Meet The Reservist Taking On One Of The Army's Most Physical Roles | Forces TV

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blue 10 is the man you need to watch taking part in the endurance event the final section of what has been a very testing selection week to become a PTI in the British Army sergeant days snow Ling is also at 47 double the age of most his course colleagues I think it's suddenly life experience means that you've got their own hopefully medical skills to actually keep going that's good thing so you know you know it's going to be over in you know an hour two days a week but it's going to be said that that helps you through the guys in this course are very absolutely brilliant to be honest all the way through up he's supportive I think on the first day they were all carefully who were looking rethinking has he come to the wrong place which I wouldn't blame them but up now all the way through they've been really helpful and supportive statsman grounds historically reservists PTI is all served in the Regular Army this is not the case with Dave his sippy job is with the AAA it has a lifelong fitness fanatic it's no surprise to him that he took this path one of us the University I did a lot of running growing things of that I'm then moving on through a life of all that reason healthy on the grounds of stay healthy hopefully you know is easier I think it's just the attempt to see how far I can go and what I can make myself do it's that driving to find a little bit extra and just see where you can make it happen the RA PTC pride themselves on producing individuals who can deliver professional training and health advice but they also develop the skills and confidence needed to lead it's a huge undertaking let alone you know the average age of the irregular soldiers on this is 23 24 like so for him being 47 we're asking a lot of a person of that age but he's had to click a capacity to do this you know we're not only testing the physical elements to be in the re PTC we want to make sure that this person that can be our ambassador as a senior NCO in his unit so we're looking at all elements will can a you know numeracy literacy group discussions there's multiple areas that would be a sort of dressing this week and this morning we've seen them out on a stretcher runner and doing it again on an individual run all of them hanging out this is at the end of the course what they've been doing for the rest of the week initial part the week we would have done the first fitness assessments just to make sure they're at that standard to actually come on the course we then go to tests in all areas of physical training speed agility endurance and actually testing their mind so we'll be going into doing command tasks see how they interact to a group see if we've got natural leaders out there that can you know do that forward thinking captain bærum is confident that dave is a man who can do just that sergeant snow Ling will return to Aldershot in March to pass out with his PTI colleagues a landmark for the core and life-affirming for their new recruit cath brazier forces news Aldershot
Channel: Forces News
Views: 38,057
Rating: 4.9212599 out of 5
Keywords: British Forces News, Forces TV, British Army, Military, Royal Army Physical Training Corps, RAPTC, Physical Training Instructor, PTI, Selection Course, Reservist, Regular, Soldier, Armed Forces
Id: dzz2oIZ2idc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 10sec (190 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2016
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