"HE KNOWS", an original wedding song performed by Almira Lat Trinidad (The Bride)

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a few months ago I asked you boom also known to you as Lily to go to write a song for my wedding day I sent him a few lines that I wrote myself and he fashioned it into a piece of poetry before he finally set his original music to it I would also like to acknowledge Mr Ian Inigo for his beautiful and magical Arrangement and to my kuya Jr Badness for his Flawless mixing and mastering of the track so Amelia thanks to you guys for this collaborative effort thank you also for keeping quiet about the project I know Joshua is not surprised anymore that I'm the one who will sing for my Bridal walk but my surprise is here's the original song entitled he knows I offer this song to him and to the man I prayed for who is now to officially become my other half [Music] thank you he knows it's you I pray for he knows it's you I pray with he knows you are my arm or my protector my relief he knows you are the music when silence brings me down he knows you are the perfect fit or the soul behind this goes and as I walk down the aisle I couldn't help but smile and cry cause he knows just what I needed in this life all we know is he knows and we follow his Direction even though life is short we'll share forever in Salvation through this life and Beyond we will let history she knows that I am yours and you are my power when I'm feeling music he knows [Music] it's just women I'm sweet he knows it's even better than we ever know what ourselves he knows that we have differences but he pulls us back into me when the votes he knows that we can steal them back and he's ever there to help us clear the past all we know is he knows Direction even though life is short we'll share forever [Music] on cause he knows that I am yours [Music] [Music] [Music] we'll serve together through his grace and I know and you know that he knows and he chose thank you cause he knows that only you can see me through [Music] and because of this I give you my [Music] I do thank you Lord foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Almira Lat
Views: 672,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2Jd929KsNgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 1sec (361 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2023
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