Meet Windows 11 | Keys to easier

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SPEAKER 1: Ever feel like you never have enough hours in the day? Time just goes, poof. I got you. This little guy, the Windows key has saved me a bunch in Windows 11. Come on, I'll show you. Alright, my girl wants and new backpack for her birthday and I've narrowed it down to two. Check this out, Windows plus Z. I'll tap one and then one again. Both packs snapped that's how I want so much better than taping back and forth to compare prices and reviews. That's cool. Edge found coupons for this one, I think we have a winner. This shortcut, I use the most; Windows Shift S. I don't know how I survived before snipping, but it probably wasn't pretty. Just click and drag snips for work, e-mails, inspiration, and copy and paste wherever I want. I do five, maybe 20 snips a day seriously. If I loose track of one or anything else I copied, Windows plus V. Right there in clipboard history. Do you-all have parents like mine always asking stuff like, where can I print, where did the grandkids picture go? I promise you, save headaches with this one. Windows Control Q, Quick Assist, I love you. It gives me a code I share it with dad, and it's like my mouse just teleported to his computer, so much easier to show him the steps then try to fix it over the phone. One more thing. Should be good to go now, dad, love you. Last one. When the couch is calling, this one's perfect. Windows plus K. Boom and boom. So easy. That show I started last night on my laptop, jumps right to my TV. It's pretty cool to do with photos too. They're so cute. Sometimes crazy, always cute. Anyway, that's it. Hope my little tips help save you some time. I know I need it so I can focus a little bit on me.
Channel: Windows
Views: 57,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: R5NxyC1GVsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 27sec (147 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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