Melissa McCarthy on Super Creepy Date & The Little Mermaid

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[Applause] thanks for having me are you worried about the squirrel at all is this anything that concerns you I'll tell you I heartily a.m. because my dad traps squirrels in his yard and now he's got a buddy he just keeps calling them buddy and I'm like oh my god they trap squirrels put them in their car take them to a park and release them and I'm like that's a bad old man thing to do no it's not it's not they're ripping up my roof the river on my roofline I'm like at 40 50 60 maybe even 70 were you trapping squirrels like not the point they're ripping up my roof I'm like stop trapping squirrels so now it's gonna get loose from the car down oh yeah and then you're gonna you're gonna have to answer some questions can I tell you something I know it's just a squirrel but if I was driving a car and a squirrel got loose in the car I'd if there was a bridge I Drive off of it if there's a mountain every 70 show when there's just suddenly [Laughter] like oh no I guess I have to deal with this when I stop I'd be like my wife and I went to Africa once and we I read before we went that the monkeys will get it will well like get into your car no matter what so you can't leave any kind of like the window down even a little bit because they'll stick their monkey things in there and I was so terrified of this that I packed a baseball bat to carry in the car with me in case the monkeys in case the monkeys attack yeah that's right and I was mocked for this do you want my dad you watch The Bachelorette are you a fan of this show I respectfully and lovingly have only seen it I want to say three times times I was corralled by a group of people that really watch it like fanatical sports people and then and I didn't it was like I don't think it's for me but I came in I'd watched it one time on my own and I didn't know exactly what I was watching and I was like oh is this I think this is that show and I've never quite seen it and this grows sobbing sobbing and talking to this guy and it was like oh my god they must live together for years this is like it's hard and I really was like my god wrenching now they're ripping on my part I didn't know how long they'd been together and she literally choked out when I met you earlier tonight what's the worst thing you ever went on before he got married or after I don't know last night I had a wonderful oh oh yeah I how do i how they censor this oh okay I went on a date with someone and we'd met at like a rap party the night before it may have had several drinks I thought he was wonderful he picked me up at my apartment and I was like oh you know I thought we he didn't have any plan of place to go a time ago there's a cute place down the block we could walk there and we get in there and he's like looking we're looking at like a happy time menu and he's like a happy hour menu and he's like oh boy $6 for a chicken sandwich six hours for chicken sandwich I can make a chicken sandwich in my house for like two - doubt like a dollar 75 but the $6 for a sandwich and I was like okay well it's only six dollars you just have to have the chicken see I mean because if I make it at home I can get the bread I can get the chicken and I'm like yes you you chasm is a standing rule you can make cheaper food at home this is a bar and somebody's got to make money and it's only six dollars time I was working like three jobs I had probably 28 dollars in my bank account and I was like if you stop talking about it I'll pick up the check oh really I'm talking about he's like and then it's a came two drinks he's like oh man drink of me you buy tonic you go to the store you put some vodka and I was like and at this point I'm just like and we so we go home this is still the high point of the day oh they all really go so far I'm like maybe [Laughter] [Applause] for a while block from my husband we get back to my apartment it's not been going well it's just constant talk of money even though I'm paying we get back and I'm the walk like as we approach my building he's like so and he's got a backpack he's like so I got this thing in my bag and I was like oh god is it like a club are you gonna hit me like what what's going on he's like I got it from this guy at work it's like a um you know it's this thing it's in my bag and well it's the ring and I was like what I'll just say it's not a ring for your finger he's got it from this friend you know how much those cause and I was just like and then he was like so I can show it I was like I need you to keep that backpack but if it had your back you are never seeing the inside of my apartment this is going terribly in thanks Oh went up the stairs Wow I met Ben and I was like sweet Ben Falcone and I was like I don't care if you hate me you're not going anywhere Melissa McCarthy is here her new movies called the kitchen we'll be right back hey Smurfs you didn't Jennifer sell in the building they got picked up early do you already should I call it hello hello this is Brandon Alfonso Caretti credit into that again for my children that is Melissa McCarthy it's this is a movie gangster movie you play a gangster and you're really good in this movie it's interesting to me when we know you for being funny and that's like I know it shouldn't be a surprise like oh oh she can do this up to heart of darkness the movie I don't want to while you explain the movie it's based on a graphic novel a DC Comics no DC comic it's Hell's Kitchen 1970s which was a really really rough place I think I didn't you know I was just a kid in the 70s in New York and it see is that really what else was like it was it's like graffiti and just garbage everywhere and really it's like it was not safe it just kind of was this the cops didn't didn't interfere in things it was just run by like Irish mob and it was just really really a dicey scary place and you guys had to go and make it filthy and disgusting again yes yes it was kind of fantastic because we would just destroy these blocks that are now completely like you know it's like a Starbucks and this the VAT and we would come in and just destroy it and there's like hookers Elena over all over the place of garbage and people fighting and then somebody and it was always somebody on their phone so it was kind of enjoyable who's like all dressed up and like coming around the corner that wouldn't listen to the person that's like hang on hang on we're filming and then you'd see them come around the corner [Laughter] like linkedin then we'd you know yell at them like we're just filming everything will be fine that's a nice little prank oh my god it kind it happened like four times like pretty severely and they were so freaked out that it like took a minute to be like hey hey we're talking to you everything's fine yeah really just looking at a hooker there's a guy with a knife and they just be like freaking out it's a great castus the central three characters you Elizabeth moss and Tiffany Haddish which Melissa the moth does a lot of serious stuff but she's very funny obviously so funny I don't know what I expected I mean I thought she'd come in in like a cloak reading Chaucer and then Tiffany is ridiculous like oh my god there is literally whatever chip the filter is in is gone yeah was she yelling it somebody walk by across the street and she's like are you single Tiffany Haddish you can't just don't shout your number out maybe you're gonna fix her up with that guy you had the date with the backpack in the whole thing you are in addition to this you I've read that you are going to be part of the live-action remake of The Little Mermaid The Little Mermaid the Disney really yes yes they from time to time Disney will take a cartoon and they make it into a real thing I hadn't heard about you had heard that really seems like it seems like it would be an awfully fun thing to do love Disney gave me a little ringy-dingy oh yeah and that would be a fun thing though huh Ursula the yeah it would be very wonder it would be your daughter's get excited about you being in a movie like that is that something that I mean something for them yeah I mean ever I feel like everybody has watched that i weirdly watched that movie I was in nanny when that first came out and one of the little girls I was watching we watched it every single night for about a year and a half I know I'm not cheating at all I wouldn't know it I know it I like know it to mykola and i weirdly still love it so I think I think that might have been the one if it happens they were like really yeah man also I think there's just a little whisper of like Oh God don't embarrass me oh yeah right well the kids always have that right yeah it's just kind of starting where I'm like I'm fun oh really and they're like I'm just starting to get a little stretchy from my oldest one like she's always doing she's always doing this dance show how he murdered me for this but she's always doing this dance and then I was with a little kid and he started doing it and I was like oh my daughter does that dance he goes you mean orange justice which I was like that's first of all the best name of a dance for anything I've ever heard I was like is it really called orange justice and it is yeah I'm so there's I was doing it with him and that I showed my daughter the video and she was just like I don't know what you think you're doing but it's not like Jerry said I was really good at words just as she was Jerry sex we're about done like astronauts dress yeah well it's great to see you the movie it's called the kitchen it opens all his life Melissa McCarthy if you like that video click the subscribe button but only if you're ready for commitment
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 1,907,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, melissa mccarthy, the kitchen, the little mermaid, ursula, elisabeth moss, tiffany haddish
Id: CTRHNRcr06g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2019
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