know i had my team there so i was busy ripping running doing stuff getting ready for the reunion and i overhear leticia say which means you were loud through my room i'm in my room packing my stuff to leave and i hear like she's like yeah cause mel was a scorpio and i was like who over there just wait wait a minute wait what you know what did that mean i didn't understand that like what did that yeah i don't know you'll have to ask them um what all their conversation entailed i cannot tell you okay um it doesn't even matter to me i'll be honest with you it doesn't even matter to me um what matters to me is that initially because i wouldn't have knocked on their door you know i was like y'all might want to lure your voice because your conversation can be heard down the hallway just like what was the reaction when you said that like how did they react uh well they were like oh what you hear us talking about your crazy ex-husband that's what this makes it and i said well i heard the conversation from the rudy to the tutti that's what i said and so um after that you know she ended up being her ended up corresponding and testing and she was like you know i don't know what you thought you heard i don't know what's going on with the job but then when we got back to hustle so we scheduled to sit down and meet so when we got back to huntsville her exact words while we were eating heard that words were well i'm not gonna lie you know i was talking a little [ __ ] about you but i was in my feelings you know she was like i just i was kind of myself i said well look i said this is what i said this is my thing i said you talking in any shape form or fashion negatively bending to someone that i really ain't that cool with we trying to reveal something i don't know how i really feel about that so after that i was hoping um that i could get over it like i still was trying to move forward texting her talking to her here and there you know like hoping but then the more the more i thought about it you know how sometimes you have a conversation then later on you get to thinking and you're like i should have said no i shouldn't you know what i mean it was one of those moments it was like okay so the more i thought about it after that i was like um coupled with the other things i was like nah this ain't good for me this um it just ain't gonna work yeah um and so that's what it was you know that's what it was and that's how it happened i have no question ain't no doubt and that's why my stance is what it is someone just asked like was your conversation sit down conversation filmed was that like a girlfriend chat that she too had no this was no cameras were here at all it was like maybe within a week maybe after the reunion did you ask her why she was feeling some type of way that's why she well i know i should you out so let me say this i don't know we discussed why she was from some kind of way that moment we probably did but she already expressed that the reunion while she was feeling about our friendship which was because she felt like she wasn't really getting as much from me as she had been getting yeah you know what i'm saying and that here's the thing and and this is how i feel about it that's fine like people start feeling certain ways all the time but i think that even if you're venting even if you're venting they're just certain people that i wouldn't even vent if there was something going on with she and i that i wouldn't then about like my pajama party everybody was asking about teaching this and teaching destiny why they weren't here you know why because i hadn't already gone to them and shared with them what had gone on because to me it really was nobody's business to be honest it really wasn't um i don't roll like that for real like if me you have a fall and now i have an issue i'm not gonna run to everybody just to talk about our fallout somebody ask me i'll give an honest answer and then even then it's still gonna be a little surface the details with that person you know what i mean mm-hmm yeah that's that's kind of what it was that's kind of what it was for me i really thought last season you and tisha were in a better place i didn't do better than i think i have witnessed the last two seasons so what do you think happened during the season for her to have the reaction like you said she did i can't tell you i have no idea um that's what i'm telling you on the reunion stage i was i was shocked yeah yeah i was definitely shocked um you know i let me be very fine i'm very straightforward very like if i'm if i'm cool with you if i'm kicking it with you you'll know and if i'm not you'll know so last season when i was you know and i invited her to my home a couple of times yesterday it was filmed but guess what i could have said no she can't come to my home we don't have to meet out um i also you know i invited her to all of them to my video premiere party i um i even took my team to black after my video release party last season we could have gone anywhere in huntsville took them to black i supported and sponsored the destiny race um these are things that i was genuinely doing yeah i've been to black even multiple times outside of you know going there after my video premiere party showing support um him t-shirt up hey girl i want to come through you think i can get a section tonight that kind of thing the reunion and the energy was different i didn't understand it was different for her from her and from destiny on the stage both of them both of them kind of hit me like boom boom you know so then i hit a boom boom boom boom i'm laughing at the boom boom i'm not so one in the conversation with teacher and destiny that destiny did mention that you called tisha the enemy or yeah i think it was the enemy um did you call her the enemy um i ain't gonna lie girl i don't remember if i caught her i know i definitely said something about an op and i don't know if i said the term enemy i ain't even about to play we'll see i don't remember oh hi but look i may have i don't know i may not have i'm gonna keep it a hundred i don't remember i know i said talking about me with an i i don't know if i say an enemy but girl we'll all see is there any hope like fiat friendship between you and tisha or is it because i know let's say you guys are still filming so i know you guys are still but is there any hope is there any opening for conversation no no i i don't have a desire um i've never had this many sit downs with any of my friends in my whole life as i've had to have with leticia so i'm kind of good on that um and as you guys will see you know i know you guys seen the whole brawl almost or whatever that happens and um yeah that started with again back to that whole energy thing you imagine walking into a place being excited hey y'all hey everybody and you got this person who don't even speak very rude and then they're like who talking about me that it's just no i'm good no no thank you okay and what about you and destiny i see that she supports she's been like reposting or liking a lot of your skincare your music it's very interesting to me to be honest with you um what's interesting is sometimes i feel like you know sometimes i feel like my intuition be so crazy and on point that it's almost i'm gonna say it's a curse because it's not that by any means but um it's very interesting so what i will say is i definitely somebody dm to me you know where she shared my song or whatever um my phone number works and i didn't get a text from her to say hey congrats the song is great so doing there's a difference between doing things for the gram and doing things in real life so i see through all that and i think that's some of the issues people have with me is i don't play them with fake games you know um and in terms even the skincare she ordered that just a few days before her interview with you where you know where she made sure to say that she ordered it yeah you know girl got it though just about i think like three days before the interview with you february 19th so my point is people be trying to play in my face and i see it and they don't like it because i see it no that's what it is so are we going to see like i saw in a preview there was a sit-down conversation that turned to like an argument i think it was an argument in the preview is there are you guys having another sit-down conversation this in this upcoming like episode did we see another one or like is this like say it again between who you and destiny you invested in you industry oh they said i okay so yeah they're saying i have a sit-down conversation um that's so low well not so low just she and i and then um there's a you know some conversation that happens with us all at a group at something so got you all right i don't want to push too much because this is only the second episode you guys so you have to watch um but i think i think we got to the destiny tisha and mel at least as far as we can get to this point and then um we also saw the conversation that you were having with kimmy um as far as the picture posting that happened and i did see an interview that you had um i forgot which interview was but you mentioned that there was a scene that didn't get seen because there was a little backlash that you received as far as like the conversation that you were having with kimmy about maurice if he had cheated and elena and like what's she gonna do she finds out like he cheated and you mentioned there was a come and more come more to the conversation that you two had but we didn't get the chance to see yeah i mean the conversation between kimmy and i you know people are gonna pick and pick apart the things they want to pick apart and run with what they want to run with based on who they feel like they like which typically are some people they ain't met yet in life but that's okay so what i would say is um i asked kimmy some of the same kind of questions that i would ask any girlfriend even if it wasn't being filmed on tv so girl what you gonna do i mean if it is sure what you gonna do what are you thinking about like do you think like what girlfriend something like that happens what girlfriends ain't gonna say they home girl when they out like girl i'm checking on you are you good what you gonna do if it's true like but you know it's the same kind of conversation to me kimmy and i have always had we've always been very much so straight shooters with each other if you go back and watch i've had many a conversations with kimmy where she asked me tough questions well how long wait so you mean it's been multiple times that you found you've caught him cheated she's asking me those questions yeah and and were they pleasurable no but i sat there with her and answered them and didn't dare get offended it didn't bother me it didn't bother me so i find it interesting that when you have someone else who also doesn't mind asking certain questions all of a sudden people think it's a problem i can't please those people i'm not a people's pleaser i guess i'm just it just is what it is i ask the questions that i want to know and if you say something that leads me to think about something else nine times out of ten i'm going to say it and ask it so that's what happened well there you have it because they told me to ask you those questions so they i know i love it i think it's amazing let me be real i think it's great well also we're we're like we're meeting you as you're like because i feel like the last three years a lot of the conversation was around the infidelity martel co-parenting and now i feel like the season at least the last two episodes we're seeing a lot of friendship dynamics conversations happening so we're seeing a different conversation and i think that these are healthy conversations to have and yeah and hi stormy stormy is here and we got hey what's up storms stormy we got to meet you today and um tell us about so carlos said that he had his eyes on stormy like for a while but the timing just didn't work out and it was just like perfect timing this time around for this upcoming season but we met her right we met stormy last season no um let me think yes at oh i don't know if they aired an eye girl i had a mimosas with melody but last year she was one of them she was one of my panelists there no she was one of the speakers that i interviewed that's what she was um do we see her at the house when you did your for your videos yeah the video there we go the video thank you my video uh i shot my video there so you saw her there and then you saw her at the video premiere party when she went into thankfully it was a false labor her beautiful chess piece getting here honey but um yeah so yes you guys didn't meet her last season mm-hmm yeah so we and then we got to see a little bit more about her and so how this there was a question about like um uh because she's coming as your friend what made you want to have her or like have her join uh this season so i think for stormy um first of all i think her personality fits great you know i think in this group having strong personalities straightforward i think it's important so i feel like she will fit really well she has an amazing brand that's doing well that can you know this is more exposure to that and she has an amazing personality and a beautiful family um so you know she and i even before filming her necessarily with him we were already building our friendship and kicking it so you know it just really flow right on in yes absolutely she's a boss babe definitely got to see um learn more about her business and i see that you guys have a lot in common as far as like your e-commerce and being able to get into her hair product skin products so love to see that stormy we they a lot of people have questions for you so whenever you're ready we don't live and have a conversation um so tonight's episode that we saw not only not only did we get to meet uh stormy we got to meet kiki i believe was kiki tisha's friend and a lot of the questions that i received was why invite her if you're not cool with tisha so me and kiki's relationship has never been through leticia so and in the confessional kimmy said like everybody's talking about t-shirt was there something that was cut that we didn't get to see okay let me be honest first of all it was a lot of stuff that y'all didn't get to see and it was a lot of fun stuff y'all didn't get to see like we literally danced we had these amazing drinks um we had hot cocoa went out by the fire pit in my backyard like we had an amazing time we took pictures all in the little tents that i had throughout the house you know what i'm saying laying in there talking we had an amazing time um you guys just saw the conversation had that was started by the picture that had just you know since we all had been together the picture that was dropped on social media and that conversation is what's led to the conversation but it had to be discussed you know people i had already seen kimmy but then there were other people who hadn't so they like him and give a fight like any girl would be so what you think about this picture like whoa you know what i mean mm-hmm that started it was had um and i mean after that after it was over honey we went back to having a good time we had these little games we were doing when you had to have an alter ego pretty much and be somebody else we had to guess who you were like we had a good time at the pajama party y'all just saw the pieces that y'all saw is this uh i'm assuming it's gonna be like should we continue we're gonna see more the next uh episode three because i think it ended on oh okay do you get to watch the episode at the same time we do but yeah we see when y'all say we don't get it beforehand or nothing wouldn't that be nice ah okay got you got you so you get to see the same reaction and have the same emotion relive the moments um so this season are we going to see you martel film together no what is your relationship like now maybe that's a good question yeah that is a good question we really don't have one so when i say that um as a woman let me go here as a woman what i will say is i for the first time understand and can feel for people that i've seen and i've known now that i'm here what it means to have children with someone who is continuously still trying to mentally and emotionally abuse you so like for example literally i'll tell anybody the kim and kanye stuff was triggers for me because all that little stuff that was happening yeah was i'm over here feeling like but that's what i'm saying i did it i get changing your number not having access to my phone because you'd be surprised the text just the manipulative tactics the text and the emails and the and it's like dang so me having children with this person meant that if we didn't work out it had to be all of this god damn it's a lot it's a lot so no they can't get me to film nothing with him when i tell you i'm working so hard to have my peace that there is for me that is where it is for me and i have a whole new respect for all the women who were in situations and had kids and walked away because now i see what that walking away looks like as it pertains to that person who didn't think you would walk away or didn't want you to walk away um them still trying to have a hold on you mentally and emotionally like just to do stuff just to mess your day up just because even though you ain't bothering them just to come at you with stupid stuff just because nah i ain't here for it then it's a no for me i'm so sorry to hear about the emotional um taunting that you're going through that i'm better you know why it's gone a little bit better what i had to put those boundaries in place i say no access no access you have to do that so how does it work in communication as far as like with the kiddos like when you have to exchange um so we get them from school okay yeah we get them from school you spoke about boundaries that's something i'm noticing in um i think not only the season but even in the post that you have been making you've been talking a lot about embracing your emotions and setting boundaries how has that like helped you in this season of your life always helped me a lot because let me tell you your people will be trying to do stuff to push you over the edge okay and that's just real talk people literally you know people find victims that they want to pray on and they'd be trying to push you over the edge so for me getting in control of my emotions where i can control myself has been super important for me super important for me um because you know at one point you guys saw a very reactive me a very reactive male it was nothing for me to go live and come back come at whomever and later back straight down front i could do that now i choose not to because i chose to get into a place where i control my emotions yeah that's so true i was watching on the interview that you did with dj ritchie and he did talk about that because he talked about like oh i saw shifting you this this year or this couple of months ago and i do you you do you did you talked about not being able to react like you used to that has helped you just kind of gain your peace yeah that's amazing yeah a lot of people are saying you better set those boundaries girl just then no access yeah i mean that's in any way that you can protect your piece you got to do what you got to do um i'm going through the questions you guys i believe i'm asking all of the questions please stop yelling at me um so what can we expect this upcoming season like what it feels like right now let's a whirlwind that's been my word all week for this season for a whirlwind um as for me i'm really focused on my grind doing what i've been doing even when the camera is not here okay focus on me and my children enjoying life like enjoying this newfound freedom like just enjoying myself um and so you know of course when i'm around everybody else and you probably for me you're gonna see that i'm gonna be the person if we having a conversation and a question comes up i'm gonna ask the question if i feel like asking i'm gonna ask and if there's a question asked that i don't wanna answer i don't answer i'm just being male all season long and you have a book coming up what can you tell us about that so guys that go the way this over i'm releasing it in may and it really you know i have an entire guide to go merch line um that came about i wasn't even speaking to do that however i was on live being reactive and somebody was like you need to get off life you know um and go pray about it i said i did pray about it and god said go so after that people were like it's the god saying go for me i released the merch line like three days later god said go merch line and so when you talk about god set goal that can be in friendships relationships business career finances investments um but it's really about the obedience of it and moving forward with whatever that is that god is telling you to go on so i love how you're using your story not to only obviously relate to other women but it's like your healing journey that you're doing to meet like the best version of yourself along the way and that's something i can admire for sure for sure um um so melody if i always wanted to ask you this question if you can go back and talk to the melody like from three years three years ago the one we met what would you say to her know what you know now three years ago meal let's see stay true to you stay true to you um and i say that because i wouldn't change i would not change um the different emotions feelings like you guys and that's the thing i think is interesting you guys have seen me lay it all out on the table seeing me be very transparent seeing me talk about stuff that most people would shy away from and wouldn't dare want to talk about so i feel like i came into this game being transparent mm-hmm we laughed you've seen me cry you've seen me receive and accept apologies you've seen yourself you know push gifts and then push a baby out like you literally have seen i think there's some respect that comes that should come with that absolutely absolutely and the journey that i took with that for me um i wouldn't change because i think everything is what made me the person that i am today yeah i had to go through certain things the way i went through them you know again showing those emotions if that meant throwing some clothes at you at the minute that me going off on you at the minute whatever it was and then oh now i'm love bombed again and i'm feeling like we're in a good space you guys saw all of that um but i think every piece of that is what made me into to be where i am today to be now mentally super mentally strong not caring really about what anybody thinks about anything just being um trusting me again trusting me you know so you know everything happens for a reason and the way it's supposed to happen yeah i asked that question because you have a lot of people that truly admire your journey and are always i'm sure reaching out to you but whenever i reshare any of your any any of your posts i always get a message as well saying like oh i love her i admire her like i have gone through something similar so that's how my dms too and you know even at times when people on this show and i say people because multiple didn't want me addressing or didn't want me being authentic wanted me to keep stuff behind the door and not you know what i'm saying not talk about it um i was like no i'm sorry but i can't pretend i'm not about to be fake it's not this is what it is this is what it is right now so um i think like i said for me i made the decision to lay it all out on the table from the beginning from day one and i think that's what people love and respect because it's one thing when you go on television and you're putting on it's another thing we go on television and you're being real and um you know that's that's the way i decided to go about it despite you know the people that didn't want me to be honest and to be open yeah the truth is very uncomfortable a lot of the things that you have shared with the world a lot of us go through but we are choosing to deal with it in privacy right so that's why it gets very uncomfortable to watch it as a viewer even to see like your truth being broadcasted and it can be very hard to digest it because it's just like oh this is too close to home or like it's just too much to watch but you definitely have put everything on the table and i think that's why people admire and you have a huge fan base because of that one thing i would say is when you gave birth to sugar mama i felt like you gave birth to your new life i i feel i feel like that was like the ending and the beginning of like two beautiful journeys for sure for sure um i love the way you put it because i often say in my interviews you know after i had her i still remember getting in the shower and i just started to cry and in that moment i felt in my spirit it is finished and so i knew then like whoa and at that time there was nothing i knew of that was going on nothing but that's what hit my spirit and i was just in tears and um i knew then if anything transpired that i was going to be out and no back to trusting yourself when i walked away i had no concrete evidence of anything none none no concrete evidence of anything but it was along the lines of certain things being said that show the lack of maturity the lack of growth and for me that was enough after spiritually being released getting that moment after having sugar mama it is finished to still seeing the growth and maturity level and where i needed to be it was enough for me to pack up my four children yeah out three my baby was three months hmm i i generally can't imagine i could not imagine yeah she was three months so um and again i didn't have any concrete evidence of anything i hadn't heard anything it was just the things that weren't lining up leaving what you going for when pandemic i got a new baby so i can't really get me out because i got a newborn like what are we doing um and then conversations that just weren't adding up and so from there i was like oh um i'm a holla and that's that's what it's been yeah yeah well you were able to find your new you and i'll adjust to that they're um i got this question a couple of times which okay um the question is like one um are you going to have your own spin-off show too like are you um are you done with your cast like are you the ha have you outgrown your cast mates um so i y'all know even if i was doing one or not it's not something i would necessarily be discussing in terms of a spin-off show i know but y'all dm's and all of you guys encouragement about doing one um and in terms of outgrowing my castmates i don't think that's for me to i don't think that's for me to judge i'm just being me out i mean i don't know what you guys feel or what y'all see but i don't think that's for me oh can you hear me i think yeah oh okay okay okay no understandable love that answer um a lot of people are loving this interview yeah i always want to talk to melody because she's i always dm her every time especially when she's talking about um change and embracing emotions because that's what i love and what i coach about so it's beautiful to have and connect this conversation with um someone asked a good question which is has you changing your name has that affected the cells or of your your songs because initially the first two songs was melody hope right and then has that like affected no not at all it has not so you know my new song being dropped under melody cherie has been fine most people that know me know me through television and through my social media so they they you know they see they know it's melody as hope for other songs i know it's melody sheree i'm working on merging all my songs under my new um name um so no it hasn't affected it okay well i mean think about it this song went to number one and no other song did they just i think went tonight number three so if anything it's been positive it has it has and amazing i mean i still can't believe i feel like i literally am operating as a as a label um you know is that is that a thing like are we thinking about signing to a label like are we thinking about signing to a label because i know you've been doing things independently like how's that gonna work my team is having some conversations we just facetimed with um with a vp a week ago am i going to go that route i'm not sure i do enjoy being an independent artist um and um you know i'm not gonna move until guys say yo for me with anything so it just depends it what i feel in my spirit i tell people i turned down 40 000 deals because it didn't feel right it don't feel right for me care what it is if it don't feel right if it don't hit my team already knows when i get on some um uh and i've also learned this and i'll tell y'all this i know about to wrap it up um learn to get to a place where you don't feel like you have to give people immediate answers say that again for the people that didn't hear you please learn to get to a place to where you don't feel like you have to give people immediate answers this is something else that i had to teach myself and learn to do um because sometimes you ask something and you feel the pressure to give an answer right away i'm super comfortable now with saying you already know you're gonna have to give me some time to digest this and let me see how my spirit feeling about this my team already knows that and they know if i come back with a it don't feel right i don't want to do it they know that that's it that's what it is and they know if i'm like all right i'm game i like this they know i'm gonna go full throttle um but i had to teach myself to be like you know i'll get back with you does that come with trusting yourself absolutely absolutely that's why i said it's so crazy to me i feel like god has done everything the way it's needed to be done for me so that time alone learning myself loving myself learning to trust myself things being revealed in isolation um it all happened exactly the way it was supposed to happen what going back to that conversation with the healing process and being able sorry you guys um in mel for keep asking this question but like when you were in that space in your life did you like what did accountability look like for you from your own perspective like from melody in that healing space let me tell you oh this is what i had to take some accountability for man for being naive some of the stuff was my own fault and um i had to face the fact that i looked at people and situations which is why it was easy for people which they can't now and that's what people don't like that either but it was easy for people to manipulate me a certain way um the term that young people like to use is you know you being green yeah um because i really look at things in people and situations out of the purity of my eyes and my heart and where you know how i was raised and how i grew up and i had to learn and this is real talk i have learned the past couple of maybe two three years especially this past year that we live in a world i understand now why the bible says be in the world but not of the world live in a world that is so cruel where people are so evil i call them walking demons is what i say um i'm literally starting to understand the world we live in is really evil and people have some underlying hidden agendas um motives that aren't pure um and i think because when i meet people i come at them with a pure like it's for me it's always it's not what i can get from you it's not any of that what can i find out about you it's like okay what you want to do something let me see how i can help oh let me connect you to this person well you should talk to this person that's how i go at it with people yeah so i had to accept my mail you have been naive girl you know i'm saying you have not faced and um you haven't faced and looked at things except out of your eyes and that's where you have been dropping the ball who child that was tough for me that was for me um because then once i started being enlightened then more things started being revealed to me and all of those things weren't pretty it was being revealed to me about myself other people right and it wasn't it wasn't a pretty picture and um so i had to sit in that i had to sit in that and i had to then put together this customized healing path of what the going forward mail look like so when y'all see me kind of like yeah i ain't got a fool with that i ain't talking i don't want to do that i ain't inviting nobody i mean this just is what it is but that's that new male that had to sit in that and start understanding people because you got to think about it i was married since 22 so my life was my husband my child then i started having babies so my husband my children my business i didn't really have even time to be around people like that my long-term friends like that i've been friends with for 15 16 17 years we don't have issues right but that's my small group of people right so as i started getting out more being around other people i start learning about all these different you know people are interested yep people are interesting and it was you know i had to it was hurtful a little bit it was hurtful a little bit um but i chose to handle things accordingly it's so crazy that you say that because a lot of time when you come out of your own little bubble whether that's like coming from um your family your marriage your friends group or culture whatever the case might be open yourself up to meeting or reintroducing yourself with others a lot of people in the world all of us are experience operating based on our life experiences the love hurt grieve and everything that we have and we tend to project a lot of that with the people we come across too so if you're not aware of that you tend to take on other people's baggage with you and make it your own so yeah that's all and when you say you have to sit in that realizing and accepting the acceptance part of your healing process that's the hardest part that's usually when people run away they're like nope can't face this one because it's too hard but you know the good thing is i had people in my life who were holding me accountable and they wouldn't let me walk away from from it they they they held me accountable um so you know i just i would say that i thank god that um with going through the things i've gone through then on top of learning people and realizing how people can think and stuff i thank god that it didn't cause me to turn to drugs it didn't cause me to turn to alcohol it didn't cause me to turn to you know because people go through things and start you know when they turn their paths are different they choose different paths so i thank god honestly every day that's why i tell people i wake up happy every single day like i thank god that i wake up still in my right mind still you know i only girl don't think i'm addicted to is coca-cola's baby and i'm working on that i did a live about that yesterday honey i don't think i'm you know that i um that he has helped me yeah and that i had a strong enough mind to know where i needed to look you know during this journey instead of looking to the things that could have not been positive for me yeah i commend you for being open enough to walk into this healing journey um it's not the easiest many people have attempted and they usually would there's so many stages the healing journey and usually the acceptance part is the hardest part because you have to put the mirror back to your face and see what you have contributed to the trauma and all that good stuff so i just love that love love it just brought like really tears to my eyes when you were talking about the healing journey because not a lot of us i wish we all can experience that and we can and we can we can we just have to be willing like i said we have to be willing to put that work in yeah someone said my grandma is addicted to coca-cola [Laughter] [Music] tell grandma to put the coca-cola down that's so funny um so what else are you working on um that we are going to be looking forward to i know obviously you have like a million and one things happening so like i even feel silly asking you this question because i don't think you need to add anything more anymore thing to your list oh well you know i am continuously evolving you know and continuously uh moving and shaking i do have some other things that i am working on um of course i also have a production company so we have about 10 shows right now that we're currently shopping um so i've got that going on you know it's just a lot it's a lot but god is good he gives me the strength every day to continue to move and do what i'm doing um 7th avenue is doing amazing of course i have another song that i'll be dropping as well in my ep album and so you know continuing my music career i'm auditioning for different acting roles um yes i'm doing a lot i say all the time i'm knocking down doors that my children will be able to walk through i know that's right did you dream envision the life that you're living right now back then no no no not at all i've never expected to be on this journey solo that's different for me yeah everything that i'm doing right now i didn't expect to be on this journey solo but god said no yeah oh wait no i keep it real now you you over there acting shocked you no that just hit me because a lot of times when we're planning and dreaming like we envision it based on the access that we have with the people with the resources but the minute we lose it a lot of times we lose our dream and our goals because you can't even phantom like to to move alone and the fact that you have to reimagine your life and like accept it and walk through it that's all just like woof yeah oh no like we got to do something together with coaching because like everything you talk about is like what i'd love to do this is okay let me know i would definitely hit you up like i i do a lot of group coaching one-on-one coaching consulting and these are this is the stuff that brings joy to my heart because we all just we deserve to heal and live our best life because you'll literally have one life to live that's right that's right absolutely absolutely this has been amazing i appreciate you sharing your platform and supporting love and marriage huntsville um you know i know there's more to come for you more blessings coming your way because one thing about is when you are walking in your divine purpose god will continue to open more doors and more doors so you know um i can tell from this interview that this is your gift we all have different gifts i can tell that this is yours you've done amazing and um you know the comfortability has been here so i appreciate you and looking forward to everything you um will produce and manifest as well oh well i'm gonna put out to the universe and all the followers like one of my goals is to do this healing coaching journey hopefully with you and the audience so i'm gonna put it out there and hopefully we can make that happen but i genuinely appreciate you being as open as you always have been because these are the topics that normally we don't talk about so i appreciate you being open and allowing me to ask you these questions because it's very invasive absolutely so y'all make sure y'all going over them down low down down low down go orders down that's skincare i got the hook on the whole bundle i just don't have the bundle with me but you got the whole bundle here so don't forget to order yes all of that all of that god said go if you want to get in my master class masterclass with melody.com honey we don't have a good conversation i appreciate it this was wonderful y'all have been wonderful thank you guys for all of your questions that you all submitted and i'm sure this isn't the last time no it's not i would love to do this with you again hopefully mid-season so we have a lot more to talk about but um more than anything just going through the comments people are truly inspired um by your business ventures because a lot of the questions were around like what can i order this are you doing a home business though home some scene bill they so funny go download her out i mean her single you get to hear it that way listen let's let's support that well thank you so much mel i appreciate you have a great night and we'll talk soon thank you bye
Channel: Lula Abera
Views: 2,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IX9f_spY15k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 42sec (4302 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 27 2022
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