Mel & Drew Lynch Official Wedding Video

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nah okay you ready yeah all right where do I talk by the way you need to talk to me okay I'll talk to you we're here today finally we're here today we've all been waiting for because as you all know today is National fudge day oh yeah and National sea turtle day oh that's great so in honor of that chocolate chocolate turtles for the two of you it began exactly five years and seven months ago today today we witness and celebrate the union of Your Love however we don't Mark the start of a relationship instead we officially recognize a bond that already exists we affirm this relationship both formally and publicly [Music] those of you that are a mother or a father can truly understand that when you sit there and see the impact that either of your children have on another person what more could you ask for because this wasn't an easy Journey for pretty much anyone other than the six of you that live in Vermont it's truly an honor to have all of you here today for Drew and Mel I said it yesterday but I'm gonna say today for the people that weren't there when I met Drew I went through a hard time I was going through a hard time he was the friend that I wanted but turned out to be the brother that I needed [Music] I'm so happy for you guys that you guys went through with this and that you're gonna continue to move forward and you guys are just great for each other and I look forward to seeing you guys grow you know I love you and I appreciate your friendship you're you're a good person both of y'all are good people and I'm I'm really excited and uh thank you so much for even inviting me just the amount of unconditional love these two have for each other tends to spill out on onto everyone around them so I I think it's great that you have found Drew but I think it's even cooler that he found you Melanie Drew may you both live as long as you want and never want as long as you live [Applause] we met at a bar after a comedy show here in Burlington we had one of those moments where we see each other and you're like oh yep that's the one that's the one which sounds so dumb to say and you hear it in movies and songs all the time where you look across the room when you lock eyes and you're like oh that's my person but that's actually what exactly happened marriage is telling the person you love that you're not going anywhere no matter what a good marriage must be built on the foundation of this commitment in marriage the little things are the big things if Drew is half as good of a person to you as he has been to me then you should count yourself lucky because he's a good man every moment that I've seen them to these two together has been a magic one it's been perfect I no point in my two years of knowing them that I think that anything was not going to end up just like the way that it is right now my my hopes for the future is that everything stays the same I think what we've been doing is working so that's what is the plan is just to stay doing exactly what we're doing because everything that's happened so far has been perfect and it's funny because you can't really be like oh I hope for more of this because what we have is just is just perfect but I'm just excited to extend the period of time that we have together growing up all my life I didn't have examples I didn't have good examples of what things could be and what things are so now that I have them they are the blueprint of what love should look like we if we had our choice we would stay fiance's that's because you know that's kind of always how we've seen each other it's just like you know a fiance is someone who is on their way to something you know what I mean and when you're with your partner and you're with somebody that's what you're doing you're you're on your way to things you know wherever your destination is you don't quite know when you're with the right person waking up next to them every day is a perfect day whether you're in a bad mood or not it's not something you take for granted a good marriage is choosing the person every single day Mel wakes up in the morning and chooses Drew every day and Drew wakes up every day and chooses Mountain I feel very very lucky to have um just known her and known how strong she is and how how smart she is and how proud of her I am but also how like in all of her I am and inspired I just feel like I'm more of a man since knowing her and just really excited to spend all this time with her for and continue to spend all this time with her so yeah [Applause] yeah [Music] and honor and respect and balance is is the key to life again I can't wait to find love and have as much as experiences as you guys have thank you so much foreign you told me that if I didn't cry you were gonna leave so so I uh you know I put some Carmax under my eyelids and I got hopefully it's working um [Applause] [Music] I asked about what she loves the most about Drew she said his ability to make me laugh and smile but like in a non-hack or cheesy way like genuinely laugh I asked Drew what he loves most about Mel and he said it's her taste in comedians [Music] since I was on America's Got Talent because I tweeted him and he tweeted me back and I was freaking out bro I was freaking out he was like do you remember because I was like oh my gosh Julius TV he's like oh my gosh he's freaking out cause I tweeted him and he thinks he thinks we're friends I'm a fan okay I am a fan foreign despite all of our differences Love Is All We Share it's the great unifier it's the one universal truth that no matter who we are where we come from what we believe we know this one thing [Music] I love you so much I can't believe I swear it's disgusting since meeting you there's been a lot of uh good ideas um a lot of bad ones um you know shorts in Vermont in June I guess is I guess goes on that list [Music] oh man that you're right oh man you're continuing to um push my comfort zone push me out of my boundaries like hiking Mount Mansfield the other day and rappelling down a mountain and climbing ladders and finding footholds and getting to a cave and you telling me it was seven minutes away and we were lost for an hour and a half I was so I am still very mad at you um I I know I don't know about the whole going to bed not angry because that's like my resting state but I feel the night so she told me about this boy that she met this little comedian that I didn't know of and she didn't warn me not to wear high heels and I had like a 10 centimeter skills when I first met him so it was kind of funny though I just I about to never take you up Mount Mansfield ever again that's all I want that's all I want thank you and to keep you warm and happy all right by the power vested in Me by the state of Vermont the Universal Life Church and the University of Phoenix online I Now Pronounce you lawfully wedded husband and wife you may now kiss the bride [Music] I can only think about the time that I have known you since meeting you and that's really that's all in my head baby so um thank you for letting me make all those bad decisions um because I think marrying you is going to be a great one [Music]
Channel: Thompson Audio/Visions
Views: 51,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hrOd4JvbSg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 16 2022
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