Melanie Gibb's entire interview with Nate Eaton

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I've been waiting five months to talk to you and and you've been hard to find I know would it be fair to say that you've been in hiding yes why when you realize that the people that you know and you're close to and love have been involved in something that has to do with kidnapping and people dying you start to think oh my gosh are they gonna come after me like you everything closes in and you start to think about your own safety and you thought you start to think about what really happened and could this really be true I had all kinds of fears what they would the media would say about me if they would say it the way I want to say it like I'm saying it now I wasn't ready so why are you ready today because I faced all the fears and then I decided that the truth was more important than what I wanted and I needed to do it for those that have passed on that justice may be served I think it's fair to Charles and JJ and Tammy and Ty Lee that there someone is standing up for what happened to them and I care I do care for them and I care for the families that are involved and is that your goal in talking today my goal is to speak to the things that have gone on and also to speak to many that believe their story of some of the things we're going to talk about about zombies to be in a part of the hundred and forty four thousand to multiple probations these things do need to be discussed to those that do followed those teachings and so I have a lot of perspective on that would it be fair to say you know Chad and Laurie better than anybody probably and you know their beliefs you know their activities you know more about this story probably than anybody else other than them yeah I think so you told me the other day on the phone that someone told you you needed to get an attorney and what was your response when they said have you gotten an attorney well how I responded to you was is why do I need an attorney if I'm telling the truth God is on my side so let's go back a few years and talk about Chad baybel okay how did you meet Chad the first time I met him he was at a conference or an event speaking about his last days dreams and visions and I just walked up to and introduced myself to him was that in Rexburg I think the first time I met him might have been at a camp up in Ogden I think somewhere in that area in northern Utah northern Utah were you impressed by what he had said there at the conference is that why you wanted to talk to him or was it just a casual good job I wanted to meet him because I thought his dreams were interesting and so and when I met him had thought he was a really nice guy and any time I'd saw him was at an event at what point did you become closer than just seeing him at events or you know hearing him speak so when Lori and them and him met that's when I started to get to know a little bit more tell me how you met Lori so I was teaching a class at church one evening and she was there and she introduced herself to me and what was that encounter like she was very excited to hear the things I was teaching and so when I went out to the hallway she came up to me and introduced herself and she told me about a lot of personal experiences that she had that were spiritual in nature and we just hit it off so from there friendship developed yep and and what was that relationship like Wow in the beginning in the beginning was it like so we talked often about our experiences that we had spiritually and we talked about some of our trials that we've overcome and we talked a lot about the second coming as well and how excited we are for the things that we've been studying and learning and so just a lot of interest in that area and we just talked about life and being a mom and you know JJB and handful you know being autistic and what that was like and you know she was we just talked about our life do you remember what year that was Melanie when you met her yeah that was 2018 about October October of 2018 so you saw JJ you saw Ty Lee you knew that she was raising the kids and at what point did she meet Chad because you you knew Chad and you knew Laurie but they were separate relationships correct so I met her first well I mean I met him you know like within years but didn't know him super close or anything like that so then I meet her and then her and I decided that we're going to go to an event in st. George and so we drew we drove down together and then he was selling his books and speaking and so that's when they got to meet so that was probably October November somewhere in that timeframe of the same year 2018 so did you introduce them I don't know if I did her she just went up to the table I I can't recall and was there anything unusual or magical or different about when they met so we were there for two or three days and I think he was there for two days and she talked to him a lot about his books and so she asked a lot of questions and she was very interested in what he thought and she was interested in what she he knew she knew and so they just started talking about these different beliefs that generally are not something you've learned in church and so they started to kind of develop that connection right there and were you kind of inter grained with all of it right there as they're talking about these things I am going in and out and I'm not sure exactly all the things they're saying I say yeah but it wasn't anything unusual it would be if you found somebody at the church that had similar beliefs and you were talking about things or was it a step further it was a step further it was discussing the things that were not something you talked out Church it was something that you talked closely with not a lot of people listening did you know that Chad had a wife and five kids in Rexburg and did Laurie know that yes and was Tammy ever with Chad no she didn't come with him to the events no and did his children okay so where did their relationship go from there so after spending much time talking those two days we went back to Arizona and he came down to Arizona when it was the next event which was in November sometime and so we many people so some of my friends some of Laurie's France and then Chad all got to stay in her house it was one of the larger houses she had so she had plenty of room throughout her house and so they spend some time talking and he'd send some time time talking to us as well everybody stayed in this house Chad Laurie you was Charles there no he went out of town he was out of town did you have much interaction with Charles a little bit and what was that like so when I did interact it was just like the first time I came over I believe we did a barbecue and he was cooking barbecue that seemed that something he was good at according to both of them and there was swimming in the pool with the kids and he seemed like just kind of a nice guy just happy to see us happy to meet us I don't know it was an enjoyable conversation he was talking a little bit about his conversion to the church and he seemed to be pretty excited about it how would you describe his and Laurie's marriage there seemed to be some arguing often when I would see them together so he was I'm trying to do things to help her and please her and she seemed like she was struggling to be happy by that like she seemed a little often frustrated with him they had something going on that I didn't quite understand but there there seem to be a lot of contention between the two of them did you ever see him lose his temper or become irate or angry with Laurie or the kids nope did you ever see her become upset or angry with Charles like vocally I could see her you know being upset and he may was frustrated back so he had he might have had a little bit of that stress in his voice when you do when you argue so I would say just that arguing kind of a upset boys you know yeah so he wasn't there at the house the day that you guys were all there for that conference the conference happens and what happens from there with Chad and Lori they just spent time talking about things they went on a walk together our jog in the morning together I do recall that all the things they talked about it's like so personal it's so hard to share with the world you know what I mean so it was very personal detail with some of it you know he was teaching us about some of his his understandings about multiple lives and things of that nature and I but at that point he had already shared with her when they met in st. George that they had been married multiple times before so that was established when they first met Chad told Lauri when they first met that they had been married before not not in this you know right now in this earth life but in multiple earths in a previous life mm-hmm and did Lauri have an issue with that I know she she seemed to understand that teaching art readies it that she had learned already through podcasts so it wasn't something that was foreign Lauren right so Chad's teaching this group about multiple lives is that what it means multiple probations does that mean previous life that's right so so he's talking about multiple probations he and Lori had been married before that's right and you all are discussing this and is that when you decided to form a group is that how and there wasn't any group it was just him talking to people individually he wasn't even trying to express it like hey let's start a group nothing of that language so you know a lot of people have different ideas about is this a cult is this not a cult and so we can talk about that a little bit later but I would just say from the beginning what it felt like to me at least is he was just talking to individuals and he was very kind of private and so he would talk to her and then she would kind of share with us so he wouldn't get overly involved talking to us as she would just more share what he would teach her to us and was she the only person that he was doing this with no there were others mm-hmm other women men and women I know of it already yeah and do you know had he told other women that he had been married to them in previous probations I am not sure about that but definitely he had told Maury that what was it like to witness this I mean did it seem like a normal relationship between the two of them or did you think this might be going a little too far it was definitely different the idea was definitely a new concept I'm very open person so I don't necessarily think it's not true and before I you know I just I just listened to what they said I did I 100% believe any of it ever no not 100% no so when you get introduced to something you kind of just you know let it marinate and and so I just listened to them talk about it I mean it was not something that I knew anything about until they shared it with me so and not something that you had heard at church or in Sunday school or in a manual anyone ever yeah it does not represent our Church's teachings at all so they're going on jogs together he's talking about these multiple probations the conference ends and what happens from there so he goes back home and they I just know that they're communicating on the phone every single day I do know that you know she would let me know yeah did you ever think hmm she might be falling in love with him oh yeah yeah I knew that they pretty much hit it off did you wonder hold on she's married and he's married two and they both have kids was it was that I thought you ever expressed to Laurie no I did I did actually offer the idea and like why don't you just go ahead and get a divorce and they were told that they were allowed to they weren't allowed to because of church teachings or know something that they received from through the other side of the veil how are they how would they would speak about it and said no we're not allowed to do that so they they received like a spiritual prompting or a revelation there however he got his revelation however he got it he said don't get a divorce right he wasn't allowed to actually was not allowed to get a divorce it's correct you said that it wasn't a group or or a cult but do you think it became that over time I guess it depends on what you believe those words mean a lot of us don't understand what those words mean I would say it's teachings that you have the basic tenants of the gospel of Jesus Christ that we do as Christians right and then you have this doctrine that comes in that's not affiliated with any Christianity that I've ever read of and it's not doctrine that comes from Jesus Christ it comes from the adversary and so that comes in in it and it it's enticing because how many people do hear even in the world that want to know about their future right or they want to know their fortune or something like that and so it's enticing so you keep going more and more into it and then you get to get more information and it gets you to ask questions that you shouldn't be asking and then you learn these kind of things and so you can call that what you want I mean I didn't see him forming any groups per se preparing two people is not a cult they're people very nice people that have an event they hold and they have different speakers he just happened to be one of them and they had no no idea that he had these belief systems nor did he know anything nor did they know anything about their religion Chad and Laurie's relationship they had no idea yes so that was going on separate from the mainstream Church and from people it rents this little thing yeah would you say that you got sucked into it or brainwashed um I don't know the brainwash word is I would say sucked into it um I don't know call it a brainwash you're not how often would you mean would you actually meet together or was this more done on the phone or on email or Facebook it wasn't anything that was planned so I just spent a lot of time with Laurie so we spent every day together for a period of time actually especially when she left Charles that first time oh it was seeing it seemed like it was every day it was close to every day well a lot of time together for at least a few months and then it kind of spread out a little bit so I talked to her a lot personally because she was with me a lot and he talked to her but I didn't talk to him very often you know just occasionally so he'd call her and because you were with her so much you knew what they were talking right right yeah exactly how did you meet Alex and Zulema and melanie um I met Alex for the first time at Laurie's house he often came over to visit and I think Melanie - I met her at her house and then so then my I met at church okay so Melanie and Alex would come to the house while you were there with Laurie and and what was that interaction like what was that relationship like um it was kind of fun and enjoyable I'm Alex was fun and he was comedian kind of guy and we just talked about all kinds of stuff you know sometimes spiritual stuff sometimes non spiritual stuff it was in the beginning it was just more casual because you know he didn't Alex at this point he didn't know anything about that until later on would you say that Jan and Laurie were kind of leaders or at least they were working their way to be leaders of a group of you of other people that might follow their teachings so ultimately yes they did believe that they are the head of the 144,000 so you know that's scriptural that word is scriptural right so but they believe that that that was what their assignment was so I guess in some sense you could say that they were trying to find people that would fit that group individually and all along they're going to church every Sunday to a point and then she just stopped going after a while after she felt that Charles was kind of chasing her with the papers to be signed for divorce she kept running and so I don't think she went to church so that was she had gone to church in a long time and if she did go it was very rare hmm but you were going oh yeah yeah have you heard anything about burner phones 60 burner phones being used to communicate or I don't know that word burner it's like a like a prepaid phone that you can go down to 7-eleven and buy a phone and put 400 minutes on it and then once it's done you can get another one it's not like you have a cell phone plan or anything you did more use a lot of those type of devices I know that she had about three phones but they seem to be the same phones so she did those and through my I don't know about that but she had three phones and was getting calls on all of them yeah it was hard to track her at times you didn't know what your phone she was gonna pick up why did she need so many phones well she had one special phone that her and Chad would would communicate with and he had a special phone outside of his cell phone number so it was just for their personal communication so one specific phone for Chad and Lori to communicate with and what why could they not communicate on their normal phone I guess case somebody picked it up and saw their conversations why do you think they were so secretive when you go to church in the temple there's certain questions they ask you to see if your belief systems are consistent with the doctrine and they were inconsistent and so that's that's the reason you're gonna be secret about it because you know you think you know something more than they do that at least that's what you know was introduced as this idea we know more so if that got out people would think you were unusual or weird in the church right and then they would say hey I don't think that you're allowed to go into the temple because of these teachings so you're gonna keep that secret right latter-day saints need if they want to go and worship at the temple they need to go see their religious leaders their clergy yeah every two years and get a recommend that allows you to go into the temple but you have to be living certain standards and you're saying Chad and Laurie clearly were not living those standards or at least following the the doctrines being taught correct but they were still going to the temple oh yeah that was her favorite place to go so she did actually go to the temple but maybe not to church she'd go to the temple but not to church yeah so did you know that their teachings weren't in line with the mainstream and did you talk with her about it yeah and what was the reaction well when she taught me she was leading me to believe they were true so I didn't there would be times I'm like do you think that's a good idea or do you think this is you know those kind of thoughts but I just kind of didn't voice opposition to it but just more listen you know just more listened was there ever a time where you thought whoa this is too much this crosses the line well always I always thought this is a little unusual you know especially we'll get in talking about later about the zombie thing but that was definitely unusual that was hard to completely believe yeah yeah it was quite unusual did you feel or did they make you feel special or chosen as they're teaching you these things that you are one of the elect and you need to be with us yep and how did that make you feel um first I thought it was me who me right so first you have that feeling of I don't feel like that's something because I didn't get that personally from God you know so I thought it was unusual so she kind of had to keep talking me into it that makes sense like you really are you need to believe this you know and as much enthusiasm how did Laurie describe your relationship with her I would say she would call me a best friend or either a really good friend and you all knew each other in previous lives well she claimed that we did but I have no memory of that they obviously made you feel very special made you feel like you were elect that you were chosen and as things progressed did you gradually come to really believe that and say yeah I am one of the chosen ones to some level not a hundred percent but to some level mm-hmm were their beliefs and this belief system written down or recorded in anyway yeah there was paperwork that showed all the Twelve Apostles to the Old Testament apostles prophets people and their friends that they knew currently - maybe some movie stars or people just just in general they had like four maybe four pages I don't know how many pages and that was created by Chad and he would say well you know these are who they are this is what life's a live this is how many times they've been on so yes it was a whole document it was a whole planning I mean it we they would write down on paper like this is how many lives this is how it what it needs to to get to this level you need to go to this many I mean it was it was quite the plan if that makes sense it was quite the detailed detailed list I mean it was and and I know that Charles was aware of it because he sent it out to a lot of people so Chad came up with all of this on his own that I know of I don't know if he got it from anywhere else I've never heard that before and movie stars were on it I think so or either he told us personally yeah I didn't look at the whole list so actually I can't say I just kind of browsed it a little bit because I didn't feel like it was for me to look at yeah so I kind of skimmed it a little bit so can you tell me about Chad and Lori sealing themselves in the temple to each other and and for those people that aren't familiar couples will go to the temple and be married and sealed together meaning they believe that life their relationship will continue after this life ends did Chad and Laurie talk about what they were doing in the temple together which would be against church policy and procedure right um Chad didn't tell me but Laurie did what did she tell you she just told me they went together and they felt that they were sealed by those on the other side the build that had the authority to do that so they were in the temple together right when this happened yet she's still married to Charles and he's still married to Tammy correct and when you would raise this with them that hey you you're still married what was their reaction or at least Laurie's because I'm sure you never had a chance to talk to Chad she said that it was okay that they did this because they had been married so many times before that their spouses would understand someday Laurie from what I understand said that she has been on 21 planets and Chad has been on 31 have you heard that before mm-hmm I wouldn't say planets but I would just say lives lives so she's had 21 lives and he's had 31 that he was a Holy Ghost and has had five lives on this earth and she's had four lives correct and I don't know I think she had five lives on this earth she had five lives on this they both had five lives on this earth but I believe so and Chad made a portal in Laurie's closet so she can visit what does that mean that sounds kind of crazy I'll be honest it does sound crazy so a portal was something that he created for her I think I don't know exactly how he did it but like a box no it's just a spot where he just maybe said a prayer you know however he words he uses to create this portal I don't know I mean I wasn't there I don't know sure but it's not like like he could come through it physically but it was a way for them to interact spiritually I see so it was a sacred area where if she wanted to connect with him she could go sit and then they would have a connection what do you think about that I thought it was different I thought how do you do that like you have to have some special skills to do that I didn't understand how people could do that but I don't know it was pretty extreme but to me everything was new and I just thought well these people know things that I don't I don't know about this stuff so it seems to me though that all along you were kind of at the back of your mind questioning not not blindly believing everything they said but but somewhat skeptical would that be an accurate yeah I mean if you were to talk to Lori she'd probably say I believed it but there's always a little bit of doubt because I know she also had doubt and she on occasion two or three times said to me if Chad has Satan he sure is a good one so that tends to lead me to think that she wasn't a hundred percent convinced either that she may have doubted chat yeah yeah and she said if chad is a satan he sure is a good one yeah do you know did she ever tell him that not that I know of or raise questions with him that I I don't know you don't know you you talked a little bit about Alex what was he like with Zulema did you have much interaction with the two of them just a little bit at the end because they didn't they didn't know it well they didn't get together until the very end so they were just developing that friendship and you met Zulema at church correct okay and what was Melanie Boudreaux like she was um she's fun I really like I really love Melanie um we did have a special relationship she loved me and I left her and so we she seemed that she had a lot of strife going on in her life and she was really worried about her family and so we had conversations about what was going on to some level I mean I it wasn't as evolved with their conversations as Laurie and Melanie were but as far as I went we we just were a support of you know to each other I think would it be fair to say that you Chad Laurie Melanie alex zülle Emma you six were kind of a close group of friends kind of a tight-knit family in a way yes so you all would spend a lot of time together and during these these meetups you know over dinner or whatever you talked about religious things the mysteries of God things like that sometimes we didn't meet together as a group very uh you're you know like a close friendship grouped together very often we met on a very rare occasion together all of us we more like saw each other here there talked on the phone or took a drive here together but that kind of you know like you would a friend you don't always always get together as a group but yeah and was it always religious talk pretty much I would say so not a lot of other talk about politics or the weather politics probably not politics and sports no I wouldn't even talk about that sure whatever it was it was mainly religious talk when you don't get together yeah September of 2019 Laurie moves to rexburg right did you know she was going to move did she talk with you about this before well she didn't decide until I think August maybe and how did she break the news to you well she said that first she thought Chad would come to be with her in Arizona and then she said I think I changed my plans I think I'm supposed to be up there he says I'm supposed to be up there but I need to get my own answer to find out if I'm supposed to be there because she didn't really want to go there at first and then she said I was told yes I need to go and she needs to be there by a certain time and so she decided to go and then she just told me that I need to go up there and at that time you're seeing her every day with no not every day at this point it starts just slow down when Charles passed away I didn't see her as much it started kind of tapering off in the end and especially when she moved to rexburg it really tapered off because she was now and then plus she had been to a few different places Hawaii and Texas and so you know I obviously couldn't spend every day with her yeah it started taper down after she started moving more and before Charles passed you're talking to her a lot and is she telling you that she wants to get a divorce or she's saying Charles is pushing this divorce on me she says that he wants to get it but she does not want to she doesn't want to go through another divorce again I want to get back to that in a minute but in September she moves she tells you that she needs to go up there and what was your reaction about Chad telling her she needs to come up there knowing that Chad still has the wife and five kids well we talked about that I'm like it's not gonna be awkward she was uncomfortable with it she believed that Tammy was gonna pass away though before she got up there and that didn't happen she didn't pass away before she cut up there and so I thought you know I said aren't you uncomfortable maybe he'll see she'll see you guys together and so I thought it was different you know that she was gonna be up there when he when she was cami was still alive and she told you well Tammy will die before I move up there rain how was she going to die I am I heard a few times maybe through a car accident or something like that so they thought Tammy would be in a car crash yeah would pass away then Laurie would move up there and then she could marry Chad and when that didn't happen she said I've still got to go yeah cuz you know the other side of Al she's talking to I need to be there by this date and she's communicating with someone someone yeah so she moves up there and from what I understand she and Chad would walk around the track at byu-idaho holding hands maybe kissing you know just displaying looking like a married couple well she told me that they did walk around the track together she didn't tell me what they did or didn't do but I did have an opportunity to walk with him and then we walked around and looked at the different pictures I had never been there before so I saw the pictures that were and the gymnasium you know behind it where they have this beautiful pictures so we talked and we walked and yeah they were I was surprised I'm like aren't you worried that people are gonna see you and she says well Tammy doesn't come out a lot she doesn't come over to this part a lot so they were openly affectionate yeah and they said a lot of people that didn't that knew Chad didn't know what Tammy looked like because they didn't do a lot of the things together did Chad ever talk about Tammy possibly passing away I can't recall if he said it but I know she did he was very quiet most the time he let her do most of the talking how would you describe his personality at that time just was reserved reserved yeah reserved a little sometimes he came across not very confident did you stay with Lori at that time when you went out to visit her mm-hm and were the kids there JJ was but Ty Lee was not Ty Lee was not where was she I was told she was that BYU BYU in Provo Idaho BYU in Idaho would that have been a normal answer like a normal okay that makes sense type thing well I knew that Ty Lee had had her GED that she got when she was 16 or 17 I'm not sure exactly page and so it could have been plausible but it didn't feel like it there was definitely question mark say it was question marks for me it didn't feel real it didn't feel like the truth I didn't know what to say about it I know I wouldn't assume that she had done something to her so it was kind of I don't know it was unusual but you didn't question her I didn't question it was JJ with you on the walks no where was he he was at home by himself his uncle was watching him Alex yeah okay so JJ's home with Alex but there's no sign of Ty Lee correct and how long did you stay with Lori down was it for a week so Thursday to a Monday morning I'm assuming Ty Lee never called her she never called Tyler she didn't even talk about her never spoke about Ty Lee did she speak at all about JJ mmm-hmm yeah I mean he was all around us and we were talking about him quite a bit actually what did she say as I arrived on the Thursday she had said that he had turned into a zombie the day before I got there and she was pointing out behaviors of his like look how he's doing this that's unusual or look how he's doing that and she was trying to create uncertainty and me about what I saw his behavior like she what do you call that like a doubt a doubt and I was looking at him and I thought well I I don't know it kind of looks like JJ to me you know hyper and angry one minute and kind of chill a crying the next minute like that's how his behaviors always were around me I don't know if they are always like that but that's how I noticed him when when I was around both of them and she just gave me a few scenarios of different things he would say that sounds a little unusual I didn't hear him say it but she should share things like he said this or he said that had she talked about zombies before and what did she tell you before JJ what did she teach you about zombies and belief in zombies so so the first person as we all know as Charles was considered one and that was brought to Laurie's attention and by Chad on the phone phone call I was in her house when that phone call came in and he described to her that Charles was no longer Charles that this unclean spirit that was friends with Charles on the earth you know when they used to be friends had now passed on and now he isn't this unclean spirit on the earth roaming around and now he's attached himself to Charles and now he has entered his body and taken over it so he's not really Charles anymore he's now this guy named Ned Schneider and so it was when she told me and she seemed blown out by it you know she was I could tell she was like that is really different and she told me and I thought that is very unusual it was just you know because Chad had this this influence on people because he had visionary experience you know he could see things at least he said you know he appreciates that he did and and but I do believe that when you think somebody can see things or have visionary experiences about things you tend to kind of believe them more than the average person because you know if you ask me I'd say I don't see anything so you wouldn't take my one point of view or in my opinion but if you had somebody that was really good at having visionary because he often said that it was like the veil was open when he had his near-death experiences so he often said that veil is open all the time so he had this way of seeing things that Laureen I didn't have that that wouldn't have that gift of seeing but I do have come to understand that that gift has been manipulated by the adversary and so by Satan absolutely she told him all of this she did and you're saying Laurie even felt uncomfortable with that information that Chad had told her in the work the first day I'll say the first day that she was trying to absorb it I knew it was new for her and Chad's the one that called Laurie exactly an evil spirit has attached himself to Charles that's right named Ned that's right any idea where that name came from I don't know how he got his information other than she would say he would often sit in his portal and receive revelation about people so he's sitting in the portal most likely and received that and she she's he's telling Laurie you know Charles has his evil spirit he's a zombie I'm not sure if they used that word in the beginning okay they didn't use that word right away they probably said that someone has taken over his body name in this Ned Schneider she tells him he becomes worried actually goes before a court and says she needs to have a mental you know a psychological evaluation right did you go with her to that evaluation I did and what was that like they received her and she said oh you know she passed with flying colors and she got out quickly and I waited on the outside for her you know and then Ty Lee is actually the one that picked us up from there and when you say passed with flying colors do you know what they did was it just an exam where she filled out a questionnaire she met with a doctor they they went in the back room and they just talked to her about all kinds of stuff and asked her all kinds of questions I we didn't get she didn't tell me in detail all the things I probably didn't want to know but yeah she seemed that she she wasn't evaluated as mentally ill so she they opted they said that she's like oh you're fine we know that you're not mentally I mean she gave that's what she told me that they said to her so do you think she was honest with them and in her religious beliefs or did she lie and and give them the answers they wanted to hear no I don't know what they asked her I mean I didn't I should have asked heard that but I didn't so she gets out of there and is that when the whole incident with her purse happened shortly after and tell me tell me about that she accused Charles of stealing her purse from me or the car wreck right so she went to drop off JG at this school that he goes to he was out of town so his truck was moved from the airport and so when he came back from his flight there was no truck and so then I don't know how he you know got around or anything maybe he called a friend I don't know what he did and then I got to remember the details of this I know she had JJ she dropped him off at school and then he came to this school and then he opened her car door took her purse and then took off and then she got in the car and she didn't see him I don't I don't believe she saw him and then she's like her purse is missing as all of these things are happening there's there's a lot of bizarre incidents and did you ever think what what is going on here how can there be this much drama in one place it was a lot of drama and I would ask them like why do these things keep happening to you you know because I have never been around so much drama in my life I'm kind of a chill person and so it just seemed like there was one drama after another drama and it never ended and so I just thought wow this person I used to say to her why is everybody in your life turn into zombies like why is everybody after you like why I don't understand and she would say well it's because you know Satan really hates me and I'm a you know because of my exaltation on the level that I'm exalted - they're coming straight after me so anyone that would have disagree with her or caused her any sort of problem would become a zombie pretty much or either consider to be dark they're a little bit different but that's another discussion yeah from what I understand Lori knew how many zombies were in every state yeah and she could tell who who was his ambiance well not there Nick she couldn't know the whole world's name so she would just have a number Chad would give her like they would I guess he would receive revelation on okay there's this minute so that was their Commission though to get rid of all the zombies before you know tribulations came upon us that was their goal and how would they get rid of his aaahm beats through some kind of prayer that they would do which they believed was effective because they'd go back and you know check in the porter - how many died and the number would come up oh you know 10,000 died or whatever but there was no way of knowing it was real does that make sense I mean you have to say does that make sense Nate I know so let me get this straight they're saying there's 10,000 zombies in Idaho go into the portal say the prayer come out and say oh we got rid of a thousand of them something like that let's talk a little bit about Charles and then we'll get back to September when you got to the house because from what I understand Laurie received a revelation that Charles was supposed to die in an accident on his way home from Texas correct he didn't die so what was her reaction at that point well I asked him like why didn't he die you you were told he was supposed to die why didn't he die and she said well I think she went to Chad and asked because I don't think she knew the answer to that and so he let her know that the accident that was supposed to happen didn't because of people's choices so when things didn't go according to plan according to a timing it was only because of agency and it would change oh it's because somebody changed their agency very inconsistent and the night before Charles died didn't she call Alex and say come and stay with me do you know she did and then the next day Alex shot Charles what do you think happened there I didn't know about it till like four days after it happened she called me and she's Hey see the news I'm like I don't watch the news wait a sec what your best friend did not tell you for four days that her husband had been shot and killed correct I found out through her though she did call me and let me know and she said have you not heard and watched news I said I don't watch the news and she said Charles was shot and I'm like what so tell me what happened and anyway so I got to visit with her for a while and she gave me I think she gave me the Rand ition that she gave the police you know sounded you know what I've heard it sounds like the same thing as you know he came over and I you know the question that I had that part of me was like why is he coming to get you and kill you like I don't understand why Charles wants to kill you she told you Charles showed up to kill her that was his way is coming down from Texas to kill her mm-hmm and that's why she had called Alex the night before to come over to the house and that he shot Charles in self-defense correct you knew though that she had told you months earlier that Charles was possessed of a zombie correct so did you think well there's more here right because if he's coming down that's why I'm like well what you know like as a person that would perceived the public wouldn't perceive him as the zombie right like what kind of reason could he give anybody for coming down to kill her do you know it does that make sense and so she just said well they're after me and I said well why she said well for insurance like I have three million dollars of insurance on my head and I'm like really she said she had she had three million dollars of insurance on her head did she ever talk to you about Charles's insurance yeah what did she say she said that he had I think about a million and that she knew when he passed away that she would kiss she thought she'd get the money so she talked about how when Charles dies I'm gonna get a million dollars I don't know if she was hundred percent sure because she thought maybe possibly it could been switched from hurricane so she wasn't sure she was really gonna get it or not but it was something she was thinking about and talking about yeah she didn't know about it and then when it was when she found out it had been switched to K what was that conversation like well she wasn't overjoyed about it and she's like okay has the money now but she also believed that Cain was a zombie as well so she just believed that they were all against her that was her belief system you know as time passed she's saying I would get something from you went spouse dies you get Medicare I think something like some sort of benefit yeah and he was a bit older than her so so she she knew that she could get something still so that she wasn't completely left without anything and she brought that up that she would get money yeah yeah cuz I was like what are you gonna do how you gonna take you know the typical things that you talk about when people pass away like how are you gonna provide for yourself we heard that she was also getting money as a single mom money from Ty Lee and JJ because JJ had disabilities so I know Ty Lee received money from her father's death and yeah I think so I think JD did too I I don't remember talking about that too often we figured it out and it was around $6,000 a month tax-free that she she got between the three yeah I think she mentioned something like she could get that much amount something sounds familiar what was your thought when you heard all of this talk about zombies I did question it all of us did I mean I sat and talked to Alex about that a few weeks before he passed away I'm like I'm not sure I'm not too sure about this zombie thing he goes a hundred percent believe it he said he a hundred percent believed it yes so Alex really did believe do you think that when he shot Charles that was in his mind then yeah yeah Charles is a zombie yeah and I must get rid of him yeah because he really felt to protect his sister that was his duty to protect his sister mm-hmm so by the time you get up to her ex burger in September this zombie talk has become normal or at least you've heard it before correct and so let's pick up where we were a minute ago with JJ's she tells you right when you get there JJ's a zombie correct and starts to point out things that she believed had some defied him right and you're thinking as an outsider what I'm looking at him and trying to discern and I'm it looks normal to me I couldn't tell so I was like you know there was a lot of doubt there obviously I mean it's hard to believe that completely I I don't ever even believe that Laurie completely ever believed it you don't I think she you know like when you want to believe something sometimes and you listen to people tell you like maybe she's listening to Chad or maybe because of why it was happening you just sometimes you really want to believe stuff just because you want the outcome as much what you're desiring to have and so yeah I I don't know she I think she believed it to a certain level I'll just say that but I don't know I'm not confident that she hundred percent believed it it sounds to me that Chad was kind of calling the shots she would say he's so much better at getting revelation than me so I've just I used to get a lot but I kept rely upon him a lot more now so she trusted his because she was not considered a visionary right so he would tell her these people whatever whoever was around or these people are doing this they're doing that they're Derek or they're zombie or whatever he was the one that would she would call and ask those questions she said she wasn't very good at getting the answers do you think Chad told her that JJ had become a zombie I think so yeah so she tells you all these things you're kind of like he looks normal to me looks like normal JJ yeah did it worry you at all of it oh no look what happened when Charles became a zombie something might happen to him um I didn't think she would do that because that's her boy you know we had actually talking about this she goes well I need to you know it's time for JJ to I don't know how she worded it but it was something to the effect it's time for he's in the way of our mission so we need to send him to Kay's house that was kind of like the ideas what can we do and so we talked about Kay and we talked about some of her family members that could actually take him on and so we talked about you know what that conversation would be like with Kay and she wasn't sure if Kay would really receive him and so we talked about just different ideas about you know him going there and so that was the plan that I knew of is he's going to case house she told me that I know that from what I saw one of the video clippings that she also told a neighbor that as well and so that's what I believed was gonna happen to him so I left thinking that that's where he was going his case for sure I didn't doubt that so as her friend you're saying okay he's a zombie he's in the way of your mission she said that so you guys came up with a plan of why don't we let Kay take care of him or someone in case family had you dealt with Kay before I met her briefly but I didn't interact with her okay mm-hmm it was like hi how are you Oh Melanie and that was about yet so even though Laurie had an issue with Kay she was willing it that day at least to say yeah we'll send JJ - Kay correct you leave Rexburg that's right thinking JJ's gonna go to Kay's house that's right he never saw Ty Lee the whole weekend right because she was at college allegedly what happens from there this is where there's a big turn in my life this is when it hits the fan this is the part that I hate talking about yeah this is this was hard for me I'm sure I talked to her a few times on the phone she did express that he went to Kay's house okay so I don't know when she told me but I would say within a short period of time after I left she called and said he's a case right and she said oh yeah we met up in the airport and she received him and he's going to go stay I mean she gave me the whole story the whole story so I just you know I believed it and it's about Thanksgiving and everything changed I thought he was safe and I get a call from Chad two days before Thanksgiving I still feel emotional about it said Melanie it's Chad when the police call don't pick up the phone and my heart just dropped I was so confused I'm like what this is yeah the police were at Laurie's house checking on JJ and I'm like JJ's not with Kay no my heart drop deeper and I just knew something was wrong but I didn't know I didn't understand like you know what could well when you believe these your friends are good people you couldn't believe that they could do something like that what was Chad's demeanor like on the phone was he stoic what was he like he was very nervous who's nervous he was very scared he did not sound himself very unsure very quivery almost yeah it was it was a hard moment so that call comes completely out of the blue out of the blue wasn't expecting that at all he says don't pick up the phone when the police call he's scared he's nervous he says they're gonna call you cuz they're at Lori's house and she's gonna tell them that JJ's with you she's gonna tell the cops that JJ's with you in Arizona I know I was in Utah the time you were in Utah yeah first of all that's a bombshell that's just throats I can't I can't even describe how I felt they put me in a very awkward situation did you were you able to even question him or was your mind just I was question in my mind but verbally there was nothing coming out really I did say white she said well Kay is trying to kidnap him and I said how do you know that well through emails you know the emails I said I have not read your emails what do they say she said well she said Katie had mentioned it's not like I'm gonna kidnap JJ or anything and I did think to myself doesn't sound like a threat how soon after did Lori then call I can't recall but it was soon after soon after and what does she say she sounded like everything was a wonderful and great she had an upbeat voice and I was you know cop was like wow she's positive and that maybe it gave me a little hope that hey maybe you know it's not what I'm thinking the worst what did she say she said hey um everything's fine everything's okay and I mean I can't quote exactly short things I said so she led me to believe that everything was fine that you know the JJ was I'm trying to remember how she worded it that she was protecting JJ something to the fact that he you know they were there not just Kay but it felt like many people were after him and so she was trying to protect him that's what she told me but I talked to the police before I was like when you get a gut feeling that's real right and they're like yeah you gotta go on gut instinct and what was your gut feeling if something was terribly wrong I I mean it just stayed in there for a long time that gut feeling it did not feel comfortable i something was telling me something's off here I wanted to believe her I didn't want to think that she would do anything like that I really really wanted to believe her what did she ask you to do she asked me to tell the police that JJ was with me and that I when I went because I was gonna go and drive down to Arizona for Thanksgiving and that he was gonna go with me which I didn't know any of this right it's all new to me that she had made it sound like we had ranged it or something but anyway he was gonna go down to Arizona with me and she was gonna come down there later and pick him up so that was a foreign idea to me I had never heard of that before so it was very I can't even tell you how uncomfortable you know after I get to Arizona and everything I was talking to Alex's I wanted to meet with him and he goes I cannot believe she threw you under the bus like that so Alex came to your defense and I said I can't believe she did either I said I can't believe she said that I don't that was not smart tell me about what she asked you to do at the movie theater so she said I've told the police that you were frozen too with JJ and to get your cell phone out and just take a picture of random kids running around and make it look like you had them with you and I was thinking to myself no I don't I don't make stuff up like that I kept em hmm I don't do that so I didn't I just I'm just in shock still I really really was in a shock type of person it's just you know everybody's listening everybody has different opinions whether they're gonna think about all this right but in that moment I really did not know what to say and and you you weren't in the right frame of mind to question her right I wasn't and so you hang up that call did she say anything else other than go to the movie theater take pictures of random kids and talk about the Arizona plan I know that at one point we talked about her going on a trip with Chad's children to California we may she might have mentioned it during that time or I called her shortly after that when I was driving down to Arizona it was between that conversation and that I can't recall but that they were gonna go on a family vacation and that they were just going with the kids his kids how quickly did the police call within a half an hour to an hour you after thinking and pondering and talking to a really good friend like there's something there's something off and I admitted I said I'm very very concerned about this zombie idea I really don't believe it and my friend said I don't think it's true either then we talked about we talked and talked till five o'clock in the morning I mean we talked about everything the belief structure and all these different things we talked about all kinds of things about these doctrines we've talked about many things and how they did not fit the pattern that the Scriptures teach I often think about when Jesus Christ was on the earth he healed people he cast out evil spirits he did not kill people and if they did have an unclean spirit he was able to get rid of it and those people were okay afterwards there was no pattern of this behavior he was always sharing where they were inclusive and hiding that does not walk on a path that is light so darkness is always done in secretive and I came to understand that I'm like this is actually a very it has been very hush-hush and that's not how God works you know the mysteries of God which they were always trying to unfold about bringing people to Jesus Christ that's what the mysteries are they're part of them or about that they were not bringing that that was not what was happening he was not leading people to Christ it was taking people away from him or maybe they thought they had this pretend relationship with him and it led to people dying that does not sound like a you know that scripture talks about God does not work in darkness you don't have to be running and hiding when you're not when you're transparent and doing the right thing you don't have to when you're telling the truth you have nothing to worry about so you know one of the feelings that I did want to share too many people listening is that there are many people other than Chad that believe these teachings of many lives are multiple privations within our own church or either close groups that are affiliated and I want you to decide as people that believe this just having this information make you a better person does it make you loyal to your spouse does it make you feel like you're better than other people because of this information I'll just say this way Nate if this had not if this idea of multiple nations had not been introduced nobody would have ever died because they would have never thought they were married before this is dangerous doctrine because this is not how he works he works on a pattern I am the same yesterday today and forever he does not make exceptions to the rule he has no respecter of persons and when we want things we do things that are not always the best all of us do in this planet and the thing that's interesting is we've all been deceived to some level everybody so this is the world to learn truth and air I just got to experience something at a very different level so I got to see something what I would call secret combination unfold in front of me and I got to see it with my own eyes now I didn't see people die or anything like that but I got to see the workings of it it's not what this is and it sounds like that call from Lori and Chad and the police that was kind of your awakening oh yes absolutely after that long talk with your friend till 5:00 in the morning when you went through everything Chad had taught you right and all of that that you said this is this is wrong and you call the police and is that when you told them everything you knew oh yeah I told him everything just like I'm talking to you I just let it out and the interesting thing is is that everything I share with them is documented right was before anything came out on the news so people can say well Melanie learned this from other things maybe Melanie didn't this was back in December back in December the early part of December before the first release the press release because we talked about the dates to make sure you know I was and I was accurate and I and I knew that I was but I just wanted to make sure and I and I said look this is stuff I know so when I go to the police and share all these things about multi privations they were married before people or zombies and things like that they were not surprised when they were looking at me they're like police work and I was like this like it was hard to say it I couldn't even say the word zombie when I first talked to them it was just too painful to say it because I'm like oh this is so jacked up and yet they go we've heard stuff like this you know it's okay we've heard all kinds of stuff coming you know we've been police for a long time we've heard a lot so you knew at that point that this was foolish and you were embarrassed yeah absolutely I said I'm going and the reason that you want to make it clear that it's not like you picked all this up over the past few weeks you know you knew this and said this back in December oh yeah before any of this came absolutely and I was on her team right not on the opposition's team to my work you know what I mean if we were in a tall column teams I wasn't affiliated with Charles or anybody he was affiliated with I was only affiliated with this small group of friends and when I shared everything I did it was the same things you could read on those door those court documents that Charles presented which I didn't know all that stuff was on there you know because they started exposing that on the news so the stories you know for all those that do believe in Schad and love him and I love him too and I know his family loves him but I knew about these things before the news released it and it is documented so I am only here to share the truth because of those have passed away and that justice needs to be served my hope is that they will look into their hearts and start to repent of the things and confess the things they did Chad and Laurie John and Laurie but it's hard to do that you if you're Lori think about this and my heart breaks for her she's got a mitt that these people are dead and it was because of their teachings and their ideas that they had these things happen it's hard to admit that you would have to admit that you actually had something to do with the death of your family you know what I'm saying does that make sense Richard so it would be hard to say my belief systems are false because then she would have to say yeah this happened I do feel sorrow for everybody involved both sides both sides because everybody's hurting from this she's in the jail now she doesn't get to be with Chad who she loves that's what she wanted so badly and now she can't even be with him it led it was a fatal attraction that led to their separation and people passing away it is it's a tragic tragic story one of the people we haven't talked about is Tammy how did you learn that Tammy had died someone text me a friend not any you know person that was associated close but just a friend she said hey you just wanna let you know she passed on and then she I said how did you find out she's at Facebook what did you think when you saw that she had died I thought oh my gosh she died that's what they said what's gonna happen I wonder what happened so did you think it was part of the plan I didn't know how they did it but I knew it was part of the plan that that she was supposed to pass away I mean other people knew she was supposed to pass away because you know Chad knew this information for you know coital quite a while so she passes away in October what did you think when you found out Chad and Lloyd click quickly fled to Hawaii didn't didn't you find out because she sent you their wedding photos on your email I knew that they were going to be married like as soon as she passed away I mean I knew that and you're kind of questioning it as to you know this is odd she's here it is odd it's odd the whole thing is odd when she did die though and they went to Hawaii and got married so quickly did you did you question that or was that just part of the plan well that was part of their plan their whole goal was to get together because you know they expressed to me many times that Tammy would be okay with this I should dawn she may not remember now but as she passed on she had a mission to fulfill on that side and so he felt that that was they felt they both felt that that was where she was supposed to go she was move on and fulfill her mission so it didn't seem unusual to either one of them that you know she passed on because that was the plan is that they were gonna be together after she dies after they get married you get that call don't answer the phone they call you or communicate at all with you during that week I called once my way to Arizona and I was concerned for the safety because that's what they led me to believe so I wanted to have a prayer it's like let's just say a prayer pull over inside the road let's say prayer and Chad was very nervous and didn't seem it settled at all and she seemed fine so you were still on their side yeah but Chad was nervous yes he was Laurie was acting like it was a normal day yep so you spoke to one time over the course of that week no I spoke to her when I decided that there's something going on that's too awfully wrong and so a friend of my called both of them so I called Chad's phone and I knew she would answer cuz I didn't think any of her phones were working anymore and so I just said I have no testimony that you've shared the things you know your own personal experiences that are sacred I have no testimony of that it doesn't fit the pattern that I see that's you know the pattern of things I've seen within our own church and I had a hard time speaking honestly it was very hard conversation with me I said very little and I said could you just please tell us where the kids are if they're safe why didn't know I said I think the first question is is why haven't you told us where the kids are well for your safety we cannot tell you and that just was alarm for me because I was like whoa what safety why am I in danger I didn't feel like I was in danger they wouldn't answer us of course and I shared I really didn't have a testament of the things I never got that confirmation that what the things they share with me Archer or not so that we hung up with that conversation I went to talk to police after that and once I talked to them I basically had a long conversation with those as well kind of a long conversation with both of them about a lot of personal feelings about I'm concerned for you I'm concerned for your salvation the things that you've done I said this is not light this is darkness and I asked again like why did you tell the police I had the kids and she said well I told them because of her you know safety of JJ and these different answers and so she did you know share that she lied about it and I asked a little bit about a few other things can't recall everything it was kind of a long conversation and it was very I was very uncomfortable talking to her it was very it was a disturbing conversation that's that one you said that they were evil and how did they react to that they didn't like that very much I just continued to tell her that I was concerned for them and I wa and I am and I was was this calm or out of pleading of listen I'm concerned for you just say where the kids are basically I don't want to say calling them to repentance but in a way saying you've gone astray which I was it was many feelings that was some of them everything just came out just a lot of things and that's the last time you spoke to them I yes and then Alex died yes that was definitely a mystery for me how did you find out he had passed he was living with his wife his new wife right and we all were in the same Ward and so the the bishop called and said why is there cop cars around her house sir than his house and I said well well that was an interesting conversation and we chatted for a bit and I explained just a little bit and then he calls me back and says he died I'm like what that was very that completely threw me I was like that I had no concept of how that happened none at all and I said what happened he said he didn't know and I said well I'll talk to you later when I get back from my trip we have a lot to talk about your Bishop didn't know any of the background no so I filled him in when we got back he was very patient with me I bet that was quite a chat you know he was very patient but I was grateful to him what did you think it happened to Alex I had many different ideas I thought did he kill himself did he he did realize that I was going to tell the police he did that was made known to him and so I thought maybe he really once he heard my doubt in all of this maybe he got maybe his heart was pricked maybe he realized that oh my goodness I've been a part of something that's not good and I mean that was their different thoughts that I had or maybe you know somebody could have tried to kill me I didn't I didn't know I just really did not know I was guessing all over the place just like you were probably how in the world did he die I really didn't know I mean I asked the police but they didn't tell me well we know that Alex died according to the autopsy of a blood clot in his lung do you think there was anything suspicious there I don't know from what we understand Alex would do anything for Laurie there was nothing too great for him to do he loved his sister and and there was no task to good because his faith was so great in God is that how your encounter with them was as far as their relationship I think mostly I mean I don't know if he'd do everything for her but I think he would do a lot of things for me I think he just felt like a you know a good brother a big brother kind of figured that wanted to protect his sister I mean they had a lot of fun joking around with each other and they just had a good relationship were you able to talk to Laurie after her brother died or was you hit quit communication at that point yeah let's fast-forward to January you see them in Hawaii when we saw them at a beach resort what did you think when you saw the video of me trying to talk to them outside of the resort it was hard it's hard for me it was just it's just hard for me to watch the whole story like I was in that place of just like oh I don't even want to see the news right now so you know so when I saw that I had many feelings I thought this does not look good for her and you know some of the thoughts I had is is if these kids and and please you know everybody use their own reasoning for this idea but you know if if you really do believe your being your children are being harmed or you know we think they're gonna be kidnapped and you're worried about them you would be happy to tell anybody and everybody in the police about that you would not not talk and try to you know have no comment to you as you talk to them I mean you would say you know I appreciate it I would think you would interact if you really felt that they were I know if they were my kids and I had to put in protection you know I would be like yeah my kids aren't protection because crazy people are gonna go kill them or whatever I would want you to know that so that at least I didn't look like everybody was coming after me I didn't think it looked good it just made her look more guilty that sort of look like to me both of them where do you think the kids are they're not on this planet anymore I don't think they are that's my personal opinion I know Kylie's a very strong-willed individual and she's capable of making a phone call she needs to call and she hasn't reached out to anybody and let let anybody know she's alive I can't imagine she would be quiet the whole time I can't imagine it JJ's a handful he wouldn't have his medication with him so how could she take care of him you know Thailand Thailand him how could they take care of each other and it doesn't add up if you know if they're in a safe place why is she in Hawaii having a great time on her honeymoon when her children are running for safety that are hiding in safety that that doesn't even make sense I think most people understand that and so everybody's looking in at her going what are you doing do you think Alex was somehow involved and in wherever they are in their disappearance I think it's possible and that he would do that on behalf of his god or his sister his sister I think we're yeah maybe also a higher reason maybe if you if you really truly believe these things and it maybe he felt like he was doing something good for not only them but God - I guess the other Melanie has said that Laurie has a plan that she always has a plan and that the kids are safe and Laurie's mother and sister have also said that they believe that they're somewhere safe and the reason they have not asked her where the kids are is because calls are being recorded and because she would not tell them I think that they want to believe Laurie and they want to be a support to her I'm not sure all the reasons why they're saying what I haven't watched much of you know a lot of that footage just a little bit but sometimes when you know stuff it's embarrassing to come forward with it or you may get in trouble yourself so you you might not want to speak or you really believe them so I don't know do you think they know stuff um I don't know about some of the people I don't know all of their what they know from Laurie I know some of them what they know and I know some of them would I don't know what everybody knows but some of them do you said when you know stuff it can be embarrassing his is talking about this painful for you embarrassing relieving describe to describe your thoughts well I don't know if it's relieving so much as its I'm happy to do it to help those that are suffering but it is it's not my most favorite thing to talk to on television about about those that I associated with I've done things that are I mean this is this case is so big and so widespread you know you can't be excited about sharing you know who you associated with it's hard and you said I believe you haven't watched television in 16 years it's not like you're a news hound and you purposely haven't been following this case is that because it is painful in the beginning I was watching to see what they're gonna release cuz I often I thought what are they gonna say about me you know and you know you're worried about that so that was a lot of my fears it's like you know what are they gonna say about me and so I was making a lot about me as I kind of got you know I was like you know met with a police more and talked and I started to feel more comfortable like you know okay I understand what they're exposing what they're sharing everything's out there I started to get okay with that but after a while it was just so hard to listen to I would I mean there be times it was hard for me to eat the fear was pretty intense and I still you know was concerned you know I still concern and love everybody you know I'm not a person that dislikes people or hates people it's not my personality so yeah it's not easy right did Chad and Laurie betray you oh yeah did they betray others um possibly I have to think about that one to kind of do the work but yeah yeah I would say to those that have passed on if you want to say it that way yeah you know when you look at the circle of people that surround Chad and Lori there's five people dead or either missing that's not a really a good indication that that people in their inner circle are safe you know and they're inclusive family members are safe that's you do the math I mean do you you would have ever been on that list where a zombie took you maybe now I might be maybe now it might be are you still concerned for your safety no let's talk about Brandon Boudreaux and when he was shot at did you have any sort of relationship with Brandon had you met him through Melanie I had met him briefly once or twice not not much conversation just hi kind of that nothing casual really know how did you find out that somebody had taken a shot at him so that's interesting I didn't know he was shot at until I was asked to go check on his house and drive by his house to see if their children you know Brandon's children were there and who asked you to do that I'm Alex and Melanie and so I drove by and to see if anybody's there because she was concerned about our children and I talked to a neighbor and he said that they had moved out two weeks ago and he said there was no children there and and he said I'm really glad they moved on because somebody tried to shoot at Brandon and I said really so anyway I went back and shared this with Alex and he said oh yeah yeah we heard about that he got shot at but we believe that somebody tried to take a shot at it to make it look like it was us or make it look like me I'm not sure who was referring to himself or just Alex volunteered and said they're trying to make people think it was me yeah yeah you're saying better than I am but what did you think when you heard that I was like wow I whoa it was very I'm just surprised I'm just very surprised by it I didn't quite know what to think about that that was unusual do you think it was Alex from what I have heard it does sound like it do you know of anybody else that might have tried to do that no I wouldn't know who who likes Brandon her who doesn't like Brandon I didn't I didn't know enough about yep yeah July 22nd 2020 is the world going to end that day no the world's not gonna end but Lori believes it will or at least believed it and Chad right so let me just back up for a little bit to help you understand a little bit by why all these people died and all these people started missing that's kind of sloppy work you know it's obvious that the kids are missing so wouldn't you be concerned that people would notice that was my thought was like why but the belief system was is that she believed that there was going to be an earthquake that was going to hit so large in Utah that by the end of 2019 that they wouldn't notice anything in her personal life going on so she she were to marry Chad for example she said that like probably a year before that you know so when try not get married someday nobody will notice we're married because of the earthquake and the different destruction going on so as I now understand that the kids are now missing that she felt confident in doing that thinking that nobody would notice and that's why it was kind of done in a sloppy way I mean that's why I see it was kind of like a you know that wasn't very orchestrated very well so she thought or at least she said there'll be a huge earthquake in Salt Lake City and everybody will be so focused on that right that we will be able to do what we need to do correct so how does July 22nd come about well I never heard that date I always heard August but that comes from a few different ideas of it didn't come from her I'll just say that it come from different research and she did on her own about the year 2020 would be like a half an hour silence in heaven and that it matched up to that year and so that she just she because she believed that she believed that it was going to happen according to like what she thought was going to happen at that time which there was nothing shared on that subject that will say well this particular thing is going to happen on that day but she had concluded herself and wanted to really believe that something could happen on that month and so therefore it didn't really matter all the things that were happening in their life that they would you know not be known to the world because of all the things that were gonna happen looking back at the Laurie you knew then to the Laurie you see today in jail not talking about where her kids are what does that like for you in the beginning it was much harder than it is now but it still is it's hard for me too I think about her like what her daily life is and how she's not free so she's very free and fun-loving you know before and now she is you know no freedom and none of the things she wanted are coming to pass it she she's not the happier person that I once saw her to be or the excited person that she had in hopes for for the future her hopes are now not her hopes anymore and they've changed and that just must be very painful for her I can't even imagine what she's going through to think that something you know if you believe it right and you really believe these things are gonna happen for you that's quite a contrast and that contrast must be quite an amazing feeling of heartache and wondering I wonder if she's questioning herself like how did this happen you know often have said you know Chad claiming to be the visionary that he was and I believed he was a visionary I think he does have that gift and he often said that it was like you know there was a part like like like the door left like that God left a door open and he still had the ability to have a visionary experiences often because in our church we do believe people can have visions right and so that belief I did it and make me you know well I'm sure he probably does have vision I'm not one but maybe you know he is a visionary but I would think that if he is such a visionary like he was portraying him and and with my friends and with Lori that he would have saw this coming this is big he would have solved this one and I don't understand how he didn't see it have you thought about the day that you're gonna walk into that courtroom and be called as a witness and she's going to be sitting probably as far apart as we are right now and looking her in the eyes I mean do you think about that and what that experience will be like I have and all I keep feeling is that I have love in my heart still and it will be hard for me to see her in her jail outfit and you know not be able to look as pretty as she want to be and I know she doesn't want to be there you know but I'm also sorrowful for all those that have had to pass away good people these doctors are dangerous and look what they lead to they lead to people dying if that doctrine was not revealed I have said this once but I want to emphasize it then these people wouldn't have died it's very important to people understand that God veils us from any kind of knowledge before we came to this earth I think most people would agree on that most people don't have that information and there's a reason for that doesn't want us to know I mean if you believe that stuff you can believe that oh what's the use in this live we've been do it and another one it's not helpful for your progress and then it would make the atonement of Jesus Christ not effective because you'd have to keep repeating there's no need to repeat what because he did it all for us a lot of people think that Laurie's kind of leading chat along but based on this conversation it sounds like chat is kind of a how would you describe it I often see him as the hand and hers the puppet on the hand and I don't know if that's completely how I want to describe it but that's kind of an idea they're two people that have a lot of passion for a lot of things that they think a lot of like as far as spiritual ideas go and he comes across as reserved and quiet and she is not and so I can see how people could see that but I think ultimately I think they both are just as equally bad for each other we hear that Laurie spends a lot of her time reading the scriptures in jail and singing hymns yeah are you surprised by that no she really did know her scriptures well she talked she talked to me a lot about Scripture she read them quite a bit and she knew them so yeah and she loved done I mean yeah you know I always noticed how much you and I went to her house once and she had her scriptures reading you know over and I said oh it's just like something you'd see in my house as she did love the Lord she does love the Lord she does love scriptures she does love beautiful things this is what's so tragic is that her great love for truth and the gospel Jesus Christ is at her heart I believe and this is this has got to be such a painful thing for her to come to believe so that she realizes at some point she's actually gone against what is true that would be hard to take in especially as much as she loves God that would be hard for her and you don't think she'll get to that point knows I don't know I hope so mmm I can't say I always have hope for everybody yeah yeah what do you think should happen to them if they're found guilty of doing something to the children or of Tammy's death some involvement there well whatever the punishment is in our country you know whatever jail time or whatever I they just shouldn't be back out when when you when you take people's life that's serious so they don't have a right to come out and hurt other people it's safer that they're in a place that they can't influence other people unfortunately you know one of the things I think is it's kind of neat through all of this horrible tragedy it's a friendship that you've developed with Tammy's family well I haven't really connected to hardly any of her family still I haven't talked to any of his relatives that I'm aware of but just one person in Tammy's family and we just accidentally happened to find each other so it wasn't I wasn't seeking after it but it was healing for her to hear to hear her you know me share what I knew because I was so in their inner circle chatting lorries that everybody was excluded I'm sure from that part of the family so yeah it was it was sweet I'm just saying it's very sweet I wanted to touch on quickly to the podcast oh yeah how did the podcast platform come about did that start with with you or somebody else and how'd it go it was actually my idea I had decided to write a book and then I decided that I wanted to do a podcast to share some of my experiences with a change of heart and you know the doctrine of Christ so I had a few people join us and the and Lorie was the friend that came right at the end because I was just starting at about the time I met her and she said she'd be happy to join and so we just talked about you know things that help people to have better relationships with people or things that we've learned from the Savior those kind things and so it was mainly you and Laurie no it was me it was it was four of us that were generally on it we had guest speakers and so Chad was an occasional guest he was a guest yes he was just a guest about two times in person and then two times on the phone okay but Laurie and you and the other two were regulars you were right what's the one thing you want people to take away from this interview what's the one thing you want people to remember about Melanie Gibb I don't want them to remember me truthfully I didn't want to get known this way but I do want to if I am remembered to the person that loved the group of people that are in trouble to know that being deceived can be very dangerous and listening to your own revelation and not people's is very important not letting people tell you what to do for your journey to really seek personal revelation yourself and not putting the trust your trust in the flesh and I that kind of can't keep coming after me I kept getting that in my mind off and is do not put your trust in the arm of flesh that's exactly what everybody did have you had any interaction with his family not with his children no is there anything that you would want to say to them if they're watching wow this is this is really hard I am feeling for their journey you know getting that parents speaking I have no desire just say things about people that's hurtful it's just truthful but that's not my personality to gossip so this is very uncomfortable for me I do care about those kids I know Tammy does I do know that they did meet Laurie I didn't know if I'm speaking to them I didn't know that you met Laurie that's how close just to let you know how close I am to the situation I know that she had them all over at her her town home for cookies you know after the funeral when she came back to town and and I know they fell in love with her according to her so I can see why they would like her because she was so excited to meet them and she was very loving and and she she has that personality she can just take people in and she just takes them like velcro almost she just pulls you into her inner circle almost to the point she doesn't let you go and so she has that that personality and so I'm sure that it's hard to know who to believe and my heart does go out to them and I really I want them to know that it's really hard for me to talk about their dad because I really like jad I think he's a good guy still he's a nice man yeah I I mean I like him as a person but his teachings they're dangerous if he's watching what do you say to him I still care for you and Laurie and this is really painful what you're going through but God has always taught us to be honest there's no exceptions to those rules and when you walk with peace even if you're guilty and you should confess there's a peace that comes from telling the truth I know I have that peace because I've come forward because people passed away and I'm grateful they actually lied to the police about it you are I am because it made me have to face it and it made me go through all kinds of experience that nobody in the planet wants to go through I had to face fears that I never had before a different level but my faith got stronger in a way that's changed forever and I hope that they realize that when we open those doors to darkness they tell us things that we want because sometimes we want things but we are taught to bridle our passions the Lord taught me that over and over would not be to be a zealot but to not be overzealous and we have to learn how to have patience wanting nothing and sometimes when we really want something that's when we fall and sometimes the answer's no wait but boy she was she did not have patience that's one thing she did not have his patience and it led to a fight Oh attraction unfortunately you said that when you want something you have to bridle your passions what what ultimately did they want what did Chad and Laurie want power followers was it about sex was it about money was it about God what was their ultimate goal do you think no that's a really personal thing it's hard to share because of she share a lot of personal things with me and I hate to share that out loud what can you tell us that she that you but I'll just say that it was a fatal attraction there was a lot of love between the two of them they really really seemed to love each other a lot and they just couldn't wait to be together and lost too yeah what would you say to her we've had a lot of fun times together we've laughed a lot and I love her and I'm so sorry that she's been so deceived by Chad and that she's also been deceived by not just Chad but I believe other people on the other side of the veil pretending to be good when they're not and she got tricked and the same thing as when we want something really badly but if we go into our heart and realize the path that Christ set was perfect it was loving it was kind he never called people darker like you know he wasn't looking at people as if they were attacking him or hurting him it was always going forward in love that was this whole this whole mission you know and so their mission does not align with one that would walk with Christ I know you're suffering I think of you every day in the jail alone without Chad who you love and I know that's really painful for you I wish that none of this happened I have learned a great deal about deception and now you have learned a greater deal about deception I just hope that you can really put a put aside a lot of what your wants are and be humble and really feel like what he's telling you he still loves you he still loves Chad and they can always be forgiving however long that takes I don't understand but he's a good God and I know that he died for her too and there's still hope that's what I'd want to say to you that is quite a message of love and peace where a lot of people don't have love for her I know and she could end a lot of this if she just would speak and say where the kids are yeah do you think she will I don't know it doesn't look like it as long as she holds on to these beliefs she won't but if she comes to realize which her inner feelings were could say could could Chad really be Satan and if so he's a really good one you know that conversation we had Laurie maybe that was that telling that little feeling telling you inside that yeah he wasn't doing the right things and saying the right things
Channel: East Idaho News
Views: 827,638
Rating: 4.5202742 out of 5
Id: n173Cv1BWB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 14sec (6194 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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