Meet Our Goats!

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hey guys today's video is sponsored by Dollar Shave Club now I am genuinely in love with these products I pretty much use them exclusively and right now Dollar Shave Club is offering all of you their shape shower or oral starter set for five dollars each most recently I've been using their oral care starter set that features their weighted toothbrush that is oh so perfect along with a trial sized version of their toothpaste that I love the best part about Dollar Shave Club is that they automatically keep you stocked up so you never run out you can choose your delivery frequency so you never have to make an annoying last-minute trip to the store they just launched their groundskeeper line which features the best butt wipes and diapers friends and some great deodorants you guys can all join the club with one of their starter sets for just five dollars you can add one of their groundskeeper products for only $5 - after that the restock box ships regular size products at regular price get this exclusive deal at / Ryland today hey you guys good morning say hello grandma hi the back seat [Music] we're taking my grandma to the beach because last time she came to California she's 80 by the way and she told us all but that was the last time she would ever see the beach we said the ocean the ocean correct yeah we gotta wear the right clothes what do you mean so we could go away be bimbos oh yeah you guys all have sweaters on and that's like 75 degrees I do have a surprise coming from my grandma a little bit later which I'm very excited about organ are you excited for the surprise Morgan's literally still wasted Morgan from the very often forget what is system right no oh my god how long do I have to wait until surprise all time until 2:00 p.m. yeah did you know what a means so we have the tea under our TV was asking what tea man how did you tell her dad I know grandma's rich okay I was trying to hit on you What did he say to you oh I'm sorry you guys are in a hurry I'm not I'm on vacation she said me too where you staying yes he was grandma go go after him he's from Canada yeah you could move him out here [Music] okay that's Morgan and I know I'm watching you watch the ocean Oh what do you love so much about a grandma I don't know it's just she couldn't figure out why they were taking pictures oh yeah we're food water why are they wasting their pictures on food wasting I'm like you can only take so many before you can't anymore how do you let it fill me I do a lot of the video whatever you find fit okay let's almost like that right perfect so because are you filming you know oh god never mom's coming it's all happening wait what well come on come on in okay so because my grandma's here and because we have goats coming I was thinking like oh god I need to give my grandma's witchy makeover give her like a crazy jumpsuit so that like we all look iconic doing this and I thought wait I don't want to spend four grand on a jumpsuit so that I thought wait we have Jeffrey stark jumpsuits galore all over this house this blue one I don't think so yet so I'm hoping that we have enough in this house to fit everyone yeah so I'm thinking we gotta go into the family I kind of just hate you guys you guys require their own to excel so no Reds in your new coat [Music] [Music] yeah actually come over or something oh my god yeah you want the red and dark blues huh Oh God oh my god we got it's them hello still turning or yes I picked up a book will you get her dressing goats it it's blue it's on the table okay I thought this it's this right here she okay we should meet because I should get like my diamond slides right I don't think that you're gonna need to add anything to this ain't right no I don't know where the quicker is oh wait let me get my hat wait I'm gonna wear your hat I need that hat to cover up but where should we tell them about my controversy yeah I don't want to go it's uncommon I'm sure they saw your trending that's not if they go people get out of the car and look at Shane they say we can't have this happen they say sorry we're crazier is this normal their license plate even just something about those are all the weight is that that party knows wait that's me wait party girl I was thinking should we do this inside because outside it's got too much wind oh yeah they decide what does that mean it's probably windy out here your sound is not optimal and I want this to be as tomorrow on camera whoa Oh Mike oh my god stop it oh my god we were right now [Music] are they both boys or the girls or the boys yeah gizmo and are they yours they're mine yeah please she broke them it really trying to place to like setup yeah wherever you guys want to be they aren't how strange so but we have September dude thank you I made everyone okay well they're none of them are wearing them but I don't know I know it's following rules do they stay that small need some this is like a test to see if I can actually like just get my own you know I secretly wanted from this once they start drinking some milk it takes about five minutes and then oh yeah it's over then they pee well they probably are cute dogs either can they eat them it kind of triggers that predator instinct and dogs well I don't know after gremlins and the black and white one is Doc Brown after backup future [Music] [Laughter] right up on it oh my god he's trying to take a pillow right hello hello yeah Morgan we're search every startup in it and this is not Jeffrey's are approved I think Shane took my outfit [Music] you really like dead man oh that's shavasana oh my god curious so why is like oh you must specifically become popular there was somebody who was having a rough time in their life they went into their barn and they decide to do yoga in their barn with their goats and the goats were jumping on top of them so really it's the goats who doesn't ever go to yoga you know the added weight of the goat on your back helps improve your course [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] they land on their feet most of the time so by jumping down and they're really great if you want to jump [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] like montages on IG TV all right wearing a downward-facing dog oh no we're going on the car taking my kids are you still like super drunk like you're the whole person that I was do I have you ever met ago no don't you get on the path yeah so then you can searching I stopped that you can start stretching like this and so that you relax on you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there is something kind of soothing about somebody walking cracky back it's kind of like that so the key is always you're trusting to go oh you gotta they are so cute oh my gosh yeah don't you get a push-up going you got one you got one that's gonna lose their sense of balance but that is cute [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so hot out here you want these to your house oh yeah yeah I want to own two goats but you got to camp yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what if it's like passed out wigs this is beautiful did your get like high-end ones yeah I got a bunch of wigs cuz you said I could only do your makeup for practice if I got you wigs well cuz I wanted to have like an epic photo shoot with wigs and like really nice makeup this is a lace front though so we're gonna have to cut the lace front look great right now wait that looks legit on camera though Wow I mean if you thought I weighed on alright alright let's see if we can move up slowly [Music] hey excuse me I don't know maybe this is where I cut it from because my mom and all of them are like all right let's go I used to pretend my sweaters were long hair my friends still tease me from elementary we're on a lace front so it might not look as real watch it has to go in crazy [Music] [Music] is it legit yeah it may look a bit what do you think bro Bruce is like in and I can say I've always wanted to do this Wow [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] went on to look at him looking into it [Music] he just looks like a man yeah listen Ozzie I don't like it take it off all right [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Ryland Adams
Views: 5,692,490
Rating: 4.9238467 out of 5
Keywords: Ryland Adams, Morgan Adams, Shane Dawson, Goats, Pets, Makeover, Transformation, Malibu, Yoga, Goat Yoga, Funny Fails
Id: lvgVGtqqR1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 41sec (1601 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2019
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