MEGA Board Game MASH-UP! Uno + Operation - Ten Minute Power Hour

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Dan just HAD to get the “act like a dog” card. As if people didn’t already make enough comments about him being a furry lmao

👍︎︎ 54 👤︎︎ u/TheRealNickBoyer 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

Dan's shirt has been my phone case for over a year now.

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/PishPawsh 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2019 🗫︎ replies

This actually looks really fun! I wanna try with my friends. Is that extra list of dares they were playing with somewhere online?

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/Lttngblt 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

Damn, Arin pulled out that broken heart like a fucking Dr. Strange-smooth operator like whoa

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Backupusername 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2019 🗫︎ replies

The version of the Operation commercial I remember is "water on the knee? Thousand dollar fee!" Thanks for making me feel old.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/RogueNine 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

Any Math Person with the ability to math know what number if any Arin could have said to win assuming no negative numbers?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/FuduVudu 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2019 🗫︎ replies

Figures the Jew doctor wins.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/hopelessnerd-exe 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2019 🗫︎ replies

What happened to Tesla?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Moon4u 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

Holy crap, I was imagining that army bit almost exactly before it happened!
But they were cartoon in my head.

Also, they're FINALLY doing Uno!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/allwaysnice 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2019 🗫︎ replies
(Jazzy trumpet solo) - I invested, like... ten thousand dollars into Tesla... - Welcome to the Ten Minute Power Hour! It's Danny! And Arin! - It's me, Arin, and Danny! - (chuckles) It's meeeee. and- - It's Danny... - Mhm. - and Arin. - A-R-I-N. - (Danny chuckles) A-R-I-N lost about ten thousand dollars on T-E-S-L-A. Thanks, E-L-O-N M-S-U-S-M-M-S-U- - (Arin laughs) - What are we doing today, Arin? - I don't know. Well, first, this has to go away. - Why? Why can't we just leave it? - Because it's in the way. - Okay, well-- - That's the whole gag, that in the first episode, I'm like, "This is in the way", so I smack it away. - Alright, let's do something now! *Hut Hut Hut Hut Hut* So, what are we doing today, Arin? - Oh! It's fucking games! They're not pre-opened! - No... - I opened them right now! Okay-it's Operation! The fun game where mmmmm... - You--Y--You press it! You press it and it goes "BZZZT" and then everyone screams, and then you go home and you have a GHOST in your house forever! - That's not what happens. You-what happens is you--you try to pull plastic pieces out of this plus size nude man and with---and if you touch the sides with--with this conductor, his nose lights up (game buzzes) and you LOSE--you fucking lose! And you can just... (Danny revving his scooter) - We're also playing Uno Dare. - Uno Dare. - Which we're playing at the same time? - Yes. - Dan, hear how it work? - Yeah, why don't you tell me? - For me to be communicate to you, - (Dan lightly chuckles) Uh-huh. - talking to you through mouth-- - You sound like someone ready to perform an operation on a dying man. - Say word to you! Communicate word! Have word to you say! - This guy's my boss. - Do dare from card! - Alright. - Also, during dare, do operate. - (Danny) Mhm. (Pleasure buzzing) - (Arin) One, two, two, three, three, four, four, - (both) Five... six... seven... Seven is seven. - (both) Good. - Put the-this card... and then the game starts! - Okay, so-- - And you go first because I was the dealer. - Alright, so I have to put something bigger? - No. Do you not understand Uno? - No. Explain it to me in ten seconds. - Oh my God. (Sped up audio) - Oh, fuck, I have to draw. Oh, God! Oh! God, really? - And then you have to put that card down. - Ooh, God, I have so many cards! Alright. - Oh, you're screwed. Alright, great. (Both humming) - Dare, motherfucka! - Either you draw two cards or you choose a dare. - Okay. - It's dare number seven. - Okay. Uh... - What's dare number seven? - (Ally off-screen) It depends on which list. - I'll take family. - Family for 500! Dare number seven is: "Let someone mess up your hair." - Oh... - While you're doing an operation. - Oh, well, okay, and I have to operate on his "spare ribs." - Okay, here we go. - Oh, wait, hold on, no no, not yet, okay. Okay. Okay. (groans and screams) He's dying! Wait---ah! NO! S-Stop! (Arin) But, you fail if you hit the sides! (Dan) Immediately fail?! (Arin) Right?? (Offscreen) Yeah. (Arin) That's the--yes, you've failed! (Dan) Can I get one more shot? ah *BZZT* AHHHHH fuck, alright, fine! Fine! I failed! He's dead! Is everyone happy? Is everyone happy? He's dead. *Arin making gross squishy noises* There's a little bit of Jew-y residue in the hair today. I have to...yeah you could. (Dan) Plus two OR choose dare 12. FUCK! I'm gonna do dare 12, on "show off". Dare 12 is: "talk like a super villain until your next turn." - Okay.... Oh, and you have to get a "pulled muscle." - Oh, fuck that noise! - Yup. Do it. (In super villain voice) Well, it has been far too long, Superman. For I am about to pull your rubber band, and it is going to be HOT. Dan: Man, this is horse shit! Arin: -and wet Dan: You actually got to toil with my head. Arin: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAha! YOU FOOL! Alright, Jesus Christ. The pulled muscle is mine! (Arin's normal voice) Blue. Dan: Uhhhhhhhhhh I mean, I-I don't have to call it, it's just-- Dan: Or choose dare number sixteen! hUUUUUUUUooooH I'm gonna do dare number sixteen! I'm gonna do *spooky voice* daredevil. "Correctly guess the color of the top card of the draw pile." WHILST getting "writer's cramp." Uh, so you have to get the pencil out of his forearm. Um, I think the color of the draw pileeeee issss yELLOW! FUCK! Awwwwwwwwwww. No $300--this is actually--this actually really works as a game. (Woman off screen) It's great, right? It's awesome. Boom! So, that's the other--that goes the other way, right? But it doesn't matter, so, just...go. Okay, so boom! Ugh, shit. FuCK you! You sTUpid aSShole! You're a real pRicK today, YOU KNOW THAT? I'm gonna fuCKing kill you one day and I'm gonna fucking stab you in the heart JESUS! (Dan laughing) Plus two or choose dare number one. I'll choose dare number one on "show off"! "Act like a dog until your next turn." Okay...! And, I have to do so while getting "water on the knee!" Operation! Hold on, I have to-- - It's a whole bucket, see? - Oh, I have to bring it out, because it was all way up in there. - Uh, I consider that kind of cheating, but okay. - It was, like, up in his junk! - Oh, i'm soRRY, do you fucking shuffle a PATIENT around while your're doing an actual operation? Act like a dog. - ....woof. *Dan laughs* - Don't half-heart this! - *Dan ruffs, then growls.* - Pant for me! - *Dan pants* yEEahhHHHH! - oH, sHIT! - Waggin' my taiiiillll! (Woman off screen) A dog would have eaten it. What's that? (Same woman off screen) A real dog would have eaten that bone. Yeah, the dog would've eaten it. (woman laughs) *Dan spits out piece* (Arin) Yeah--and, uh, green. Uhhhh---uhhhh, okay. Uh, I guess I have to choose, uh, daredevil! Number five. (-Number five) *Arin starts to beatbox Mambo No. 5* ...cuz it's Mambo No. 5. Yeah, I got it. "Dance like a ballerina until your next turn." You've got to be fucking kidding me! So, dance like a ballerina, Dan! WHILST removing the Adam's apple. Yeah, do that thing where you-- Hold on, hold on, can we just get confirmation that the Adam's apple isn't even visible (Dan) so we have to shake it out a little bit. (Arin) WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? YOU HAVE TO GO IN AND GRAB IT! THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT OF THIS! BRO, I already have to dance like a ballerina. Well, I'm sORRY, *YOU* chose the daredevil one! Alright, alright. Do that one-legged shit. Yeah, and then get it. You're holding yourself up. You can't--you can't--there you go. WHAT? Are you out of your mind?? WHAT DO YOU MEAN AM I OUT OF MY MIND? YOU'RE TRYING TO ACT LIKE A BALLERINA! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO PICKED DAREDEVIL! Alright, alright. OHHH! FAILURE! God, it's not even possible--okay, just. Get it. Get it! (Dan) Uh huh. (still Dan) Uh huh. (Dan again) This is horse shit. I had to fucking dance! What does that mean? That's "skip-a-turn" so you go again. Neat! Shit. *They laugh* Oh! "Skip-a-turn." You go again. Okay, well, that I can--okay. Flim-flam! Choose a dare! It's fucking...yellow. It doesn't even matter, I mean, I have every fucking card in the world. I'll do show off. Show off for three. "Pretend you are underwater." ...and get out his "wrenched ankle." There you go. (Arin) Boom--boo--boo-boo--BoOOO. (Dan) *Blubbing noises* You can't stop! You have to keep BluBluBlu-ing! *more blubbing* *Blub mode* oh, fuck. Don't touch me right now. You're underwater! Aw, your hair's going up! *BZZT*! FUCKIN'....GODDAMMIT ARIN! What?? What did I do? You're touchin' my hair like a fucking phrenologist and it's makin' me all uncomfortable and I can't touch his goddamn "wrench knee" and I have to be underwater and a dog and a ballerina--it's fucking stupid! Uhhhh, fuck you, still my turn. *Dan laughs* Those are so unhelpful. (Dan) Shit. (Dan) Shit. (Arin) Yeah, it sucks, don't it? (Dan) Yeah, it does suck. (Arin) Ah, fucking damn. Oh yeah? Check this out. Uh huh. Dare number four, baby! Alright, uh, give me dare number four for daredevil. Oooo, gettin' fuckin' saucy over here. "Stand on one foot." Mmm-hmm. WHILST "butterflies in the stomach." And this one you can't fuckin' have your hand on the table. OKAY! FUCK, man, you never seen a ballerina? Alright, alright, alright. "Butterflies in the stomach." Uhhh. Ah! No! No, friendly butterfly! *sinister* Give me your head. *Arin's gross mouth noises* give me...your head!! Your arrogance! *"OHHHH" and "YEAHHH" respectively* Yeahhh!! Okay! Alright, that's another five hundred dollars! I've made a thousand-- *Dan laughs* I've made a thousand dollars! *Arin's Gollum voice* Giiive meee....LIFE! OR choose dare number two! I WILL DO IT! What's dare number two? (Woman off screen, then on screen) Dare number 2. "Operate while untying and taking a shoe off with the other hand." Yeah! That sounds impossible! Uhhhhh. And you're going for--oh, the wishbone. Yeah, the wishbone. Oh, fuck oFF the wishbone! The hardest one. (Arin) Untying is as easy... as pulling... ...and....t-t- You've gotta finish it before you--*BZZT* NOOOO! Fuck OFF! This sucks! I didn't wanna take my shoe off anyway. Stupid asshole shoe-taking-off That's a dick move, Ally! GreeEEN. Red! UNO! *Arin gasps* What does that mean? It means I have one card left. Okay? But do we do anything? No, just keep going. Alright. Um. OR choose dare number six! FUCK what's dare number six, dammit? (Off screen) "Operate while another player draws cards however many they draw while you operate you add to your hand." (Dan) YAY! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? THAT'S RIDICULOUS! NOOOOO you gotta do it one at a time! Uh huh, uh huh. Uhhhh "broken heart"! Broken heart, okay. And...go. I GOT IT! I got it! Uuhhhhhhhh Yes! Boy, that was fast. Alright. You got four cards. Goddammit. Alright, alright, alright, whore. Aw, bam! Choose dare! Eleven. (Still offscreen) "Do all three of the other number eleven dare cards at the same time." What the fuck? Gladly. What are they? "Baby talk until your next turn." "No laughing until your next turn." "Draw exactly ten cards from the draw pile in one grab." Now, what do I have to get? And you have to do operation ON THE WISHBONE! the FUCKING WISHBONE!! JESUS, come on! Oh, like a baby! Like a baby. And no laughing! Goo goo. No laughing. Goo goo. Ga ga. *baby voice* I going to get wishbone. Exactly ten cards. Oh, you laughed! I didn't laugh. *baby voice* I'm going to--*bzzt* FUCK How fucking--*bzzt bzzt*--I GOT IT. Fuck you, Operation boy. Okay. That was a good one. No, it wasn't. It was stupid. Alright. Tilted Towers. *Dan laughs* EAT SHIT MOTHERFUCKA! Alright, oh my god. GREEN. Alright, alright. I know you love green! Shit. Yess.. Ugh, dare number one. (Off screen) "Operate with your non-dominate hand." Ohhhh. Oookay. It's in a very awful place. Don't shake it around! Those are your own rules! (Dan) Ya dingleberry. (Arin) I didn't shake it around, I just moved the board to get better--*bzzzt* *Dan laughs* *Arin slams the board against the table* Fuckin' Operation SUCKS! Ooo, you shook out the funny bone. Good. And the wish bone. That's all you had to do was just throw 'em around a little. Annnd the spare ribs! Okay, do you want to keep going for one more minute? Yes! Alright. What was it? Uh, red. Fuck you with your red! Your red sucks! You're a sucky friend! Wow. Wow. (Arin) Never looking out for your friends in a cool way. *Dan laughs* Just try to screw 'em over every turn. Oh my god. Boom! Dare number five! Okay. *Clears throat off screen* "Operate and then successfully put the organ/body part back without buzzing it." Woah! Is it "Water on the kneeeeee?" Arin, stop. It's a whole bucket, see? Stop. A "Charlie horse," it's true. Get out of my face! I can feel your breath! I'm the doctor for you! *Dan laughs* I'm comin' around. I'm comin' around. Gotta get that angle. Get that angle, bro. Angle of the dangle. It's directly proportional to the heat of my meat. *BZZT* OHHHHHHH! sHITFUCK! DuhhhhHHH! duHHHHHH! duhhhHHHHHHH! How does anyone win at UNO??? Seven. It's number seven. This is the last one. Okay, this is it. (Off, no wait, On screen) "Operate while giving a satisfying high five to another player." Oh. I wonder who. (Back off screen) Satisfying one. It has to be satisfying. You know what I mean. And I have to get the funny bone. I would say you have to be in and grabbing it and then give the high five. Okay. I'm the one who makes the rules. *Unsatisfying pat* That's not satisfying. *Satisfying smack* Woah! Yeeeahh! I feel satisfied by that shit! *buzzing noises* OW OW OW OW OW OW OW Okay! *more buzzing* Okay! BUZZ buzz buzz buzz Buzz buZZ Let's count 'em up, Arin! *Buzzes into oblivion* How about....we come up with a scoring system-- --that allows you to win? How many cards you have, too. Okay, so like, every card subtracts...ten dollars? (Off screen) Sure. (Someone else off screen) Sure? Okay. Sounds good to me. You should have said a hundred. Well, a hundred is a lot. Yeah, it is a lot. Okay, so I have $2,400 in rescued bones. Shit. I have... do I math? 1,300. Six plus seven--hold on, I can do it! Okay, alright. Six. It's not thirteen hundred, it's one thousand three hundred, stupid. 1,300. Okay. And then minus, so... Give yours... 2,400... 2,400 and then. Minus ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred, one ten, one twenty, one thirty, one forty. So, That was the worst number to choose. Yeah. I ended up with 2,260. What about fifty dollars? *Giggles* *Giggles* *GIGgles* *GIGGLES* (Arin wheezing) Fifty, one hundred, one hundred-fifty, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred. 2,400-700 isssss uh 1,700. So one thousand-seven hundred. Which is still more than you could possibly have. One hundred...*dan laughs* Dan wins! Danny wins! Hooray! Oh, man. Well, thank you so much for joining us. Uh, I was victorious. The patient died! He died LONG ago. I think he was dead when he got here. Yeah, D.O.A. (Dead on arrival) I hope for his sake he was. *aggressive buzzing* YAAYYYYY! (Dan pretending to be the puppet) Next time on the Ten Minute Power Hour! Oh, wait, I'm sorry, that's bad puppetry. (Definitely the puppet) Next time on the Ten Minute Power Hour! TELL US WHAT YOU WANT IN THE COMMENTS GIVE US A COMMENT DOWN THERE AND EVERYONE'S HAPPY FOR YOU! *Soothing ending music*
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 2,461,262
Rating: 4.9501781 out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming, ten minute power hour, 10mph, game grumps live action, game grumps show, 10 min power hour
Id: 1Y1SLfMnCsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 04 2019
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