Meet Windows 11 | Easier to use

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[MUSIC] SPEAKER 1: Hi. I'm back to share what I love about the new Windows 11 aesthetic. This is a Windows glow up. Soft, round corners, glossy accents, everything so clean. It's giving serenity vibes. A centered taskbar feels natural. Everything at my fingertips. Like search, I can find files, people, and even settings here. Dark mode makes it easier to see when I've low key been staring at my screen for hours, much better. Going to bring up Notepad to jot down some thoughts here. Look, I can change the font now. Hello, Segoe. The File Explorer that we all know. Well now you can click this plus sign, and tabs. Just like a browser, I can open one tab or more. Easy access to my files and folders. So convenient to move things between tabs to just what I need when I run into a partner and we talk shop on the fly, inspiration strikes. Press "Windows key, shift, and S" snip exactly what I want and save it for later. I actually learned this from the Tips app. Check it out. So many tips like more shortcuts, ways to customize, just how to up my game with everything. Try it out. There's so much to explore. [MUSIC]
Channel: Windows
Views: 129,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Meet Windows 11, Windows PC, Easy to use
Id: Js9cS4tXK_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 46sec (106 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 07 2022
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