We Hatched $6,000 Chickens??

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so we've got a problem let me show you now we've hatched out IM am chimis before but we hatched out a couple about a month ago and somebody in the comments on that video noticed that we've got a problem we've got 1 2 3 4 five toes on there and the same thing happened on this chick so the breed standard is to have four toes and so there's definitely an issue with where these came from and I need some more of them and I need good quality ones these are not good quality I've been seeing some different YouTube videos that say something about breeding or selling $6,000 IM am chimani chickens and spider while they are rare and they're tough to come by good quality I am chimani chicks 6,000 is a little high I just had these egg shipped in from greenf fire Farms because I didn't want to mess around with if I could trust breeders from eBay or not so I went right to a really good reputable source and these eggs came in at about $15 not $6,000 and if you were to buy chicks from them I think they're like $59 so they're like 60 bucks and then an adult would be somewhere between probably $100 and $150 again not $6,000 so I ordered 10 eggs from them and if you'll look right here we've got 4 8 12 of them how nice of them to include two extras I always love the way they ship in these boxes this is how I do it now and I bought some foam inserts just like this now the IM am chimani is known for being an all black chicken from its beak to its comb to its tongue and then its skin but one of the misconceptions is that their eggs are black too there's some pictures of them on Google and I'm pretty sure they're photosho I've seen some black kuga duck eggs but not chicken it everything's so good so far there's egg number three egg five 7 9 11 so 12 eggs from Green Fire Farms we're going to raise them over the winter next year they'll be laying and then we'll have our own breeding flock of IM am chimis does anybody out there want to buy them for $66,000 from us I don't know maybe now for this project we're going to be using our top incubator our Briny o easy Advance 100 we're not messing around with these expensive eggs I just cleaned it so I cleaned out the trays I'm going to go grab them right now we turned it on we've had it off for a few months okay we've got a bunch of slots in there to put the eggs beautiful thing about these trays is that you can adjust to whatever size egg you need so you can put them together closer together if you need them for little coil eggs about this size apart for chicken eggs and then you can even do emu eggs in here this is where we hatched out bamboo and our blonde emu all right all right incubator's been running for a day let's get these eggs in here and get these eggs warmed up got our 12 eggs ready to go up here here we go get that closed they rotate that way to that way every 45 minutes here we go so we're in the stanion with Maisy we just CED our little CF a couple weeks ago and she's been a tough one to be able to milk she's been kicking no matter what we do took a few days off and she's really seem to calm down in here these devices over here they're smaller so they fit on her that fits but she's not really flowing much milk yet but at least she lets us put on the milk machine onto her and she's going right and our calf we've been we bring her in each day so we can get her used to us so we put this harness or halter on her and she's still trying to fight out of it but at least it gives us a little time to love on her so we can get her used to being around us and we're still thinking through the names but we noticed this the other day her one white spot looks like a ghost here so considering that amongst the other names but we'll we'll try to think through that and let you know there you go all right so it's day 16 for our IM am chimani eggs we're going to take them out and try candling them they are a lighter shelled egg so we should be able to see something in there about 5 6 days to go let's check our 12 eggs all right it's going to be a little dark let's see what we got here egg number one's not looking great I'll leave it in but that doesn't look good oh yeah the chicks development there that's looking great egg number three what do you think good or bad Good Egg number four egg number four is looking fantastic uh-oh egg number five not good egg number six it may not make it that's pretty small in that egg number seven that one's looking really good egg number eight oh yeah that one's great egg number nine is seethrough no good egg number 10 seethrough seethrough no good yep egg number 11 looks great and there's egg number 12 just phenomenal so these four eggs will be tossed out and now these eight eggs will move back into the incubator so they can hat them next it's 5 days while we're waiting for the chicks to hatch let's get some lunch from today's sponsor factor it's one of the days we look forward to every month when we get to pick out what we're going to eat from Factory what do you guys want to eat this one I'm with the spinach and mushroom chicken thigh I got the Chipotle rubbed porch when you're too busy running around to make lunch plans Factor has you covered with lunch to go effortless wholesome meals like grain bowls and salad Toppers that are ready to go when you are no microwave required what do you think Bud amazing you're a factor man yeah and skip the stress of meal prepping over the holidays with Factor choose from 35 Plus weekly flavor packed fresh never frozen meals that support a healthy lifestyle and meet your meal preferences all delivered right to your door and ready to eat in Just 2 minutes M what do you think Factor man good so what we love about Factor days is how much time it saves us and it's awesome to have it cooked in 2 minutes and ready to go after we spend a morning of milking the cows feeding the chickens and getting the horses ready for the day that's a big chunk these meals are amazing and get some for yourself and support our Channel just head to factor75.com or click the link in the description and then use the code White House 50 to get 50% off your first Factor box that's factor75.com or click the link in the description and then use the code White House 50 for 50% off your first Factor box I am Factor man so it is day 20 and four of our remaining eight eggs in here are pipping you want to see them hoping the other four eggs start to hatch as well but really excited to watch these guys [Music] hatch looky here here I'm filming these four eggs in the middle and this guy popped out first trying to film and we think we we've got them all covered look at the little chick that just hatched look at that there you go there you go normally we'd leave the chicks in the incubator but that one's got a couple shelves on it and often the chicks will fall down to the bottom if we don't have the cover on each row so I'm going to go ahead and move this over to another incubator I have running over [Music] here so far it looks amazing look at the black skin black toes the black beak oh he looks great can you put him over in here this chick hatched out today from another egg go ahead put them in there that's not na chimani that's from a different hatch but they can keep company [Music] together [Music] [Music] for [Music] all right well the chicks have been in the incubator for the past 24 hours since they hatched and oh my goodness yesterday morning it was so loud we were woken up by so many chicks peeping let's show you what we got chickies hop out oo this egg was from a different hatch this one was our only IM am money egg that didn't hatch that we had candled and all of these are IM am chimis except this one is from another hatch we were doing and so it's the lone different one we got one 2 3 4 5 6 7 I am chimani chicks holy smokes this is exciting I think we had we had 12 eggs initially we got seven of them to hatch I love it our toe number is correct everything you want to see from a Well Bread I'm chimani chick awesome they look great they look so good all right well these guys have been in the incubator for a while so let's get him over into the Brer get him some food and water and let him run around that's our little [Music] run so our Brer is all cleaned out [Music] there [Music] they look pretty good huh yes you excited yeah I like the white you like the white and black one yeah what are you going to call that one puff puff yeah good one think one of these is going to be Johnny Cash too yeah is p [Music] sh these are our chicks that we got from McMurray Hatchery at the end of the summer along with some of our Indio higante chickens that we hatched out over the past couple months being let outside of their cop for the first time they are pretty excited to get access to the grass here come here you want to hold a chicken [Music] so you may be wondering where is Johnny Cash what's up Johnny our longtime head rooster in our main flock and we we had an issue about 2 months ago where we had chickens being picked off every morning like one or two a day and we started to figure out the problem when we would see a little bit of feathers or we'd see part of a bird and so we put cameras all around here we end up seeing a coyote that was running around the fence and it wasn't even getting in the fence it was outside the fence spooking the birds enough like it was running around the fence first thing in the morning when they were coming out at like 8 8:30 we were setting the the clock back on the automatic door so it'd get out later and later in the day and the coyote kept coming later and later and so the the coyote would run around spook the birds and get them to fly out of the net and then get them and so once we saw that Cody on the camera we started to put traps and basically fake traps all along the back of these chicken coops and we've seen a few foxes here and there like at night but nothing's has ever gotten any chicken since then but unfortunately during that time we noticed that Johnny Cash was missing and so he got caught up in the about a week of losing a chicken a day and that was really disappointing to not be able to see him through to the end of his life that we've had him for gosh we hatched him out in December 2018 so we've had him for almost 5 years uh he was a a great rooster really gentle and we just absolutely loved him was incredible and now this is our only I am chimani from our original hatch back in 2018 our new batch of I think Seven Chicks is what we need to rebuild our I am chimani flock so Johnny Cash we're going to we're going to miss you you were an amazing rooster Johnny was one of our beloved roosters we've only had a few good roosters and um we're we're going to really miss him he was a really good one so our only rooster in here is Manny right there so we might have to introduce another rooster in here at some point which we've got plenty to pick from so this is the General's son if you guys happen to remember the general he was a really beautiful cream leg bar rooster that we introduced earlier in the year that walked kind of funny walked very military likee he ended up just kind of randomly dying somewhere in over summer and so he has a lot of Offspring here and this was one that looks a lot like that's either a cream leg bar mixed with either well summer or morans so I thought he could be a good one for the taking over for Johnny Cash what kind of a name should we give for General son maybe Colonel the colonel think he'll do all right in here for now I think so we'll try it out all [Music] right is see if you can grab one hold it hold it sure okay take it out to the table so I thought I should add some context for the I am chani costing $6,000 because I've watched the video and I thought I should clarify it since I kind of made fun of it at the beginning so when I was watching this video this breeder she talked about the cost of I monis and she talked about them going for anywhere from like 5 to 9,000 for just a rooster and then when she explained where that cost came from then it made a lot more sense to me because here in the US if you're going to buy these this was you know $15 for this egg and then you could sell this chick for about 70 bucks well what they're doing is that they're buying them from the source they're buying the breeding stock from Indonesia and you can't just get them directly from Indonesia they're actually shipping them to another country that they can get them from IND Indonesia and then it's a country that our country will accept the breeding stock from so they're probably having to pay a couple thousand for the rooster to Indonesia and then couple thousand to you know a breeder in another country and then getting them through the Department of Agriculture and then getting them here to the US so I understand why that cost can add up by the time you get them on your farm then they're 6 7 8 $9,000 now what's confusing to me is that after they've handled all those costs that people are people really still having to buy new breeding stock from Indonesia for IM am chanis I would think if enough breeders have them here that they would have enough different blood lines to be able to just sell them here like green fire Farms does that's how they get a lot of their stock is from the original source to another country that we can then import them into the US from and so I wouldn't think that that cost would still be very relevant that there would still be people buying them from Indonesia but maybe they are I don't know I know I get a number of people that always ask me if I'd ever get the the dong toow chicken the the the chickens that have the huge legs that are from I think Vietnam and nobody seems to actually have them here in the US and they will always talk about them being a couple thousand dollars and that's probably why is that it would cost so much to transfer them to another country and then to the US but those are chickens that I don't believe Vietnam even lets out of their country so they're ones as of now that I don't believe really exist here in the US it's a couple weeks later now we still have all seven of ours that hatched out they're looking amazing all the features still look great I'm seeing all black everywhere four toes like they should have and now we just have to keep them alive till spring so we can start our breeding flock all right what do you call on that one hm black Rubble black Rubble you call you Call everybody Rubble I'll call this one Chase then you'll call it Chase okay CU I never called anyone Chase
Channel: White House on the Hill
Views: 1,172,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: White House on the Hill, ayam cemani, hatching eggs
Id: BEUYO9xikmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2023
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