UNLOCKED Full Episode: Love & Marriage: Huntsville Reunion, Pt 2 | Love & Marriage: Huntsville | OWN

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[Carlos King] Previously on the Love & Marriage Huntsville Reunion Special... Do you feel like you would still be married if it wasn't for this show? Yes. -Melody? -Absolutely not. One of the analogies you made was that Maurice could not take another person using the toothbrush. Are you able to answer that Kiuwha did something -in your marriage that was unforgivable? -Yes. When the pandemic happened, he was leaving the house. So, wait, wait. You were sleeping with the other woman? No, I wasn't. -How did she get pregnant? -Uh... -So you're saying Marsau-- -Whoa, hold up, hold up, hold up. [overlapping chatter] Hold on. Did Marsau call Melody to get drinks? -That's what Tisha wants to know. -Yes. I mean, I was trying to smooth everything out, -but he called her-- -Is that true, Marsau? No. Did you perform fellatio with, um, on a man? So I'm gonna be real specific, somebody performed it on me. You told me that you did it. I got the recording. [Carlos] If you would have met her before Melody, do you think you and this woman would be married? [whistles] This silence is deafening. No. Did y'all really have to give him the cue? Let him answer it. Well, I'm just saying, because... she likes you 'cause you have money. -You don't wanna answer it? Okay. -No. How does it feel to hear that the man who said that he wanted to spend the rest of your life with you-- I think it's bull [bleep]. At the end of the day, what I feel is that Martell couldn't leave either of us alone. That's what I would say. Because he was still there, and if I hadn't have left, he still would have been there. But how does it feel to hear that, -and I'm not gonna put words in your mouth-- -Thank you! And you can-- you can cuss me out and stop me if-- when I say this, 'cause if I'm wrong, I'm wrong. It seems to me that you were in love with two women at the same time. And... that you weren't enough for him to love all at-- all at once. I was enough. I would never have said that. I was definitely enough. Uh, Martell and I have had conversations, um, where he said, you know, that I'm everything. He's just, "It was just greed. I was just being greedy." -That's accurate. -Those are things he said. Did you-- did you think it was just sexual with her? Um, no because of the time. Like, I'm not naive to time. However, I believed in my husband and that he would do right and choose his family, choose me-- 'cause we were still... enjoying each other, vacations, having babies. Like, I ain't just pop four babies out and just-- you know, Jesus didn't come impregnate me. Um, I believed him. Martell can say things in a way to make you believe with everything in you-- [bleep] 'Cause I believed, too. -That it's the truth. -And I wanted it. And, so, I've never been a person to go in, checking phone records and doing all that. And so, when I found out and got the inclination in March and I pulled those phone records. Even at times when he would tell me that he wasn't talking, I would still see that. And I remember one time, his back was pulled. I'm taking care of him. He crawls up the steps and gets to another phone. I happened to walk upstairs to the bathroom, and he's on his knees, can't walk, pulling out another phone while I see his black phone sitting on the sink, and I'm like, "How you got another-- Oh, you got another phone?" Real talk. There was never a time where I was okay with my husband cheating on me. Ever. I was what many wives have been, which is, you find out your spouse is cheating, and you're hoping and believing in what they're telling you, which is "I'm done, it's over. I'm done, it's over." That's what it was. [Carlos] No, and I get that. And, listen, I do believe in my heart of hearts that you tried. I do believe that. And I could get judged for that, but I do believe you honestly tried. And I think, at the end of the day, you may not have been completely honest with yourself in terms of how connected you and this other woman was. So, my question for you is if this person is an "entire-meal restaurant," as you said, just what is his reason for seeing other people now? If this person is your everything, your whole restaurant, then you still ain't full, something ain't right. That means there's some internal whatever that is, whether it's insecurities, whether it's needing an ego stroke, sexual addiction, as you've mentioned, I don't know, but there is something. There's something deeper. Would you like to answer that? I mean, just because you seein' someone, doesn't mean that... you looking to marry a person. But dealing with our situation, that doesn't mean if I'm not gonna be with you, I'm not gonna be with her. -You know? -You always said if "I'm not with me, you ain't together, I damn sure ain't gonna be with her." You used to say that all the time. You sure did. So, Kimmi do you feel like Martell is a manipulator? I don't know, really, how to answer that. I think Melody said some of it poignantly, because when Martell has maybe said things to us untoward, when he apologizes, he's sincere, and we're like, "Thank you, Martell." -[Carlos] So he's the good guy. -I agree to a degree that he got feelings for this girl. -You do believe that. -Absolutely. I think he's guilty with those feelings for this girl. That's why it's hard to say I have feelings for this girl. Have you and Marsau ever been around Martell to see the feelings that he has for her? No. Yes. -[chuckles] -You have. So, Marsau, you've seen them together. -Yeah. -And when you been around them, what did you see? Um... It was never a... "Ooh, I got this chick. I'm about to, you know, get her." It was never that. I was a, um... someone that you knew right away, there was some kind of connection. When we seen her, we thought we were going on guys' trip. And she showed up out of nowhere. Believe it or not, this is kind of why, even when Mel got on to me about, um, "I thought you guys were brothers, you should've protected me." This is... kind of what we did. Trying to... let Martell know, "Man, this is-- No, she ain't it." Even their interaction. To me, Martell's a different guy when he's with her. -What type of guy is he? -I heard that from another male friend. -You heard that, too? -Mmm-hmm. What type of guy is he when he's with her? I'd probably say more aggressive. You know? Where did you see that at? 'Cause if anything, I know we all went at her. Ain't that shiesty to have somebody who's cheatin' on your wife with go out with your friends? Mutual friends. That's all, "Ooh." When you say we all went out, I didn't go out with you with her. No, we talked about this. We talked about this. She just pulled up one time. That was literally the only time we ever went out. But I have been out with, uh, him, and she's been around, you know. -And that's why-- -You mean he was out and about, and all? Because this was a big secret. Now, ain't nobody know. You mean he was out and about with her? No, no, no. Ain't no way-- This was after you knew he was doing something with her? Nobody knew. I put it out there. -I put it out there, didn't I? No. -You did put it out there. Hold on. So how long did y'all know about this? Probably a month and a half, two months Melody. So did you know know or did you speculate, because there's a lot of times when men and women are in the same environment, and you can look at how a woman talks to your husband. -You can look at how a woman touches your husband. -Yeah. And you can tell that there's an energy there that you maybe don't particularly care for. I didn't see them do anything, -but what I did-- -That's what I'm saying. So you didn't know know, but you could tell that the energy was there. ...this ain't that, you know. What do you mean by, "This ain't it"? -Like if your friend-- -He's talking about like a Honda and a Rolls-Royce That's what he's talking about. Yo, I got a degree from the same place, though. And see, and that's the disrespect-- [overlapping arguing] ...I don't want nobody disrespecting me like that, you know what I'm saying. ...but you disrespect me, who had four with you, and who was married to you for 20 years. And who was with you when you didn't have nothing. So here's the thing. [Carlos] Hold on, let me ask you this. You just heard Marsau say he met this woman before you ever found out about it. Tisha, as Melody's friend at the time, and Marsau being your husband, how do you feel knowing he was around this woman? Oh, I didn't like it at all. Because when he told me about it, I was like, "That's shady as [bleep]." You don't do that. 'Cause these are our friends. Just like I'd be upset if Maurice was around a girl Marsau was creepin' with, like, no, don't do that. And he didn't tell me about it. Yeah, but the difference is I didn't celebrate it. It was something where I said, "Hey, man, you're winning." So even after you say that, do you not just get in your car like, "Yeah, I'm not with this." And then you leave. And then, go, what, tell your wife? Tell your wife and tell Melody? No, that's not what we do. Nobody said that. I didn't say nothing like that. I'm saying if I'm focused and we're together, and I'm with this girl, and I see you with her... Yeah. I told you that's a bad idea, and I'm leaving. I'm not gonna sit there the rest of the night with them and hang out and play-- Let me ask you this. Maurice, what would you have done if you were there? I would've told Martell, "Hey, bro, this is not the way to go." Would you have left like your wife said? No, because I don't think-- I personally don't think that, leaving, you have influence. You actually have influence when you're there. Well, I think it's shady. I agree with Tisha on that. And I woulda did what you said. I would leave. If I was with my girlfriend and she was messing around on her husband, or whatever, I would tell her it's a bad idea, I'm not a part of this right here. He told you this story. Did you go back and tell Melody? When Mel found out about her, that's when I found out about it. And I asked Marsau, "Did you know anything about this?" And he told me about the guys' trip that they went to in Atlanta. She popped up at the scene where they was at. What? In Atlanta? So not just the Huntsville streets, but the Atlanta streets, too? What Huntsville streets is this? No, no, we never went out in Huntsville. Oh, it was in Atlanta? All right, well, look, we're just getting started. We have a lot more to go. We'll be right back. Coming up... Huntsville is [bleep] depressing for me. And I mean that. I hate being in Huntsville, and everybody in this room knows that I hate being in Huntsville. So we were married for almost two years. And where did things go wrong within those two years of that marriage? Did he cheat on you? So, Tiffany, how do you feel about what Marsau was saying? You know, everyone has an opinion, just like everyone has a [bleep]. Okay, well, don't show your [bleep] to me. All right, well, look, we're just getting started. We have a lot more to go. We'll be right back. [Marsau] That a wrap? [Maurice] That's lunch? Okay. [Melody] Oh, there's lunch? Carlos, we good now? I thought that was a tough segment. That was a tough segment. But we got through it. You know what I'm saying? Like, why are we making her relevant right now? I understand a couple of questions, 'cause we gotta discuss it, but the way this [bleep] has been disrespectful, it's a [bleep] horror. I guess we gotta take my phone up there next. [indistinct conversation] And that's why I don't [bleep] with him. 'Cause he's stupid. Ooh, Lord. My first issue is I have a problem sitting on a stage with someone who just makes things up. And my question is where is the proof? Call them up. You trying to put a side person on the level of your wife. Disrespectful. What's wrong with you? I'm the mother of four of your kids and was married to you for 12 years, with you for 14. Let me be clear. If I was out here, doing all this stuff, I'd be in the same boat you're in. But thank God I'm blessed in favor. You know why? Because obedience and disobedience are two different things, baby. [woman] Did he even apologize when you were out there? Girl, when people wanna know why I don't fool with him, why I can't just be cordial with him and do, because it's things like this that have been occurring for years. See all them pictures right there? These are all pictures this man has sent me this year randomly to my phone. The reason this is titled "This is why," because this is why he's misbehaving. -Because he ain't got this no more. -[woman] Right. My desire now... is for you to be able to have your kids -in a protective healthy environment. -Absolutely. And you're probably gonna have to file for primary custody. But they're not gonna give it to me, Mama. This system's not gonna give it to me, 'cause you have to prove he's unfit. -It's not fair for you-- -It's not fair. I know. That's my point. I think the system's jacked up. 'Cause they make women have to stay in environments. Huntsville is [bleep] depressing for me. And I mean that. I hate being in Huntsville, and everybody in this room knows that I hate being in Huntsville. I hate it. It's such a [bleep] dark shadow. And everybody in here has heard me talk about getting out of Huntsville, 'cause I hate being there. Babe, you know, God's gonna make a way. And the only reason I'm sitting here, 'cause I can't just get my kids and leave. But God's gonna work it out. You're gonna be able to get those kids and go wherever you want to go. God prepares us for things before he gives them to us, and we all know that. All right, hot stuff, let's touch you up. I'm about to be touched up. Let's get you something to eat. I don't want nothing to eat. [Kimmi] It was tough. [Maurice] Tough is an understatement. -I felt sorry for Mel. -I did, too. It took Martell a long time to answer that question about the possibility of what if. Way too long. Matter of fact, he never answered it. -That made it even worse. -Right. [Marsau] I tell you one thing, Carlos is not playing with that Martell sitting on that seat. -And that Mel. -[LaTisha] Mel's not happy about that. Did she say that to you? When we was walking out She was like, "The disrespect of Martell." She's like, "First of all, I'm your wife. I'm supposed to be held in a high regard. -You're not his wife. -Well, his ex-wife. -But still... -Well, see, I think the problem is that everyone had that issue that... they brought it up. He's so wishy-washy. One day, he like this, the next day, he like this. You just don't know what to get him. But, you know, I don't like that you and Marsau said y'all would stay and hang out with someone that you know is actively involved with like somebody, messing around. -And you think that being there makes you complicit. -Mmm-hmm. Okay. I think you have an influence on someone. Once you stay, you make a choice to participate. No, you don't, because you're not cheating. I've been around Martell and her. I didn't see their interactions. So, I didn't see the whole... The, "She makes me feel this way," or whatever, right? In that situation, I told Martell, "Bro, this is not it. This is not what you should be doing." But, going forward, I'm not leaving a party, because somebody is cheating. No, I'm not. So, do you come home and then call the person that's getting cheated on? No, you'll never hear me call somebody and say, "Hey, man," or "Hey, lady, your guy's cheating on you." I don't disagree, I'm not saying that you would. What I am saying is that you don't sit and be complicit in it, as far as finishing out the evening. Because, I wouldn't want the person that I'm friends with to think that I think this is okay. Even after the words come out of my mouth, your actions speak louder than words. I believe that actions speak louder than words as well. And I don't know how many phone calls I've had with Melody and Martell about their situation. Maurice, I don't disagree and that doesn't... If her method is-- That's my actions. I hear what you're saying and it doesn't change my opinion. Yeah, we're at a impasse. -[Marsau] Jesus... -What the hell was that you all... The ATL trip, like, wasn't Maurice there too? I don't remember if Maurice was there or not. Yeah, Maurice definitely was there. It was all of you guys. Y'all wanted a guys' trip, so I don't know why he would say no to that, not okay. I didn't remember seeing Rice. Now you one to lie. No, I'm just... Memory is a hard thing to come by today, just like... That Mel, she's something. How you gonna say you remember going down on somebody? -[knocking at door] -She's not on the level. Hey, guys, 10 minutes. -[LaTisha] Okay. -[Marsau] Oh, okay. Thank you. Are you Jessica Rabbit? Yeah, right. Oh, thanks. -[man 1] Round 2. -[woman] Who's next? Boom, boom, boom, boom. [man 2] All right, here we go, let's clear the set, please. Are you having fun? [all laughing] [woman] He said there's no food in the kitchen. [indistinct conversation] [woman] Hey, girl. [man] You can sit right here, girl. [man] Uh, quick fix on Carlos. We have an issue, fixing it real quick. In five, four... Welcome back to the Love & Marriage: Huntsville Reunion. And welcome Destiny. -Stand up, Destiny, gotta see the outfit. -Oh, Lord. [Carlos] Stand up, Destiny. Give the girl a twirl. [all laughing] Love it. I'm gonna have to give you a prayer cloth, that you can just... I don't need no prayer cloth, I'm single. These men aren't, though. -That's okay. -Wait a minute, they not looking? I'm looking and I don't like women, so... [Destiny] Listen. -I mean, you look good, Destiny. -Keep looking, Carlos. I mean, I'll go half on a baby. You could have told me that first. [announcer speaking] Can you share the reason why you were unable to really speak candidly about your divorce on camera? Have you been reading some of the social media comments that people have been saying about you? Uh, I was surprised I didn't jump off a bridge. Welcome back to the Love & Marriage: Huntsville Reunion. And welcome, Destiny. Let me tell y'all about Destiny. Destiny came on the scene as an excited newlywed and an opinionated friend. Right, so when things took a turn for the worse in her marriage, everybody was shocked, of course, leaving all of us wondering what really went down. Check it out. Being a new wife, I don't feel like men compromise as much as we do. -Right. -[Destiny] Even with the baby. I do most of the work, of course, I'm the mom. Oh, La'Berrick don't be helping with the baby? Sometimes, I feel like he's checked out. You taking my last name is very, very important to me. Why I wanted to keep my last name, because of my relationship with my mother and my brother that was murdered. That is my last connection to my family. And I did talk about this in counseling. I didn't tell you that I was officially divorced. It's kind of hard. Like, now I'm, like, maybe I should have told 'em what I was going through, because, it's, like, I'm in a different space and everybody's like, "Oh, my God. Are you okay?" And I'm, like, "Sis, I'm good, like, I'm good." It comes to us, to put the work in, you know what I'm saying? 'Cause did you put the work in to make yours? See, that's why your ass's getting a damn divorce right now... -Wow. -'Cause of your mouth. You know what I'm saying? And that's why Mel and I got a divorce, 'cause of her mouth. -Mmm-hmm. -Y'all too much alike. -Mmm-hmm. -That's what it is, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, we're just too much woman for y'all. The only thing that I hate is that we didn't get a chance to really be a family. -[all agreeing] -That's the only thing that gets me. [Destiny] Super bossy, like... Making that million-dollar deal on the phone while you're getting hair and makeup done all at the same time. This year has been crazy for you, and you're just still moving and shaking, -so, you know, I support that. -Yeah, 'cause nobody care about your sad story. -Right, gotta keep grinding. -You gotta keep on working hard. -Well. -[Carlos] There you go, Destiny. I mean, thank you for turning it around 'cause them waterworks was about to start. I wanna keep my lashes on. [all laughing] Well, a lot of questions have poured in about you and La'Berrick. None of us could prepare ourselves to hear that you were divorced. So can you tell us what happened? As much as I wanted the relationship to work, I feel like... We were together for a long time. And then when we were finally in the same state and living together, and then we had a baby, and then COVID hit... It was just a lot. One of the things that the audience saw was your reluctance in talking about your divorce. Can you share the reason why you were unable to really speak candidly about your divorce on camera? Well, initially I was fighting for my marriage, so I didn't wanna speak about it when we were in bad places because I didn't know where it was going. [Carlos] Is that something that La'Berrick requested? La'Berrick didn't put anything on me. I chose to not speak about it. Okay. For the sake of Law. Before you got married, how long were you and La'Berrick together? We were together for five and a half years before we got married. So we would have... we were married for almost two years. And where did things go wrong within those two years of that marriage? -DId he cheat on you? -No. Okay. Were you unfaithful? -No. [giggles] -Okay. We had breaks. [laughing] [all laughing] I won't get down that timeline, 'cause we'll be here for another day-- -[Destiny] Well, listen, I know that's a man's answer. -[Carlos] But now, so... ...Martell. Obviously, when you went to go see Destiny at her store, she was expressing... the dissolution of your relationship with Melody. And you felt that she was too outspoken and that's one thing her and Melody had in common. You made a comment that... "That's why La'Berrick's divorcing you." "You two are too outspoken and men don't like that." "That's why your ass is going through..." -Okay, well, now we're doing emojis. So-- -[laughing] -[Carlos] "That's the reason why..." -[Destiny] Pass it down. -"That's the reason why you're also getting a divorce." -Why's that... Ahem. Why's that such a... Why's it a clown face, though? Just curious. Because for you to say that... "The reason you're going through a divorce hence me and Melody also divorced is y'all's mouth, y'all talk too much--" A man, uh, a man don't want a mouthy woman. -[Melody] I meant, and a woman wants a-- -Um, they try to overpower a man at certain times, you know what I'm talking about? And I would agree, Destiny, when you say that, as women, we want respectful men... -Oh, totally. -...who cherish and honor us and treat us delicate... -Oh, I... I agree with that. -...like the... Oh, okay. What has La'Berrick said to you about the reason why... 'Cause he filed for divorce? He did. Three weeks after I had my son. Wait. Three weeks after you gave birth to Law, La'Berrick filed for divorce. [narrator reading] We can't go back and say, "Childish," because that, to me, that door's gonna swing both ways. -Absolutely. I take... -That says, "I allow someone--" Yeah. I own my part in all of it. You should have had that energy when he said it the first time. Are there things that you guys know about Tiffany and Louis that they have neglected to share on camera? -100% -[both] Yes. Yes. What has La'Berrick said to you about the reason why... -'Cause he filed for divorce? -He did. Three weeks after I had my son. Wait. Three weeks after you gave birth to Law, La'Berrick filed for divorce. -Did you know that? -No. We saw in the clips that he was very adamant about you taking on his last name... -Mmm-hmm. -...and he didn't wanna hyphenate it. So was this a build-up of him feeling like, as his wife, you should have taken his last name? [Destiny] We had already talked about it. And then when it came to... really doing it, it was always a issue. Like, he was always... "Well, you have to take my whole name--" What... What is that with men? I'm just asking, I promise. I'm sorry, Carlos. -Oh, no. Go ahead. -It's yours, this show. I'm just wondering. -[all speaking indistinctly] -[Destiny] Marsau and I had that conversation. I think that a lot of this stuff stems from, um, men wanna leave a legacy, you know? And... and have their name on things and so that... You know, we start seeing the stories of the greatest people, and they all have names, and the names have lived down through history. [Kimmi] You just have to know what your deal breakers are. Is, he wouldn't have married me if I was not gonna take his name. -Right. -[Kimmi] I mean, that's just a simple fact. If you don't want to marry me, then don't take my name and we won't get married. You see what I'm saying? To some people, it's that much of a deal breaker. -[Marsau] Yeah. -And legacy is that much of a deal breaker. When I had Jaylin, I didn't name Jaylin after his dad. Hence, my dad actually was brought to tears -because Jaylin will carry on the Grant name. -[Carlos] Mmm. So he called me 'cause he was proud that Jaylin was a Grant. -You see what I'm saying? It's meaningful. -Yeah. -It's meaningful, it's legacy. -[Kimmi] It's extremely meaningful. At the end of the day, I don't fault anybody for getting a divorce or staying together. You decided that this is more important to me than a marriage, and you made that decision. And we can't, I mean, we can't go back and say it's childish because that, to me, that door is gonna swing both ways. Absolutely, I take... I own my part in all of it. You should've had that energy when... -When he said it the first time. -When he said what? If this guy says, "Hey, I'mma leave you if this don't happen." He didn't say that. All right, well, I mean, I guess I'm just throwing things out there -that could've been. -Yeah, you did, you making up stuff again. [Marsau] Okay, well, I told you you got that little... You're not a man, but you got that little thing on you. I do, it's a big one. -[Marsau] It's probably little. -[Kimmi] She said it's big. -Listen, can I say this on my own? -She said it was big. -[Marsau] It's a little thing. -I give big D energy. -You give little D energy. -[Martell] BDE. She's like a beta man and I give her that. Where's the man that can bring a woman out of me? -[Carlos] Ooh! -Well, um... -That's not my thing, I'm married. -[all laughing] [Marsau] Okay, I'm gonna leave it at that. [Carlos] Well, there you go. How is your relationship like now with La'Berrick? [sighs] Um, he's my biggest fan, I guess. We have our good days and bad. Like, I have been open to co-parenting in the way that he wants to co-parent. Let him be in my space even after the divorce. Let him come over and spend time with his son. And I'm in the home cooking and washing clothes, I'll let him come over and cook a meal. So are you dating now? Are you seeing anybody exclusively? I am not. No. I wanted a hot girl summer, but COVID has kept it really lukewarm for me. -[all laughing] -[Carlos] Oh. Well, Maurice and Kimmi is next to you, -so, you know, there's always opportunities... -[all exclaiming] Destiny not about to take my girl. [all laughing] That BDE! -Kimmi got a lot to handle, baby. -Listen. -[Carlos] Y'all, though, listen... -But I am open to dating. -Absolutely. -Listen, me, too. I'm like, come again now? [all laughing] -So are you open to Jaylin? What are we open to? -[Destiny] Listen. [all exclaiming] -Close your mouth, Melody Holt. -[all laughing] Would you like to date Jaylin? I wouldn't do that to him or Kimmi. -Do what to him? -Do what? He's a grown man, girl. -BDE. -[all laughing] [Marsau] That's fair. That's fair. Please, it's been a year or two, I'll hurt that little boy. But no, but listen, I know that was hard for you to talk about, so I appreciate you being honest and candid. And at the end of the day, it is your destiny to be on this show. -[Destiny] Aw. -And I thank you for continuing. Thank you. I thank you. [laughs] [Carlos] No worries. All right, so next, there's a new couple in town. -And their names are Tiffany and Louis Whitlow. -[woman laughing] It's safe to say that these two ruffled a few feathers on their arrival, but they also brought a new perspective to these seasoned couples. We'll hear more from them after the break. [all laughing] [Carlos reading] I don't think that you're qualified to even give advice. There's certain things in front of your face that you don't see. And there's some things I do see. Yeah, but you don't acknowledge. We're back with the Love & Marriage: Huntsville Reunion. Lovebirds Louis and Tiffany Whitlow stepped on the scene as newlyweds. Giving us a fresh look at happiness and transparency. [all laughing] Let's check it out. [Tiffany] We're gonna be newlyweds forever. We're gonna love hard, we're gonna work hard. So how are you liking your haircut? [David speaking] As a mom, you wanna be there for all of the firsts. I just hate missing moments. Hopefully through being transparent, other people will know that they can do the same thing. Monster's gonna keep playing as long as they yell, "Monster!" Wait, hold up, I'm trying to recall, was he vaping in the bathroom or something? I definitely feel like I need to talk to Tiffany about bringing up the issue with Monster vaping. You brought up something about my son. I think that it was not right. I really felt blindsided. -I was headed to the bar to get a drink. -[Tiffany laughs] "Can we talk?" "No, let me get a shot first." -I'm glad that shot didn't happen. -[laughs] That [bleep] could've been totally different with a little liquor in my system. Drag his ass up out of there. There ain't nobody [bleep], all right? Ain't nobody get shot, ain't nobody get stabbed, it's a [bleep] situation. When I first met T, let me tell you something, the woman owns the world. And in the last year or so, the first time I ever see her doubt herself about anything. A wife without confidence is a true liability. -What? A liability? -She definitely might see a problem where a problem may not exist. -While they were playing basketball... -[LaTisha] Mmm-hmm. He wondered if maybe you weren't confident in who you are. We're gonna need to limit the pillow talk. I don't need to be hearing stuff from my wife that I told y'all. -[all laughing] -And I'm still just talking to the newbies. Yeah, but are you... Maybe you should communicate openly with your wife? I'm kind of talking to Louis right now. And maybe that's why Tisha and Marsau's marriage isn't that great. They don't talk to each other about little issues or important issues. -Welcome, Tiffany and Louis to the show. -[all clapping] -Thank you. -Were you a fan of the show before you two joined? -Yeah. -Yeah, yeah. Well, what's interesting is you made a lasting impression, Tiffany, on the audience. Some may consider a bad impression. One of the dark sides of social media is people really try to take you down. A lot of people have petitioned for you to be fired off the show. A lot of people have labelled you messy, triflin', rude. Have you been reading some of the social media comments that people have been saying about you? I have heard some comments. If they're saying it about you, you're doing a hell of a great job. -[Tiffany laughs] -FYI. All jokes aside, like, how are you handling that? Um, the first week was really hard. I think that people, they wanted to see, you know, what Martell and Mel were up to and what 'Tisha was up to. I mean, they were like, who are these people and what are they doing? And it was so many people at one... It wasn't 2,000 people. [laughs] We're talking about hundreds of thousands of people. Uh, I was surprised I didn't jump off a bridge. The Love & Marriage: Huntsville audience do not like change. When Destiny first came on, they read Destiny for filth. They read Siddharth for filth, called them corny. It takes time for people to like you, but you being this woman's husband, having to see your wife deal with this pain. Did you have any regrets in that moment? No, it wasn't a regret. We knew what we were signing up for. We knew that everybody has an opinion. Somebody's always gonna have something to say and at the end of the day whether they're talking about you negatively or positively, um, your name is coming out of their mouth. So, 'Tisha, you... ...feel like you don't see the real Louis and Tiffany. Why is that? When I talk to Tiffany I'm not getting any real meat. You know, give me some information. "You could ask me questions." I'm like, "I don't know you to ask you questions. I don't know what to ask of you." "So you've been married before so what happened in that marriage?" She's like, "Oh, you know, well, I cheated," you know, I'm like, "You cheated on your high school boyfriend. That is totally different than your husband." She's laying out what she want us to see of her but not real tea. -Not real information. -We know when we see something fake. So you feel like they're BS-ing y'all, too? -Yes. They're BS-ing the world. -Absolutely. -[all laughing] -Oh, so you feel like Louis and Tiffany are BS-ing the world -with their picture perfect marriage? -Yes. Tiffany, they feel like you're not being transparent and you're bull [bleep] the audience. So first of all, um, 'Tisha wanting to get to know me and saying "Give me the tea," in normal life and business that is not how relationships work. Well, any information. I don't know anything about you guys. What it seems is it... The way that y'all are speaking, sometimes it comes across as rehearsed. And it seems like it's not like, where's the real y'all? -It's just surface. Yeah. -Like, it's surface. It's not like they've been around for a long time either. Y'all beatin' them up like they've been here for three years and we don't know [bleep] about them. But they got opinions, though. Like they've been here for three years. -It doesn't matter. -[overlapping chatter] It matters if they're giving opinions. [Kimmi] This is where I think the dividing line comes in. When you talk about transparency and those kinda things, for me, in my dictionary, it means I'm trying to be transparent about me. Like when we talked about Monster, the first encounter was you telling us about us. When you looked at that scene and how it was brought up, what was your first reaction to that? [clears throat] First reaction was, why are we talking about children? Why are we even talking about this? I mean, it didn't have a place in the conversation. It just seemed like it was abrupt [snaps fingers] and, "Hey, I got some dirt, let me talk about your kid." This is something we don't do. [dramatic music playing] When you looked at that scene what was your first reaction to that? [clears throat] First reaction was, why are we talking about children? It just seemed like, [snaps fingers] "Hey, I got some dirt, let me talk about your kid." This is something we don't do. I was extremely caught off-guard by the conversation. Which is probably a good thing. 'Cause our relation-- We probably would've started off way worse if I really had my wits about me and I wasn't caught off. Yeah, that's how I feel about Mel's wantin' to talk about my daughter. -That's my whole point. I don't disagree. And listen-- -And listen, -none of us condoned it. -And none of us condoned it. -But, Martell, here's where my other issue comes in. -Where you got it all. Because like at the table, like Mel, none nobody said, "Oh, let's not talk about that." That the focus instantly turned to, "Oh, Kimmi, you didn't know?" Nobody was like, 'cause nobody didn't like that. -No. -I didn't think that was right either. -Children don't come out your mouth. -100%. So you felt like Melody, being a mother, should have defended you or said something to Tiffany in that moment? -I think so. -I think all of us... I think all of us were surprised. And be-- I didn't say much in that moment because I was stunned. Did you know this information prior to Tiffany saying it on the show? Had never heard it. I was shocked too. You know, I didn't like seeing the grass scene. I was like, "Bro, take the shot." 'Cause what we gonna do is that whole Scott DNA. We gonna be up in there, we'll toss it around and get it figured out. What's that shot gonna do? That shot's not gonna do nothing. So you thought he was selling wolf tickets in the scene? Yeah! Because you was in the moment and in the moment everything's like, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, we're good, we're good, we're good." But then when you get at the house, "He lucky I ain't get that shot." And I was like-- -What did you mean by that when you... -Hmm. [Louis] The conversation would have been very different from the perspective of me not being in tune to a very serious conversation. -It would've been very different. -Different how? It would've been different in the perspective of, okay, I get it, just like I said, nobody got shot, nobody got stabbed, nobody was hurt. I understand the perspective of kids and we talked about that. The apologies has been sent from that perspective. But that's where my problem comes in 'cause it was an apology and then behind the apology is the "but for" and the back pedal. To clear it up, the but is out. It's a straight apology bottom-line. We don't play about kids. There's no in-betweens on that one. Are there things that you guys know about Tiffany and Louis -that they have neglected to share on camera? -100%. -[both] Yes. -Yes! -[all laughing] -Damn! I think when opportunities arise to be transparent, y'all have kinda brushed them under the rug a little bit. I heard Tiffany got fired from the chamber. [dramatic music playing] Did you get fired from the chamber? No. I feel like I heard it from a really valid source of a person who's still at the chamber. You think Tiffany's lying right now? I feel like there's a conversation of transparency there. Melody, you've been friends with Tiffany for seven years, do you agree that Tiffany does not come across transparent? [Melody] When it comes to her transparency, -I've known Tiffany in a business setting. -Mmm-hmm. Right. So her personal business, I'm not really privy to because I've known her as a business woman. -The business woman. You know what I mean? -Yeah. Same functions, same events. So you're saying you have no opinion on whether you feel like she's being transparent or not? -Have you heard things? -Is that your answer? I have been around and heard people asking her stuff and her answering them. This is my point. If you don't want to, stop acting like you're so transparent and everybody else is not. That's my only issue. -That's my issue. -That's my only issue. You're not transparent. You're not transparent. None of y'all have been transparent. -If y'all want to be real. -And I don't claim to be transparent. But here's the thing, though, man. -It's like y'all confusing what the word means. -You didn't say it, -it's implied. -Transparency ain't, "I'm transparent, ask me a question." That's called honesty. Transparent means that you can see through me. So we shouldn't have to ask you. It's coming out. [Carlos] Marsau, when you look at Louis and Tiffany, do you see a successful marriage? Well... [clears throat] I think that you got off to a great start and so did everybody. You know it's easy to celebrate that first year. [stammers] This doesn't take commitment. Matter of fact, you'd be embarrassed to get divorced in the first year. -[coughs] -You know? You almost made it to two. -[laughs] -[Marsau] Wait, wait, wait, wait. [stammers] So this is the "I can't give up now" stage. My thing is that, you know, I don't like how opinionated they are... -You don't. -...about something with they have such little experience in. I know that having a long marriage is more than reading a book on love and reciting it to me. You guys have not shared right now beside you getting your son's haircut, um, and not, her not knowing. Which is nothing. Um, you guys haven't shown [bleep] -besides expertise. -What does that have to do with anything? I'm saying you guys haven't shown any expertise. You saying transparency but you haven't shown expertise. What is expertise in marriage? I'm saying that you're not even an expert. I don't think that you're qualified to even give advice. Unless you're giving advice to someone that's not married. And that's still your opinion. You guys right now, to me, are the ideal couple. Wait till year two. I'mma need you to have some success under your belt. And I would like to see what you guys do with all this knowledge -after you hit that road. -Just sit back and watch. And to me, that-- I will. [stammers] And I'm not thinking, I'm not hoping for anything bad. All I'm saying is that right now we're just like, -you know, a kid that's happy to be married. -That sounds good. This ain't my first time around, though. That's all I can say. I don't mean this in any kind of disrespect. You guys been married for 11 months and the previous ones failed. I was married for five years and we got a divorce and what you do take from a divorce is wisdom. I can still give you valid advice that will help your relationship right now. -It's up to you to-- -So can anybody, so can my son. -[Louis] Of course, he can. -[Marsau] Getting a divorce doesn't make you an expert in marriage, it makes you an expert in divorce. -No, it does not. -It makes you... -An expert... -No, not necessarily. It makes you realize what you [bleep] up on. -You learn things. -No, you don't. -Yes, you do. -That, to me, is like someone say I lost seven games and so now I know how to win. You can realize what you messed up on a marriage -inside of that same marriage. -[Louis] Can you really? -Yes. -'Cause there's certain things that's in front of your face -that you don't see. -And there's certain things I do see. Yeah, but you don't acknowledge. So, Tiffany, how do you feel about what Marsau was saying? You know, everyone has an opinion just like everyone has an [bleep]. Pow, pow! Pow! Okay, well, don't share your [bleep] with me. [all laughing] I listen to other people's [bleep] opinions. I don't listen to people's [bleep]. There's something about the new people in the group. Every time they come to the group they have to give me and Marsau advice. And we've been married the longest. I'm like, put some [bleep] respect on our marriage. Oh, woo! [Carlos] Next, on the Love & Marriage: Huntsville Reunion Special. It's just crazy how judgmental you are. [scoffs] Miss Opinionated thinks I'm judgmental. Yeah. I don't understand why the [bleep] you're so snappy. Destiny, what is your friendship like with Melody now? I haven't spoken to Melody since we wrapped. I have to have my own time. 'Tisha, yes, that's what I said. I don't think you know how to be a real friend, Mel. I go hard for my friends. -Pipe down. -Don't talk to me like that. You felt like you go hard for Kimmi and Kimmi doesn't go hard for you? That's a lie. She does not go hard. When have I not went hard for you, Kimmi? -When have you, 'Tisha? -Oh! Do your kids know about your other son? Melody told them. And I told my children that you had a child whenever we pulled up while you were there with your baby mama and your child, my kids was crying and I had to calm them down. Why did you drive over there? That's pathetic right there. Now you're pathetic because here's the thing. I don't have to protect your lie. What made you think Melody will listen to anything you have to say? But you think she'll listen to you? You're just saying stuff to hear yourself talk.
Channel: OWN
Views: 334,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Oprah, Oprah Winfrey, Oprah Winfrey Network YouTube, Oprah Where Are They Now, Where Are They Now Oprah, Iyanla Fix My Life, full episodes, Super Soul Sunday, Oprah Winfrey Show, The Haves and The Have Nots, Have and Have Nots, If Loving You Is Wrong, Iyanla Vanzant, Livin Lozada, Oprah Life Class, how-to, season, episode
Id: OeZCJ-foy-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 44sec (2504 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2022
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