How To Build A Modern Secret Moutain Base in Minecraft

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oh no a mutant Enderman is going to attack soon let's build inside of this mountain to survive we need to make sure our base is super secret so the Enderman doesn't know where it is don't just break into the mountain guys let me use SL slash paste and look now we have empty space inside of the mountain to build in but this house is so small yeah and it's out in the open we're going to die just relax guys our real base is actually down here wo this is huge why are you hiding this from the upstairs tiny little house why do we even need that little house anyways well guys this mountain house is super secretive and in order to keep it a secret I had to hide it down there and that's exactly why we're going to hide it even more more by using a ghost block ooh that's so sick now the Enderman won't know that we're here so this is all just a big distraction that's right axie this is going to be a small little base that the Enderman won't know is ours so come on let's quickly decorate this place and then continue on to our real secret base down there okay mongle I'm adding a bunch of toilets I think this looks good now now yep I just added in these glasses over here and with that being done this looks like a completely furnished little house so let's go to our real base down over here guys wow it's so big yep we have plenty of different spaces to build in check it out this is going to be the greatest secret Mountain House there is look at this water over here I want to see what's up this well ax here is a little room that we can decorate to be a secret absorbit absorbit what's that well woodo with this room we can take a look at the outside world without anyone knowing that our house is in here uh if we put down glass everyone's going to know that our house is in here we're not going to put down regular glass axi we're going to be using oneway glass that way no one can see what's going on on from the outside but from the inside you can see everything that's going out there m go woodo where are you I'm right here axi are you making a funny face come back inside before the mutant Enderman sees you okay I don't want to be a snack but guys this room is still so boring we need to make it a nice absorbit and add these chairs wo voodo we can relax over here and watch out for the mutant Enderman that's a great idea this is so nice like I don't know if we want to be walking around on yucky Stone exactly let's replace all of the different floors and walls to be quartz guys ooh quartz is such a fancy block yep our mountainous is going to look super duper modern and quartz is the perfect block to use but once we're done with the walls what else are we going to add that's a great question axie right now we have these chairs but alongside these chairs we can have some popcorn that way we have something to eat and we're never bored yummy I Love Popcorn you might want to put down more than that I can eat that much in one bite we can eat as much popcorn as we want guys look what I just added I added these telescopes so we can zoom in and look all over the lands gapes ooh that is so cool yeah voodo it's sick but this decoration in the background is going to be even more sick do you know what I'm adding over here what are you adding I'm going to add all the different Globes so we can see what's going on in all the different planets wow I wonder what's going on on Mars right now there's probably some aliens roaming around wudo if we wanted to see what's going on on Earth we can take a look at this map over here ooh a map I think I see axe's mom's house hey no you don't you don't know where my mom lives okay guys with all the Globes and stuff being placed down I think we're pretty much done with our secret absorbit room so we should go down into our actual Mountain Base over here and start on our first area I'm going to miss the absorbit but I bet this area inside will be even cooler we need to make this Mountain House fun it's so boring right now you know what axie you're right does an indoor Zoo sound fun oh wo that sounds super fun I'm going to make the Exel area over here I love the zoo all right guys what I'm going to do is grab some fences and we can start out by having different sections with different animals that we can pet and play with whenever we want wow really I want to be one of the animals I'm a turtle we know woodo unfortunately wait woodo why would you want to be a zoo animal you're going to be a builder that helps us build but I want to be a turtle well we can have a turtle section wudo but you're not going to be one of the turtles inside of it why not I want to be pet too oh my gosh you're so ridiculous wudo look I'll help you build out the Turtle section woodo woohoo thanks turtles love eating cake so I'm going to put plenty of cake over here too is that healthy for normal Turtles I don't think so axie I think woodo is just adding his own favorite treats in there but check it out voodo I just added in all the different Turtles and they're going to be living in this tiny habitat over here come on let's add some more decorations ooh hello Turtles this is my uncle Jim Bob ooh Uncle jimbob's looking tasty wait what wait axie what do you mean by that it just looks really chubby and eatable oh my gosh I didn't know axi ate Turtles wudo she's just lying she would never actually eat turtles or else I would eat Axel in retaliation don't worry I only eat them on Tuesdays axi that's so evil you can't eat wo's family but speaking about eating there's an animal out there that eats everyone else in the forest do you guys know what that is the human no axi it's the Lions the Lions wait those are really scary I don't know if I want those in our Zoo well axi we're going to have them anyways because this is going to be the funnest zoo of all time with all sorts of different animals and the lions are an essential part of the zoo okay okay check it out wudo you better not be too scared of the Lions over here they are right next to the turtles of course oh gosh I better put a wall of lava to make sure that they can't touch the turtles they love eating turtles hey woodo I was just joking they wouldn't eat the turtles but this wall of lava does protect your turtle family I guess yay stay safe you Turtles you guys look so cute you woodo you don't mind if I take a little nibble do you wait what little nibble of what uh of your uncle jimbob you're not allowed Maxi why are you so hungry we can give you a bunch of food if you're that hungry you can of course we can we're creating the greatest Mountain Base of course but check it out guys guess what I'm going to add in this next section it can't be as cool as my Axel section it might be even cooler axie because this section is going to have baby pandas oh I love baby pandas me too yeah pandas are the cutest things in the world and this little habitat over here is going to have a bunch of them so let me just spawn in mama panda over here just like this and I'm also going to spawn in a bunch of pandas now I have a big problem look the the Lions they're so smart they're trying to stack up on top of each other so they can get across the wall and eat my turtles oh no this is really bad I didn't know the Lions wanted to eat the turtles that badly we're going to have to make the walls even higher and we're going to need add lasers to deter them even more maybe we should just eat the Lions no ax we can't just eat the Lions what I'm going to do is add a bunch of cameras around around the zoo to make sure all the animals are controlled and to make sure they don't eat each other that's what I thought you stinky Lions hey dirt I stinky woodo I wouldn't make fun of them if I were you remember they eat turtles well now they can't touch me so I don't care okay well I need to go back to my panda section over here oh my gosh look this baby Panda's upside down oh my gosh so cute if you guys think this baby Panda's cute hit that subscribe button right now subscribe but look behind you there's a panda Tower too oh my gosh why are all these animals trying to Tower up to the top maybe they want to escape because they don't like being in a cage no wodo they love the suit it's the greatest thing ever come on I'm even going to add them some friends over here w oh what are you putting in that one well this one is going to have some of the most famous Minecraft Mobs there is like some chickens and also some cows cool I have a great view of them from my secret toilet area wait what you have a secret toilet area and oh my gosh you built an axel habitat with toilets on top uh-huh hopefully the poop won't drop onto the Axel I tried to do the plumbing so that the poop would end up in a turtle habitat you said what what in the world that is so nasty axie why would you have poop in the first place hey ax is being super evil to those poor ax lles trying to poop all over them we need to get back at her wait are you saying we should put a prank on her wudo yeah what should we do to get her back well axelos are super scared of sharks so what if we transform into a shark and try to prank her that way that's a great idea I'm going to turn into a shark right now let me just transform into a shark and raar woodo I look so scary and wait what that's not a shark woodo that's a dolphin ra oh what a cute little dolphin is that a shark yes it is I the shark of the sea ah get away from me get away from me Mr shark how are you even floating because I'm a flying shark ah those exist oh no what do you want I want your Flesh and Bones a you're so cute let me just putet you on the head hey I'm not cute hey I'm going to eat you how about you eat my friend woodo instead he's really chubby so you can get more meat off of him wait what axi that's so messed up did you just offer voodo to the shark hey were you that shark that's messed up too you know you're messed up axie you tried to sacrifice me that's because you guys told me my bills were bad and you tried to prank me okay guys can we all just work together for once come on do you see this blue section it's still completely empty yeah but not for long this blue area is going to be my master bedroom okay axie you should relax this blue area is going to be all of our bedrooms you see the red area is going to be my section then the green area is going to be woodo section over here and then I'm going to add a pink section over here for you axie but I want all of them hey you can't just have all the space in the world look I gave woodo the least amount of space oh okay thank you oh my my gosh I'm going to have a double decker bed and it is going to be awesome well it isn't going to be more awesome than my bedroom wudo I'm going to show you who's boss with my one well mine is going to be the most awesomest bedroom and I'm blocking you guys off because you don't deserve to come in here well then I'm blocking you guys off and when we're done with our bedrooms we can have a vote on who has the best one I know I'll defeat you guys easy PE easily what are you talking about obviously mine's going to be the best yeah voodo mine is going to be way better than yours we'll see about that all I need to do is just add a bunch of different decorations and I can totally win against my friends let me just grab some fences just like this and I'm going to start off by having a super cool Lantern in the middle that way my room has a bunch of light oh really how awesome yeah voodo but you haven't even seen the start of it once I'm done with this bedroom you're going to want to live inside of my one but I'm not going to let you that is so mean how dare you not let me because green is the worst color and you decided to build a green bedroom if you were building a red bedroom I would have let you stayed in my one who in the world would want to stay in your bedroom what do you mean wudo I already told told you you're going to be the one that wants to stay in it once I'm done with it oh guys my bedroom's going to be the best because I have a special area above my bed actually it doesn't even matter because guess what that mutant Enderman is going to go to your bedroom and it's going to completely ruin it wait what why would you say that oh gosh I'm sorry that sounded really messed up but it doesn't even matter because my bedroom has a huge Pizza area we can have a Pizza Party Guys woo I love pizza well guess what wudo you can't have any because it's only in my bedroom oh man that's okay I'm going to have cake and it's like 20 times better no it's not woodo what are you talking about I'm talking only facts and you know it cake is amazing I can confirm well my bedroom is going to have huge speakers that I can play all sorts of Music on oh lud what's that thing on top oh that's just my hanging TV from my double decker bed that neither of you guys have wait hold on a second mudo it can't be that special look I'm already done with my bedroom so now it's time to take a look at all them guys hey it's not time yet I'm not done well woodo we're not going to wait for you to finish I'm just going to place this door over here for you then I'm going to place down this door here for axie and wo this area of the mountain house looks so cool guys of course it does I made everything I made everything no you didn't we all work together uh I don't know what that means I definitely made everything all right axi then let's see what you made over here in this section what's going on in your room well I have a pool over here where we can take a nice swim and then I have my bed and then I have this cool Loft area where I have art supplies oh what that sounds awesome I want to Draw Something art supplies oh my gosh I need to make a drawing of you axi let me just make your huge face over here just like this and then I'm going to make your huge body below that and oh my gosh this looks exactly like you axie well then I'm drawing you well your drawing of me isn't going to look that cool ax I'm the best artist here no you're not yes I am let me take a quick look at what you look like again and oh my gosh your face is so silly I just need to add your eyes over here and then I need to add your mouth right in the middle and oh I forgot I need to add the Axel's ears and hair let me just add this just like this and oh my gosh axie you look so funny yeah well you're going to look funnier no I'm going to give you a beard hey I don't have a beard yes you do well you're going to have one now actually I'm even going to give the beard a bunch of detail and wo I think I'm done with my painting guys I'm almost done with mine too you want to see it wait a second you're done with your painting at what is that voodo why do I look like that you look awesome oh my gosh an axi what did you draw over here that's you you know what I've had enough of both of you guys especially wo cuz why did he make me that big wait manga you forgot one part you're farting and pooping ew that's so nasty everyone watching the video comment ew wodo no e mango cuz he just dropped a Big Dookie okay whatever guys let's just go to wo's room over here all righty welcome to the best secret modern Mountain bedroom ever as you can see I got my nice double decker beds over here with my entire Turtle family while watching TV wo you don't need this big of a bad you're such a small little turtle well if I ever want to have a sleepover you can sleep down here why would I want to sleep in your house when it smells like poop what does that smell wudo oh maybe it's coming from your room I put some oneway glass here so I can stalk you and then I can use my spy glass to see what you're doing without you knowing wo you did the oneway glass wrong I can literally see you on the other side wait what this is a scam it broke uh woodo I think you're just bad yeah you're just dumb oh okay well luckily I can hide it and pretend like it never even existed anyways welcome to my toilet where you can drop fat logs and send them over to axe's bedroom what wait what come over here guys as you can see I had a burrito for lunch and the burrito has now been compacted into a very organic form and has been put pushed into axe's bedroom ew that is so nasty I think I'm going to faint everyone watching the video definitely needs to comment ew wudo now no don't comment that comment that wudo is smart because he thought of a way to get back at axie for trying to eat turtles I'm dead wudo put me down axi come over here we need to get this woodo guy back for what he just did you and also making that horrible painting of me you're right I did think the painting was pretty good though no it was bad come on we need to distract woodo first so we can pull off the prank hey woodo hurry up the turtles and the turtle habitat need food and they're escaping for it so feed them oh my gosh okay Turtles enjoy some cake all right axie while he's distracted with the turtles what we should do is replace all of the different from blocks inside of this room to be super dark themed oh yeah let's make them all gray and scary and we can even add some decorations great idea axie let me just replace all of the lime concrete just like this and boom I just turned everything gray now we just need to replace all of the wool as well I'm going to replace his beds too oh my gosh Come on replace them with gray beds axie I'm on it all right guys I think I fed all the turtles and luckily those Lions aren't eating them so I think I can come back no woodo stay over there the turtles need extra food for tomorrow so focus on that okay oh really I had no clue okay I'll give them extra food hey what if we put some of these spooky skeletons everywhere axie I was just going to do that come on let's replace all of the turtles and put skeletons instead oh my gosh compared to our room his room looks so dead I wouldn't want to live here I know let's finish it off by adding black lights instead of green ones okay monco he's going to poop his pants he's definitely not going to want to sleep in this room ever again axi I can tell you that for sure we have one last thing to do let's just take this delicious looking cake and replace it with some nasty disgusting cake ew that looks so bad come on let's get wo's reaction oh woodo something happened to your room come over here and check it out wait what what do you mean something happened look all the green colors are gone and now it's dark themed and there's skeletons all around are these Turtles what do you mean it's like something sucked the life out of my entire room it was those lions and you know what that means wait what what did the Lions do they want to destroy all turtles so I'm going to destroy all lions goodbye Lions wait what hey leave the Lions alone moodo instead of attacking the Lions you can just live inside of my room over here which I think is the greatest room in the entire mountainous check it out guys I have a bunch of pizza over here and then you have this giant bed over here where you can sleep oh okay I'll make myself a little sleepy hole down here I'm going to cover it up so we don't have to see you okay but guys the mutant Enderman he's going to be here soon and we're definitely not done with the Mountain House check it out this area is still empty oh my goodness what is this supposed to be oh I know what it can be it can be a secret secur vault because I have a bunch of super valuable things and I don't want that mutant Enderman stealing it wait that's a great idea axi all I need to do is just replace all of this red stained glass to be iron blocks just like this and now that we have these iron blocks here we can put down whatever we want in this room cuz it's going to be super secure oh my gosh this is awesome but guys the security isn't just going to end there what I'm going to do is actually add keypad doors so if that Enderman does somehow break into our Mountain housee he's going to have to put down a password in order to get into our vault oh oh let me guess is the password 1 2 3 4 wait what how did you know that was the password I need to switch it to something else this time I'm going to put the password as 4 3 2 1 wait how did you know I was going to use that password too oh my gosh and sexi is such a genius hold on I'm going to put the password of something different it's going to be 1 1 22 3 3 4 4 55 there you go no one's going to be able to guess that I'm going to go tell the Enderman wait why would you tell the Enderman axie that's so messed up it's okay let's leave her out for the Enderman to eat and enjoy hey Enderman don't eat axelos they eat humans and Turtles all I know is that the Enderman won't eat anything inside of this room because we're going to be putting down super duper secure chest over here you guys can put whatever personal belongings you guys have inside of these things oh I lied I don't have any personal belongings I have two cards one Vine and three other fish hey I have this cookie and this cooked McDonald's burger patty are you serious I thought you guys would have super cool things to put inside of this room oh my gosh maybe I was wrong about you guys wrong what do you mean wrong well guys I'm going to put my most personal belonging in here and that is my Royal Crown your Royal Crown no way that's right wudo it's going to be inside of this chest and that Enderman won't ever be able to take it I don't see it in this chest I just see all my fish well that's because the chest is only made for me Maxi ooh what's this hold on a second what are you meaning hey take my crown off and put it back in the chest okay okay I feel like it would sell for a lot of money though well it's not for sale axi let's just say that Crown is priceless I think there is a price on it I think you bought it for like $5 yesterday I think it was $1.99 at the dollar store hey I didn't get it from a do store guys and wo what are you adding inside of this chest over here nothing and wait what how did you guess my password why is there a bunch of fish in here there has to be something else you guys can hide inside of this room this looks delicious I love en chovies they're so salty okay you know what guys I think we're done with this room and there's still one more area we need to work on and it's this top area over here top area we can build stuff on top of this glass yeah look there's a stairway leading up to it which means we can totally put something here do you know what we should put here guys what well let's just say there's a bunch of mutant Enderman and we have to fight them what kind of things are we going to need I don't know a lot of turtles to use as distractions I think we can use this tentacle on a stick maybe we can tangle up the Ender's legs yummy wait what no that's not going to work what I'm talking about is all the world's best different armors and also all the world's best different weapons ooh really oh gosh MCO I think I found the tastiest weapon so far Barbecue on a stick that sounds delicious while you eat that I'm going to go find some of the best armor ever what is wrong with you guys and sticks there's nothing wrong with us monco but if you do have a problem with me that's fine because I can just put my super cool Mech armor to destroy you wo woodo this Mech armor looks awesome and it's totally going to be able to take down that mutant Enderman exactly so say it again you love my sticks okay fine I love your sticks and wait what what is axi doing over here it's a watermelon oh I just thought of the best armor in Minecraft it's melon and I have this melon popsicle to use as my weapon are you serious you guys are so going to die whenever that mutant Enderman gets over here I need to add some better armor so we can all survive hey axie you're kind of squishy like a melon too what if I just take a bite real quick stop it that hurt wood what in the world why would you take a bite if you know it's axi under the watermelon woodo because she looks like a tasty watermelon no I don't I look like an ax aot are you serious look over here guys we have armor all the way from the weakest to the strongest isn't that awesome wait this side is the weakest right and this side is the strongest no the watermelon is the weakest of course uh guys look at this super cool jet suit armor doesn't it look super sick yeah it does look really cool woodo but you know what's cooler what the weapons I'm going to add right now since we have all the armor we're going to need weapons oh gosh I thought you were going to say ice cream and I got a little excited no of course not woodo we're going to be adding different types of TNTs and also Bazookas and also Min guns bazooka's Min guns TNT those are a lot scarier than Barbecue on a stick hey why' you take my popsicle off it's very dangerous we don't have time for your popsicles axi we need to focus on the task at hand which is adding a bunch of vehicles in here as well just in case we need to roll out of this mountain we can do it in style oh yeah you want to see me ride come on we can test out the car inside of the mountain guys we oh slow down no I'm not slowing down anytime soon you're going to crash relax oh gosh you're right I crashed into the wall bro are you kidding me this is why you can only drive outside not inside okay well it doesn't even matter because with that last section added I think we're pretty much done with the entire mountainous yeah it looks so cool in here wait we're not done yet guys we need to wait to get out out of this mountain house that's quick and fast but woodo what are we going to do to do that we need a tunnel system but where do I even build a tunnel well maybe we can build it out this way oh that's Genie and I don't think we should there's a dead body okay wudo your room is filled with dead body so it doesn't even matter wait what come on guys this mountain has a cave but what we can do is build a super giant Railway system that comes over here to this little exit and in this exit what we can have is a bunch of different helicopters so we can fly out of here if we ever need to oh that's a great idea let's take off wo look how awesome that's going to be woodo but we can't just take off yet come on let's help axi put down all of the different rails over here good idea we we can help her there you go let me just add those just like this and guys I think with that we are officially done with the mountain house yay this is so amazing I love it but wait a second do you hear that I think the mutant Endermans are here guys oh goodness we got to get armored up and attack oh my gosh they look so scary guys I don't think we can fight these things how about we just stay inside our Mountain House and hide forever yeah let's stay inside of our secret mountainous guys we're safe in here woohoo thank you guys so much for watching the video If you enjoyed then watch another video on the screen and don't forget to subscribe bye
Channel: Mongo
Views: 1,053,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mongo, Minecraft, Wudo, Wudo and Mongo, MongoTV, Maizen, Noob Vs Pro, Milo and Chip, Family Build Challenge, Security House Build Challenge, maizen, wudo, mongotv, noobs vs pro vs hacker, TANK House Build Challenge in Minecraft, NOOB vs PRO: BUS House Build Challenge in Minecraft, Minecraft NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER: SAFEST FAMILY HOUSE BUILD CHALLENGE, NOOB vs PRO: MODERN MOUNTAIN HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft!, NOOB vs PRO: MODERN HOUSE ON WATER Build Challenge in Minecraft!
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 51sec (2031 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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