MELEE Hunter PvE DPS Build Phase 3 Guide - World of Warcraft

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yo what's good everybody today I'm going to talk about my melee Hunter phase 3 what build I'm running with about the itemization rotation all the stuff I did run my first ra Sunan Temple yesterday and I'm going to run another one tomorrow because it's a reset so if you guys want to check it out I'm going to be streaming it as well on Twitch which will be in the pin comment section overall melee Hunter seems to be the highest one of the highest DPS right now um Warriors might be a bit better but as you can see the numbers are absolutely crazy I am in Beast Mastery I do have a cat as a pet now there is a debuff from offand fist weapon that's a epic weapon from this raid drops from the last bus sorry it drops from fifth bus I think if you have that debuff in the raid you could probably run serpent because serpent has plus two levels to lightning breath compared to last phase so that could be that might be better than the cat but the new Rune Raptor fury on WR I can see them nerfing a little bit because the damage is really high but then on the other hand though you know might they would have to Nerf other builds like Warriors and whatnot and also main Warrior I did a build for gladi stance you can check it out right there right up top in the corner but anyways this rid I did not have all the consumables I do not have the food buff the squid then agility I do not have elixir of mongus which is another 2% crit chance so I'm missing that one and yeah I did have sappers but yeah I did have full previous I would say for this raid I was running 6% hit cap even though my hit was or crit wasn't that high like compared to my boy it feels like I was cring every time it's really crazy now if you get procs for Raptor at all when it when it comes down to a warrior sorry to a hunter it's all about the Raptor procs if you get good procs for rapt the strike you know just to pump big damage but same goes to every melee with all strike procs and crit chance procs but it's just to show guys like fifth four fourth boss sixth boss I don't even remember I can remember what the what the what the uh number is of the bosses but the world Buffs we are running the sun Temple World buff since they nerve The Raid and everyone can clear it now I'm a big fan of the difficulty I really like the raid my favorite so far I like season of Discovery started with this phase three we running DMF which is the 10% damage buff from dark moonfare then we have sunflower which is great chance and all stats goes really well with the heart of the Lion now when it comes to Rune on the chest if you have second hunter in the raid you probably are better off running master uh Marksman Marksman rune for 5% great chance on the chest speed but I kind of like stacking the stats now Hunter May might seem very strong at this a at this phase but early on but later on when people get full gear and bis Hunters don't scale really good with gear compared to once again like Warriors they scale in insanely well with gear so we're going to fall behind I would same damage it will still be one of the best but yeah Rogues are making their appearance on the damage meter as well since they fixed the Rune honor among Thieves and it looks pretty interesting but yeah this is just a little Showcase of the basses in the raid how was it 2K rap right there it's wild crazy can imagine full bit with the weapons I mean the fist weapons and I'm going to take you in the game I did manage to get these logs for my first run now you can see that we died on the last three basses I did not have V Buffs I didn't have anything and yeah once again I was missing the food food buff I was missing the potion of mongus which is at% crit chance and that does quite a lot so going to take you in the game talk about the talents now we are running the full Beast Mastery all the way to beastial wrath you want to use this on the opener I'm going to talk about rotation in in a second actually so the classic damage uh and health here sorry armor and health here for the pet we go with damage crit chance we go for the uh stun which is good for PVP but we want to unlock we still R here freny for attack speed we go for some more Focus regeneration on the pet as well as the heal and last points we move into Savage strikes because raptor is our main ability you can forget about mongus bite it's a totally useless ability here but main support is for Raptor strike the crit chance so yeah that's why I was critting so so often but even on flanking the crates on flanking also pretty sick human slang Works in PvP monster slang this is Dragon K which is sun contemple and you going to have like three or two free points you can put them wherever you want I put them in Beast swiftness here and I also put it in pathfinding for you know when you could really there there was a lot of running in the raid so if you pop this it's really good it's a lot of trash mops as well in the raid so this was the setup talk about the gear now now I have the most of the stuff is from phase two but we have the letter working phase two headpiece for hit chance and weapon de damage it should the one weapon damage is about 14 attack power something like that depends like how much AP you have amet here is from the gomon lasos shoulders ahead was from gomeran in the footage I did not have these ones are the new ones epic craft ones they're insane freaking shoulders and paranoia they're both seem about the same up to you I like the stamina here because I would like to run PVP so that's what I like but M shoulders do give you intellect instead of stamina so it will be good if you have long kill times and right it will be good with your sustain for Mana but the shoulders ahead normag gun first boss Gris are right here I had these in the raid truck Slayer pold Dron so yeah cloak STV level 40 crit chance you should be getting the one from BRD that one gives you Ag and strength let me see if I can quickly find it I'm not sure if they updated it for if this updated here it is interrogator oh what am I doing this BFD where is that bad boy real quick BRD High interrogator right here Blackwell Cape you should get this one for sure I still need to farm it on both characters it's pretty bad drop right triple set piece electrom Mantic this is phase two gomun once again great chance with the item attack power set piece and the hit chance on the boot on the pants the boots are really bad just agility and intellect really bad you probably run something else like like FF reir from arathi Basin reputation or the C cook boots from crocodile marodon or the from a rare rare up from zul far that's also probably that was that would be the best previous wor here from Warson reputation now there is a better pair that you get from domun sorry that you get from engineering you can craft those they will give you one more agility than these but it's pretty expensive right now gloves here in the footage I was running white touch letter gloves now with these new shoulders that give you hit chance I'm going to run these gloves where are they right here Pathfinder these come from a quest in Winter Spring I did yesterday with boys from The Guild it starts here it's called winterfall activity so you want to get this Quest and kill the uh K the mobs right here the Bel engineering pH two hit chance crit chance on use is pretty good if you can make the Gamba 50/50 the crit chance the set pieces are shown here are the Rings this is Reed from warung reputation and Blackstone ring for hit chance from marodon from the princess now you can get the same one for 12 wild off Rings which is a quest line you can unlock a rune from that I believe it was called Lock and Load the Rune from the quest line so it's 1% hit trinket from BFD still this one but I would like to use the one from the quest if it's called it's a class Quest from Hunter you got to kill more fast there are a series of quests you you have to do to uh to get here but this is the trinket only 2 minute cool down for 20 seconds 150 AP and chance to wait by 2% it is pretty insane pretty mental so I'm going to be using that one and last one is breath of the Beast another offering trinket this one is also 12 offerings great chance hit chance amazing stuff you want this one the bow here I'm still running from level 40 STV you should get the one from this pH level 50 bow because that one gives you 75 strength and not 50 so I need to farm it until tomorrow's raid hopefully protect the sword in Avent you want slow weapons this is from the rep reputation revered and thrash blade this is extra attack like wild strikes or wind Fury so you want to get that one and the ener upgrade to this one could be rip splitter X which is B equip a Boe it's super expensive though you should get the one with it's called Tiger Tiger because that gives you strength agility and it has also attack power so it's also pretty good but thres blade is you know it's it's it's free you just kill you just have to kill princess in marodon and that's uh how you get it this was the setup of the year I'm going to talk about the runes on the head piece we get the new one get get like reflexes for flanking strike reduction by 50% cool down reduction the chance to dodge is also pretty good sometimes you do so much damage you will rip Agro depending on what tank is in the raid so this does not sound bad right this sounds pretty good also good for PVP art of the lion is a chest piece if you have secondary Hunter who runs this you can probably run Master Marksman for 5% crit chance on the waist straightforward melee specialist for Raptor strike cool down on the pant we go flanking strike it's another melee ability that Buffs Raptor strike and Boots we have dual wield spec for damage increase from aand r is the new Rune Raptor Fury every time you Raptor strike you're going to get damage increase for enter Raptor strike so if you get lucky on procs on the recet procs from melee specialist you will get five stacks of this one and he will hit like a goddamn truck and then we got Beast Master in the hands to buff your pets damage since you're Beast Mastery and it will be the Rune setup rotation a lot of hunters are making still this still making this mistake you want to only and always use rapor strike when it's available you only use flanking strike if your rapor strike is on cool down you never want to Stack this flanking strike for three stacks to buff you rap the strike no no no no no especially if this new rap the fury your priority is always rap the strike over anything when you have skill bar anything or anything so yeah recommend using this on opener beastful wrath because some of the most of the fights are more than two minutes so you might be able to use this twice now if you can get the trinket from this class quest line you would want to macro the eye and Pie of Wrath on the same macro because your pet will you know benefit from incre your increased attack power so he will have the highest damage during thisal wrath window if you have both headpiece and the gloves from letter working you want to stagger them because they do not stack so I always start with the headpiece first and then I use the gloves because this one also increases your threat you do not want to have this on opener so I'll always go with this one and that that pretty much goes for the uh rotation you do not want to faint death and trap that's for survival build which is not really viable this face at all you also want to have aspect of the HW for wrench attack power I know it sounds weird even though you're melee but your pet does scale from raged AP not really sure what the conversion is but your pet will get benefit will do more damage from a ranged AP so this is pretty good you want to use wiper when you're really out of man out of Mana but I recommend using at least this potion which is not that expensive because you know Viper reduces your damage by 10% which is that would say quite a lot and this will be it for the rotation when it comes to your pet I did go for well you want have you want to have bite and CLA rank seven or lightning breath level seven but that's a rare in feralas which is really hard to spawn I Sor Camp because it just doesn't spawn a long spawn time and he he's around this area it's the uh serpent you can tame with level seven breath it's the only one in open world the another one is in the raid itself you need to tame the serpent and I might actually do it for the raid tomorrow since the warrior in the raid will have the fist weapon for the debuff I'm going to show you the fist weapon real quick right here I believe it's from moras yes right here so reducing nature damage 60 and increasing holy nature damage taken by 8% that's pretty insane this is pretty insane so I try to I might I might get it I think serpent will be better with this one so I I'll just test it I'll just test it might make update video and whatnot and the pive I went went for from a pet um I went for rank two on resistances 60 because pet is very limited with Talent points you cannot get all of the uh all of the skills and passes from the trainer so R the resistance rank two and uh growl that's the Taun that's free doesn't cost anything and for greater stamina and armor which are the most expensive passives I went with rank six so as you can see I ended up with only eight points free which you can buy anything with that so I think this is the perfect setup for the pen he did not die on slime I know a lot of um lot of hunters responded they pet died on the Slime second boss but mine didn't so I think it's just perfect with full Buffs it's 6,000 HP on the pet it's pretty insane talking about the C mes for the raid it gets pretty expensive especially now ever since incursions were so insane early on people were getting so much gold from it then everything just inflated so much everything so goddamn expensive so that's why I didn't have mongus but you should use the strength potion here Giants and Agility potion if you are wealthy and can afford mongus you should get this one because this one is replacing the Angeli potion as it's another 2% crit chance next up we got the food that I did not also have which is grilled squid 10 agility got a lot of agility so you know with Lion it's stack very well next up we got sappers or dynamites for damage goes very well on AOE fights like the double dragon or like um tanicus that spawns ads always save it there I I think I did not do that I go with Dan sharpening stone my aand you should probably go with Shadow oil but that one is also pretty damn expensive so I did not get it Mana potions versus 10 if the fights are long if you don't have a mage you should go for elixir of intellect sometimes I go for nature potions but I I don't think that needed now because the raid is relatively easy now we have also the new flask from the raid at Al Mojo of War you can buy the the the item required to get this Mojo is called flask of something I forgot but you can buy it from auction house it's 17 gold from on my server this one does purchase through death this does not get delet gets deleted this doesn't get deleted if you die so 17 for one flask is I don't know it's it's quite a lot can I see it here it's not shown but you can get this flask in stranglethorn veale on yamba joa island whatever it's called pronounce it's right here fastest way for Alliance is to go from Sentinel Hill so just go go here and just um hand it in for this flask I didn't I didn't have this one either so I was actually missing one of the three biggest GES in the rain I did not have the Zer in the R so I'm pretty excited what it's going to do H for the pet I go for scrub with Scrolls of strength and Agility it's what you want to look for I think there's a better scroll but it's I don't know man I would just I have to Rob someone or I don't know for the for the amount of gold it costs everything cost crazy it's crazy let me see if I if I have any some more consumables but I think that's pretty much it would have guessed that huh War Buffs you want to get these three it's sflow which gives you crit chance and stat increase once again goes well with Lion aspect these sunflowers are spawning randomly in fell this I believe this add-on is called Noah War Buffs I think NOA War Buffs shows these timers it is very accurate it shows you what layer here as the spawner or like what's what's what time is left on on these layers it is literally to the second accurate did it three times always you know in time next up we got DMF buff 10% damage Sage dark Fortune not right now it's in Elvin Forest next week there is a break and then it's stand Bluff mulgore and then F of the Temple of Explorer that's the STV sorry Sun Temple World buff it drops in budy Bay it drops on the island people get it on the beage here as well so always get it in booty bang just fly there and wait it drops like candy every time because now people can clear it easily and I believe we covered about everything if I did not mention stuff let me know in the comment section and also I stream every day on Twitch you can find my link in the description a pin comment I would like I would be more than happy to see there but happy Hunting have a good one hope you guys enjoyed it thank you very much for watching until next time have a good one [Music] peace
Channel: Ulfhednar
Views: 14,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Twitch, Guide, Meta, PvP, PvE, MMORPG, Build, Skill, Ability, Ultimate, Crazy, Damage, Showcase, Competitive, Barbarian, Berserker, Overpower, Ulfhednar, Shouts, MMO, Utility, Insane, World of Warcraft, WoW, Season of Discovery, SoD, Season, of, Discovery, World, Warcraft, Blizzard, Warrior, Fury, Charge, Warbringer, Runes, Stats, 2H, Raid, Gnomeregan
Id: PcfEM2IbpZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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