Meet Windows 11 | Easier to play

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SPEAKER 1: If you're a gamer and you're not on Windows 11, you my friend, are missing out. Alrighty, DirectX Raytracing, Auto HDR, whatever your setup is, Windows will help your games look their very best. I mean, look at how pretty. What else is here? Oh yeah. Game Bar. It makes me feel like a real streamer. Just bring it up with Windows plus G. This bar up in the middle is like mission control. Here you can add widgets or take them away to make your game bar yours. Here's my friends over here. I can do captures over here. Keep an eye on my rigs performance over here. I can run my play lists here. Nice. What else we got? How about a little Cloud gaming with Microsoft Edge? I know a browser is a browser. Not anymore. Edge is made for Xbox Cloud Gaming. It's got graphical techno wizardry that makes any PC into a PC that can game. Edge knows how to manage your machine's resources to put that power where it really counts. That was a lot at once. Sorry, I just get so excited. Bye for now.
Channel: Windows
Views: 101,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Meet Windows 11, Easier to play, Gaming on PC, PC Games
Id: KF7jFWEpm5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 38sec (98 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 14 2022
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