Lori Vallow Daybell appears to cry during hearing on new charges

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the the person in charge of the camera there with Miss de Belle will have to unmute that and be ready to do that why don't you just leave it unmuted there can you hear me now Your Honor I can thank you sure would like to be referred to as mrs. de Vil all right will do so this matters being held via zoom this is the initial appearance on new charges that have been filed here in Fremont County present in this zoom meeting I have myself I have mr. wood who is the prosecuting attorney that's been assigned in this matter I have the clerk I have the court reporter I have Kelsey and Kolby Ryan I have a support from IT department and then I also have mr. and mrs. Woodcock and the defendant missed a bail as well as her attorney mr. meetings mr. means any objection to having this hearing via zoom as directed by the Supreme Court order pertaining to kovat 19 no your honor mr. wood any objection no your honor all right we'll proceed then miss de Bell do you read speak and understand the English language yes mr. de Bell did you get a copy of a notification of Rights form prior to the hearing here today yes did you get a chance to review that notification of Rights with your attorney yes do you understand all of your legal rights here today miss de Bell did you also receive a copy of the warrant for your arrest as well as the amended criminal complaint that has been filed in this matter yes mr. means does your client want a formal reading of the amended criminal complaint or can i summarize it for her here today its summary to be great gunner all right the amended criminal complaint was filed on June 30th 2020 it is case number CR twenty to twenty dash 838 on an amended criminal complaint there are two counts that have been alleged in the criminal complaint I'm going to summarize those count one is the allegation of the charge of conspiracy to commit destruction alteration or concealment of evidence that is a felony under Idaho law a violation of Idaho Code eighteen 2603 and 18 - 1701 it is punishable by up to five years in the State Penitentiary and/or up to a ten thousand dollar fine miss day bail it alleges that the following the defendants shad guide a bail lorry valo and/or another person or persons on or between the 22nd day of September 2019 and the ninth day of June 2020 in the county of Fremont state of Idaho and else weller did willfully and knowingly combine conspire Confederate and agreed to commit destruction alteration or concealment of evidence in a felony proceeding inquiry and/or investigation authorized by law with the intent to prevent it from being so produced used and/or discovered to wit the human remains of JJ valo which is in violation of Idaho Code section 18 2603 and 18 1701 overt acts in furtherance of the conspiracy to commit destruction alteration or concealment of evidence and to effect the objects thereof one or more of the following overt acts were committed by one or more of the subjects of the conspiracy within Fremont County or elsewhere in the state of Idaho number one on or about November 26 2019 shad guide a bail misrepresented the nature of his relationship with Laurie valo while questioned by the Rexburg Police Department during a lawful investigation regarding the whereabouts of JJ valo number two on or about November 26 2019 shad guide a bail contacted Melanie Gib via phone for the purpose of requesting and/or encouraging and cooperation with law enforcement lawful investigation regarding the whereabouts of JJ valo number three on or about November 26 2019 Laurie valo provided a false and or misleading physical location of JJ valo to law enforcement during a lawful investigation number four on or about November 26 2019 Laurie valo contacted Melanie get via phone for the purpose of requesting and or encouraging non-cooperation with law enforcement slothful investigation regarding the whereabouts of JJ valo number five on or about November 26 2019 Laurie valo contacted Melanie get via phone for the purpose of requesting and or encouraging Melanie Gibb to prepare and/or present false evidence to law enforcement regarding the whereabouts of JJ valo during a lawful investigation number 6 on or between the dates of January 30th 2020 and June 9th 2020 Laurie valo refused and or did fail to comply with a court order to produce her minor child to wit JJ valo to the Rexburg Police Department or the Department of Health and Welfare in Madison County case number C the 33 20 - 45 miss day bailed the alleged charged the allegation as well as the maximum penalty in count one she said yes your honor alright we'll move on to count two then count two is also a charge of conspiracy to commit destruction alteration or concealment of evidence a felony a violation of Idaho Code section 18 2603 and 18 1701 it's punishable by that same amount up to five years in the State Penitentiary and up to a ten thousand dollar fine it alleges the defendants Chad guide a bail Loree valo and or another person or persons on or between the ninth day of September 2019 and the ninth day of June 2020 in the county of Fremont state of Idaho and or elsewhere did willfully and knowingly combine conspire Confederate and agree to commit destruction alteration or concealment of evidence in a felony proceeding inquiry and or investigation authorized by law with the intent to prevent it from being so produced used and/or discovered to wit the human remains of Ty Lee Ryan which is in violation of Idaho Code sections 1826 0 3 and 18 1701 overt acts in furtherance of the conspiracy to commit destruction alteration or concealment of evidence and to effect the objects thereof one or more the following overt acts were committed by one or more of the subjects of the conspiracy within Fremont County and or elsewhere number one on or about September 9th 2019 Chad guide Abel sent text messages to another for the purpose of disguising the destruction alteration and/or concealment of the human remains of Ty Lee Roth Ryan on his property number 2 on or about November 26 2019 Laurie valo provided false information to law enforcement regarding Ty Lee Ryan's attendance at byu-idaho and/or her current housing situation number 3 honour between the dates of January 30th 2020 and June 9th 2020 Laurie valo refused and/or did fail to comply with a court order to produce her minor child Ty Lee Ryan to the Rexburg Police Department or the Department of the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare in Madison County case number CD 33 20 - 45 miss day bail do you understand the charge in count two and the maximum penalty associated with that now do you understand that those two penalties could run consecutively one after the other or they could run and current meaning at the same time yes miss de bal based upon the the charges that have been brought against you and the fact that they are felony charges you're entitled to a preliminary hearing or a probable cause hearing mr. wood and mr. means we have discussed this matter prior to going on the record it's my understanding that both are in agreement that a preliminary hearing should take no more than two days is that correct mr. wood yes mr. means do you agree I do your honor all right looking at the calendar the court has the court is available on August 10th and 11th does that work for the counsel for the state yes mr. means does that also work for you it does your honor right we'll schedule the preliminary hearing to begin right at 9:00 a.m. on August 10th and continue if necessary to August 11th miss day bail I have set your bond in the arrest warrant that you have there in front of you and I've set bond at 1 million dollars Mr means there I'm not going to take up that matter here today if you'd like to file any motion to deal with out in the future that can be dealt with do you wish to be heard on that matter yeah your honor we could reserve the matter for a later time all right if bail is posted in the amount of 1 million dollars the following conditions will be put in stone that need to be followed along with posting bond if miss day bail is going to be released number one she must sign a waiver of extradition provided by the fremont county office of the sheriff the prosecutor must approved the waiver of extradition by his signature on the waiver a copy of the waiver of extradition must be filed with the court number two the defendant shall reside within the boundaries of Bonneville Jefferson Madison and Fremont counties within the state of Idaho the defendant shall not leave these counties for any reason number three the defendant shall provide the court with her current Andhra address and shall not change her address without notifying the court number four the defendant shall keep regular contact with her attorney number five the defendant shall appear for all court appearances number six the defendant shall obey all laws of the state of Idaho and the United States number seven the defendant will sign up for pretrial services with Fremont County and check in with pretrial services on a weekly basis or as directed by the pretrial services number eight the defendant shall have absolutely no contact with the victims families and/or any of the state's witnesses in this case contact shall include but not be limited to verbal contact written contact visual contact test text messaging contact email or Internet contact and/or telephonic contact such contact shall also include contact through third parties number nine the defendant must wear an ankle monitor 24 hours a day seven days a week she must have the ankle monitor in place before she is able to be released from the Madison County Jail which is holding her for Fremont County any violations of the geographical limitations imposed herein must be reported immediately to the Fremont County Sheriff's Office and the court number ten the defendant is hereby notified that while under the order to wear an ankle monitor intentionally leaving the area of restriction except for the purpose of obtaining emergency medical care may be prosecuted as a crime of escape and subject the defendant to penalties under Idaho Code sections 18 2505 and/or Idaho Code section 18 2506 and Idaho criminal rule 46 III mister means does your client have any questions about the conditions of bond were she to post bond or be eligible to post bond no your honor all right I have received a notification of rights from that has been signed by Miss Davis mr. means I think I received this before she had a chance to meet with you you've reviewed this notification of rights as well as that correct I have your honor all right miss de bal just so we're clear you're being represented by mr. means and you're retaining him privately is that correct yes mr. means the Court is inclined to ask one question here today number one because the the charge that's been listed here in the information does pertain to conspiracy mister means have you ever represented any of the alleged co-conspirators that are set forth in the criminal complaint no your honor other than mrs. damrell okay all right with that Your Honor I need to interject at a bail reduction here in Madison County mr. means did represent to the court he was also representing mr. valo now he or mr. de Ville he didn't represent there was no criminal matter against him at that time but I do think that's appropriate to know all right it sounds like there's a disagreement there what I'm going to ask the parties to do ultimately there's a question of whether or not a conflict exists and I'm going to ask each of the parties to to submit what their request is regarding that issue so that the court can make a decision as soon as possible and as soon as is necessary based upon that issue anything else that we need to take up here today mr. wood not for the state mr. means anything else that we need to take up here today no your honor all right madam clerk is there anything that I've forgotten me will be in recess pending mr. wood did you raise your hand there no okay we'll be in recess pending that hearing on August the 10th and 11th thank you all for appearing here today we'll close up thank you your honor thank you
Channel: East Idaho News
Views: 761,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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