Choosing your new Windows 11 PC: How much memory (RAM) do you need?

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(lively music) When you're on a search for your next computer an inevitable question that's gonna come up is what is RAM and how much do I need? Let me explain. RAM stands for Random Access Memory. All computers have it, and it's usually just called memory. Memory isn't storage or where you keep your files, that's the disc drive. RAM holds the data your computer is currently using. From the website you're on to the movement of your mouse. It lets you open apps and files quickly because your computer can easily find the data in its short term memory. RAM is what helps your computer work faster by keeping the information that you use the most, easily accessible. The more RAM you have, the more your computer can access at one time. So how much RAM or memory do you actually need? If you're mainly just browsing the web, working on documents, or streaming videos, four gigabytes will be fine. Though I'd recommend eight gigabytes to keep your computer running smoothly now and long term. And if you're editing videos, high res photos, or working with anything that needs more performance, you'll want at least 16 gigabytes. So that's about it, hope that helps. (lively music)
Channel: Windows
Views: 20,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft, PC, Windows 10, Microsoft Windows, Windows 11, Windows Copilot, Copilot, Windows AI
Id: jva1bR9z5Xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 42sec (102 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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