Meet The V12 Twin Turbo Diesel Crop Duster

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[Music] [Music] hey guys we're here today for something a little different this is steven now steven what what is what is this so it's a air tractor 301 and we've removed the original pratt whitney 1340 and we've installed a diesel v12 it's made by red aircraft in germany the big selling points is it burns 25 gallons an hour of jet a it's extremely reliable and uh i'm just going 155 miles an hour across the field [Music] twin turbo right yep twin turbo each bank there's technically it's a one block but it's got two basically six cylinder engines that share a block a crankshaft and gearbox so each side has its own high pressure fuel pump and turbo so they're capable of operating independently it's extremely safe and reliable it's got multiple um redundancy so you never have any issues with like sweet yeah so so okay how how much in-house work do you have to do to get something like this bolted to an airplane um in the future the plan is uh it would come here and you literally unbolt the 1340 take four bolts off and bolt this frame on there there's a little bit of modifications you have to do to the firewall um to hold the fedex et cetera expansion tanks it is liquid cooled um and in the cockpit you can do what you want we put a 402 dash with an mvp but yeah liquid cooled got the radiators in the bottom intercoolers in the top and air intakes in here it's awesome and this is this is all this is carbon fiber this is the real stuff right the whole the whole um carbon fiber it's actually bolted to the engine so the it's extremely extremely rigid um the uh there's gaps here it's not even bolted to the airframe so as the you're going through the air and the engine etc is vibrating you never get cracks or whatever on the firewall it's very extremely rigid it's very very nice mt propeller this particular one because we're still in the experimental version stainless steel leading edge i plan on having a nickel leading edge five times stronger than aluminum does not corrode these things have had great success especially with bush pilots hitting wires hitting trees etcetera they don't come apart and you can buy three of them for the price of the i'm the prop on my 402. so that's a big big so so basically what you're trying to say is this is this is just cheaper to run it's per hour it is as cheap as an ag truck to run we always figure to make money with our 402 we need to burn i need to make 11 1200 bucks an hour on the high side this thing you can get away with six or seven hundred bucks an hour on maintenance is extremely inexpensive the fuel burn is wonderful i was going 145 cruising around the other day i was only burning 21 22 gallons an hour so it's very fuel efficient and you can run it on jet a um think the injectors actually like uh off-road diesel or normal diesel better so yeah it's really yeah it's certified for two thousand hour tvo with jet a um we because it's a newer engine um and being ag guys we're going to plan on running it for 3 600 hours maybe even four depending upon you know how things hold up et cetera so we're really excited about it so so you you want to just take this down to the to bucky's and get some diesel yup fill filler up and ride no no no one will know the difference yeah i mean with uh this 301's got the 126 gallon fuel tanks so i mean we've got almost six hours of fuel um at max power so yeah that's crazy how all right now now we get into the fun figures how much is max power um it makes 550 horsepower that's a couple that's it yeah it goes and uh it has a good bit of torque on a i feel this is a diesel yeah i filled the hopper up completely full 350 gallons it was coming over my windshield while i was taking off and it hauls it just as well as my 34 402 um it's unbelievable i don't know hauling around so much less fuel i know helps a good bit but it's it's just as fast it's all just the load it's it's not even in the same category as the 1340 it is turbine territory well i know i know i'm normally i'd normally do cars but i just couldn't help it this is too cool yeah this is really cool it's uh hopefully this is the the future right we're gonna bolt them off the plan is that's why we bought that airplane to begin with is we'd take that turbine off sell it and put another diesel on that one so we got two of them it really it really goes that's awesome yeah all right well that's a random one of two airplane on a car channel i know that's not totally what you see but you know what it's okay thank you guys so much for watching have a good day please subscribe and remember jesus loves you bye [Music] you
Channel: The Parking Lot Mechanic
Views: 246,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tplm, the parking lot mechanic, cars, videography, car video, christ, car videos, gti, ford, how hard could it be, hhcib, butt dyno
Id: 8zykwnETUlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 54sec (354 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 27 2021
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